1,995 research outputs found

    Mechanistic model for the compression strength prediction of masonry columns strengthened with fibre–polymer composites

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    A mechanistic model is presented for the strength prediction of squared columns made of masonry with a periodic arrangement and strengthened with a fibre–polymer composite jacketing. The formulation is based on an incremental plasticity theory that relies on equilibrium, compatibility, and kinematic equations. The strength domain of brick units and mortar joints is bounded by a multi-surface yield criterion: a Mohr–Coulomb strength domain with a linear cap in compression and a Rankine cut-off in tension. An elasto-plastic response with limited ductility is assumed for both masonry components. Differently, the FRP response is assumed elastic with a brittle failure governed by a limited tensile strain. Phenomenological-based assumptions are undertaken and justified. Details are also provided for the computational implementation of the procedure. The model accuracy is validated against experimental data on masonry squared columns and compared with existing standard-based formulas. Results demonstrate it provides real-time and accurate compressive strength solutions for squared masonry columns with or without a polymer-based wrapping and yet requiring few input parameters for the masonry constituents and reinforcement

    Efeito da termociclagem e da técnica de inserção na infiltração de restaurações em resina composta

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro the effect on leakage of two incremental filling techniques and two composite resins with different elastic modulus and similar polymerization shrinkage. Eighty Class V cavities (4x4x2mm) were prepared in bovine incisors and were randomly restored with Z-250 (Z) or Durafill VS (D) + Single Bond in axial (a) or oblique (o) increments. The restorations were divided into two groups: Not Aged - N (4-hour-storage in water at 37ºC) and Aged - A (1-week storage in water at 37ºC + 1000 x - 5º-55ºC / 1-min dwell time). The specimens were covered with 2 coats of nail varnish so that only the restoration margins were exposed to silver nitrate 50% (2h) and developed under fluorescent light (8h). After they were sectioned twice in buccal-lingual direction, the four exposed surfaces were digitized (Vidcap) and the silver nitrate penetration was measured (ImageLab) at the incisal and gingival walls. Data were analyzed by a 3-way ANOVA (Resin, Filling Technique and Aging) separately for incisal and gingival walls (alpha=0.05). Resin and Aging were statistically significant either for the incisal and the gingival walls. The microfill composite resin infiltrated more than the hybrid composite. The thermal cycling caused an overall increase in silver nitrate penetration. The filling technique affected leakage depending on the composite resin and aging regimen.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de duas técnicas incrementais de inserção na infiltração de restaurações de resinas compostas com módulos de elasticidade distintos e contração de polimerização semelhante. Para isto, foram preparadas 80 cavidades Classe V (4x4x2 mm) em incisivos bovinos que foram restauradas de modo aleatório com Z-250 (Z) ou Durafill VS (D) + Single Bond em incrementos axiais (a) ou oblíquos (o). As restaurações foram divididas em dois grupos: Não Envelhecidas - N (4 h em água destilada a 37º C) e Envelhecidas - E (1 semana de armazenagem em água a 37º C + 1000 x - 5º-55ºC / 1 min de imersão). Os espécimes foram recobertos com duas camadas de esmalte cosmético de modo que apenas as margens das restaurações ficassem expostas ao nitrato de prata (2h) seguido de imersão em revelador (8h) sob luz fluorescente. Posteriormente, eles foram secionados duas vezes no sentido vestíbulo-lingual, as superfïcies expostas (4) foram digitalizadas (Vidcap) e a penetração do nitrato de prata medido (ImageLab) nas paredes incisal e gengival. Os dados foram analisados por análise de variância de três fatores (Resina, Técnica de Inserção e Envelhecimento) separadamente para as paredes incisal e gengival. Resina e Envelhecimento foram significativos. A resina composta de micropartículas mostrou maior infiltração que a híbrida. A técnica de inserção influenciou a infiltração marginal dependendo da resina e do emprego ou não de ciclos térmicos

    Relationship between maternal depression as a risk factor for childhood trauma and mood disorders in young adults

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    Background Maternal depression may be a risk factor for childhood trauma (CT), with resultant offspring development of mood disorders (MD) in adult life. Objective To verify the relationship between maternal depression (as a risk factor for childhood trauma) and mood disorders in young adults. Methods The sample was composed of 164 young adults and their mothers. Maternal depression was identified through the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.). Mood Disorders in the young adults were confirmed with the Structured Interview for the DSM-IV (SCID), whereas the CT was evaluated using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). Results In the group of young adults with MD, individuals who had depressed mothers presented higher mean scores of CT in comparison to the ones who did not have mothers with Depression (p < 0.005). Childhood trauma was also associated with lower social classes (p < 0.005). In the group of young adults without MD, the only variable that was associated with CT was the young adult’s (not) current work (p < 0.005). Discussion Maternal depression was considered to be a risk factor for CT and MD in young adults. Thus, preventing and treating maternal psychiatric disorders may diminish the risk of offspring childhood trauma, and, consequently, avoid negative effects in the offspring’s adult life

    Relação entre depressão materna como fator de risco para trauma na infância e transtornos de humor em jovens

