96 research outputs found

    Application of ORC power station to increase electric power of gas compression ignition engine

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    The paper presents the calculation results of efficiency of the subcritical low temperature ORC power station powered by waste heat resulting from the process of cooling a stationary compression ignition engine. The source of heat to supply the ORC power station is the heat in a form of water jet cooling the engine at a temperature of 92°C, and the exhaust gas stream at a temperature of 420°C. The study considers three variants of systems with the ORC power stations with different ways of using heat source. The first variant assumes using just engine cooling water to power the ORC station. In the second variant the ORC system is powered solely by a heat flux from the combustion gases by means of an intermediary medium - thermal oil, while the third variant provides the simultaneous management of both heat fluxes to heat the water stream as a source of power supply to the ORC station. The calculations were made for the eight working media belonging both to groups of so-called dry media (R218, R1234yf, R227ea) and wet media (R32, R161, R152a, R134a, R22)

    Porównanie skuteczności wybranych algorytmów rozpoznawania twarzy w przypadku zdjęć o niskiej jakości

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    The goal of the article is to determine the effectiveness of popular face recognition algorithms for poor quality photos. Basic facial recognition algorithms such as LBPH, Eigenfaces and Fisherfaces were described during the work. A research platform equipped with software allowing to test data and collect results was created. The results of the research showed that the only algorithm suitable for such solutions is LBPH. The others, however, did not achieve a sufficiently high effectiveness factor.Celem artykułu jest określenie skuteczności popularnych algorytmów rozpoznawania twarzy w przypadku zdjęć o niskiej jakości. W trakcie pracy zostały opisane podstawowe algorytmy rozpoznawania twarzy takie jak LBPH, Eigenfaces i Fisherfaces. Do przeprowadzenia badań stworzono platformę badawczą wyposażona w  oprogramowanie pozwalające testować dane i zbierać wyniki. Rezultaty badań pokazała, że jedynym algorytmem nadającym się do takich rozwiązań jest LBPH. Pozostałe natomiast nie uzyskały odpowiednio wysokiego współczynnika skuteczności

    Evaluation of Dual Side Cooling System for Prismatic Batteries for Vehicle Aplications

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    Today lithium-ion stands out among the various battery technologies in vehicle applications thanks to their good energy density, low self-discharge and the absence of the memory effect. Nevertheless, lithium-ion batteries pose many challenges such as driving range, lifespan, safety issues and also the charging time which is still significant. In order to reduce the charging time, it is necessary to inject a very high current into the battery which may drastically raise its temperature and thus reduce its lifespan. Today, in most cases, the battery pack of an electric vehicle is cooled through flat cooling plates, mounted either by the lateral or the bottom surfaces. These cooling plates can also be used to warm up the battery in cold weather. But during the fast charge, this configuration poses some problems and can be not efficient enough to cool or heat the batteries. In this study, a battery module is thermally managed not only by the bottom cooling plate but also by a second cooling plate placed on the busbars. According to simulations and experimental tests regarding one case study, this configuration makes it possible to not only cool the module more quickly by reducing the thermal time constant by 47% but also reduces the battery maximum pick temperature reached with a conventional cooling system by 6°C. It stands out that the top cooling plate acts like a thermal bridge which unifies the temperature inside the battery module and thus support the equal ageing process of the batteries

    Drop-in energy performance evaluation of R1234yf and R1234ze(E) in a vapour compression system as R134a replacements

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    [EN] This paper presents an energy performance evaluation of two low-GWP refrigerants, R1234yf and R1234ze(E), as drop-in replacements for R134a. Tests are carried out in a monitored vapor compression system combining different values of evaporation and condensation temperature, and without/with the adoption of an internal heat exchanger. The parameters analyzed are volumetric efficiency, cooling capacity and COP and they are presented taking R134a as baseline. Results show that without IHX the average volumetric efficiency for R1234yf and R1234ze is 4% and 5% lower compared with R134a. The cooling capacity obtained with R1234yf and R1234ze is reduced, with an average difference of 9% and 30% without IHX. Also, COP values are about 7% lower for R1234yf and 6% lower for R1234ze than those obtained using R134a. Finally, the use of an internal heat exchanger reduces the COP differences for both replacements. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The authors thankfully acknowledge "Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte" for supporting this work through "Becas y Contratos de Formacion de Profesorado Universitario del Programa Nacional de Formacion de Recursos Humanos de Investigacion del ejercicio 2012".Mota-Babiloni, A.; Navarro-Esbrí, J.; Barragán Cervera, Á.; Molés, F.; Peris, B. (2014). Drop-in energy performance evaluation of R1234yf and R1234ze(E) in a vapour compression system as R134a replacements. Applied Thermal Engineering. 71(1):259-265. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2014.06.056S25926571

