10 research outputs found

    Antarctic Ice Sheet elevation impacts on water isotope records during the Last Interglacial

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    Plain Language Summary The Last Interglacial period (LIG, 116,000 to 130,000 years ago) was globally ∼ 0.8 °C warmer than today at its peak, with substantially more warming at the poles. It is a valuable analogue for future global temperature rise, especially for understanding rates and sources of polar ice melt and subsequent global sea level rise. Records of water stable isotopes from Antarctic ice cores have been crucial for understanding past polar temperature during the LIG. However we currently lack a framework for estimating how changes in the ice sheet elevation, alongside sea‐ice feedbacks, affect these water stable isotopes. To address this, we examine the effect of the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) elevation on water stable isotopes, using an ensemble of climate simulations where we vary the AIS elevation. We observe that (i) water stable isotope values lower with increasing AIS elevation following linear relationships, (ii) the effect of sea‐ice induced by AIS elevation is small so the effect of AIS elevation can be isolated. Finally, this study provides appropriate elevation‐water stable isotope gradients for the reconstruction of the AIS topography using ice cores. Abstract Changes of the topography of the Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) can complicate the interpretation of ice core water stable isotope measurements in terms of temperature. Here, we use a set of idealised AIS elevation change scenarios to investigate this for the warm Last Interglacial (LIG). We show that LIG δ 18 O against elevation relationships are not uniform across Antarctica, and that the LIG response to elevation is lower than the preindustrial response. The effect of LIG elevation‐induced sea ice changes on δ 18 O is small, allowing us to isolate the effect of elevation change alone. Our results help to define the effect of AIS changes on the LIG δ 18 O signals, and should be invaluable to those seeking to use AIS ice core measurements for these purposes. Especially, our simulations strengthen the conclusion that ice core measurements from the Talos Dome core exclude the loss of the Wilkes Basin at around 128 ky

    Assessing the robustness of Antarctic temperature reconstructions over the past 2 millennia using pseudoproxy and data assimilation experiments

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    The Antarctic temperature changes over the past millennia remain more uncertain than in many other continental regions. This has several origins: (1) the number of high-resolution ice cores is small, in particular on the East Antarctic plateau and in some coastal areas in East Antarctica; (2) the short and spatially sparse instrumental records limit the calibration period for reconstructions and the assessment of the methodologies; (3) the link between isotope records from ice cores and local climate is usually complex and dependent on the spatial scales and timescales investigated. Here, we use climate model results, pseudoproxy experiments and data assimilation experiments to assess the potential for reconstructing the Antarctic temperature over the last 2 millennia based on a new database of stable oxygen isotopes in ice cores compiled in the framework of Antarctica2k (Stenni et al.,). The well-known covariance between δ 18 O and temperature is reproduced in the two isotope-enabled models used (ECHAM5/MPI-OM and ECHAM5-wiso), but is generally weak over the different Antarctic regions, limiting the skill of the reconstructions. Furthermore, the strength of the link displays large variations over the past millennium, further affecting the potential skill of temperature reconstructions based on statistical methods which rely on the assumption that the last decades are a good estimate for longer temperature reconstructions. Using a data assimilation technique allows, in theory, for changes in the δ 18 O-temperature link through time and space to be taken into account. Pseudoproxy experiments confirm the benefits of using data assimilation methods instead of statistical methods that provide reconstructions with unrealistic variances in some Antarctic subregions. They also confirm that the relatively weak link between both variables leads to a limited potential for reconstructing temperature based on δ 18 O. However, the reconstruction skill is higher and more uniform among reconstruction methods when the reconstruction target is the Antarctic as a whole rather than smaller Antarctic subregions. This consistency between the methods at the large scale is also observed when reconstructing temperature based on the real δ 18 O regional composites of Stenni et al. (2017). In this case, temperature reconstructions based on data assimilation confirm the long-term cooling over Antarctica during the last millennium, and the later onset of anthropogenic warming compared with the simulations without data assimilation, which is especially visible in West Antarctica. Data assimilation also allows for models and direct observations to be reconciled by reproducing the east-west contrast in the recent temperature trends. This recent warming pattern is likely mostly driven by internal variability given the large spread of individual Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP)/Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) model realizations in simulating it. As in the pseudoproxy framework, the reconstruction methods perform differently at the subregional scale, especially in terms of the variance of the time series produced. While the potential benefits of using a data assimilation method instead of a statistical method have been highlighted in a pseudoproxy framework, the instrumental series are too short to confirm this in a realistic setup