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    Background Maternal depression may be a risk factor for childhood trauma (CT), with resultant offspring development of mood disorders (MD) in adult life. Objective To verify the relationship between maternal depression (as a risk factor for childhood trauma) and mood disorders in young adults. Methods The sample was composed of 164 young adults and their mothers. Maternal depression was identified through the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.). Mood Disorders in the young adults were confirmed with the Structured Interview for the DSM-IV (SCID), whereas the CT was evaluated using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). Results In the group of young adults with MD, individuals who had depressed mothers presented higher mean scores of CT in comparison to the ones who did not have mothers with Depression (p < 0.005). Childhood trauma was also associated with lower social classes (p < 0.005). In the group of young adults without MD, the only variable that was associated with CT was the young adult’s (not) current work (p < 0.005). Discussion Maternal depression was considered to be a risk factor for CT and MD in young adults. Thus, preventing and treating maternal psychiatric disorders may diminish the risk of offspring childhood trauma, and, consequently, avoid negative effects in the offspring’s adult life.Contexto Depressão materna pode ser um fator de risco para trauma na infância (TI), com consequente desenvolvimento de transtornos de humor (TH) em seus filhos na vida adulta. Objetivo Verificar a relação entre depressão materna (como fator de risco para TI) e TH em jovens. Métodos A amostra foi composta de 164 jovens adultos e suas mães. A depressão materna foi identificada por meio do Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.). Transtornos de humor nos jovens foram confirmados pela entrevista estruturada para o DSM-IV (SCID), enquanto o TI foi avaliado pelo Questionário de Trauma na Infância (CTQ). Resultados No grupo de jovens com TH, indivíduos que tiveram mães deprimidas apresentaram escores médios de TI mais altos em comparação aos que não tinham mães com depressão (p < 0,05). Trauma na infância também esteve associado com classes sociais desfavorecidas (p < 0,05). No grupo de jovens sem TH, a única variável associada ao TI foi o (não) trabalho do jovem (p < 0,05). Conclusões A depressão materna foi considerada fator de risco para TI e TH nos jovens. Portanto, prevenir e tratar transtornos psiquiátricos maternos pode diminuir o risco de trauma infantil no filho e, por consequência, evitar efeitos negativos na vida adulta da prole

    Biosecurity during nursing care to patients with pulmonary tuberculosis

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate preventive measures recommended during patient care for respiratory symptoms, with pulmonary tuberculosis. METHODS: Exploratory-descriptive study, retrospective, developed from information collected in medical records of patients with respiratory symptoms, diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. RESULTS: The number of tuberculosis cases in the city diagnosed during hospitalization during the study period was 65,29 (44.6%). As for the biosecurity measures during the hospitalization of 29 diagnosed cases, early aerosol were found in medical records in 13 (44.8%) patients. CONCLUSION: Data show that nursing professionals, working in hospitals, still exposed to risks of latent infection.OBJETIVO: Avaliar as medidas preventivas recomendadas durante a assistência aos pacientes sintomáticos respiratórios, com tuberculose pulmonar. MÉTODOS: Estudo exploratório-descritivo, retrospectivo, desenvolvido a partir deinformações coletadasnos arquivosde pacientes sintomáticos respiratórios, com diagnóstico de saída tuberculose pulmonar. RESULTADOS: O número de casos de tuberculose no município durante o período do estudo foi de 65, 29 (44,6%) destes casos foram diagnosticados durante a internação. Quanto as medidas de biossegurança, durante a admissão dos 29 casos diagnosticados, foram encontrados registros de precaução por aerossóis nos prontuários de 13 (44,8%) pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados mostram que os profissionaisde enfermagem, que trabalham nos hospitais, continuam expostos aorisco de infecção latente.Fundação Hermínio OmettoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Business Intelligence no agronegócio: um estudo de caso de implementação em uma startup = Business Intelligence in agribusiness: a case study of a startup

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    A base de dados das companhias, por muitas vezes, é originada de diversas fontes, dificultando o trabalho de transformação de dados em informações. A estruturação de um “Data Warehouse” [DW] e as ferramentas de “Business Intelligence” [BI] auxiliam essa transformação. O objetivo desse trabalho foi realizar um estudo de caso em uma startup do setor agroflorestal com o intuito de analisar e acompanhar a instalação das ferramentas de BI. Através de entrevistas com profissionais responsáveis, houve o acompanhamento da instalação dos sistemas operacionais e da estruturação do DW. O trabalho permitiu o acompanhamento da estruturação de cada uma das bases operacionais e a observação de melhorias na qualidade e na velocidade da informação disponível aos tomadores de decisão. = The database of companies comes, most of the time, from different sources, making it difficult to turn data into information. On the other hand, structuring a data warehouse [DW] and business intelligence [BI] tools can be a great support for the data work. Hence, a case study was carried out in an agroforestry sector startup, aiming to analyze and follow the installation of BI tools. The monitoring of the installation of the operating systems and structuring of the warehouse data was through interviews with responsible professionals. This work allowed the monitoring of the structure of each operational bases and the observation of improvements in the quality and the speed, giving available information to decision makers