41 research outputs found

    The structure of modern habitat: an ontological and a factor model

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    The article proposed the analysis of evolutionary variations for the formation of human environment. The preconditions and consequences of technosphere historical emergence are analyzed. The transformation the technical system role is demonstrated from the perspective of social and cultural sphere element to the position of a primate sphere, the determinant of the human environment development vecto

    Experimental study of metallothionein synthesis in modeling hyperthermic intraoperative intraperitoneal chemoperfusion with cysplatinum

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    Pykhtieieva E. D., Pykhtieieva E. G., Gozhenko A. I. Experimental study of metallothionein synthesis in modeling hyperthermic intraoperative intraperitoneal chemoperfusion with cysplatinum. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2018;8(1):391-396. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2652080 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/6867 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2018; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 23.01.2018. Revised: 26.01.2018. Accepted: 31.01.2018. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF METALLOTHIONEIN SYNTHESIS IN MODELING HYPERTHERMIC INTRAOPERATIVE INTRAPERITONEAL CHEMOPERFUSION WITH CYSPLATINUM E. D. Pykhtieieva, E. G. Pykhtieieva, A. I. Gozhenko Ukrainian Research Institute of Transport Medicine, Odessa, Ukraine Abstract In an experiment on white wild-type laboratory rats, it was shown that 90 minutes after intraperitoneal administration of cisplatin at a dose of 4 mg / kg as a solution heated to 43 °C, the integral level of metallothionein significantly increased in the organs. Metallothionein actively binds toxic compounds of metals, including platinum. This may be one of the main reasons for developing resistance to platinum drugs with repeated courses of chemotherapy. Fast inductive synthesis of MT with the introduction of heavy metal compounds is one of the mechanisms of adaptation of the organism to the introduction of a highly toxic platinum compound. The binding of platinum to the sulfhydryl groups of metallothionein reduces the side effect of cisplatin while simultaneously decreasing its antitumor activity. It is not recommended to use the main metallothionein inducers (Zn, Se, antioxidants) in patients with cisplatin sensitive tumors before chemotherapy courses. Key words: cisplatin, kidneys, liver, metallothionei

    Determination of biochemical indicators when modeling HIPEC with cisplatin on rats

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    HIPEC (Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy; hyperthermic intraoperative intraperitoneally chemoperfusion) is a method of treating primary and secondary peritoneal tumors. Perfusion of the peritoneal cavity with solutions with cytotoxic agents at a temperature above the physiological norm (41-43 ° C) occurs when HIPEC. The conducted biochemical studies suggest that with HIPEC, elevated temperature is an important factor and leads to potentiation of the toxic effect of cisplatin. Despite the higher accumulation of platinum in the kidneys during cold solution perfusion, the resulting change in biochemical parameters is higher with the simultaneous action of elevated temperature and cisplatin

    Organizational bases of resort medical centers with the of quality management systems

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    With the introduction of a quality management system in spa health centers (sanatoria), opportunities for development and profitability are increasing. The organization of the structure of the medical center's work at the resort has its own peculiarities, which should be reflected in the routes of patients, the rules for the provision of medical care. The development of spa medical centers is reasonably feasible in the context of improving the infrastructure, taking into account the competitive advantages of the resort, introducing modern technology of treatment and marketing strategies

    Changes of microelement homeostasis when modeling HIPEC with cisplatine

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    HIPEC was simulated on laboratory rats using cisplatin (CP) at a dose of 4 mg/kg. It has been shown that perfusion of a hot and cold solution of CP changes the accumulation of platinum and the concentration of heavy metals in organs (liver, kidney, spleen, blood) in different ways. An acute HIPEC simulation experiment shows that in a fairly short exposure time, critical absorption of platinum into the blood from the abdominal cavity does not occur, although the concentration of platinum in the blood is still growing. At the same time, Pt was found on the surface of parenchymal organs and the peritoneum of rats after the end of the experiment. This platinum is closely related to the surface and is not removed during the washing process. This suggests that the general toxic effect of platinum is less pronounced and delayed than with intravenous administration, but it will certainly occur through further interorgan redistribution

    Experimental study of metallothionein synthesis in modeling hyperthermic intraoperative intraperitoneal chemoperfusion with cysplatinum

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    In an experiment on white wild-type laboratory rats, it was shown that 90 minutes after intraperitoneal administration of cisplatin at a dose of 4 mg / kg as a solution heated to 43 °C, the integral level of metallothionein significantly increased in the organs. Metallothionein actively binds toxic compounds of metals, including platinum. This may be one of the main reasons for developing resistance to platinum drugs with repeated courses of chemotherapy. Fast inductive synthesis of MT with the introduction of heavy metal compounds is one of the mechanisms of adaptation of the organism to the introduction of a highly toxic platinum compound. The binding of platinum to the sulfhydryl groups of metallothionein reduces the side effect of cisplatin while simultaneously decreasing its antitumor activity. It is not recommended to use the main metallothionein inducers (Zn, Se, antioxidants) in patients with cisplatin sensitive tumors before chemotherapy courses

