39 research outputs found

    De la Educación Social a la Animación Teatral

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    Los derechos humanos en la educación y la cultura

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    Project Deloa-Equal: an intervention strategy for equal opportunities

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    Els canvis dels últims anys, obliguen a repensar el model de societat. Es necessita una intervenció des de i per a la societat, amb la finalitat d'incentivar la Igualtat d'Oportunitats i la participació de tots, sigui quina sigui la seva condició social, tendència sexual, estatus econòmic, ideologia polílica o confessió religiosa, nivell cultural, etc. Aquesta realitat planteja noves demandes a les que cal donar resposta. No podem obviar l'exclusió que sofreixen diferents col·lectius, com el de les dones, en el que coexisteixen més dificultats per a fer front als reptes inherents al caràcter de la societat actual i que les situen en desavantatge pel que fa als homes. Incorporar aquesta filosofia d'intervenció pedagògico-social resulta un propòsit ambiciós i constitueix un ardu camí capa la consecució d'uns objectius i un model de societat més compromès amb els valors de ciutadania, igualtat i llibertat.Los cambios de los últimos años, obligan a repensar el modelo de sociedad. Se necesita una intervención desde y para la sociedad, con el fin de incentivar la Igualdad de Oportunidades y la participación de todos, sea cual sea su condición social, tendencia sexual, estatus económico, ideología política o confesión religiosa, nivel cultural, etc. Esta realidad plantea nuevas demandas a las que hay quedar respuesta. No podemos obviar la exclusión que sufren distintos colectivos, como el de las mujeres, en el que coexisten más dificultades para hacer frente a los retos inherentes al carácter de la sociedad actual y que las sitúa en una desventaja respecto a los varones. Incorporar esta filosofía de intervención pedagógico-social resulta un propósito ambicioso y constituye un arduo camino hacia la consecución de unos objetivos y un modelo de sociedad más comprometido con los valores de ciudadanía, igualdad y libertad.Changes in recent years have forced us to rethink our model of society. Intervention both 'by' and 'for" society is required if we are to foster equal opportunity and universal participation, irrespective of social status, sexual orientation, economic standing, political ideology and religious faith, cultural level. etc. New demands need new responses. We can no longer ignore the exclusion affecting some social groups. Women, for example, suffer more than their fair share of problems in facing the challenges inherent in a society that places them ar a disadvantage compared with men. By introducing this kind of philosophy with its pedagogical-social intervention, we are embarking on an ambirious, lengthy and difficult road rowards achieving objectives and a model of society more committed to the values of citizenship equality and freedom

    David Tudor and his influence in the composers of the "New York School"

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    El norteamericano David Tudor (1926-1996) fue, además de un pianista excepcional, una figura clave en el devenir de la música de su tiempo. Fue quien estrenó la mayor parte de la música para piano de compositores tanto americanos como europeos en la década de los 50. Amigo personal de los compositores de la “Escuela de Nueva York”, fue una fuente de inspiración para ellos por sus enormes habilidades técnicas, por su creatividad y por su generoso compromiso con su música. Participó en los cursos de verano de Darmstadt como profesor e intérprete presentando las novedosas propuestas compositivas de la “Escuela de Nueva York”. Allí conoció la música de las principales figuras europeas y la dio a conocer en los Estados Unidos, ofreciendo numerosas primeras interpretaciones en el nuevo continente. Este artículo trata de ofrecer una visión del pianista como intérprete y de cómo su persona influyó en sus amigos compositores de la “Escuela de Nueva York”: John Cage (1912- 1992), Morton Feldman (1926-1987), Earle Brown (1926-2002) y Christian Wolff (1934).The American David Tudor (1926-1996) was, apart from an exceptional pianist, a key figure in the musical evolution of his time. He premiered most of the piano music of both American and European composers in the 50’s. A personal friend of the composers of the “New York School”, he was a source of inspiration for them thanks to his huge technical ability, his creativity and his whole-hearted commitment to their music. He participated in the Darmstadt Summer Courses as a teacher and performer bringing alive the novel composing techniques of the “New York School”. There he came across the music of the principal European composers and introduced it in the United States, giving many premieres in the new continent. This article offers a vision of the pianist as a performer and how his personality influenced his composer friends of the “New York School”: John Cage (1912-1992), Morton Feldman (1926-1987), Earle Brown (1926-2002) y Christian Wolff (1934)