    Recent climatic variability of Antarctica : contribution of the records from firn cores

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    Documenter la variabilité climatique récente est nécessaire à la compréhension des mécanismes en jeu, associés au rôle du bilan de masse de l’Antarctique pour l’élévation du niveau des mers globale. Les enregistrements issus des carottes peu profondes d’Antarctique sont des données précieuses, complémentaires aux observations instrumentales et satellitaires, pour couvrir en continu l’ensemble du continent. Mesurés le long de ces carottes de glace, les isotopes stables de l’eau sont traditionnellement utilisés pour quantifier les changements passés de la température locale.Cette thèse doctorale a été initiée dans le cadre du programme de l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche ASUMA (“Improving the Accurancy of SUrface Mass balance of Antarctica”), ayant pour objectif de reconstruire et identifier les processus contrôlant la variabilité spatio-temporelle du bilan de masse de surface (BMS) de la Terre Adélie. J’ai utilisé des données d’isotopes stables de l’eau enregistrées dans des carottes de névé, des simulations atmosphériques produites par le modèle atmosphérique de circulation générale de haute résolution ECHAM5-wiso équipé des isotopes stables de l’eau, des réanalyses atmosphériques, des rétro-trajectoires, ainsi que des observations instrumentales satellitaires et de surface.Dans une première partie, j’ai évalué les capacités du modèle ECHAM5-wiso à simuler les températures de l’Antarctique, le BMS, le δ18O et le d-excess (ci-après, d-excess), comme prérequis à l’exploitation du modèle pour interpréter les compositions isotopiques. J’ai développé des diagnostics pour les relations δ18O-température et d-excess- δ18O sur l’ensemble du continent de l’Antarctique, en montrant que les différences issues des pentes des relations δ18O-température spatiales, inter-annuelles et saisonnières. Au sein du groupe de travail international de PAGES (Past Global Changes) Antarctica2k, j’ai utilisé des calibrations établies issues du modèle ECHAM5-wiso pour reconstruire la température de 7 régions d’Antarctique à partir d’une synthèse d’enregistrements de δ18O issus de carottes de glace couvrant les 2 000 dernières années.Dans une seconde partie, de nouveaux enregistrements issus de deux carottes de névé extraites en Terre Adélie, la S1C1 et la TA192A, ont été exploités, couvrant respectivement les périodes 1947-2007 et 1998-2014. Les BMS reconstruits décrivent une grande variabilité spatiale (74,11 ± 14,1 cm w.e. y-1 et 21,8 ± 6,9 cm w.e. y-1 pour la TA192A et la S1C1 respectivement), cohérente avec les données de balise disponibles. En utilisant une base de données mise à jour des isotopes stables de l’eau de l’Antarctique, j’ai montré que les valeurs moyennes isotopiques de Terre Adélie appartiennent à l’intervalle des valeurs côtières de l’Antarctique. Des analyses statistiques montrent une absence de relation entre nos enregistrements avec la température de surface locale à l’échelle inter-annuelle, mais des relations significatives avec des rétro-trajectoires atmosphériques et des simulations isotopiques suggérant que les isotopes de l’eau de la Terre Adélie fournissent des indications de la variabilité de la dynamique atmosphérique et du transport d’humidité, aux échelles saisonnière et inter-annuelle.Les analyses de cette thèse ont été limitées par la quantité d’enregistrements isotopiques disponibles pour la Terre Adélie, ainsi que par le manque de compréhension des effets de dépôt et de post-dépôt. Il est donc nécessaire d’exploiter les nouvelles carottes de névé extraites au cours du programme ASUMA, et d’effectuer en continu des mesures de la composition isotopique des précipitations, de la vapeur d’eau et de la neige de surface de Terre Adélie, en combinaison avec des outils de simulations atmosphériques, tels que des rétro-trajectoires associées à un diagnostic des sources d’humidité, et des modèles atmosphériques de circulation générale et régionaux équipés des isotopes stables de l’eau.Documenting recent Antarctic climate variability is needed in order to understand the mechanisms at play, associated with the role of Antarctic mass balance for global sea level rise. Proxy records from Antarctic shallow firn cores are precious data, which complement instrumental and remote sensing observations to continuously cover the whole continent. Within these ice cores, water stable isotopes are commonly used to quantify past changes in local temperature.This PhD thesis was initiated within the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche “Improving the Accurancy of SUrface Mass balance of Antarctica” (ASUMA) project, which aims to reconstruct and to identify the processes controlling the spatio-temporal variability of the surface mass balance (SMB) in Adélie Land. I used water stable isotopes records from recently drilled shallow firn cores, as well as atmospheric simulations performed with the high resolution atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM5-wiso model, equipped with water stable isotopes, atmospheric reanalyses and back-trajectories, instrumental and remote sensing climate observations.In a first part, I assessed the skills of the ECHAM5-wiso with respect to Antarctic temperature, SMB, δ18O and deuterium excess (hereafter d-excess), as a prerequisite for the exploitation of the model to interpret isotope compositions. I developed Antarctic-wide diagnostics of the δ18O-temperature and d-excess- δ18O relationships, showing differences in the spatial, seasonal and interannual δ18O-temperature slopes. Within the international working group of PAGES (Past Global Changes) Antarctica 2k, I used the calibrations inferred from ECHAM5-wiso to reconstruct temperatures over 7 Antarctic regions from a synthesis of ice core δ18O records spanning the past 2,000 years.In a second part, new water stable isotope records from two firn core drilled in Adélie Land, the S1C1 and the TA192A, were investigated, covering the periods 1947-2007 and 1998-2014 respectively. The reconstructed SMB display a high spatial variability (74.1 ± 14.1 cm w.e. y-1 and 21.8 ± 6.9 cm w.e. y-1 for the TA192A and S1C1 respectively), consistent with Adélie Land stake data. Using an updated database of Antarctic water stable isotope datasets, I showed that the mean isotopic values (δ18O and d-excess) in Adélie Land are in line with the range of Antarctic coastal values. Statistical analyses show no relationship between our records and local surface air temperature, at the inter-annual scale, but significant relationships with atmospheric back-trajectories and isotopic simulations, suggesting that water stable isotopes in Adélie Land provide fingerprints of the variability of atmospheric dynamics and moisture transport, at the seasonal and inter-annual scales.The analyses performed during this PhD thesis have been limited by the few available Adélie Land water stable isotope records, and by the lack of understanding of deposition and post-deposition processes. Further work is thus needed to exploit the new firn cores drilled within the ASUMA project, and to monitor continuously Adélie Land water stable isotopes in precipitation, surface water vapour and surface snow, in combination with tools of atmospheric simulations such as back-trajectory simulations provided with moisture sources diagnostics, as well as water stable isotopes-enabled atmospheric general and regional circulation models

    Variabilité climatique récente de l'Antarctique : apports des enregistrements issus de carottes de névé

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    Documenting recent Antarctic climate variability is needed in order to understand the mechanisms at play, associated with the role of Antarctic mass balance for global sea level rise. Proxy records from Antarctic shallow firn cores are precious data, which complement instrumental and remote sensing observations to continuously cover the whole continent. Within these ice cores, water stable isotopes are commonly used to quantify past changes in local temperature.This PhD thesis was initiated within the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche “Improving the Accurancy of SUrface Mass balance of Antarctica” (ASUMA) project, which aims to reconstruct and to identify the processes controlling the spatio-temporal variability of the surface mass balance (SMB) in Adélie Land. I used water stable isotopes records from recently drilled shallow firn cores, as well as atmospheric simulations performed with the high resolution atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM5-wiso model, equipped with water stable isotopes, atmospheric reanalyses and back-trajectories, instrumental and remote sensing climate observations.In a first part, I assessed the skills of the ECHAM5-wiso with respect to Antarctic temperature, SMB, δ18O and deuterium excess (hereafter d-excess), as a prerequisite for the exploitation of the model to interpret isotope compositions. I developed Antarctic-wide diagnostics of the δ18O-temperature and d-excess- δ18O relationships, showing differences in the spatial, seasonal and interannual δ18O-temperature slopes. Within the international working group of PAGES (Past Global Changes) Antarctica 2k, I used the calibrations inferred from ECHAM5-wiso to reconstruct temperatures over 7 Antarctic regions from a synthesis of ice core δ18O records spanning the past 2,000 years.In a second part, new water stable isotope records from two firn core drilled in Adélie Land, the S1C1 and the TA192A, were investigated, covering the periods 1947-2007 and 1998-2014 respectively. The reconstructed SMB display a high spatial variability (74.1 ± 14.1 cm w.e. y-1 and 21.8 ± 6.9 cm w.e. y-1 for the TA192A and S1C1 respectively), consistent with Adélie Land stake data. Using an updated database of Antarctic water stable isotope datasets, I showed that the mean isotopic values (δ18O and d-excess) in Adélie Land are in line with the range of Antarctic coastal values. Statistical analyses show no relationship between our records and local surface air temperature, at the inter-annual scale, but significant relationships with atmospheric back-trajectories and isotopic simulations, suggesting that water stable isotopes in Adélie Land provide fingerprints of the variability of atmospheric dynamics and moisture transport, at the seasonal and inter-annual scales.The analyses performed during this PhD thesis have been limited by the few available Adélie Land water stable isotope records, and by the lack of understanding of deposition and post-deposition processes. Further work is thus needed to exploit the new firn cores drilled within the ASUMA project, and to monitor continuously Adélie Land water stable isotopes in precipitation, surface water vapour and surface snow, in combination with tools of atmospheric simulations such as back-trajectory simulations provided with moisture sources diagnostics, as well as water stable isotopes-enabled atmospheric general and regional circulation models.Documenter la variabilité climatique récente est nécessaire à la compréhension des mécanismes en jeu, associés au rôle du bilan de masse de l’Antarctique pour l’élévation du niveau des mers globale. Les enregistrements issus des carottes peu profondes d’Antarctique sont des données précieuses, complémentaires aux observations instrumentales et satellitaires, pour couvrir en continu l’ensemble du continent. Mesurés le long de ces carottes de glace, les isotopes stables de l’eau sont traditionnellement utilisés pour quantifier les changements passés de la température locale.Cette thèse doctorale a été initiée dans le cadre du programme de l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche ASUMA (“Improving the Accurancy of SUrface Mass balance of Antarctica”), ayant pour objectif de reconstruire et identifier les processus contrôlant la variabilité spatio-temporelle du bilan de masse de surface (BMS) de la Terre Adélie. J’ai utilisé des données d’isotopes stables de l’eau enregistrées dans des carottes de névé, des simulations atmosphériques produites par le modèle atmosphérique de circulation générale de haute résolution ECHAM5-wiso équipé des isotopes stables de l’eau, des réanalyses atmosphériques, des rétro-trajectoires, ainsi que des observations instrumentales satellitaires et de surface.Dans une première partie, j’ai évalué les capacités du modèle ECHAM5-wiso à simuler les températures de l’Antarctique, le BMS, le δ18O et le d-excess (ci-après, d-excess), comme prérequis à l’exploitation du modèle pour interpréter les compositions isotopiques. J’ai développé des diagnostics pour les relations δ18O-température et d-excess- δ18O sur l’ensemble du continent de l’Antarctique, en montrant que les différences issues des pentes des relations δ18O-température spatiales, inter-annuelles et saisonnières. Au sein du groupe de travail international de PAGES (Past Global Changes) Antarctica2k, j’ai utilisé des calibrations établies issues du modèle ECHAM5-wiso pour reconstruire la température de 7 régions d’Antarctique à partir d’une synthèse d’enregistrements de δ18O issus de carottes de glace couvrant les 2 000 dernières années.Dans une seconde partie, de nouveaux enregistrements issus de deux carottes de névé extraites en Terre Adélie, la S1C1 et la TA192A, ont été exploités, couvrant respectivement les périodes 1947-2007 et 1998-2014. Les BMS reconstruits décrivent une grande variabilité spatiale (74,11 ± 14,1 cm w.e. y-1 et 21,8 ± 6,9 cm w.e. y-1 pour la TA192A et la S1C1 respectivement), cohérente avec les données de balise disponibles. En utilisant une base de données mise à jour des isotopes stables de l’eau de l’Antarctique, j’ai montré que les valeurs moyennes isotopiques de Terre Adélie appartiennent à l’intervalle des valeurs côtières de l’Antarctique. Des analyses statistiques montrent une absence de relation entre nos enregistrements avec la température de surface locale à l’échelle inter-annuelle, mais des relations significatives avec des rétro-trajectoires atmosphériques et des simulations isotopiques suggérant que les isotopes de l’eau de la Terre Adélie fournissent des indications de la variabilité de la dynamique atmosphérique et du transport d’humidité, aux échelles saisonnière et inter-annuelle.Les analyses de cette thèse ont été limitées par la quantité d’enregistrements isotopiques disponibles pour la Terre Adélie, ainsi que par le manque de compréhension des effets de dépôt et de post-dépôt. Il est donc nécessaire d’exploiter les nouvelles carottes de névé extraites au cours du programme ASUMA, et d’effectuer en continu des mesures de la composition isotopique des précipitations, de la vapeur d’eau et de la neige de surface de Terre Adélie, en combinaison avec des outils de simulations atmosphériques, tels que des rétro-trajectoires associées à un diagnostic des sources d’humidité, et des modèles atmosphériques de circulation générale et régionaux équipés des isotopes stables de l’eau

