615 research outputs found

    Estimation of time-space-varying parameters in dengue epidemic models

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    There are nowadays a huge load of publications about dengue epidemic models, which mostly employ deterministic differential equations. The analytical properties of deterministic models are always of particular interest by many experts, but their validity "“ if they can indeed track some empirical data "“ is an increasing demand by many practitioners. In this view, the data can tell to which figure the solutions yielded from the models should be; they drift all the involving parameters towards the most appropriate values. By prior understanding of the population dynamics, some parameters with inherently constant values can be estimated forthwith; some others can sensibly be guessed. However, solutions from such models using sets of constant parameters most likely exhibit, if not smoothness, at least noise-free behavior; whereas the data appear very random in nature. Therefore, some parameters cannot be constant as the solutions to seemingly appear in a high correlation with the data. We were aware of impracticality to solve a deterministic model many times that exhaust all trials of the parameters, or to run its stochastic version with Monte Carlo strategy that also appeals for a high number of solving processes. We were also aware that those aforementioned non-constant parameters can potentially have particular relationships with several extrinsic factors, such as meteorology and socioeconomics of the human population. We then study an estimation of time-space-varying parameters within the framework of variational calculus and investigate how some parameters are related to some extrinsic factors. Here, a metric between the aggregated solution of the model and the empirical data serves as the objective function, where all the involving state variables are kept satisfying the physical constraint described by the model. Numerical results for some examples with real data are shown and discussed in details

    Environmental DNA biomonitoring in biodiversity hotspots: A case study of fishes of the Okavango Delta

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    The Okavango Delta is the largest freshwater wetland in southern Africa and a recognized biodiversity hotspot and UNESCO World Heritage Site. The region is extremely rich in floral and faunal diversity, including a fish fauna of ~90 species in 15 families, that also support recreational and subsistence fishing. Anthropogenic pressures and invasive species threaten the unique biodiversity and ecosystem services that the Delta provides, necessitating biomonitoring tools that can provide broad community-level diversity insights. Here, we utilize environmental DNA metabarcoding of aquatic eDNA using the MiFish 12S rRNA primers, to investigate fish communities and also sequenced 211 mtDNA 12S barcodes for 74 species across 36 genera of fishes from the region. Metabarcoding recovered 11 of 15 families, with 40 species detected across 23 genera, representing ~50% of known diversity, with the mtDNA 12S fragment able to delineate all genera (except for the cichlid genera Serranochromis and Pharyngochromis that comprised a single clade) and most species, except for some in the Clarias, Enteromius, Labeo, Lacustricola, and Petrocephalus genera. Generally, abundant and wide-spread taxa such as Clarias spp. and Marcusenius altisambesi, amongst others, were often detected in the surveys, with other species, including Zaireichthys kavangoensis, Schilbe intermedius, and Labeo sp. detected less frequently. Dissolved oxygen, temperature, and dissolved organic solids were positively correlated with community diversity, highlighting the influence of environmental factors in shaping fish communities in the region. Further, there was strong variability in the eDNA signal across only 1000 m, suggesting that future surveys need to consider spatio-temporal aspects of sample collection. Our study highlights the potential of eDNA metabarcoding for surveying aquatic biodiversity in the Okavango Delta, particularly within the context of baseline biodiversity inventories, that underpin conservation and management initiatives. As such, we provide a number of recommendations that can help structure future sampling efforts in the region

    Yangian Superalgebras in Conformal Field Theory

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    Quantum Yangian symmetry in several sigma models with supergroup or supercoset as target is established. Starting with a two-dimensional conformal field theory that has current symmetry of a Lie superalgebra with vanishing Killing form we construct non-local charges and compute their properties. Yangian axioms are satisfied, except that the Serre relations only hold for a subsector of the space of fields. Yangian symmetry implies that correlation functions of fields in this sector satisfy Ward identities. We then show that this symmetry is preserved by certain perturbations of the conformal field theory. The main example are sigma models of the supergroups PSL(N|N), OSP(2N+2|2N) and D(2,1;\alpha) away from the WZW point. Further there are the OSP(2N+2|2N) Gross-Neveu models and current-current perturbations of ghost systems, both for the disc as world-sheet. The latter we show to be equivalent to CP^{N-1|N} sigma models, while the former are conjecturally dual to supersphere sigma models