    Mantenimiento centrado en la confiabilidad (RCM) caso de aplicación máquina empacadora de atún en latas

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    A production line of canned tuna in the Republic of Ecuador is analyzed, determining that its mechanical maintenance program is based on the experience accumulated over the time of the personnel in charge, as well as the recommendations of the manufacturers of the machines; this represents a deficit in the use of world-class strategies in the process industry. The methodology used is Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), applied to one of the critical equipment of the production line, such as the canned tuna packer. The result obtained was the redesign of the Maintenance function, managing to align the maintenance activities towards improving the maintenance plan of the equipment under study, through the analysis of failure modes and effects in the real operational context in which it operates. Keywords: Canned tuna packer, criticality, maintenance, reliability.Una línea de producción de conservas de atún en latas en la República del Ecuador es analizada, donde su programa de mantenimiento mecánico tiene como base la experiencia acumulada a través del tiempo del personal encargado, así como las recomendaciones de los fabricantes de los equipos; lo anterior representa un déficit del uso de estrategias de clase mundial en la industria de procesos. La metodología utilizada es la del Mantenimiento Centrado en la Confiabilidad (RCM), aplicada a uno de los equipos críticos de la línea de producción, como es la empacadora de atún en latas. El resultado obtenido fue el rediseño de la función mantenimiento, logrando alinear las actividades hacia la mejora del plan de mantención del equipo objeto de estudio, mediante el análisis de los modos y efectos de falla en el contexto operacional real en el que opera el mismo. Palabras clave: Confiabilidad, criticidad, empacadora de atún, mantenimiento. Abstract A production line of canned tuna in the Republic of Ecuador is analyzed, determining that its mechanical maintenance program is based on the experience accumulated over the time of the personnel in charge, as well as the recommendations of the manufacturers of the machines; this represents a deficit in the use of world-class strategies in the process industry. The methodology used is Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), applied to one of the critical equipment of the production line, such as the canned tuna packer. The result obtained was the redesign of the Maintenance function, managing to align the maintenance activities towards improving the maintenance plan of the equipment under study, through the analysis of failure modes and effects in the real operational context in which it operates. Keywords: Canned tuna packer, criticality, maintenance, reliability. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 04 de octubre de 2021.Fecha de aceptación: 09 de noviembre de 2021.Fecha de publicación: 08 de diciembre de 2021

    The current state of knowledge on imaging informatics: a survey among Spanish radiologists

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    Medical informatics; Radiology; Surveys and questionnairesInformàtica mèdica; Radiologia; Enquestes i qüestionarisInformática médica; Radiología; Encuestas y cuestionariosBackground There is growing concern about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on radiology and the future of the profession. The aim of this study is to evaluate general knowledge and concerns about trends on imaging informatics among radiologists working in Spain (residents and attending physicians). For this purpose, an online survey among radiologists working in Spain was conducted with questions related to: knowledge about terminology and technologies, need for a regulated academic training on AI and concerns about the implications of the use of these technologies. Results A total of 223 radiologists answered the survey, of whom 76.7% were attending physicians and 23.3% residents. General terms such as AI and algorithm had been heard of or read in at least 75.8% and 57.4% of the cases, respectively, while more specific terms were scarcely known. All the respondents consider that they should pursue academic training in medical informatics and new technologies, and 92.9% of them reckon this preparation should be incorporated in the training program of the specialty. Patient safety was found to be the main concern for 54.2% of the respondents. Job loss was not seen as a peril by 45.7% of the participants. Conclusions Although there is a lack of knowledge about AI among Spanish radiologists, there is a will to explore such topics and a general belief that radiologists should be trained in these matters. Based on the results, a consensus is needed to change the current training curriculum to better prepare future radiologists