    Information sphere: prospects of development and social risks

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    In article the increasing relevance and the information importance in spheres of the modern habitat of the person from a position of a scientific discourse, public attention and dialogue of the international community is considere

    The therapeutic effect of antidisbiotic means on the mucous sheath of rats digestive tract, obtaining peroxidized sunflower oil

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    Aim: Determine the therapeutic effect of antidysbiosis agents (ADA) on the condition of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract when consumed per-oxidized sunflower oil (PSO). Materials and Methods: Rats were fed 4 g / kg of PSO for 75 days. From the 31st day, they were administered one of the following ADA with 300 mg / kg of food: kvertulin (quercetin + inulin + calcium citrate), lekvin (lecithin + kvertulin) and lysozyme-forte (lysozyme + quercetin + inulin + gelatin + calcium citrate). The activity of elastase, urease, lysozyme, catalase and the content of MDA were determined in the homogenates of the mucous cheeks, small and large intestine. The ratio of catalase activity and the content of MDA was calculated by the API index, and the ratio of the relative activities of urease and lysozyme - the degree of dysbiosis. Results: The consumption of PSO in rats in the mucous membranes of the digestive tract increases the activity of elastase, urease, MDA content and the degree of dysbiosis while reducing the activity of lysozyme, catalase and the API index. In rats treated with ADA, the activity of elastase, urease, MDA content, and the degree of dysbiosis decrease, but the activity of lysozyme and catalase increase. Conclusion: Peroxide intoxication causes the development of mucositis, which can be prevented by antidysbiosis agents

    Atherosclerosis: new achievements and failures

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    The article presents current information on the leading causes of atherosclerosis and its underlying mechanisms of pathogenesis, examined predictors of early stages of atherosclerosis (ІL-1β, ІL-6, FNP-α, NO, MCP-1, Fres, endothelin-1, CRP, which can join and heparin). The prospects of a new enzyme inhibition and RSSK9, 33a mRNA in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Analyzed the contradictions of using inhibitors cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP), new European and American recommendations in the management of patients with dyslipidemia.В статье представлены современные сведения о ведущих причинах атеросклероза и основных механизмах его патогенеза, рассмотрены предикторы ранних стадий развития атеросклероза (ІЛ-1β, ІЛ-6, ФНП-α, NO, MCP-1, ФРЕС, эндотелин-1, СРБ, к которым может присоединиться и гепарин). Показана перспектива нового ферменте РСSK9 и ингибирование mРНК 33а в лечение сердечнососудистой патологии. Проанализированы противоречиях использования ингибиторов белка переносчика эфиров холестерина (СЕТР), новые Европейские и Американские рекомендации при ведении больных с дислипидемиями

    Gas Discharge Visualization (Electrophotonic Imaging, Kirlianography). Theoretical and Applied Aspects, 189 s.