    The GL(1|1)-symplectic fermion correspondence

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    In this note we prove a correspondence between the Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten model of the Lie supergroup GL(1|1) and a free model consisting of two scalars and a pair of symplectic fermions. This model was discussed earlier by LeClair. Vertex operators for the symplectic fermions include twist fields, and correlation functions of GL(1|1) agree with the known results for the scalars and symplectic fermions. We perform a detailed study of boundary states for symplectic fermions and apply them to branes in GL(1|1). This allows us to compute new amplitudes of strings stretching between branes of different types and confirming Cardy's condition.Comment: 34 page

    The inner membrane complex through development of Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium

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    Plasmodium spp. and Toxoplasma gondii are important human and veterinary pathogens. These parasites possess an unusual double membrane structure located directly below the plasma membrane named the inner membrane complex (IMC). First identified in early electron micrograph studies, huge advances in genetic manipulation of the Apicomplexa have allowed the visualization of a dynamic, highly structured cellular compartment with important roles in maintaining the structure and motility of these parasites. This review summarizes recent advances in the field and highlights the changes the IMC undergoes during the complex life cycles of the Apicomplexa

    New possibilities for research on reef fish across the continental shelf of South Africa

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    [From introduction] Subtidal research presents numerous challenges that restrict the ability to answer fundamental ecological questions related to reef systems. These challenges are closely associated with traditional monitoring methods and include depth restrictions (e.g. safe diving depths for underwater visual census), habitat destruction (e.g. trawling), mortality of target species (e.g. controlled angling and fish traps), and high operating costs (e.g. remotely operated vehicles and large research vessels. Whereas many of these challenges do not apply or are avoidable in the shallow subtidal environment, the difficulties grow as one attempts to sample deeper benthic habitats. This situation has resulted in a paucity of knowledge on the structure and ecology of deep water reef habitats around the coast of South Africa and in most marine areas around the world. Furthermore, the inability to effectively survey deep water benthic environments has limited the capacity of researchers to investigate connectivity between shallow and deep water habitats in a standardised and comparable fashion

    Neuronal MicroRNA Deregulation in Response to Alzheimer's Disease Amyloid-β

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    Normal brain development and function depends on microRNA (miRNA) networks to fine tune the balance between the transcriptome and proteome of the cell. These small non-coding RNA regulators are highly enriched in brain where they play key roles in neuronal development, plasticity and disease. In neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), brain miRNA profiles are altered; thus miRNA dysfunction could be both a cause and a consequence of disease. Our study dissects the complexity of human AD pathology, and addresses the hypothesis that amyloid-β (Aβ) itself, a known causative factor of AD, causes neuronal miRNA deregulation, which could contribute to the pathomechanisms of AD. We used sensitive TaqMan low density miRNA arrays (TLDA) on murine primary hippocampal cultures to show that about half of all miRNAs tested were down-regulated in response to Aβ peptides. Time-course assays of neuronal Aβ treatments show that Aβ is in fact a powerful regulator of miRNA levels as the response of certain mature miRNAs is extremely rapid. Bioinformatic analysis predicts that the deregulated miRNAs are likely to affect target genes present in prominent neuronal pathways known to be disrupted in AD. Remarkably, we also found that the miRNA deregulation in hippocampal cultures was paralleled in vivo by a deregulation in the hippocampus of Aβ42-depositing APP23 mice, at the onset of Aβ plaque formation. In addition, the miRNA deregulation in hippocampal cultures and APP23 hippocampus overlaps with those obtained in human AD studies. Taken together, our findings suggest that neuronal miRNA deregulation in response to an insult by Aβ may be an important factor contributing to the cascade of events leading to AD
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