21 research outputs found

    Measurement of the muon flux from 400 GeV/c protons interacting in a thick molybdenum/tungsten target

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    The SHiP experiment is proposed to search for very weakly interacting particles beyond the Standard Model which are produced in a 400 GeV/c proton beam dump at the CERN SPS. About 1011 muons per spill will be produced in the dump. To design the experiment such that the muon-induced background is minimized, a precise knowledge of the muon spectrum is required. To validate the muon flux generated by our Pythia and GEANT4 based Monte Carlo simulation (FairShip), we have measured the muon flux emanating from a SHiP-like target at the SPS. This target, consisting of 13 interaction lengths of slabs of molybdenum and tungsten, followed by a 2.4 m iron hadron absorber was placed in the H4 400 GeV/c proton beam line. To identify muons and to measure the momentum spectrum, a spectrometer instrumented with drift tubes and a muon tagger were used. During a 3-week period a dataset for analysis corresponding to (3.27±0.07) × 1011 protons on target was recorded. This amounts to approximatively 1% of a SHiP spill

    Track reconstruction and matching between emulsion and silicon pixel detectors for the SHiP-charm experiment

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    In July 2018 an optimization run for the proposed charm cross section measurement for SHiP was performed at the CERN SPS. A heavy, moving target instrumented with nuclear emulsion films followed by a silicon pixel tracker was installed in front of the Goliath magnet at the H4 proton beam-line. Behind the magnet, scintillating-fibre, drift-tube and RPC detectors were placed. The purpose of this run was to validate the measurement's feasibility, to develop the required analysis tools and fine-tune the detector layout. In this paper, we present the track reconstruction in the pixel tracker and the track matching with the moving emulsion detector. The pixel detector performed as expected and it is shown that, after proper alignment, a vertex matching rate of 87% is achieved

    Combined Digital Economic-Epidemic Model for the Evaluation of Economic Results of Several Scenarios of Quarantine Measures

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    Purpose: Substantiation of the selection of the potential option of the implementation of quarantine measures and of the obtaining of evaluations of its potential economic consequences for Moscow on the basis of the use of instruments of the combined digital economic-epidemic model, developed by authors. Methods: In order to carry out the research the modified SIR-model was used as the basic epidemic one. As the economic growth model was used the model of probability of mixed economic systems, developed by authors. The consolidation of such models to its lowest terms allowed to form the combined digital economic-epidemic model. As basic ones were considered three potentially possible options for the implementation of quarantine measures. On the basis of the model, developed by authors, were developed feasibility studies for each of three options of quarantine measures. While carrying out calculations as initial terms was adopted the dynamics of the daily accrual of people, infected withCOVID-19 for the week between 01.04 and 08.04.2020. Result: On the basis of the combined digital economic-epidemic model were determined possible economic consequences at the implementation of basic options of quarantine measures, feasibility studies were provided, its scientific analysis has been performed with the substantiation of the development of one of considered options. As most optimal option of the implementation of quarantine measures B option was selected. Conclusion: The offered model and settlements, performed on its basis, can be applied in all regions of Russia in order to select the potential option of the implementation of quarantine measures and of the evaluation of possible economic consequences for each region. This is a universal model. With it can be studied events of all epidemiologic periods and world regions. © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Combined Digital Economic-Epidemic Model for the Evaluation of Economic Results of Several Scenarios of Quarantine Measures

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    Purpose: Substantiation of the selection of the potential option of the implementation of quarantine measures and of the obtaining of evaluations of its potential economic consequences for Moscow on the basis of the use of instruments of the combined digital economic-epidemic model, developed by authors. Methods: In order to carry out the research the modified SIR-model was used as the basic epidemic one. As the economic growth model was used the model of probability of mixed economic systems, developed by authors. The consolidation of such models to its lowest terms allowed to form the combined digital economic-epidemic model. As basic ones were considered three potentially possible options for the implementation of quarantine measures. On the basis of the model, developed by authors, were developed feasibility studies for each of three options of quarantine measures. While carrying out calculations as initial terms was adopted the dynamics of the daily accrual of people, infected withCOVID-19 for the week between 01.04 and 08.04.2020. Result: On the basis of the combined digital economic-epidemic model were determined possible economic consequences at the implementation of basic options of quarantine measures, feasibility studies were provided, its scientific analysis has been performed with the substantiation of the development of one of considered options. As most optimal option of the implementation of quarantine measures B option was selected. Conclusion: The offered model and settlements, performed on its basis, can be applied in all regions of Russia in order to select the potential option of the implementation of quarantine measures and of the evaluation of possible economic consequences for each region. This is a universal model. With it can be studied events of all epidemiologic periods and world regions