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    The monograph highlights the results of priority clinical-physiological studies of the relationships between gas discharge visualization (electrophotonic imaging, kirlianography) parameters, on the one hand, and electroencephalograms, heart rate variability, immunograms, phagocytosis, the content of the main adaptation hormones (cortisol, aldosterone, testosterone, triiodothyronine, calcitonin) in the blood as well as acupuncture points - on the other hand. It is shown that the GDV/EPI method reliably reflects the state of the body's neuro-endocrine-immune complex as well as others parameters and has the right to take its place in the arsenal of physiological/biophysical methods. For biophysicists, physiologists, psychophysiologists, endocrinologists, immunologists, medical rehabilitation specialists. INTRODUCTION Advances in biophysics, biology, functional genomics, neuroscience, psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, and other fields suggest the existence of a subtle system of “biofield” interactions that organize biological processes from the subatomic, atomic, molecular, cellular, and organismic to the interpersonal and cosmic levels. Biofield interactions may bring about regulation of biochemical, cellular, and neurological processes through means related to electromagnetism, quantum fields, and perhaps other means of modulating biological activity and information flow. The biofield paradigm, in contrast to a reductionist, chemistry-centered viewpoint, emphasizes the informational content of biological processes; biofield interactions are thought to operate in part via low-energy or “subtle” processes such as weak, nonthermal electromagnetic fields (EMFs) or processes potentially related to consciousness and nonlocality. Biofield interactions may also operate through or be reflected in more well-understood informational processes found in EEG and ECG data. Recent advances have led to the development of a wide variety of therapeutic and diagnostic biofield devices, defined as physical instruments best understood from the viewpoint of a biofield paradigm [Muehsam D et al, 2015]. Biofield devices comprise physical instruments that may be most clearly understood from the viewpoint of a biofield paradigm, and a large and diverse number of devices have been developed to measure or manipulate biofield interactions. These include both diagnostic devices (to measure biofield properties) and therapeutic devices (to manipulate biofield interactions). The study of biofield devices is at a nascent stage of development, and much further research is needed to determine clinical efficacy and elucidate the underlying mechanisms of action for many of the devices mentioned here. The biofield devices operate through a variety of modalities rather than a single mechanism. Some biofield devices function through well-understood mechanisms and are already widely used in clinical settings: for example, electroencephalography (EEG)- and electrocardiography (ECG)-based heart rate variability (HRV). Other devices appear to operate through mechanisms that are novel or incompletely understood. However, all of these devices share a common property: rather than functioning primarily in a reductionist, chemistry-centered manner, biofield devices function via the informational content of biological processes and can interact via low-energy or “subtle” processes, including those potentially related to consciousness and nonlocality [Muehsam D et al, 2015]. Here Muehsam D et al [2015] provide a brief overview of the broad categories of biofield devices, with the goal being to stimulate further discussion and research. Authors describe those devices for which thay deemed that sufficient evidence exists to warrant mention. They chose to focus upon devices for which peer-reviewed scientific reports suggesting efficacy are available rather than conference proceedings or manufacturers' white papers. However, in the few cases that specific devices with sufficient promise and relevance lacked a peer-reviewed basis, authors have presented whatever evidence was available. Here, devices are organized according to mode of operation and these modalities include electromagnetic field (EMF)-light, EMF-heat, EMF-nonthermal, electrical current, vibration and sound, physical and mechanical, intentionality and nonlocality, gas and plasma, and other (mode of operation not well understood). Muehsam D et al [2015] deemed that gas discharge visualization (GDV) is an important example of the use of plasma in biofield science. Back in 1880 Nikola Tesla demonstrated that when placing the man in the high-frequency field around the body there is a bright glow [cit. by Korotkov KG, 2001]. In 1892 Nardkevych-Yodko YO recorded glow human hands on photographic plate [cit. by Ciesielska I, 2009]. However, a well-known method of "high-frequency photography" was due to spouses Kirlian SD&VH who in 1939 independently discovered this phenomenon [Kirlian SD & Kirlian VKh, 1961], later called "Kirlian’s effect". This technique has been called corona discharge photography [Boyers DG & Tiller WA, 1973], electrophotography [Earle L, 1975], electrography [Konikiewicz LW, 1979], GDV [Bankovskii NG et al, 1986]. In 1996 Korotkov KG created a new scientific approach, based on the digital videotechnics, modern electronics and computer processing quantitative data, called as method gas discharge visualization (GDV bioelectrography). Parallel uses the terms Kirlianography and Electrophotonic imaging (EPI) [Korotkov KG, 2001; 2007; 2014; Korotkov KG et al, 2002; Wisneski LA & Anderson L, 2009; Jakovleva E & Korotkov K, 2013]. Method of GDV, essence of which consists in registration of photoelectronic emission of skin, induced by high-frequency electromagnetic impulses, allows to estimate integrated psycho-somatic state of organism. The first base parameter of GDV is Area of Gas Discharge Image (GDI) in Right, Frontal and Left projections registered both with and without polyethylene filter. The second base parameter is a coefficient of form/shape (ratio of square of length of external contour of GDI toward his area), which characterizes the measure of serration/fractality of external contour. The third base parameter of GDI is Entropy, id est measure of chaos. It is considered that GDI, taken off without filter, characterizes the functional changes of organism, and with a filter characterizes organic changes. Program estimates also Energy and Asymmetry of virtual Chakras [Korotkov KG, 2001; 2007; 2014]. Nearly 1000 papers have been published (mostly in Russian) on GDV research and a few hundred more in the West. These intriguing data suggest that informatics based upon biofield measurement devices such as the GDV may be useful for gaining deeper understanding of disease states and guiding practitioners and their patients towards states of greater wellness [Muehsam D et al, 2015]. Without regard to the wideuse enough of method in medicine, psychology, valeology and others like that, he yields to the just criticizing for an insufficient physiology ground. There fore we put before itself sweep to analyse relationships between the parameters of GDV - from one side, and by the row of neurodynamics, endocrine, immune. psychophysiological, and other parameters - on the other hand