    A database of Isotope time-averaged values and standard deviations from precipitations, snow and firn/ice cores

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    The present data consists in a database of isotope (δO18, δD and deuterium excess) data from precipitations, snow and firn/ice cores, gathering the following data: - the isotopic surface snow data from Masson et al. (2008, doi:10.1175/2007JCLI2139.1) - the Antarctica2k database from Stenni et al. (2017, doi:10.5194/cp-13-1609-2017), available on https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo-search/study/22589 - the data from Fernandoy et al. (2012, doi:10.5194/tc-6-313-2012) - the precipitation data from Rozanski et al. (1993, doi:10.1029/GM078p0001) and available on the IAEA/GNIP platform -data personnally communicated See below for full references of articles and datasets. The "averages" xls file give necessary informations to retrieve the data a its original temperoral scale, as well as time-averaged, standard deviations and extremum values. They are completed isotope time-averages and standard deviations from the ECHAM5-wiso model forced to the ERA-interim reanalysis and run at the daily scale over the period 1979-2013 (Werner et al., 2011; doi:10.1029/2011JD015681). The "seasonal_snowfall.xls" file give the seasonal cycles of precipitation, temperature, δO18 and deuterium excecss of snowfall data, as used in the associated manuscript

    The TA192A water stable isotope and chemical firn core records , Adélie Land, Antarctica

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    A new 21.3m firn core was drilled in 2015 at a coastal Antarctic high accumulation site in Adélie Land (66.78°S; 139.56°E, 602ma.s.l.). The core was dated by annual layers counting based on non-sea-salt sulfate and methanesulfonate summer peaks, refined by a comparison between the reconstructed surface mass balance (hereafter, SMB) and the closest available stake data. The mean reconstructed SMB of 75.2 ± 15.0cmw.e. y−1 is consistent with local stake data, and remarkably high for coastal East Antarctica. The resulting inter-annual and sub-annual variations in isotopic records (δ18O and deuterium excess, hereafter d-excess) are explored for 1998–2014 and are systematically compared with a couple of climatic time series: an updated database of Antarctic surface snow isotopic composition, SMB stake data, meteorological observations from Dumont d'Urville station, sea-ice concentration based on passive microwave satellite data, precipitation outputs of atmospheric reanalyses, climate and water stable isotope outputs from the atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM5-wiso, as well as air mass origins diagnosed using 5-days back-trajectories. The mean isotopic values (−19.3 ± 3.1‰ for δ18O and 5.4 ± 2.2‰ for d-excess) are consistent with other coastal Antarctic values. No significant isotope-temperature relationship can be evidenced at any timescale, ruling out a simple interpretation of in terms of local temperature. An observed asymmetry in the δ18O seasonal cycle may be explained by the precipitation of air masses coming from Indian and Pacific/West Antarctic Ice Sheet sectors in autumn and winter times, recorded in the d-excess signal showing outstanding values in austral spring versus autumn. Significant positive trends are observed in the annual d-excess record and local sea-ice extent (135°E–145°E) over the period 1998–2014. However, processes studies focusing on resulting isotopic compositions and particularly the d-excess-δ18O relationship, evidenced as a potential fingerprint of moisture origins, as well as the collection of more isotopic measurements in Adélie Land are needed for an accurate interpretation of our signals

    Global monthly outputs of orography, surface air temperature and water stable isotopes for the last interglacial for idealised Antarctic Ice Sheet simulations run by the isotope-enabled HadCM3

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    Global monthly outputs of orography, surface air temperature and water stable isotopes (d18O) were run by the isotope-enabled atmosphere/ocean coupled model HadCM3 for the last interglacial (128 ka). An ensemble of ten idealised Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) simulations were processed, included a pre-industrial and a last interglacial control simulations. The eight other simulations used changed topography of the AIS relative to Dome C to ensure the preservation of the atmospheric pathways. The simulations were run 100 years and the last 50 years were used for the analyses. This work was funding through the European Research Council under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 742224, WACSWAIN) and NERC grant NE/P009271/1

    A 60-year ice-core record of regional climate from Adélie Land, coastal Antarctica