    Efecto del tiempo de cultivo y volumen de medio de cultivo por explante en la multiplicación de Gerbera jamesonii en Sistemas de Inmersión Temporal

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    In the world flower industry, Gerbera jamesonii is among the ten plants of cut flower more commercialized. The species can be propagated through seeds, vegetative and through biotechnological techniques. The latter is the most used. In order to determine the effect of culture time and volume of culture medium on the in vitro multiplication of gerbera in Temporary Immersion Systems, this work was performed. Four culture times (14, 21, 28 and 35 days) and three volume variants of culture medium per explant (20, 30 and 40 ml) were compared. A frequency of immersion was used every 8 hours with additional ventilation and as inoculum aggregates of three shoots. It was verified that the two studied variables influence the multiplication of gerbera in TIS. With 28 and 35 days of culture the gerbera shoots showed better morpho-physiological quality and a higher number of shoots per explant. The use of 40 ml culture medium per explant increased the number of shoots, fresh mass and water content of the explants. Key words: cut flower, immersion frequency, micropropagationEn la industria florícola mundial, Gerbera jamesonii se encuentra entre las diez plantas de flor de corte más comercializada. La especie puede propagarse a través de semillas, de forma vegetativa y mediante técnicas biotecnológicas. Esta última es la más utilizada. Con el objetivo de determinar el efecto del tiempo de cultivo y el volumen de medio de cultivo en la multiplicación in vitro de gerbera en Sistemas de Inmersión temporal se realizó este trabajo. Se compararon cuatro tiempos de cultivo (14, 21, 28 y 35 días) y tres variantes de volumen de medio de cultivo por explante (20, 30 y 40 ml). Se utilizó una frecuencia de inmersión cada 8 horas con ventilación adicional y como inóculo agregados de tres brotes. Se comprobó que las dos variables estudiadas influyen en la multiplicación de gerbera en SIT.  Con 28 y 35 días de cultivo los brotes de gerbera mostraron mejor calidad morfo-fisiológica y mayor número de brotes por explante. El uso de 40 ml de medio de cultivo por explante incrementó el número de brotes, la masa fresca y el contenido de agua de los explantes. Palabras clave: flor de corte, frecuencia de inmersión, micropropagació

    Comparison of computed tomography and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in the evaluation of body composition in patients with obesity

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    Body composition; Computed tomography; Morbid obesityComposición corporal; Tomografía computarizada; Obesidad mórbidaComposició corporal; Tomografia computaritzada; Obesitat mòrbidaObjective: a) To evaluate the accuracy of the pre-existing equations (based on cm2 provided by CT images), to estimate in kilograms (Kg) the body composition (BC) in patients with obesity (PwO), by comparison with Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). b) To evaluate the accuracy of a new approach (based on both cm2 and Hounsfield Unit parameters provided by CT images), using an automatic software and artificial intelligence to estimate the BC in PwO, by comparison with DXA. Methods: Single-centre cross-sectional study including consecutive PwO, matched by gender with subjects with normal BMI. All the subjects underwent BC assessment by Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and skeletal-CT at L3 vertebrae. CT images were processed using FocusedON-BC software. Three different models were tested. Model 1 and 2, based on the already existing equations, estimate the BC in Kg based on the tissue area (cm2) in the CT images. Model 3, developed in this study, includes as additional variables, the tissue percentage and its average Hounsfield unit. Results: 70 subjects (46 PwO and 24 with normal BMI) were recruited. Significant correlations for BC were obtained between the three models and DXA. Model 3 showed the strongest correlation with DXA (r= 0.926, CI95% [0.835-0.968], p<0.001) as well as the best agreement based on Bland – Altman plots. Conclusion: This is the first study showing that the BC assessment based on skeletal CT images analyzed by automatic software coupled with artificial intelligence, is accurate in PwO, by comparison with DXA. Furthermore, we propose a new equation that estimates both the tissue quantity and quality, that showed higher accuracy compared with those currently used, both in PwO and subjects with normal BMI.This study was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, PI20/01806). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript