570 research outputs found

    Acyclic orientations with path constraints

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    Many well-known combinatorial optimization problems can be stated over the set of acyclic orientations of an undirected graph. For example, acyclic orientations with certain diameter constraints are closely related to the optimal solutions of the vertex coloring and frequency assignment problems. In this paper we introduce a linear programming formulation of acyclic orientations with path constraints, and discuss its use in the solution of the vertex coloring problem and some versions of the frequency assignment problem. A study of the polytope associated with the formulation is presented, including proofs of which constraints of the formulation are facet-defining and the introduction of new classes of valid inequalities

    On the complexity of the multiple stack TSP, kSTSP

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    The multiple Stack Travelling Salesman Problem, STSP, deals with the collect and the deliverance of n commodities in two distinct cities. The two cities are represented by means of two edge-valued graphs (G1,d2) and (G2,d2). During the pick-up tour, the commodities are stored into a container whose rows are subject to LIFO constraints. As a generalisation of standard TSP, the problem obviously is NP-hard; nevertheless, one could wonder about what combinatorial structure of STSP does the most impact its complexity: the arrangement of the commodities into the container, or the tours themselves? The answer is not clear. First, given a pair (T1,T2) of pick-up and delivery tours, it is polynomial to decide whether these tours are or not compatible. Second, for a given arrangement of the commodities into the k rows of the container, the optimum pick-up and delivery tours w.r.t. this arrangement can be computed within a time that is polynomial in n, but exponential in k. Finally, we provide instances on which a tour that is optimum for one of three distances d1, d2 or d1+d2 lead to solutions of STSP that are arbitrarily far to the optimum STSP

    An Improved Private Mechanism for Small Databases

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    We study the problem of answering a workload of linear queries Q\mathcal{Q}, on a database of size at most n=o(Q)n = o(|\mathcal{Q}|) drawn from a universe U\mathcal{U} under the constraint of (approximate) differential privacy. Nikolov, Talwar, and Zhang~\cite{NTZ} proposed an efficient mechanism that, for any given Q\mathcal{Q} and nn, answers the queries with average error that is at most a factor polynomial in logQ\log |\mathcal{Q}| and logU\log |\mathcal{U}| worse than the best possible. Here we improve on this guarantee and give a mechanism whose competitiveness ratio is at most polynomial in logn\log n and logU\log |\mathcal{U}|, and has no dependence on Q|\mathcal{Q}|. Our mechanism is based on the projection mechanism of Nikolov, Talwar, and Zhang, but in place of an ad-hoc noise distribution, we use a distribution which is in a sense optimal for the projection mechanism, and analyze it using convex duality and the restricted invertibility principle.Comment: To appear in ICALP 2015, Track

    Towards More Practical Linear Programming-based Techniques for Algorithmic Mechanism Design

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    R. Lavy and C. Swamy (FOCS 2005, J. ACM 2011) introduced a general method for obtaining truthful-in-expectation mechanisms from linear programming based approximation algorithms. Due to the use of the Ellipsoid method, a direct implementation of the method is unlikely to be efficient in practice. We propose to use the much simpler and usually faster multiplicative weights update method instead. The simplification comes at the cost of slightly weaker approximation and truthfulness guarantees

    Metro-Line Crossing Minimization: Hardness, Approximations, and Tractable Cases

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    Crossing minimization is one of the central problems in graph drawing. Recently, there has been an increased interest in the problem of minimizing crossings between paths in drawings of graphs. This is the metro-line crossing minimization problem (MLCM): Given an embedded graph and a set L of simple paths, called lines, order the lines on each edge so that the total number of crossings is minimized. So far, the complexity of MLCM has been an open problem. In contrast, the problem variant in which line ends must be placed in outermost position on their edges (MLCM-P) is known to be NP-hard. Our main results answer two open questions: (i) We show that MLCM is NP-hard. (ii) We give an O(logL)O(\sqrt{\log |L|})-approximation algorithm for MLCM-P

    Quantum Separability and Entanglement Detection via Entanglement-Witness Search and Global Optimization

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    We focus on determining the separability of an unknown bipartite quantum state ρ\rho by invoking a sufficiently large subset of all possible entanglement witnesses given the expected value of each element of a set of mutually orthogonal observables. We review the concept of an entanglement witness from the geometrical point of view and use this geometry to show that the set of separable states is not a polytope and to characterize the class of entanglement witnesses (observables) that detect entangled states on opposite sides of the set of separable states. All this serves to motivate a classical algorithm which, given the expected values of a subset of an orthogonal basis of observables of an otherwise unknown quantum state, searches for an entanglement witness in the span of the subset of observables. The idea of such an algorithm, which is an efficient reduction of the quantum separability problem to a global optimization problem, was introduced in PRA 70 060303(R), where it was shown to be an improvement on the naive approach for the quantum separability problem (exhaustive search for a decomposition of the given state into a convex combination of separable states). The last section of the paper discusses in more generality such algorithms, which, in our case, assume a subroutine that computes the global maximum of a real function of several variables. Despite this, we anticipate that such algorithms will perform sufficiently well on small instances that they will render a feasible test for separability in some cases of interest (e.g. in 3-by-3 dimensional systems)

    Relaxations of vertex packing

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    AbstractA polynomially computable upper bound for the weighted independence number of a graph is studied. This gives rise to a convex body containing the vertex packing polytope of the graph. This body is a polytope if and only if the graph is perfect. As an application of these notions, we show that the maximum weight independent set of an h-perfect graph can be found in polynomial time

    Disorder induced rounding of the phase transition in the large q-state Potts model

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    The phase transition in the q-state Potts model with homogeneous ferromagnetic couplings is strongly first order for large q, while is rounded in the presence of quenched disorder. Here we study this phenomenon on different two-dimensional lattices by using the fact that the partition function of the model is dominated by a single diagram of the high-temperature expansion, which is calculated by an efficient combinatorial optimization algorithm. For a given finite sample with discrete randomness the free energy is a pice-wise linear function of the temperature, which is rounded after averaging, however the discontinuity of the internal energy at the transition point (i.e. the latent heat) stays finite even in the thermodynamic limit. For a continuous disorder, instead, the latent heat vanishes. At the phase transition point the dominant diagram percolates and the total magnetic moment is related to the size of the percolating cluster. Its fractal dimension is found d_f=(5+\sqrt{5})/4 and it is independent of the type of the lattice and the form of disorder. We argue that the critical behavior is exclusively determined by disorder and the corresponding fixed point is the isotropic version of the so called infinite randomness fixed point, which is realized in random quantum spin chains. From this mapping we conjecture the values of the critical exponents as \beta=2-d_f, \beta_s=1/2 and \nu=1.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, version as publishe