28 research outputs found

    Light and freshwater discharge drive the biogeochemistry and microbial ecology in a sub-Arctic fjord over the Polar night

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    The polar night has recently received increased attention as a surprisingly active biological season. Yet, polar night microbial ecology is a vastly understudied field. To identify the physical and biogeochemical parameters driving microbial activity over the dark season, we studied a sub-Arctic fjord system in northern Norway from autumn to early spring with detailed monthly sampling. We focused on the impact of mixing, terrestrial organic matter input and light on microbial ecosystem dynamics. Our study highlights strong differences in the key drivers between spring, autumn, and winter. The spring bloom started in March in a fully mixed water column, opposing the traditional critical depth hypothesis. Incident solar radiation was the key driver maximum Chlorophyll was reached in April. The onset of the autumn phytoplankton bloom was controlled by vertical mixing, causing nutrient upwelling and dilution of zooplankton grazers, which had their highest biomass during this time. According to the dilution-recoupling hypothesis grazer dilution reduced grazing stress and allowed the fall bloom formation. Mixing at that time was initiated by strong winds and reduced stratification as a consequence of freezing temperatures and lower freshwater runoff. During the light-limited polar night, the primary production was extremely low but bacteria continued growing on decaying algae, their exudates and also allochthonous organic matter. A melting event in January could have increased input of organic matter from land, supporting a mid-winter bacterial bloom. In conclusion, polar night biogeochemistry and microbial ecology was not only driven by light availability, but strongly affected by variability in reshwater discharge and allochthonous carbon input. With climate change freshwater discharge will increase in the Arctic, which will likely increase importance of the dynamics described in this study

    Seasonal Variability in the Zooplankton Community Structure in a Sub-Arctic Fjord as Revealed by Morphological and Molecular Approaches

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    Phyto- and zooplankton in Arctic and sub-Arctic seas show very strong seasonal changes in diversity and biomass. Here we document the seasonal variability in the mesozooplankton community structure in a sub-Arctic fjord in Northern Norway based on monthly sampling between November 2018 and February 2020. We combined traditional morphological zooplankton identification with DNA metabarcoding of a 313 base pair fragment of the COI gene. This approach allowed us to provide the most detailed mesozooplankton species list known for this region across an entire year, including both holo- and meroplankton. The zooplankton community was dominated by small copepods throughout the sampling period both in terms of abundance and relative sequence counts. However, meroplankton was the most diverse group, especially within the phylum polychaeta. We identified four distinct periods based on the seasonal analysis of the zooplankton community composition. The pre-spring bloom period (February–March) was characterized by low abundance and biomass of zooplankton. The spring bloom (April) was characterized by the presence of Calanus young stages, cirripedia and krill eggs. The spring-summer period (May–August) was characterized by a succession of meroplankton and a relatively high abundance of copepods of the genus Calanus spp. Finally, the autumn-winter period (September–December) was characterized by a high copepod diversity and a peak in abundance of small copepods (e.g., Oithona similis, Acartia longiremis, Pseudocalanus acuspes, Pseudocalanus elongatus, Pseudocalanus moultoni, Pseudocalanus minutus). During this period, we also observed an influx of boreal warm-water species which were notably absent during the rest of the year. Both the traditional community analysis and metabarcoding were highly complementary and with a few exceptions showed similar trends in the seasonal changes of the zooplankton community structure

    Modelling Silicate - Nitrate - Ammonium Co-Limitation of Algal Growth and the Importance of Bacterial Remineralisation Based on an Experimental Arctic Coastal Spring Bloom Culture Study

