336 research outputs found

    The Living and Working Together Perspective on Creativity in Organizations

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    Although creativity represents a cornerstone for organizations that want to keep up with competitors, customers, and the current socio-economic context, there is a dearth in the literature of systemic and comprehensive models focused on the complexity and addressing several dimensions and factors. In this context, we propose the perspective of “working and living together in organizations” to enrich the scientific dialogue with a proposition that aims to hold together different variables of interaction and relationship between different parts of the organization (Gozzoli, 2016a,b). In fact, according to our previous studies (Frascaroli et al., 2016; Gorli et al., 2016; Marta et al., 2016; Saita et al., 2016; Tamanza et al., 2016), a generative living and working together environment is itself directly linked to creativity and innovative processes. This is because in a generative living and working together environment relationality – that is, the possibility of exchange among workers mediated by the object of work – is enabled. With this study, we intend to provide a contribution to the creativity study field, applying our perspective to an extensive level of analysis. The model was tested using the Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling methodology with EQS-6.3. Our results found some interesting elements in support of the theory behind this study

    Legislazione condonistica, Scudo Fiscale e Principi Costituzionali

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    Il presente lavoro vuole provare ad analizzare la natura delle varie leggi di condono fiscale che negli ultimi decenni hanno invaso l’ordinamento tributario, in particolare ci soffermeremo sulle tre leggi istitutive dei cosiddetti scudi fiscali. Si vuole verificare la loro legittimità rispetto ai principi costituzionali di uguaglianza e capacità contributiva

    Progetto e realizzazione di un sistema automatico per l'analisi dei flussi di traffico.

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    La disponibilità di sistemi di misurazione del traffico veicolare efficienti e accurati è uno dei requisiti fondamentali della moderna pianificazione urbanistica. In questo lavoro ho descritto la progettazione e il funzionamento di un sistema automatico di misurazione del traffico basato su un sensore laser a scansione radiale, controllato da una piattaforma PowerPC equipaggiata con sistema operativo real-time XO/2. Il sistema proposto consente di monitorare e identificare veicoli e persone che attraversano il campo visivo del sensore e di effettuare delle misurazioni a fini statistici

    Sport for Vulnerable Youth: The Role of Multi-Professional Groups in Sustaining Intersectoral Collaboration

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    Intersectoral actions in the sport-for-development field constitute a pre-condition for the implementation of sport-based interventions. At an operational level, the multi-professional group is the tool through which intersectoral collaboration may successfully achieve its aims. Despite the prominent role of the group, this topic is under-researched in terms of understanding intersectoral actions in the sport-for-development field. By applying a psycho-sociological perspective, our research explores the role of the multi-professional group as a limit/resource for sport-for-development workers that operate with vulnerable youth. Following a phenomenological interpretive approach, 12 practitioners (six sport workers and six social workers) participated in semi-structured interviews to explore the role of multi-professional groups as a resource/limit in working with socially vulnerable youth through sport. The results indicate that, in the participants’ experience, belonging to a multi-professional group is a meaningful resource to trigger reflexivity, promote collaboration and integrate their different professions. The interviews highlighted the positive potential of this tool to address the challenges that emerge when working with socially vulnerable youth, including the management of negative emotions, unexpected events and the relationship with young people. Some interviews also suggested that the presence of multiple professions, under certain circumstances, may be a risk when working with youth. These findings have significant value for programme design, strategy and management as they show the value of trans-disciplinary practices as an agenda for social inclusion through sport

    Living and Working Together in Organizations: Theme Relevance—An Introduction

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    Living together has always been a complex challenge. As a matter of fact, peo- ple interact, develop relationships, produce, and share spaces and time in organi- zations, with no chance to choose each other in the majority of cases. Different stories and professional gures intertwine highlighting that the Other cannot be reduced to the Self

