77 research outputs found

    Effect of melatonin ingestion on physical performance, metabolic responses, and recovery after an intermittent training session

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    Objectives Fatigue is a limiting factor for sport performance. For this reason, optimal recovery after training is just as critical as the training program itself, if not more. Indeed, there is a need for strategies that can facilitate recovery after training, and one such strategy is the ingestion of supplements like melatonin (MEL). This study aimed to evaluate if MEL intake could improve recovery of athletes after an intermittent training session (ITS). Methods Fifteen elite female athletes (17.4 ± 0.4 years, 76.4 ± 5.6 kg, 1.76 ± 0.04 m; mean ± standard deviation) participated in two testing campaigns. During each period, they performed a battery of physical and cognitive tests before and after an ITS, as well as after ingesting MEL (6 mg tablet) or placebo in a randomized design. The ITS comprised the modified agility T-test, squat jump, counter movement jump, maximum standing ball-throw velocity test, maximum jump ball-throw velocity test, and 20-m sprint. Oral temperature (OT) and vigilance were evaluated before and after the ITS. Rating of perceived exertion (RPE), blood lactate [La], and glucose [Gl] were recorded after each ITS. Results Short-term performance, recovery of physical performance, and OT were not affected by MEL ingestion after the ITS. Moreover, MEL did not affect cognitive performance or RPE scores after the ITS. However, [La] and [Gl] (p < 0.05 for both) were decreased after MEL ingestion. Conclusion: MEL has no effect on the recovery of physical performance but may affect glucose utilization and lactate metabolism during the team-handball training session

    Soliton pinning by long-range order in aperiodic systems

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    We investigate propagation of a kink soliton along inhomogeneous chains with two different constituents, arranged either periodically, aperiodically, or randomly. For the discrete sine-Gordon equation and the Fibonacci and Thue-Morse chains taken as examples, we have found that the phenomenology of aperiodic systems is very peculiar: On the one hand, they exhibit soliton pinning as in the random chain, although the depinning forces are clearly smaller. In addition, solitons are seen to propagate differently in the aperiodic chains than on periodic chains with large unit cells, given by approximations to the full aperiodic sequence. We show that most of these phenomena can be understood by means of simple collective coordinate arguments, with the exception of long range order effects. In the conclusion we comment on the interesting implications that our work could bring about in the field of solitons in molecular (e.g., DNA) chains.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX 3.0 + epsf, 3 figures in accompanying PostScript file (Submitted to Phys Rev E Rapid Comm

    Mucocèle sphénoïdale bilatérale : a propos d’un cas

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    Les mucocèles sphénoïdales sont des formations pseudokystiques expansives, d’évolution lente, qui se développent au sein de la cavité sinusienne sphénoïdale. Elles possèdent la capacité d’éroder les parois osseuses et présentent une évolution pseudotumorale. Les rapports neuroméningés et orbitaires font la gravité de cette localisation sinusienne  la présentation clinique qui est souvent d’apparition retardée par rapport à la constitution de la mucocèle. L’imagerie (TDM et IRM) permet le diagnostic positif et le diagnostic différentiel avec certains processus développés au niveau de l’étage moyen de la base du crâne. La marsupialisation chirurgicale par voie endoscopique endonasale permet l’effondrement de la mucocèle.Mots-clés : mucocèle, sinus sphénoïda

    Far-infrared study of the Jahn-Teller distorted C60 monoanion in C60 tetraphenylphosphoniumiodide

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    We report high-resolution far-infrared transmission measurements on C(60)-tetraphenylphosphoniumiodide as a function of temperature. In the spectral region investigated (20-650 cm(-1)), we assign intramolecular modes of the C(60) monoanion and identify low-frequency combination modes. The well-known F(1u)(1) and F(1u)(2) modes are split into doublers at room temperature, indicating a D(5d) or D(3d) distorted ball. This result is consistent with a dynamic Jahn-Teller effect in the strong-coupling limit or with a static distortion stabilized by low-symmetry perturbations. The appearance of silent odd modes is in keeping with symmetry reduction of the hall, while activation of even modes is attributed to interband electron-phonon coupling and orientational disorder in the fulleride salt. Temperature dependences reveal a weak transition in the region 125-150 K in both C(60)(-) and counterion modes, indicating a bulk, rather than solely molecular, effect. Anomalous softening (with decreasing temperature) in several modes may correlate with the radial character of those vibrations. [S0163-1829(98)03245-7]