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    Arctic coastal ecosystems are rapidly changing due to climate warming, which makes modelling their productivity crucially important to better understand future changes. System primary production in these systems is highest during the pronounced spring bloom, typically dominated by diatoms. Eventually the spring blooms terminate due to silicon or nitrogen limitation. Bacteria can play an important role for extending bloom duration and total CO2 fixation through ammonium regeneration. Current ecosystem models often simplify the effects of nutrient co-limitations on algal physiology and cellular ratios and neglect bacterial driven regeneration, leading to an underestimation of primary production. Detailed biochemistry- and cell-based models can represent these dynamics but are difficult to tune in the environment. We performed a cultivation experiment that showed typical spring bloom dynamics, such as extended algal growth via bacteria ammonium remineralisation, and reduced algal growth and inhibited chlorophyll synthesis under silicate limitation, and gradually reduced nitrogen assimilation and chlorophyll synthesis under nitrogen limitation. We developed a simplified dynamic model to represent these processes. The model also highlights the importance of organic matter excretion, and post bloom ammonium accumulation. Overall, model complexity is comparable to other ecosystem models used in the Arctic while improving the representation of nutrient co-limitation related processes. Such model enhancements that now incorporate increased nutrient inputs and higher mineralization rates in a warmer climate will improve future predictions in this vulnerable system

    MOSAiC Extended Acknowledgement

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    For years, the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), together with the international MOSAiC partners, had been planning and developing the scientiïŹc, logistical and ïŹnancial concept for the implementation of the MOSAiC expedition. The planning and organization of this endeavor was an enormous e˙ort, involving more than 80 institutions from 20 countries. The number of groups and individuals that signiïŹcantly contributed to the success of the drift observatory goes far beyond the scope of usual polar expeditions

    Overview of the MOSAiC expedition - Atmosphere

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    With the Arctic rapidly changing, the needs to observe, understand, and model the changes are essential. To support these needs, an annual cycle of observations of atmospheric properties, processes, and interactions were made while drifting with the sea ice across the central Arctic during the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition from October 2019 to September 2020. An international team designed and implemented the comprehensive program to document and characterize all aspects of the Arctic atmospheric system in unprecedented detail, using a variety of approaches, and across multiple scales. These measurements were coordinated with other observational teams to explore cross-cutting and coupled interactions with the Arctic Ocean, sea ice, and ecosystem through a variety of physical and biogeochemical processes. This overview outlines the breadth and complexity of the atmospheric research program, which was organized into 4 subgroups: atmospheric state, clouds and precipitation, gases and aerosols, and energy budgets. Atmospheric variability over the annual cycle revealed important influences from a persistent large-scale winter circulation pattern, leading to some storms with pressure and winds that were outside the interquartile range of past conditions suggested by long-term reanalysis. Similarly, the MOSAiC location was warmer and wetter in summer than the reanalysis climatology, in part due to its close proximity to the sea ice edge. The comprehensiveness of the observational program for characterizing and analyzing atmospheric phenomena is demonstrated via a winter case study examining air mass transitions and a summer case study examining vertical atmospheric evolution. Overall, the MOSAiC atmospheric program successfully met its objectives and was the most comprehensive atmospheric measurement program to date conducted over the Arctic sea ice. The obtained data will support a broad range of coupled-system scientific research and provide an important foundation for advancing multiscale modeling capabilities in the Arctic

    Field Techniques in Sea-Ice Research

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    This contribution provides a brief overview of current approaches and anticipated advances in obtaining a range of field measurements for sea ice in (sub)polar regions. The multiple uses of the ice cover and its important role in social-environmental systems at high north- ern and southern latitudes require a broad range of approaches and measurements to be considered. Building on a recently published monograph with detailed information about the state of the art, the present contributions provides concise summaries and updates for the following topical areas: Field research study and sampling de- sign, snow on sea ice, ice thickness and morphology, ice coring and measurement of key physical properties, ice optics and surface en- ergy budget, transport properties, sea ice biota and biogeochemical properties, autonomous sensors, UASs and UAVs, and ship-based observations. For each of these topics, relevant background infor- mation is provided before discussing key methodological approaches and techniques in more detail. Most of the topical sections then include an example to illustrate how the approaches are applied in specific cases. Each section then concludes with a outlook on fu- ture developments and research needs. Common to all types of field measurements is the conclusion that due to a substantial in- crease in human activities in ice-covered maritime regions and the impacts of rapid environmental change a great need for accurate, consistent and intercomparable sea-ice datasets has arisen. Method- ological advances and scientific progress over the past few decades now puts the research and operations community in a position to develop best practices with respect to field measurements that can lead to standardized, interoperable approaches, greatly minimizing risks associated with lack of suitable, consistent datasets

