Gas Discharge Visualization (Electrophotonic Imaging, Kirlianography). Theoretical and Applied Aspects, 189 s.


The monograph highlights the results of priority clinical-physiological studies of the relationships between gas discharge visualization (electrophotonic imaging, kirlianography) parameters, on the one hand, and electroencephalograms, heart rate variability, immunograms, phagocytosis, the content of the main adaptation hormones (cortisol, aldosterone, testosterone, triiodothyronine, calcitonin) in the blood as well as acupuncture points - on the other hand. It is shown that the GDV/EPI method reliably reflects the state of the body's neuro-endocrine-immune complex as well as others parameters and has the right to take its place in the arsenal of physiological/biophysical methods. For biophysicists, physiologists, psychophysiologists, endocrinologists, immunologists, medical rehabilitation specialists. INTRODUCTION Advances in biophysics, biology, functional genomics, neuroscience, psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, and other fields suggest the existence of a subtle system of “biofield” interactions that organize biological processes from the subatomic, atomic, molecular, cellular, and organismic to the interpersonal and cosmic levels. Biofield interactions may bring about regulation of biochemical, cellular, and neurological processes through means related to electromagnetism, quantum fields, and perhaps other means of modulating biological activity and information flow. The biofield paradigm, in contrast to a reductionist, chemistry-centered viewpoint, emphasizes the informational content of biological processes; biofield interactions are thought to operate in part via low-energy or “subtle” processes such as weak, nonthermal electromagnetic fields (EMFs) or processes potentially related to consciousness and nonlocality. Biofield interactions may also operate through or be reflected in more well-understood informational processes found in EEG and ECG data. Recent advances have led to the development of a wide variety of therapeutic and diagnostic biofield devices, defined as physical instruments best understood from the viewpoint of a biofield paradigm [Muehsam D et al, 2015]. Biofield devices comprise physical instruments that may be most clearly understood from the viewpoint of a biofield paradigm, and a large and diverse number of devices have been developed to measure or manipulate biofield interactions. These include both diagnostic devices (to measure biofield properties) and therapeutic devices (to manipulate biofield interactions). The study of biofield devices is at a nascent stage of development, and much further research is needed to determine clinical efficacy and elucidate the underlying mechanisms of action for many of the devices mentioned here. The biofield devices operate through a variety of modalities rather than a single mechanism. Some biofield devices function through well-understood mechanisms and are already widely used in clinical settings: for example, electroencephalography (EEG)- and electrocardiography (ECG)-based heart rate variability (HRV). Other devices appear to operate through mechanisms that are novel or incompletely understood. However, all of these devices share a common property: rather than functioning primarily in a reductionist, chemistry-centered manner, biofield devices function via the informational content of biological processes and can interact via low-energy or “subtle” processes, including those potentially related to consciousness and nonlocality [Muehsam D et al, 2015]. Here Muehsam D et al [2015] provide a brief overview of the broad categories of biofield devices, with the goal being to stimulate further discussion and research. Authors describe those devices for which thay deemed that sufficient evidence exists to warrant mention. They chose to focus upon devices for which peer-reviewed scientific reports suggesting efficacy are available rather than conference proceedings or manufacturers' white papers. However, in the few cases that specific devices with sufficient promise and relevance lacked a peer-reviewed basis, authors have presented whatever evidence was available. Here, devices are organized according to mode of operation and these modalities include electromagnetic field (EMF)-light, EMF-heat, EMF-nonthermal, electrical current, vibration and sound, physical and mechanical, intentionality and nonlocality, gas and plasma, and other (mode of operation not well understood). Muehsam D et al [2015] deemed that gas discharge visualization (GDV) is an important example of the use of plasma in biofield science. Back in 1880 Nikola Tesla demonstrated that when placing the man in the high-frequency field around the body there is a bright glow [cit. by Korotkov KG, 2001]. In 1892 Nardkevych-Yodko YO recorded glow human hands on photographic plate [cit. by Ciesielska I, 2009]. However, a well-known method of "high-frequency photography" was due to spouses Kirlian SD&VH who in 1939 independently discovered this phenomenon [Kirlian SD & Kirlian VKh, 1961], later called "Kirlian’s effect". This technique has been called corona discharge photography [Boyers DG & Tiller WA, 1973], electrophotography [Earle L, 1975], electrography [Konikiewicz LW, 1979], GDV [Bankovskii NG et al, 1986]. In 1996 Korotkov KG created a new scientific approach, based on the digital videotechnics, modern electronics and computer processing quantitative data, called as method gas discharge visualization (GDV bioelectrography). Parallel uses the terms Kirlianography and Electrophotonic imaging (EPI) [Korotkov KG, 2001; 2007; 2014; Korotkov KG et al, 2002; Wisneski LA & Anderson L, 2009; Jakovleva E & Korotkov K, 2013]. Method of GDV, essence of which consists in registration of photoelectronic emission of skin, induced by high-frequency electromagnetic impulses, allows to estimate integrated psycho-somatic state of organism. The first base parameter of GDV is Area of Gas Discharge Image (GDI) in Right, Frontal and Left projections registered both with and without polyethylene filter. The second base parameter is a coefficient of form/shape (ratio of square of length of external contour of GDI toward his area), which characterizes the measure of serration/fractality of external contour. The third base parameter of GDI is Entropy, id est measure of chaos. It is considered that GDI, taken off without filter, characterizes the functional changes of organism, and with a filter characterizes organic changes. Program estimates also Energy and Asymmetry of virtual Chakras [Korotkov KG, 2001; 2007; 2014]. Nearly 1000 papers have been published (mostly in Russian) on GDV research and a few hundred more in the West. These intriguing data suggest that informatics based upon biofield measurement devices such as the GDV may be useful for gaining deeper understanding of disease states and guiding practitioners and their patients towards states of greater wellness [Muehsam D et al, 2015]. Without regard to the wideuse enough of method in medicine, psychology, valeology and others like that, he yields to the just criticizing for an insufficient physiology ground. There fore we put before itself sweep to analyse relationships between the parameters of GDV - from one side, and by the row of neurodynamics, endocrine, immune. psychophysiological, and other parameters - on the other hand

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