    PenQuest Volume 2, Number 1

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    Table of Contents for this Volume: Untitled by Janet Collins Untitled by Judy Gozdur Last Hour of Light by Susan Reed Untitled by Judy Godzur Untitled by Rick Wagner Untitled by Carol Groover Untitled by R. Wagner Only in the Portico by Linda Banicki Untitled by Helen Hagadorn Private Place, Pubic Place by David Reed Untitled by Tammy Hutchinson Untitled by Tammy Hutchinson Madison Knights by Susan Reed Untitled by Sissy Crabtree The Price by Sandra Coleman Untitled by Ann Harrington Invasion of Privacy by Mark Touchton Untitled by Bruce Warner Untitled by Tom Schifanella Untitled by Tammy Hutchinson Bloodwork by Laura Jo Last Untitled by David Whitsett Burial Instructions by Bill Slaughter Untitled by S. Trevett PenQuest Interview: Joe Haldeman by David Reed Her Name Came from the Sea by Richard L. Ewart Untitled by V. Williams In the Woodshed by R. E. Mallery Untitled by Modesta Matthews Untitled by David Olson Illumination by E. Allen Tilley Untitled by Joseph Avanzini Everywoman by Laura Jo Last Untitled by Beth Goeckel Believe Me by Donna Kaluzniak Untitled by Judy Gozdur Untitled by Judy Gozdur Unicorn by David Reed Untitled by Susan Reed untitled by Paul Cramer Unititled by Lucinda Halsema The Violin by Richard L. Ewart Untitled by Maria Barry Untitled by Roger Whitt Jr. Haiku by Lori Nasrallah Rhymer’s Revolt by R. E. Mallery Untitled by Valerie William

    Physiological and phytochemical aspects of the salt stress response of the dioecious species Rumex thyrsiflorus Fingerh.

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    Szczaw rozpierzchły (Rumex thyrsiflorus Fingerh.) posiada charakterystyczne chromosomy płci (osobniki żeńskie: 2n = 12A + XX, męskie: 2n = 12A + XY1Y2). Gatunek ten cieszy się dużym zainteresowaniem badawczym ze względu na dymorfizm płciowy i wytwarzane metabolity wtórne, głównie związki fenolowe, które swoje zastosowanie znajdują w farmakologii. Celem eksperymentu było ustalenie, czy reakcja na stres solny różni się w zależności od płci i czy odpowiednie stężenie NaCl w pożywce hodowlanej może zwiększyć biosyntezę związków fenolowych w kulturach zawiesinowych kalusa i hodowli hydroponicznej regenerantów płci żeńskiej oraz męskiej.Zregenerowane rośliny uzyskano w drodze pośredniej organogenezy, na pożywce MS z 0,5 mg/l TDZ z hipokotyli wyizolowanych z 11-dniowych siewek. Kulturę zawiesinową uzyskano z kalusa otrzymanego na pożywce MS z 0,4 mg/l BAP + 1 mg/l 2,4-D. Badania wykazały, że reakcja na stres solny jest zależna od płci i stężenia NaCl w podłożu hodowlanym. W przypadku kalusa uzyskanego z hipokotyli pobranych z żeńskich i męskich siewek zanotowano znaczny spadek wartości parametrów morfometrycznych u obu płci na podłożu z 0.75% NaCl, natomiast w przypadku płci męskiej podobną redukcję zaobserwowano również przy stężeniu 1% NaCl. Stężenie 0.5% NaCl powodowało spadek wartości parametrów morfometrycznych, względnej zawartości wody (RWC), zawartości barwników fotosyntetycznych i aktywności fotosyntetycznej regenerantów niezależnie od płci. Aczkolwiek, regeneranty hodowane na podłożu z 0.5% NaCl wykazywały wyższe stężenia badanych związków fenolowych w porównaniu z tkanką kalusową. Optymalnym stężeniem NaCl w podłożu hodowlanym do zwiększenia biosyntezy związków fenolowych w kalusie było 0.75% w przypadku płci żeńskiej, oraz 0.25% w przypadku płci męskiej.Wyniki eksperymentu dotyczącego reakcji roślin na stres solny w zależności od płci są cenne w badaniach odporności roślin na stresy środowiskowe w rolnictwie i ekosystemach. Stanowią również punkt wyjścia do badań nad zwiększeniem produkcji istotnych farmakologicznie związków poprzez zmiany poziomu zasolenia podłoża oraz nad znaczeniem dwupienności w fitochemii.Thyrse sorrel (Rumex thyrsiflorus Fingerh.) has characteristic sex chromosomes (females: 2n = 12A + XX, males: 2n = 12A + XY1Y2). This species is of great interest for research due to its sexual dimorphism and the production of secondary metabolites, mainly phenolic compounds used in pharmacology. The aim of the experiment was to determine whether the response to salt stress differs according to sex and whether the appropriate NaCl concentration in the culture medium can increase the biosynthesis of phenolic compounds in callus suspension cultures and hydroponic cultures of female and male regenerants.Regenerated plants were obtained through indirect organogenesis on a MS medium containing 0.5 mg/l TDZ, using hypocotyls isolated from 11-day-old seedlings. Suspension culture was obtained from callus formed on a MS medium supplemented with 0.4 mg/L BAP and 1 mg/L 2,4-D. Research has indicated that the response to salt stress is influenced by both sex and NaCl concentration in the culture medium. When callus obtained from hypocotyls sourced from both female and male seedlings was examined, a significant reduction in morphometric parameters was observed in both genders when cultured on medium containing 0.75% NaCl. In the case of male callus, a similar reduction was observed at 1% NaCl concentration. Moreover, a concentration of 0.5% NaCl resulted in a reduction in morphometric parameters, relative water content (RWC), photosynthetic pigment concentration, and photosynthetic activity among regenerants, irrespective of their sex. Nevertheless, regenerants cultivated on media with 0.5% NaCl exhibited higher concentrations of the phenolic compounds tested compared to callus tissue. The optimal NaCl concentration in the culture medium for enhancing the biosynthesis of phenolic compounds in the callus was determined to be 0.75% for females and 0.25% for males.The results of the experiment on the sex-dependent response of plants to salt stress are valuable for studying the resistance of plants to environmental stress in agriculture and ecosystems. They are also a starting point for research on increasing the production of pharmacologically important compounds by changing the salinity level of the substrate and on the importance of dioecy in phytochemistry