    Variation in the provision and practice of implant-based breast reconstruction in the UK: Results from the iBRA national practice questionnaire

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    Introduction The introduction of biological and synthetic meshes has revolutionised the practice of implant-based breast reconstruction (IBBR) but evidence for effectiveness is lacking. The iBRA (implant Breast Reconstruction evAluation) study is a national trainee-led project that aims to explore the practice and outcomes of IBBR to inform the design of a future trial. We report the results of the iBRA National Practice Questionnaire (NPQ) which aimed to comprehensively describe the provision and practice of IBBR across the UK. Methods A questionnaire investigating local practice and service provision of IBBR developed by the iBRA Steering Group was completed by trainee and consultant leads at breast and plastic surgical units across the UK. Summary data for each survey item were calculated and variation between centres and overall provision of care examined. Results 81 units within 79 NHS-hospitals completed the questionnaire. Units offered a range of reconstructive techniques, with IBBR accounting for 70% (IQR:50–80%) of participating units' immediate procedures. Units on average were staffed by 2.5 breast surgeons (IQR:2.0–3.0) and 2.0 plastic surgeons (IQR:1.0–3.0) performing 35 IBBR cases per year (IQR:20-50). Variation was demonstrated in the provision of novel different techniques for IBBR especially the use of biological (n = 62) and synthetic (n = 25) meshes and in patient selection for these procedures. Conclusions The iBRA-NPQ has demonstrated marked variation in the provision and practice of IBBR in the UK. The prospective audit phase of the iBRA study will determine the safety and effectiveness of different approaches to IBBR and allow evidence-based best practice to be explored

    The impact of immediate breast reconstruction on the time to delivery of adjuvant therapy: the iBRA-2 study

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    Background: Immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) is routinely offered to improve quality-of-life for women requiring mastectomy, but there are concerns that more complex surgery may delay adjuvant oncological treatments and compromise long-term outcomes. High-quality evidence is lacking. The iBRA-2 study aimed to investigate the impact of IBR on time to adjuvant therapy. Methods: Consecutive women undergoing mastectomy ± IBR for breast cancer July–December, 2016 were included. Patient demographics, operative, oncological and complication data were collected. Time from last definitive cancer surgery to first adjuvant treatment for patients undergoing mastectomy ± IBR were compared and risk factors associated with delays explored. Results: A total of 2540 patients were recruited from 76 centres; 1008 (39.7%) underwent IBR (implant-only [n = 675, 26.6%]; pedicled flaps [n = 105,4.1%] and free-flaps [n = 228, 8.9%]). Complications requiring re-admission or re-operation were significantly more common in patients undergoing IBR than those receiving mastectomy. Adjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy was required by 1235 (48.6%) patients. No clinically significant differences were seen in time to adjuvant therapy between patient groups but major complications irrespective of surgery received were significantly associated with treatment delays. Conclusions: IBR does not result in clinically significant delays to adjuvant therapy, but post-operative complications are associated with treatment delays. Strategies to minimise complications, including careful patient selection, are required to improve outcomes for patients

    Fine-Grained POS Tagging of Spoken Tunisian Dialect Corpora

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    The effect of pressure on the phase transitions in MTPP(TCNQ) 2 and MTPA(TCNQ)2 : an ESR study