    The SHiP experiment at the proposed CERN SPS Beam Dump Facility

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    International audienceThe Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP) Collaboration has proposed a general-purpose experimental facility operating in beam-dump mode at the CERN SPS accelerator to search for light, feebly interacting particles. In the baseline configuration, the SHiP experiment incorporates two complementary detectors. The upstream detector is designed for recoil signatures of light dark matter (LDM) scattering and for neutrino physics, in particular with tau neutrinos. It consists of a spectrometer magnet housing a layered detector system with high-density LDM/neutrino target plates, emulsion-film technology and electronic high-precision tracking. The total detector target mass amounts to about eight tonnes. The downstream detector system aims at measuring visible decays of feebly interacting particles to both fully reconstructed final states and to partially reconstructed final states with neutrinos, in a nearly background-free environment. The detector consists of a 50 m\mathrm { \,m} long decay volume under vacuum followed by a spectrometer and particle identification system with a rectangular acceptance of 5 m in width and 10 m in height. Using the high-intensity beam of 400 GeV\,\mathrm {GeV} protons, the experiment aims at profiting from the 4×10194\times 10^{19} protons per year that are currently unexploited at the SPS, over a period of 5–10 years. This allows probing dark photons, dark scalars and pseudo-scalars, and heavy neutral leptons with GeV-scale masses in the direct searches at sensitivities that largely exceed those of existing and projected experiments. The sensitivity to light dark matter through scattering reaches well below the dark matter relic density limits in the range from a few  MeV ⁣/c2{\mathrm {\,MeV\!/}c^2} up to 100 MeV-scale masses, and it will be possible to study tau neutrino interactions with unprecedented statistics. This paper describes the SHiP experiment baseline setup and the detector systems, together with performance results from prototypes in test beams, as it was prepared for the 2020 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. The expected detector performance from simulation is summarised at the end

    Measurement of the muon flux from 400 GeV/c protons interacting in a thick molybdenum/tungsten target

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    The SHiP experiment is proposed to search for very weakly interacting particles beyond the Standard Model which are produced in a 400 GeV/c proton beam dump at the CERN SPS. About 1011muons per spill will be produced in the dump. To design the experiment such that the muon-induced background is minimized, a precise knowledge of the muon spectrum is required. To validate the muon flux generated by our Pythia and GEANT4 based Monte Carlo simulation (FairShip), we have measured the muon flux emanating from a SHiP-like target at the SPS. This target, consisting of 13 interaction lengths of slabs of molybdenum and tungsten, followed by a 2.4 m iron hadron absorber was placed in the H4 400 GeV/c proton beam line. To identify muons and to measure the momentum spectrum, a spectrometer instrumented with drift tubes and a muon tagger were used. During a 3-week period a dataset for analysis corresponding to (3.27 +/- 0.07)x1011protons on target was recorded. This amounts to approximatively 1% of a SHiP spill

    The experimental facility for the Search for Hidden Particles at the CERN SPS

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    The Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP) Collaboration has shown that the CERN SPS accelerator with its 400 GeV/c proton beam offers a unique opportunity to explore the Hidden Sector [1-3]. The proposed experiment is an intensity frontier experiment which is capable of searching for hidden particles through both visible decays and through scattering signatures from recoil of electrons or nuclei. The high-intensity experimental facility developed by the SHiP Collaboration is based on a number of key features and developments which provide the possibility of probing a large part of the parameter space for a wide range of models with light long-lived super-weakly interacting particles with masses up to (10) GeV/c2 in an environment of extremely clean background conditions. This paper describes the proposal for the experimental facility together with the most important feasibility studies. The paper focuses on the challenging new ideas behind the beam extraction and beam delivery, the proton beam dump, and the suppression of beam-induced background

    Measurement of the muon flux for the SHiP experiment

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    The SHiP experiment will search for very weakly interacting particles beyond the Standard Model which are produced in a 400 \GeV/cc proton beam dump at the CERN SPS. About 101110^{11} muons per spill will be produced in the dump. To design the experiment such that the muon-induced background is minimized, a precise knowledge of the muon spectrum is required. To validate the muon flux generated by our Pythia and GEANT4 based Monte Carlo simulation (FairShip), we have measured the muon flux emanating from a SHiP-like target at the SPS. This target, consisting of 13 interaction lengths of slabs of molybdenum and tungsten, followed by a 2.4 m iron hadron absorber was placed in the H4 400~\GeV/cc proton beam line. To identify muons and to measure the momentum spectrum, a spectrometer instrumented with drift tubes and a muon tagger were used. During a three-week period a dataset for analysis corresponding to (3.27±0.07) × 1011(3.27\pm0.07)~\times~10^{11} protons on target was recorded. This amounts to approximatively 1\% of a SHiP spill