    Crude oil exposure reduces ice algal growth in a sea-ice mesocosm experiment

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    Oil production in Arctic ice-covered areas poses a risk for pollution of the ecosystem including that within the brine channel network of sea ice. Sea-ice autotrophs contribute substantially to Arctic primary production, but are inherently difficult to test for oil exposure responses in situ. This study had two objectives, first, we developed a suitable lab-based mesocosm system, second, we tested oil effects on sea-ice algae. Specifically, we investigated if Alaska North Slope crude oil exposure reduces ice algal abundance, biomass and concentration of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) using indoor ice tanks over a 10-day exposure period. Six tanks in one cold room were used in pairs for the following treatments: (1) control, (2) oil release as a layer under ice and (3) release of dispersed oil. All tanks were inoculated with sea-ice microbial communities collected from UtqiaÄĄvik, Alaska. After 10 days of exposure, the abundance of algae, dominated by the pennate diatom genus Nitzschia, and the concentrations of EPS and chlorophyll a were significantly lower in the oiled treatments compared to the control. We suggest light attenuation by the oil, reduced algal mobility, and oil toxicity as causes for this reduction. Observed changes in cell fluorescence characteristics based on DNA staining could be linked to the oil exposure and could provide a new tool for assessment of toxicity in microalgae

    Modeling silicate–nitrate–ammonium co-limitation of algal growth and the importance of bacterial remineralization based on an experimental Arctic coastal spring bloom culture study

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    Arctic coastal ecosystems are rapidly changing due to climate warming. This makes modeling their produc- tivity crucially important to better understand future changes. System primary production in these systems is highest dur- ing the pronounced spring bloom, typically dominated by di- atoms. Eventually the spring blooms terminate due to sili- con or nitrogen limitation. Bacteria can play an important role for extending bloom duration and total CO2 fixation through ammonium regeneration. Current ecosystem mod- els often simplify the effects of nutrient co-limitations on al- gal physiology and cellular ratios and simplify nutrient re- generation. These simplifications may lead to underestimations of primary production. Detailed biochemistry- and cell- based models can represent these dynamics but are difficult to tune in the environment. We performed a cultivation experiment that showed typical spring bloom dynamics, such as extended algal growth via bacterial ammonium remineralization, reduced algal growth and inhibited chlorophyll synthesis under silicate limitation, and gradually reduced nitrogen assimilation and chlorophyll synthesis under nitrogen limitation. We developed a simplified dynamic model to represent these processes. Overall, model complexity in terms of the number of parameters is comparable to the phytoplankton growth and nutrient biogeochemistry formulations in common ecosystem models used in the Arctic while improv- ing the representation of nutrient-co-limitation-related processes. Such model enhancements that now incorporate in- creased nutrient inputs and higher mineralization rates in a warmer climate will improve future predictions in this vulnerable system

    Arctic marine fungi: biomass, functional genes, and putative ecological roles

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    Recent molecular evidence suggests a global distribution of marine fungi; however, the ecological relevance and corresponding biological contributions of fungi to marine ecosystems remains largely unknown. We assessed fungal biomass from the open Arctic Ocean by applying novel biomass conversion factors from cultured isolates to environmental sterol and CARD-FISH data. We found an average of 16.54 nmol m−3 of ergosterol in sea ice and seawater, which corresponds to 1.74 mg C m−3 (444.56 mg C m−2 in seawater). Using Chytridiomycota-specific probes, we observed free-living and particulate-attached cells that averaged 34.07 ”g C m−3 in sea ice and seawater (11.66 mg C m−2 in seawater). Summed CARD-FISH and ergosterol values approximate 1.77 mg C m−3 in sea ice and seawater (456.23 mg C m−2 in seawater), which is similar to biomass estimates of other marine taxa generally considered integral to marine food webs and ecosystem processes. Using the GeoChip microarray, we detected evidence for fungal viruses within the Partitiviridae in sediment, as well as fungal genes involved in the degradation of biomass and the assimilation of nitrate. To bridge our observations of fungi on particulate and the detection of degradative genes, we germinated fungal conidia in zooplankton fecal pellets and germinated fungal conidia after 8 months incubation in sterile seawater. Ultimately, these data suggest that fungi could be as important in oceanic ecosystems as they are in freshwater environments