30 research outputs found

    Update of the best practice dietetic management of overweight and obese children and adolescents: a systematic review protocol

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    To update an existing systematic review series of randomized controlled trials (RCT) that include a dietary intervention for the management of overweight or obesity in children or adolescents.Specifically, the review questions are: In randomized controlled trials of interventions which include a dietary intervention for the management of overweight or obesity in children or adolescents

    Stimulation of Chitin Synthesis Rescues Candida albicans from Echinocandins

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    Echinocandins are a new generation of novel antifungal agent that inhibit cell wall β(1,3)-glucan synthesis and are normally cidal for the human pathogen Candida albicans. Treatment of C. albicans with low levels of echinocandins stimulated chitin synthase (CHS) gene expression, increased Chs activity, elevated chitin content and reduced efficacy of these drugs. Elevation of chitin synthesis was mediated via the PKC, HOG, and Ca2+-calcineurin signalling pathways. Stimulation of Chs2p and Chs8p by activators of these pathways enabled cells to survive otherwise lethal concentrations of echinocandins, even in the absence of Chs3p and the normally essential Chs1p, which synthesize the chitinous septal ring and primary septum of the fungus. Under such conditions, a novel proximally offset septum was synthesized that restored the capacity for cell division, sustained the viability of the cell, and abrogated morphological and growth defects associated with echinocandin treatment and the chs mutations. These findings anticipate potential resistance mechanisms to echinocandins. However, echinocandins and chitin synthase inhibitors synergized strongly, highlighting the potential for combination therapies with greatly enhanced cidal activity

    The Mnn2 Mannosyltransferase Family Modulates Mannoprotein Fibril Length, Immune Recognition and Virulence of Candida albicans

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    The fungal cell wall is the first point of interaction between an invading fungal pathogen and the host immune system. The outer layer of the cell wall is comprised of GPI anchored proteins, which are post-translationally modified by both N- and O-linked glycans. These glycans are important pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) recognised by the innate immune system. Glycan synthesis is mediated by a series of glycosyl transferases, located in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. Mnn2 is responsible for the addition of the initial α1,2-mannose residue onto the α1,6-mannose backbone, forming the N-mannan outer chain branches. In Candida albicans, the MNN2 gene family is comprised of six members (MNN2, MNN21, MNN22, MNN23, MNN24 and MNN26). Using a series of single, double, triple, quintuple and sextuple mutants, we show, for the first time, that addition of α1,2-mannose is required for stabilisation of the α1,6-mannose backbone and hence regulates mannan fibril length. Sequential deletion of members of the MNN2 gene family resulted in the synthesis of lower molecular weight, less complex and more uniform N-glycans, with the sextuple mutant displaying only un-substituted α1,6-mannose. TEM images confirmed that the sextuple mutant was completely devoid of the outer mannan fibril layer, while deletion of two MNN2 orthologues resulted in short mannan fibrils. These changes in cell wall architecture correlated with decreased proinflammatory cytokine induction from monocytes and a decrease in fungal virulence in two animal models. Therefore, α1,2-mannose of N-mannan is important for both immune recognition and virulence of C. albicans

    Canine Brachycephaly is Associated with a Retrotransposon-Mediated Missplicing of SMOC2

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    In morphological terms, “form” is used to describe an object’s shape and size. In dogs, facial form is stunningly diverse. Facial retrusion, the proximodistal shortening of the snout and widening of the hard palate is common to brachycephalic dogs and is a welfare concern, as the incidence of respiratory distress and ocular trauma observed in this class of dogs is highly correlated with their skull form. Progress to identify the molecular underpinnings of facial retrusion is limited to association of a missense mutation in BMP3 among small brachycephalic dogs. Here, we used morphometrics of skull isosurfaces derived from 374 pedigree and mixed-breed dogs to dissect the genetics of skull form. Through deconvolution of facial forms, we identified quantitative trait loci that are responsible for canine facial shapes and sizes. Our novel insights include recognition that the FGF4 retrogene insertion, previously associated with appendicular chondrodysplasia, also reduces neurocranium size. Focusing on facial shape, we resolved a quantitative trait locus on canine chromosome 1 to a 188-kb critical interval that encompasses SMOC2. An intronic, transposable element within SMOC2 promotes the utilization of cryptic splice sites, causing its incorporation into transcripts, and drastically reduces SMOC2 gene expression in brachycephalic dogs. SMOC2 disruption affects the facial skeleton in a dose-dependent manner. The size effects of the associated SMOC2 haplotype are profound, accounting for 36% of facial length variation in the dogs we tested. Our data bring new focus to SMOC2 by highlighting its clinical implications in both human and veterinary medicine

    The dectin-1/inflammasome pathway is responsible for the induction of protective T-helper 17 responses that discriminate between yeasts and hyphae of Candida albicans

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    Contains fulltext : 96420.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)In the mucosa, the immune pathways discriminating between colonizing and invasive Candida, thus inducing tolerance or inflammation, are poorly understood. Th17 responses induced by Candida albicans hyphae are central for the activation of mucosal antifungal immunity. An essential step for the discrimination between yeasts and hyphae and induction of Th17 responses is the activation of the inflammasome by C. albicans hyphae and the subsequent release of active IL-1beta in macrophages. Inflammasome activation in macrophages results from differences in cell-wall architecture between yeasts and hyphae and is partly mediated by the dectin-1/Syk pathway. These results define the dectin-1/inflammasome pathway as the mechanism that enables the host immune system to mount a protective Th17 response and distinguish between colonization and tissue invasion by C. albicans

    Fast track to health - Intermittent energy restriction in adolescents with obesity. A randomised controlled trial study protocol

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    Background: Intermittent energy restriction (IER) has shown early success in adolescents with obesity, however efficacy trials are needed. This study aims to determine if IER results in lower body mass index (BMI) z-score after 52 weeks in metabolically unhealthy adolescents with obesity compared with continuous energy restriction (CER).Methods/design: This is a prospective, randomised, multi-centre trial conducted in tertiary care settings, with three phases: jumpstart (weeks 0-4); intensive intervention (weeks 5-16); continued intervention and/or maintenance (weeks 17-52). During the jumpstart phase, all participants follow a very low energy diet (similar to 800 kcal/3350 kJ/day), then transition to their allocated intervention: IER or CER. IER involves three energy-restricted days/week, consuming one-third of daily energy requirements (similar to 600-700 kcal/2500-2950 kJ/day), and four days/week of a healthy meal plan. The CER, which is current standard care, has individually tailored energy prescription based on age and sex (13-14 years, 1430-1670 kcal/6000-7000 kJ/day; 15-17 years, 1670-1900 kcal/7000-8000 kJ/day). The study will recruit 186 (93 per arm) treatment-seeking adolescents aged 13-17 years with obesity and at least one metabolic co-morbidity. The primary outcome is change in BMI z-score at 52 weeks. Secondary outcomes are changes at 4, 16 and 52 weeks in: body composition; diet quality, food choices and food patterns; cardio-metabolic risk factors; physical activity and sedentary behaviour; sleep and psycho-behavioural measures.Discussion: This study challenges existing clinical paradigms that CER is the only method for weight management in metabolically unhealthy adolescents. If successful, IER may offer an alternate medical nutrition therapy approach for those seeking treatment in tertiary settings. (C) 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Asia Oceania Association for the Study of Obesity