12 research outputs found

    KAT2A/KAT2B-targeted acetylome reveals a role for PLK4 acetylation in preventing centrosome amplification

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    Lysine acetylation is a widespread post-translational modification regulating various biological processes. To characterize cellular functions of the human lysine acetyltransferases KAT2A (GCN5) and KAT2B (PCAF), we determined their acetylome by shotgun proteomics. One of the newly identified KAT2A/2B substrate is polo-like kinase 4 (PLK4), a key regulator of centrosome duplication. We demonstrate that KAT2A/2B acetylate the PLK4 kinase domain on residues K45 and K46. Molecular dynamics modelling suggests that K45/K46 acetylation impairs kinase activity by shifting the kinase to an inactive conformation. Accordingly, PLK4 activity is reduced upon in vitro acetylation of its kinase domain. Moreover, the overexpression of the PLK4 K45R/K46R mutant in cells does not lead to centrosome overamplification, as observed with wild-type PLK4. We also find that impairing KAT2A/2B-acetyltransferase activity results in diminished phosphorylation of PLK4 and in excess centrosome numbers in cells. Overall, our study identifies the global human KAT2A/2B acetylome and uncovers that KAT2A/2B acetylation of PLK4 prevents centrosome amplification

    KAT2A/KAT2B-targeted acetylome reveals a role for PLK4 acetylation in preventing centrosome amplification

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    Lysine acetylation is a widespread post-translational modification regulating various biological processes. To characterize cellular functions of the human lysine acetyltransferases KAT2A (GCN5) and KAT2B (PCAF), we determined their acetylome by shotgun proteomics. One of the newly identified KAT2A/2B substrate is polo-like kinase 4 (PLK4), a key regulator of centrosome duplication. We demonstrate that KAT2A/2B acetylate the PLK4 kinase domain on residues K45 and K46. Molecular dynamics modelling suggests that K45/K46 acetylation impairs kinase activity by shifting the kinase to an inactive conformation. Accordingly, PLK4 activity is reduced upon in vitro acetylation of its kinase domain. Moreover, the overexpression of the PLK4 K45R/K46R mutant in cells does not lead to centrosome overamplification, as observed with wild-type PLK4. We also find that impairing KAT2A/2B-acetyltransferase activity results in diminished phosphorylation of PLK4 and in excess centrosome numbers in cells. Overall, our study identifies the global human KAT2A/2B acetylome and uncovers that KAT2A/2B acetylation of PLK4 prevents centrosome amplification

    Biochemical and cellular analysis of Ogden syndrome reveals downstream Nt-acetylation defects

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    The X-linked lethal Ogden syndrome was the first reported human genetic disorder associated with a mutation in an N-terminal acetyltransferase (NAT) gene. The affected males harbour a Ser37Pro mutation in the gene encoding hNaa10, the catalytic subunit of NatA, the major human NAT involved in the co-translational acetylation of proteins. Structural models and molecular dynamics simulations of the human NatA and its Ser37Pro mutant highlight differences in regions involved in catalysis and at the interface between hNaa10 and the auxiliary subunit hNaa15. Biochemical data further demonstrate a reduced catalytic capacity and an impaired interaction between hNaa10 Ser37Pro and hNaa15 as well as hNaa50 (NatE), another interactor of the NatA complex. N-terminal acetylome analyses revealed a decreased acetylation of a subset of NatA and NatE substrates in Ogden syndrome cells, supporting the genetic findings and our hypothesis regarding reduced Nt-acetylation of a subset of NatA/NatE-type substrates as one etiology for Ogden Syndrome. Furthermore, Ogden syndrome fibroblasts display abnormal cell migration and proliferation capacity, possibly linked to a perturbed Retinoblastoma pathway. N-terminal acetylation clearly plays a role in Ogden syndrome, thus revealing the in vivo importance of N-terminal acetylation in human physiology and disease

    Sulfated fucan as support for antibiotic immobilization

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    Xylofucoglucuronan from Spatoglossum schröederi algae was tested as a support for antibiotic immobilization. The polysaccharide (20 mg in 6 ml) was first activated using carbodiimide, 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylamino-propyl)carbodiimide methiodide (20 mg in 2 ml), under stirring for 1 h at 25ÂșC and pH from 4.5 to 5.0. After adjusting the pH to 8.0, either gentamicin or amikacin (62.5 mg in 1.25 ml) was then immobilized on this chemically modified polysaccharide with shaking for 24 h in a cold room. Infrared spectra of the activated carbodiimide xylofucoglucuronan showed two bands to carbonyl (C = O at 1647.9 and 1700.7 cm-1) and to amide (C<FONT FACE=Symbol>Ý</FONT>-NH2) groups (1662.8 and 1714.0 cm-1). Microbial characterization of the derivatives was carried out by the disk diffusion method using Staphylococcus aureus or Klebsiella pneumoniae incorporated in MĂŒller Hinton medium. Inhibition halos of bacterial growth were observed for the antibiotics immobilized on this sulfated heteropolysaccharide before and after dialysis. However, the halos resulting from the samples after dialysis were much smaller, suggesting that dialysis removed either non-covalently bound antibiotic or other small molecules. In contrast, bacterial growth was not inhibited by either xylofucoglucuronan or its activated form or by gentamicin or amikacin after dialysis. An additional experiment was carried out which demonstrated that the sulfated heteropolysaccharide was hydrolyzed by the microorganism. Therefore, the antibiotic immobilized on xylofucoglucuronan can be proposed as a controlled drug delivery system. Furthermore, this sulfated heteropolysaccharide can be extracted easily from sea algae Spatoglossum schröederi