    At the end of the match : exploring retirement of Italian football players

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    Retirement of Italian football players is unknown, thus, after analysing current literature about leaving from sport and using a Phenomenological-Interpretative approach we develop an explorative study on Italian former football players' experience of withdrawal. We interview 14 former players that competed in the highest level of Italian football Championship, to better understand their lived experience of retirement and compare it with literature. It emerges that the minority of football players choose voluntary to retire - except in the case when they enter into their Clubs as coaches or manager - and cannot plan retirement in advance; they share a strong athletic identity but the risk of identity foreclosure seems to be moderated by social support, especially from families and partners, while less from sport context (coach and teammates). Implications for future research in Italy and the work of sport psychologists and professional Clubs of football are discussed.La retirada de jugadores de fútbol en Italia es desconocida. Así, después de analizar la literatura actual y usando un enfoque fenomenológico-interpretativo, desarrollamos un estudio exploratorio sobre esta experiencia de los ex-jugadores de fútbol italiano. Entrevistamos a 14 ex-jugadores, que compitieron en el más alto nivel del Campeonato de Fútbol italiano, para comprender su experiencia de jubilación y compararla con la literatura. La minoría de jugadores de fútbol eligen voluntariamente retirarse - excepto en el caso de que entren a sus clubes como entrenadores o gestores - y no quieren planificar la jubilación anticipadamente. Comparten una fuerte identidad atlética, pero el riesgo de exclusión de identidad parece ser moderado por el apoyo social, especialmente de las familias, pero menos del contexto deportivo (entrenador y compañeros de equipo). Se discuten las implicaciones para futuras investigaciones en Italia y el trabajo de psicólogos deportivos y clubes profesionales de fútbol

    Le lesioni traumatiche della milza: recenti acquisizioni e prospettive.

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    Il trauma rappresenta la 4° causa di morte in tutto il mondo e la prima per soggetti di età inferiore a 40 anni nei paesi industrializzati. La milza è l’organo addominale più frequentemente coinvolto nei traumi addominali chiusi, a causa della sua localizzazione, delle caratteristiche anatomiche e dell’elevata vascolarizzazione. Nel 46% dei traumi chiusi si ha un interessamento splenico isolato, essendo più frequente la presenza di altre lesioni associate, in particolare del fegato, rene, mesentere, intestino tenue e colon. Fino agli anni ’60 l’unico trattamento proposto è stato la splenectomia - Operative Management (OM). Dal 1968, quando Upadhyaya P. e Simpson J.S. hanno proposto il “Non Operative Management” (NOM) nei pazienti pediatrici con trauma splenico, si è assistito ad una progressiva diffusione dell’approccio conservativo. Il NOM, si prefigge l’obiettivo, attraverso selettivi criteri di inclusione, in particolare la stabilità emodinamica, di preservare la funzionalità splenica. Questo studio propone una review dei pazienti con trauma splenico, afferiti all’U.O. di Chirurgia d’Urgenza Universitaria negli ultimi 10 anni, e trattati sia con OM, sia con NOM

    The Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS): A Contribution to the Italian Validation

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    In the current globalized working context, professionals are asked to be able to implement specific competences. Cultural Intelligence is a construct referring to an individual’s ability to function and manage effectively in culturally diverse settings and is conceived as an aggregate multidimensional construct. Purpose of this study was to examine the validity of score interpretations of the Italian version of the Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS). CQS is aimed to measure individual ability to understand, act and manage effectively in culturally diverse settings. Participants were 755 professionals (females = 64.2%) from different organizational contexts, ranging from 20 to 63 years old (M = 40.4; SD = 10.29). Data were collected with the Italian translated version of the CQS. Results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) suggested good data-model fit. As proposed in the original version, CQS is composed of 20 items and four different theoretical dimensions (Metacognitive, Cognitive, Motivational, and Behavioral) that correlate with each other. This study could be considered a first contribution to fill the lack of self-report measure concerning cultural intelligence in the Italian context with a scale showing promising results

    The Effect of the Psychological Sense of Community on the Psychological Well-Being in Older Volunteers

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    Ageing populations across Europe are increasing. Communities have an important role in not only engaging this segment of the population but also in helping them to make them feel "part of something" (local or global) in order to favour their psychological well-being. The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of volunteering and being connected in one's community on well-being. The present paper will test an older volunteers' psychological well-being model. 143 older volunteers completed measures of religiousness, sense of global responsibility, psychological sense of community, generativity, motivation to volunteer and a profile of mood states. Data show that a psychological sense of community has a key role in the study of older volunteerism due to its impact on well-being. Service agencies and administrations can develop campaigns to sustain older volunteerism in order to increase well-being and reduce social costs
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