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    The ion-radical salt MTPP(TCNQ)2 undergoes a first-order phase transition whereas the isomorphous salt MTPA(TCNQ)2 undergoes only a pressure-induced transition. These phase transitions have a pronounced influence on the ESR spectra. We have observed and discussed the changes in the spectral parameters and those describing the exciton dynamics as a function of pressure and temperature.Le sel d'ion-radical MTPP(TCNQ)2 subit une transition de phase du 1er ordre tandis que le sel isomorphe MTPA(TCNQ)2 ne subit qu'une transition induite par la pression hydrostatique. Ces transitions de phase se manifestent par des modifications des spectres RPE. Nous avons observé et discuté les changements des paramètres des spectres ainsi que des paramètres caractérisant la dynamique des excitons en fonction de la pression et de la température

    183. Współistnienie chorób piersi u chorych leczonych z powodu raka lub innych chorób tarczycy

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    Choroby gruczołu piersiowego i tarczycy należą do najczęściej występujących chorób u kobiet. Powszechność tych schorzeń budzi pytanie o istniejące pomiędzy nimi związki. Celem pracy była ocena gruczołu piersiowego u kobiet leczonych z powodu raka tub innych chorób tarczycy. Badaniem objęto 229 kobiet leczonych z powodu raka tarczycy oraz 39 kobiet, u których rozpoznano łagodne choroby tarczycy. Wśród chorych na raka tarczycy stwierdzono: 176 przypadków raka brodawkowatego (76,9%), 3 przypadki odmiany pęcherzykowej raka brodawkowatego (1,3%), 37 przypadków raka pęcherzykowego (16,2%), 5 przypadków raka oksyfilnego (2,2%) oraz 6 przypadków raka rdzeniastego (2,6%). W grupie łagodnych chorób tarczycy stwierdzono 26 przypadków wola guzkowego (66,7%), 9 przypadków choroby Hashimoto i innych zapaleń (23,1%) i 4 przypadki choroby Graves-Basedowa (10,3%). U chorych wykonywano następujące badania piersi: badanie palpacyjne, mammografię i ultrasonografię. W przypadku stwierdzenia zmian w powyższych badaniach kontynuowano diagnostykę wykonując biopsję cienkoigłową lub chirurgiczne wycięcie zmian z badaniem histopatologicznym. W grupie chorych na raka tarczycy u 62 pacjentek rozpoznano choroby piersi (27,1%). Były to: raki–5 przypadków (2,2%) oraz zmiany niezłośliwe –57 przypadków (24,9%). W grupie schorzeń niezłośliwych u 46 pacjentek były to zmiany o charakterze mastopatii (80,1%), a u 11 pacjentek nowotwory łagodne (19,3%). Zachorowalność na raka piersi w badanej 268 osobowej grupie chorych wyniosła 1,86% (1860/100 000) i wyraźnie przewyższa standaryzowany względem wieku wskaźnik zachorowalności wynoszący dla Polski 36,0/100 000.Wniosek – w grupie chorych tyreologicznych stwierdza się częstsze występowanie patologii w obrębie piersi. Uzasadnia to rutynową diagnostykę piersi w tej grupie kobiet

    Knowledge of agritourism farms owners about traditional products

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    Produkcja lokalnych specjałów zapewnia dodatkowe źródło dochodów, generuje nowe miejsca pracy, chroni lokalną kulturę i tożsamość, z tego względu rozwój tych produktów często stanowi istotny element strategii rozwoju obszaru. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań, których celem było określenie czy rolnicy oferujący turystom produkty wytwarzane tradycyjnymi metodami mają wiedzę na temat ich ochrony i certyfikacji. Zaobserwowano, że rolnicy mają małą wiedzę dotyczącą tego zagadnienia, a kooperacja między kwaterodawcami nie przekłada się na współdziałanie na rzecz zgłoszenia produktów na „Listę Produktów Tradycyjnych” lub przygotowania wniosku o certyfikację unijną.Production of localproducts provides an additional source of income, gives new employment, protect local culture and identity. These products can be an important element in the strategy development of the area. The article shows the results of investigation which aim was to determine whether farmers offering products produced in a traditional way are knowledgeable aboutprotection and certification of those products. It was observed that farmers have little knowledge on this issue, and cooperation among agritourism farm owners works well except for the cooperation in the field of certification