91 research outputs found

    Model for the architecture of caveolae based on a flexible, net-like assembly of Cavin1 and Caveolin discs.

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    Caveolae are invaginated plasma membrane domains involved in mechanosensing, signaling, endocytosis, and membrane homeostasis. Oligomers of membrane-embedded caveolins and peripherally attached cavins form the caveolar coat whose structure has remained elusive. Here, purified Cavin1 60S complexes were analyzed structurally in solution and after liposome reconstitution by electron cryotomography. Cavin1 adopted a flexible, net-like protein mesh able to form polyhedral lattices on phosphatidylserine-containing vesicles. Mutating the two coiled-coil domains in Cavin1 revealed that they mediate distinct assembly steps during 60S complex formation. The organization of the cavin coat corresponded to a polyhedral nano-net held together by coiled-coil segments. Positive residues around the C-terminal coiled-coil domain were required for membrane binding. Purified caveolin 8S oligomers assumed disc-shaped arrangements of sizes that are consistent with the discs occupying the faces in the caveolar polyhedra. Polygonal caveolar membrane profiles were revealed in tomograms of native caveolae inside cells. We propose a model with a regular dodecahedron as structural basis for the caveolae architecture

    Cryo-Electron Tomographic Structure of an Immunodeficiency Virus Envelope Complex In Situ

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    The envelope glycoprotein (Env) complexes of the human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV and SIV, respectively) mediate viral entry and are a target for neutralizing antibodies. The receptor binding surfaces of Env are in large part sterically occluded or conformationally masked prior to receptor binding. Knowledge of the unliganded, trimeric Env structure is key for an understanding of viral entry and immune escape, and for the design of vaccines to elicit neutralizing antibodies. We have used cryo-electron tomography and averaging to obtain the structure of the SIV Env complex prior to fusion. Our result reveals novel details of Env organisation, including tight interaction between monomers in the gp41 trimer, associated with a three-lobed, membrane-distal gp120 trimer. A cavity exists at the gp41–gp120 trimer interface. Our model for the spike structure agrees with previously predicted interactions between gp41 monomers, and furthers our understanding of gp120 interactions within an intact spike

    Deep-coverage spatiotemporal proteome of the picoeukaryote Ostreococcus tauri reveals differential effects of environmental and endogenous 24-hour rhythms.

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    The cellular landscape changes dramatically over the course of a 24 h day. The proteome responds directly to daily environmental cycles and is additionally regulated by the circadian clock. To quantify the relative contribution of diurnal versus circadian regulation, we mapped proteome dynamics under light:dark cycles compared with constant light. Using Ostreococcus tauri, a prototypical eukaryotic cell, we achieved 85% coverage, which allowed an unprecedented insight into the identity of proteins that facilitate rhythmic cellular functions. The overlap between diurnally- and circadian-regulated proteins was modest and these proteins exhibited different phases of oscillation between the two conditions. Transcript oscillations were generally poorly predictive of protein oscillations, in which a far lower relative amplitude was observed. We observed coordination between the rhythmic regulation of organelle-encoded proteins with the nuclear-encoded proteins that are targeted to organelles. Rhythmic transmembrane proteins showed a different phase distribution compared with rhythmic soluble proteins, indicating the existence of a circadian regulatory process specific to the biogenesis and/or degradation of membrane proteins. Our observations argue that the cellular spatiotemporal proteome is shaped by a complex interaction between intrinsic and extrinsic regulatory factors through rhythmic regulation at the transcriptional as well as post-transcriptional, translational, and post-translational levels

    Intermittent bulk release of human cytomegalovirus

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    Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) can infect a variety of cell types by using virions of varying glycoprotein compositions. It is still unclear how this diversity is generated, but spatio-temporally separated envelopment and egress pathways might play a role. So far, one egress pathway has been described in which HCMV particles are individually enveloped into small vesicles and are subsequently exocytosed continuously. However, some studies have also found enveloped virus particles inside multivesicular structures but could not link them to productive egress or degradation pathways. We used a novel 3D-CLEM workflow allowing us to investigate these structures in HCMV morphogenesis and egress at high spatio-temporal resolution. We found that multiple envelopment events occurred at individual vesicles leading to multiviral bodies (MViBs), which subsequently traversed the cytoplasm to release virions as intermittent bulk pulses at the plasma membrane to form extracellular virus accumulations (EVAs). Our data support the existence of a novel bona fide HCMV egress pathway, which opens the gate to evaluate divergent egress pathways in generating virion diversity

    The structure of Herpesvirus Fusion Glycoprotein B-Bilayer Complex reveals the protein-membrane and lateral protein-protein interaction

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    Glycoprotein B (gB) is a key component of the complex herpesvirus fusion machinery. We studied membrane interaction of two gB ectodomain forms and present an electron cryotomography structure of the gB-bilayer complex. The two forms differed in presence or absence of the membrane proximal region (MPR) but showed an overall similar trimeric shape. The presence of the MPR impeded interaction with liposomes. In contrast, the MPR-lacking form interacted efficiently with liposomes. Lateral interaction resulted in coat formation on the membranes. The structure revealed that interaction of gB with membranes was mediated by the fusion loops and limited to the outer membrane leaflet. The observed intrinsic propensity of gB to cluster on membranes indicates an additional role of gB in driving the fusion process forward beyond the transient fusion pore opening and subsequently leading to fusion pore expansion

    The palisade layer of the poxvirus core is composed of flexible A10 trimers

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    Due to its asymmetric shape, size and compactness, the structure of the infectious mature virus (MV) of vaccinia virus (VACV), the best-studied poxvirus, remains poorly understood. Instead, subviral particles, in particular membrane-free viral cores, have been studied with cryo-electron microscopy. Here, we compared viral cores obtained by detergent stripping of MVs with cores in the cellular cytoplasm, early in infection. We focused on the prominent palisade layer on the core surface, combining cryo-electron tomography, subtomogram averaging and AlphaFold2 structure prediction. We showed that the palisade is composed of densely packed trimers of the major core protein A10. Trimers display a random order and their classification indicates structural flexibility. A10 on cytoplasmic cores is organized in a similar manner, indicating that the structures obtained in vitro are physiologically relevant. We discuss our results in the context of the VACV replicative cycle, and the assembly and disassembly of the infectious MV

    A national facility for biological cryo-electron microscopy

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    Three-dimensional electron microscopy is an enormously powerful tool for structural biologists. It is now able to provide an understanding of the molecular machinery of cells, disease processes and the actions of pathogenic organisms from atomic detail through to the cellular context. However, cutting-edge research in this field requires very substantial resources for equipment, infrastructure and expertise. Here, a brief overview is provided of the plans for a UK national three-dimensional electron-microscopy facility for integrated structural biology to enable internationally leading research on the machinery of life. State-of-the-art equipment operated with expert support will be provided, optimized for both atomic-level single-particle analysis of purified macromolecules and complexes and for tomography of cell sections. The access to and organization of the facility will be modelled on the highly successful macromolecular crystallography (MX) synchrotron beamlines, and will be embedded at the Diamond Light Source, facilitating the development of user-friendly workflows providing near-real-time experimental feedback

    PLoS Pathog

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    Cells employ active measures to restrict infection by pathogens, even prior to responses from the innate and humoral immune defenses. In this context selective autophagy is activated upon pathogen induced membrane rupture to sequester and deliver membrane fragments and their pathogen contents for lysosomal degradation. Adenoviruses, which breach the endosome upon entry, escape this fate by penetrating into the cytosol prior to autophagosome sequestration of the ruptured endosome. We show that virus induced membrane damage is recognized through Galectin-8 and sequesters the autophagy receptors NDP52 and p62. We further show that a conserved PPxY motif in the viral membrane lytic protein VI is critical for efficient viral evasion of autophagic sequestration after endosomal lysis. Comparing the wildtype with a PPxY-mutant virus we show that depletion of Galectin-8 or suppression of autophagy in ATG5-/- MEFs rescues infectivity of the PPxY-mutant virus while depletion of the autophagy receptors NDP52, p62 has only minor effects. Furthermore we show that wildtype viruses exploit the autophagic machinery for efficient nuclear genome delivery and control autophagosome formation via the cellular ubiquitin ligase Nedd4.2 resulting in reduced antigenic presentation. Our data thus demonstrate that a short PPxY-peptide motif in the adenoviral capsid permits multi-layered viral control of autophagic processes during entry