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    International audienceA 22.4 m-long shallow firn core was extracted during the 2006/2007 field season from coastal Adélie Land. Annual layer counting based on subannual analyses of δ18O and major chemical components was combined with 5 reference years associated with nuclear tests and non-retreat of summer sea ice to build the initial ice-core chronology (1946–2006), stressing uncertain counting for 8 years. We focus here on the resulting δ18O and accumulation records. With an average value of 21.8 ± 6.9 cm w.e. yr−1, local accumulation shows multi-decadal variations peaking in the 1980s, but no long-term trend. Similar results are obtained for δ18O, also characterised by a remarkably low and variable amplitude of the seasonal cycle. The ice-core records are compared with regional records of temperature, stake area accumulation measurements and variations in sea-ice extent, and outputs from two models nudged to ERA (European Reanalysis) atmospheric reanalyses: the high-resolution atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM), including stable water isotopes ECHAM5-wiso (European Centre Hamburg model), and the regional atmospheric model Modèle Atmosphérique Régional (AR). A significant linear correlation is identified between decadal variations in δ18O and regional temperature. No significant relationship appears with regional sea-ice extent. A weak and significant correlation appears with Dumont d'Urville wind speed, increasing after 1979. The model-data comparison highlights the inadequacy of ECHAM5-wiso simulations prior to 1979, possibly due to the lack of data assimilation to constrain atmospheric reanalyses. Systematic biases are identified in the ECHAM5-wiso simulation, such as an overestimation of the mean accumulation rate and its interannual variability, a strong cold bias and an underestimation of the mean δ18O value and its interannual variability. As a result, relationships between simulated δ18O and temperature are weaker than observed. Such systematic precipitation and temperature biases are not displayed by MAR, suggesting that the model resolution plays a key role along the Antarctic ice sheet coastal topography. Interannual variations in ECHAM5-wiso temperature and precipitation accurately capture signals from meteorological data and stake observations and are used to refine the initial ice-core chronology within 2 years. After this adjustment, remarkable positive (negative) δ18O anomalies are identified in the ice-core record and the ECHAM5-wiso simulation in 1986 and 2002 (1998–1999), respectively. Despite uncertainties associated with post-deposition processes and signal-to-noise issues, in one single coastal ice-core record, we conclude that the S1C1 core can correctly capture major annual anomalies in δ18O as well as multi-decadal variations. These findings highlight the importance of improving the network of coastal high-resolution ice-core records, and stress the skills and limitations of atmospheric models for accumulation and δ18O in coastal Antarctic areas. This is particularly important for the overall East Antarctic ice sheet mass balance

    Surface studies of water isotopes in Antarctica for quantitative interpretation of deep ice core data

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    International audiencePolar ice cores are unique climate archives. Indeed, most of them have a continuous stratigraphy and present high temporal resolution of many climate variables in a single archive. While water isotopic records (δD or δ18O) in ice cores are often taken as references for past atmospheric temperature variations, their relationship to temperature is associated with a large uncertainty. Several reasons are invoked to explain the limitation of such an approach; in particular, post-deposition effects are important in East Antarctica because of the low accumulation rates. The strong influence of post-deposition processes highlights the need for surface polar research programs in addition to deep drilling programs. We present here new results on water isotopes from several recent surface programs, mostly over East Antarctica. Together with previously published data, the new data presented in this study have several implications for the climatic reconstructions based on ice core isotopic data: (1) The spatial relationship between surface mean temperature and mean snow isotopic composition over the first meters in depth can be explained quite straightforwardly using simple isotopic models tuned to d-excess vs. δ18O evolution in transects on the East Antarctic sector. The observed spatial slopes are significantly higher (∼ 0.7–0.8‰·°C−1 for δ18O vs. temperature) than seasonal slopes inferred from precipitation data at Vostok and Dome C (0.35 to 0.46‰·°C−1). We explain these differences by changes in condensation versus surface temperature between summer and winter in the central East Antarctic plateau, where the inversion layer vanishes in summer. (2) Post-deposition effects linked to exchanges between the snow surface and the atmospheric water vapor lead to an evolution of δ18O in the surface snow, even in the absence of any precipitation event. This evolution preserves the positive correlation between the δ18O of snow and surface temperature, but is associated with a much slower δ18O-vs-temperature slope than the slope observed in the seasonal precipitation. (3) Post-deposition effects clearly limit the archiving of high-resolution (seasonal) climatic variability in the polar snow, but we suggest that sites with an accumulation rate of the order of 40 kg.m−2.yr−1 may record a seasonal cycle at shallow depths