317 research outputs found
Daily ingestion of alginate reduces energy intake in free-living subjects
Sodium alginate is a seaweed-derived fibre that has previously been shown to moderate appetite in models of acute feeding. The mechanisms underlying this effect may include slowed gastric clearance and attenuated uptake from the small intestine. In order to assess whether alginate could be effective as a means of appetite control in free-living adults, 68 males and females (BMI range: 18.50-32.81 kgl M-2) completed this randomised, controlled two-way crossover intervention to compare the effects of 7 day daily ingestion of a strong-gelling sodium alginate formulation against a control. A sodium alginate with a high-guluronate content was chosen because, upon ingestion, it forms a strong gel in the presence of calcium ions. Daily preprandial ingestion of the sodium alginate formulation produced a significant 134.8 kcal (7%) reduction in mean daily energy intake. This reduced energy intake was underwritten by significant reductions in mean daily carbohydrate, sugar, fat, saturated fat and protein intakes. The absence of any significant interaction effects between the main effect of preload type and those of gender, BMI classification and/or timing of preload delivery indicates the efficacy of this treatment for individuals in different settings. These findings suggest a possible role for a strong-gelling sodium alginate formulation in the future management of overweight and obesity. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Active Amplification of the Terrestrial Albedo to Mitigate Climate Change: An Exploratory Study
This study explores the potential to enhance the reflectance of solar
insolation by the human settlement and grassland components of the Earth's
terrestrial surface as a climate change mitigation measure. Preliminary
estimates derived using a static radiative transfer model indicate that such
efforts could amplify the planetary albedo enough to offset the current global
annual average level of radiative forcing caused by anthropogenic greenhouse
gases by as much as 30 percent or 0.76 W/m2. Terrestrial albedo amplification
may thus extend, by about 25 years, the time available to advance the
development and use of low-emission energy conversion technologies which
ultimately remain essential to mitigate long-term climate change. However,
additional study is needed to confirm the estimates reported here and to assess
the economic and environmental impacts of active land-surface albedo
amplification as a climate change mitigation measure.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures. In press with Mitigation and Adaptation
Strategies for Global Change, Springer, N
Final NOMAD results on nu_mu->nu_tau and nu_e->nu_tau oscillations including a new search for nu_tau appearance using hadronic tau decays
Results from the nu_tau appearance search in a neutrino beam using the full
NOMAD data sample are reported. A new analysis unifies all the hadronic tau
decays, significantly improving the overall sensitivity of the experiment to
oscillations. The "blind analysis" of all topologies yields no evidence for an
oscillation signal. In the two-family oscillation scenario, this sets a 90%
C.L. allowed region in the sin^2(2theta)-Delta m^2 plane which includes
sin^2(2theta)<3.3 x 10^{-4} at large Delta m^2 and Delta m^2 < 0.7 eV^2/c^4 at
sin^2(2theta)=1. The corresponding contour in the nu_e->nu_tau oscillation
hypothesis results in sin^2(2theta)<1.5 x 10^{-2} at large Delta m^2 and Delta
m^2 < 5.9 eV^2/c^4 at sin^2(2theta)=1. We also derive limits on effective
couplings of the tau lepton to nu_mu or nu_e.Comment: 46 pages, 16 figures, Latex, to appear on Nucl. Phys.
Prediction of Neutrino Fluxes in the NOMAD Experiment
The method developed for the calculation of the flux and composition of the
West Area Neutrino Beam used by NOMAD in its search for neutrino oscillations
is described. The calculation is based on particle production rates computed
using a recent version of FLUKA and modified to take into account the cross
sections measured by the SPY and NA20 experiments. These particles are
propagated through the beam line taking into account the material and magnetic
fields they traverse. The neutrinos produced through their decays are tracked
to the NOMAD detector. The fluxes of the four neutrino flavours at NOMAD are
predicted with an uncertainty of about 8% for nu(mu) and nu(e), 10% for
antinu(mu), and 12% for antinu(e). The energy-dependent uncertainty achieved on
the R(e, mu) prediction needed for a nu(mu)->nu(e) oscillation search ranges
from 4% to 7%, whereas the overall normalization uncertainty on this ratio is
4.2%.Comment: 43 pages, 20 figures. Submitted to Nucl. Phys.
Inclusive production of and mesons in charged current interactions
The inclusive production of the meson resonances ,
and in neutrino-nucleus charged current interactions has been
studied with the NOMAD detector exposed to the wide band neutrino beam
generated by 450 GeV protons at the CERN SPS. For the first time the
meson is observed in neutrino interactions. The statistical
significance of its observation is 6 standard deviations. The presence of
in neutrino interactions is reliably established. The average
multiplicity of these three resonances is measured as a function of several
kinematic variables. The experimental results are compared to the
multiplicities obtained from a simulation based on the Lund model. In addition,
the average multiplicity of in antineutrino - nucleus
interactions is measured.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, 8 tables. To appear in Nucl. Phys.
Search for the exotic resonance in the NOMAD experiment
A search for exotic Theta baryon via Theta -> proton +Ks decay mode in the
NOMAD muon neutrino DIS data is reported. The special background generation
procedure was developed. The proton identification criteria are tuned to
maximize the sensitivity to the Theta signal as a function of xF which allows
to study the Theta production mechanism. We do not observe any evidence for the
Theta state in the NOMAD data. We provide an upper limit on Theta production
rate at 90% CL as 2.13 per 1000 of neutrino interactions.Comment: Accepted to European Physics Journal
Search for nu(mu)-->nu(e) Oscillations in the NOMAD Experiment
We present the results of a search for nu(mu)-->nu(e) oscillations in the
NOMAD experiment at CERN. The experiment looked for the appearance of nu(e) in
a predominantly nu(mu) wide-band neutrino beam at the CERN SPS. No evidence for
oscillations was found. The 90% confidence limits obtained are delta m^2 < 0.4
eV^2 for maximal mixing and sin^2(2theta) < 1.4x10^{-3} for large delta m^2.
This result excludes the LSND allowed region of oscillation parameters with
delta m^2 > 10 eV^2.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Phys. Lett.
A Precise Measurement of the Muon Neutrino-Nucleon Inclusive Charged Current Cross-Section off an Isoscalar Target in the Energy Range 2.5 < E_\nu < 40 GeV by NOMAD
We present a measurement of the muon neutrino-nucleon inclusive charged
current cross-section, off an isoscalar target, in the neutrino energy range
GeV. The significance of this measurement is its
precision, % in GeV, and % in GeV regions, where significant uncertainties in previous
experiments still exist, and its importance to the current and proposed long
baseline neutrino oscillation experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys.Lett.
A Study of Strange Particles Produced in Neutrino Neutral Current Interactions in the NOMAD Experiment
Results of a detailed study of strange particle production in neutrino
neutral current interactions are presented using the data from the NOMAD
experiment. Integral yields of neutral strange particles (K0s, Lambda,
Lambda-bar) have been measured. Decays of resonances and heavy hyperons with an
identified K0s or Lambda in the final state have been analyzed. Clear signals
corresponding to K* and Sigma(1385) have been observed. First results on the
measurements of the Lambda polarization in neutral current interactions have
been obtained.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics B as a rapid
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