431 research outputs found

    La imagen de los judíos a través del refranero castellano

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    The rupture of the coexistence between Christians and Jews at the end of the Hispanic Middle Ages favoured the anthropological analysis of the relationships between these two communities. Thus, the social and religious conflicts motivated the development of studies on identity and otherness. Therefore, our interest consists in how the Christian majority considered the Jewish minority, and what image was created to define the “other”. Our hypothesis is that the image of the Jew was full of stereotypes collected in the lexicon. The objective of this paper is to analyze the image of the Jews in the Spanish proverb by means of a corpus of proverbs and to observe the negative connotations represented around economic and religious issues. To do this, we selected the lexical combinations of the proverbs that have a negative connotation towards the Jews and that allow us to know the explanation and origin of this phenomenon.La ruptura de la coexistencia entre cristianos y judíos a finales de la Edad Media hispana ha favorecido el análisis antropológico de las relaciones entre las dos comunidades. Así, los diferentes conflictos sociales y religiosos han motivado el desarrollo de estudios sobre la identidad y alteridad. Por tanto, hablamos de cómo los cristianos veían a los judíos y qué imagen fueron creando para definir al “otro”. Partimos de la hipótesis de que la figura del judío está cargada de estereotipos negativos que se reflejan en el refranero. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la imagen de los judíos en el refranero español mediante un corpus de refranes y observar las connotaciones negativas representadas en torno a cuestiones económicas y religiosas. Para ello, seleccionamos las combinaciones léxicas de los refranes que tienen una connotación negativa hacia los judíos y que nos permite conocer la explicación y origen de este fenómeno.La ruptura de la coexistencia entre cristianos y judíos a finales de la Edad Media hispana ha favorecido el análisis antropológico de las relaciones entre las dos comunidades. Así, los diferentes conflictos sociales y religiosos han motivado el desarrollo de estudios sobre la identidad y alteridad. Por tanto, hablamos de cómo los cristianos veían a los judíos y qué imagen fueron creando para definir al “otro”. Partimos de la hipótesis de que la figura del judío está cargada de estereotipos negativos que se reflejan en el refranero. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la imagen de los judíos en el refranero español mediante un corpus de refranes y observar las connotaciones negativas representadas en torno a cuestiones económicas y religiosas. Para ello, seleccionamos las combinaciones léxicas de los refranes que tienen una connotación negativa hacia los judíos y que nos permite conocer la explicación y origen de este fenómeno

    High performance TM-pass polarizer via subwavelength grating bandgap engineering

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    Silicon photonics systems exhibit a strong birefrin- gence which makes polarization management critical. Here we demonstrate, with full 3D-FDTD simulations, a low-loss and high- extinction ratio TM-pass polarizer based on tilted subwavelength gratings that reflects the TE0 mode into the TE1 mode, with a 150 nm bandwidth.Junta de Andalucía (P18-RT-793 and P18-RT-1453); Universidad de Málaga (UMA20-FEDERJA-158); Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (PID2019-106747RB-I00); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (TED2021- 130400B-I00); Ministerio de Universidades (FPU19/02408); Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Temperature and relative humidity estimation and prediction in the tobacco drying process using artificial neural networks

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper presents a system based on an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for estimating and predicting environmental variables related to tobacco drying processes. This system has been validated with temperature and relative humidity data obtained from a real tobacco dryer with a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). A fitting ANN was used to estimate temperature and relative humidity in different locations inside the tobacco dryer and to predict them with different time horizons. An error under 2% can be achieved when estimating temperature as a function of temperature and relative humidity in other locations. Moreover, an error around 1.5 times lower than that obtained with an interpolation method can be achieved when predicting the temperature inside the tobacco mass as a function of its present and past values with time horizons over 150 minutes. These results show that the tobacco drying process can be improved taking into account the predicted future value of the monitored variables and the estimated actual value of other variables using a fitting ANN as proposed.Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI), proyecto "Mejora de la competitividad del sector del tabaco en Extremadura: nuevos procesos y productos" (under project IDI-20100986)Junta de Castilla y León, financiado por el Plan Regional de Proyectos de Investigación (proyecto VA034A10-2

    The variable geometry central receiver system concept. First results and comparison with conventional central receiver systems

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    In line with the global trend for improving efficiency of existing solar power plants, the CTAER has developed and built a variable geometry central receiver facility, in which the solar field rotates around the tower axis following the sun's position during the day. The goal of this new approach is to increase the optical efficiency of the field by significantly reducing the angle of incidence of the Sun on the heliostats. This paper presents the advantages of this new variable geometry design and describes the main features of the experimental facility based on this approach as built by CTAER in Almeria. It also compares a conventional solar central receiver plant (i.e., with stationary heliostats and receiver) and an equivalent variable geometry power plant. For this study we employed published data from a real solar central receiver plant with known production (Abengoa’s PS10). The results of the study show an increase in annual energy collection and distribution by the variable geometry plant, leading to a potential reduction in the number of heliostats required compared to a conventional central receiver plant for the same annual energy collection

    The effects of informed consent format on preoperative anxiety in patients undergoing inferior third molar surgery

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    Objectives: To evaluate the effect of informed consent format on preoperative anxiety of patients. Material and Methods: We performed a prospective study (91 patients) undergoing lower third molar extraction. Patients were distributed into three groups. Informed consent for surgery was obtained through a written docu - ment, an oral interview or a video recording. Afterwards, patients were asked about their anxiety level and the effect the informed consent had had on it. Results: Whereas the information conveyed both in oral and written formats relieved the patient to some extent (in a scale of -3 to +3) 0.97±1.21 and 0.29±0.97, respectively), the video recording increased patient's anxiety in a sta - tistically significant way (in a scale of -3 to +3, -0.57±1.43). The difference obtained between the values obtained in oral and written information was not statistically significant. Discussion: The most adequate format, according to our study, would be the oral format

    Vajilla broncínea tardorrepublicana en El Llano de la Horca (Santorcaz, Madrid)

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    Recent progress made researching Second Iron Age sites in central Iberian Peninsula shows revealing data on different Late Roman Republic materials from Italy. The discovery of several bronze vessels at El Llano de la Horca might contribute important information regarding the ongoing research on imported materials in the Southern Submeseta.El reciente avance en la investigación de yacimientos de la Segunda Edad del Hierro del interior peninsular está aportando datos reveladores sobre diversos materiales de cronología tardorrepublicana y procedencia itálica. El hallazgo en El Llano de la Horca de diversos elementos de la vajilla de bronce de esta época y origen, supone la mayor concentración de este tipo de materiales en el entorno y añade importante información acerca de la presencia de elementos importados en la Submeseta Sur