37,971 research outputs found

    A New Foundation for the Propensity Interpretation of Fitness

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    The propensity interpretation of fitness (PIF) is commonly taken to be subject to a set of simple counterexamples. We argue that three of the most important of these are not counterexamples to the PIF itself, but only to the traditional mathematical model of this propensity: fitness as expected number of offspring. They fail to demonstrate that a new mathematical model of the PIF could not succeed where this older model fails. We then propose a new formalization of the PIF that avoids these (and other) counterexamples. By producing a counterexample-free model of the PIF, we call into question one of the primary motivations for adopting the statisticalist interpretation of fitness. In addition, this new model has the benefit of being more closely allied with contemporary mathematical biology than the traditional model of the PIF

    Optical bistability for two-level atoms in a standing-wave cavity

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    Observations of optical bistability are reported for a system composed of multiple atomic beams passing through a high-finesse optical cavity. Both the transmitted power and the intracavity fluorescent intensity have been recorded as functions of incident laser power for zero cavity and atomic detunings. A quantitative study has been made of the evolution of the steady-state switching intensities from well below the critical onset of bistability to well above this point. The results show reasonable agreement with a Gaussian-beam theory of optical bistability, but systematic departures are noted

    Demonstration test of burner liner strain measurements using resistance strain gages

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    A demonstration test of burner liner strain measurements using resistance strain gages as well as a feasibility test of an optical speckle technique for strain measurement are presented. The strain gage results are reported. Ten Kanthal A-1 wire strain gages were used for low cycle fatigue strain measurements to 950 K and .002 apparent strain on a JT12D burner can in a high pressure (10 atmospheres) burner test. The procedure for use of the strain gages involved extensive precalibration and postcalibration to correct for cooling rate dependence, drift, and temperature effects. Results were repeatable within + or - .0002 to .0006 strain, with best results during fast decels from 950 K. The results agreed with analytical prediction based on an axisymmetric burner model, and results indicated a non-uniform circumferential distribution of axial strain, suggesting temperature streaking

    Using Non-Parametric Tests to Evaluate Traffic Forecasting Performance.

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    This paper proposes the use of a number of nonparametric comparison methods for evaluating traffic flow forecasting techniques. The advantage to these methods is that they are free of any distributional assumptions and can be legitimately used on small datasets. To demonstrate the applicability of these tests, a number of models for the forecasting of traffic flows are developed. The one-step-ahead forecasts produced are then assessed using nonparametric methods. Consideration is given as to whether a method is universally good or good at reproducing a particular aspect of the original series. That choice will be dictated, to a degree, by the user’s purpose for assessing traffic flow


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    This article provides an analysis of the two-stage game between manufacturers and retailers. Response functions showing how prices are set are derived for the case of a manufacturer producing one and multiple goods and for a retailer selling multiple goods. The functions are expressed in terms of elasticities, budget shares, and variable production costs. An application using ready-to-eat cereals is conducted to investigate the pricing structure and ownership of private label cereals.Demand and Price Analysis,

    A ducted wind turbine simulation model for building simulation

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    Power production is shifting away from centralized generation plants to production of heat and power at the point of demand. A technology that may play a part in this shift is the ducted wind turbine (DWT). The emergence of small building integrated micro turbines opens up the possibility of utilizing the differential pressures occurring around buildings for local power production. This paper describes work to develop and test a simple mathematical model of a ducted wind turbine and its integration within a building simulation tool. A case study in which the simulation model will be used to analyse of the likely power output from a building incorporating ducted wind turbines within the façade is also presented

    High temperature strain gage technology for hypersonic aircraft development applications

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    An experimental evaluation of Pd 13 percent Cr and of BCL-3 alloy wire strain gages was conducted on IN100 and Cu 0.15 percent Zr alloy substrates. Testing included apparent strain, drift, gage factor, and creep. Maximum test temperature was 1144 K (1600 F). The PdCr gages incorporated Pt temperature compensation elements. The PdCr gages were found to have good resistance stability below 866 K (1100 F). The BCL 3 gages were found to have good resistance stability above 800 K (981 F), but high drift around 700 K (800 F)

    Proceedings of a workshop on Lunar Volcanic Glasses: Scientific and Resource Potential

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    This workshop on lunar mare volcanism was the first since 1975 to deal with the major scientific advances that have occurred in this general subject, and the first ever to deal specifically with volcanic glasses. Lunar volcanic glasses are increasingly being recognized as the best geochemical and petrologic probes into the lunar mantle. Lunar volcanic glasses, of which 25 compositional varieties are presently known, appear to represent primary magmas that were produced by partial melting of differentiated mantle source regions at depths of perhaps 400 to 500 km. These high-magnesian picritic magmas were erupted onto the lunar surface in fire fountains associated with the release of indigenous lunar volatiles. The cosmic significance of this volatile component, in an otherwise depleted Moon, remains a lingering puzzle. The resource potential, if any, of the surface-correlated volatile sublimates on the volcanic glass spherules had not been systematically addressed prior to this workshop

    The preparation of ketene dithioacetals and thiophenes from chloropyridines containing an active methylene group

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    The base catalysed reaction of carbon disulphide with the active methylene groups of chloropyridines 4 and 7, followed by alkylation with reagents which also contain active methylene groups, lead to ketene dithioacetals. Further reaction with base afforded highly substituted thiophenes

    The WTO Special Safeguard Mechanism: A Case Study of Wheat

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    A special safeguard mechanism is an attractive policy tool for low income importing countries because it is automatic and does not require an injury test. Exporters might accept a safeguard for low income countries if it results in larger tariff cuts than in its absence. Using wheat as a case study the effects of a special safeguard mechanism on market stability and welfare are evaluated. The results show that a safeguard mechanism is not very trade distorting and costs less than 20 percent of the world welfare gain that would be realized if developing countries were not granted a safeguard.International Relations/Trade,