543 research outputs found

    Incorporating Spatial Data and GIS to Improve SEA of Land use Plans: Opportunities and Limitations: Case Studies in the Republic of Ireland

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    This research aimed at establishing whether spatial data and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can contribute to Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). To achieve this, an integrated GISEA approach was developed and applied to a number of spatial planning SEAs in the Republic of Ireland. The practical applicability of the approach was examined, evaluating the potential benefits derived from using spatial data and GIS in SEA and assessing the potential barriers to an effective GIS use. The implementation of the SEA Directive incorporated a new dimension into plan-making by calling for the assessment of potential environmental effects that may derive from implementing a plan. The intrinsic spatial nature of land use plans poses specific requirements on the tools and assessment methods used. GIS – with their capacity to visually display and spatially assess information- have the potential to support SEA processes. Moreover, GIS tools can tackle the spatio-temporal dimensions that conventional assessment methods (e.g. matrices and checklists) fail to address. To explore the validity of these arguments, GISEA was applied to seven Irish development plans. These were supported by interviews with the planners and technicians involved, and through review of published SEA environmental reports. The case studies demonstrated that GIS can provide the mappable aspects of SEA; they facilitate the process by enhancing understanding of environmental and planning considerations, and improving the accuracy of assessments. These observations concur with published literature on the predicted benefits of applying GIS at various environmental assessment levels. Nevertheless, the results revealed that framework and procedural difficulties remain (e.g. institutional arrangements and technical data issues). These are more apparent at higher planning tiers and in certain SEA stages such as public participation. The contribution of GIS largely depends on scope for spatial information, availability and quality of relevant datasets, and willingness of involved organisations to facilitate data provision and disclosure. Therefore, formulation of spatially-specific land use plans and improved data accessibility and quality can contribute to an effective GIS use in SEA. Further research and practice are required to disclose the full potential of GISEA, but the work-placement aspect of this research has already had a direct impact on the level of GIS use in Irish SEA practice

    Modelos de evaluación por competencias

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    El principal objetivo de este artículo es plantear propuestas concretas para llevar a cabo la evaluación y calificación del alumno en el nuevo modelo educativo establecido desde la publicación de la L.O.E. y sus diferentes desarrollos legislativos. Las referencias realizadas en la normativa, así como la literatura publicada en relación a la enseñanza por competencias sitúan los criterios de evaluación como elemento clave en la evaluación. Así mismo orientan hacia la utilización de indicadores de logro como elemento más adecuado para determinar el grado de consecución de objetivos y competencias. En el presente artículo se plantean dos propuestas de sistematización del proceso de evaluación y calificación del alumno tomando como referencia los citados indicadores de logro. La primera propuesta plantea una graduación de los indicadores asociada a la calificación, donde el logro de los primeros indicadores otorga la suficiencia y progresivamente una mayor calificación. En la segunda propuesta planteamos el diseño de indicadores como desarrollo y adecuación de los criterios de evaluación a los contenidos específicos de cada unidad didáctica. Plantea también la redacción de descriptores de los diferentes niveles de logro de cada indicador. Esto aportará gran información sobre la evolución del alumno en la adquisición de aprendizajes competenciales. De la comparación entre ambas propuestas concluimos que la primera tiene diversos puntos débiles, siendo la segunda la que más se adecua al enfoque por competencias y a la normativa. En el desarrollo del artículo se plantea el desarrollo de ambas propuestas a través de casos prácticos

    Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell-Specific Progerin Expression Provokes Contractile Impairment in a Mouse Model of Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome that Is Ameliorated by Nitrite Treatment

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the main cause of death worldwide, and aging is its leading risk factor. Aging is much accelerated in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), an ultra-rare genetic disorder provoked by the ubiquitous expression of a mutant protein called progerin. HGPS patients die in their teens, primarily due to cardiovascular complications. The primary causes of age-associated CVD are endothelial dysfunction and dysregulated vascular tone; however, their contribution to progerin-induced CVD remains poorly characterized. In the present study, we found that progeroid LmnaG609G/G609G mice with ubiquitous progerin expression show both endothelial dysfunction and severe contractile impairment. To assess the relative contribution of specific vascular cell types to these anomalies, we examined LmnaLCS/LCSTie2Cretg/+ and LmnaLCS/LCSSm22αCretg/+ mice, which express progerin specifically in endothelial cells (ECs) and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), respectively. Whereas vessel contraction was impaired in mice with VSMC-specific progerin expression, we observed no endothelial dysfunction in mice with progerin expression restricted to VSMCs or ECs. Vascular tone regulation in progeroid mice was ameliorated by dietary sodium nitrite supplementation. Our results identify VSMCs as the main cell type causing contractile impairment in a mouse model of HGPS that is ameliorated by nitrite treatment.Work in V.A.’s lab was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCI, grant SAF2016-79490-R), with co-funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF, “Una manera de hacer Europa”). L.d.C. was supported by a Jordi Soler postdoctoral contract from the Red de Investigación Cardiovascular (RETIC Program, Instituto de Salud Carlos III), and A.S.-L. was supported by a predoctoral contract from the MCI (SVP-2014-068334) and by a grant from Asociación Apadrina la Ciencia-Ford España-Ford Motor Company Fund. The CNIC is supported by the MCI, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and the Pro-CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (grant SEV-2015-0505).S

    The effect of Glycoline® on reproductive efficiency in high-producing dairy cows

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    ABSTRACT Objective. Determine the effect of Glycoline® on reproductive efficiency in high producing dairy cows. Materials and methods. 100 Holstein cows one month before delivery were selected. About 21 days before parturition they were put in a barn and were randomized in two groups: Glycoline® Group (GG, n=50), 300 g/day of Glycoline® for 21 days antepartum and 250 g/day of GlycoLine® over the following 21 days postpartum, and the Control Group (CG, n=50) with the same feed and silage ration as GG during the same period, but without the addition of Glycoline®. Events and reproductive variables of the cows were recorded for 202 days. The data were systematized, analyzed and statistically compared. Results. Comparisons were made between GG and CG respectively: Retained placenta (0.0 vs. 12.0%; p=0.027), downer cow syndrome (14.3 vs. 44.0%; p=0.002), uterine involution (64.6 vs. 36.4%; p=0.019 ), uterine infection (10.4% vs. 35.5%; p=0.006), no ovarian activity (6.3 vs. 25.6%; p=0.018), follicular cysts (0.0 vs. 18.2%, p = 0.002), luteal structures (25.0 vs. 9.3% ; p=0.058), mean estrus presentation (40.1% vs. 63.5%; p=0.033) inseminated females (79.6 vs. 68.0%; p=0.017), pregnancy rate at day 150 (57.1 vs. 46.0%; p≥0.317 ) and intervals (days): calving to 1st estrus (39.8 vs. 63.2; p≤0.006), calving to IA (62.4 vs. 87.5; p≤0.006) calving to conception (81.7 vs. 93.6; p≤0.006; p=0.103). Conclusions. Results suggest that dietary Glycoline® added in the transition period improves reproductive efficiency of high-producing dairy cows. RESUMEN Objetivos. Determinar el efecto del Glycoline® sobre la eficiencia reproductiva en vacas lecheras de alta producción. Materiales y Métodos. Se seleccionaron 100 vacas Holstein un mes antes del parto. Alrededor de 21 días antes del parto se ubicaron en un establo y se asignaron al azar a dos Grupos: Grupo Glycoline® (GG; n=50), 300 g/día de Glycoline® durante 21 días preparto y 250 g/día de Glycoline® durante los siguientes 21 días posparto y Grupo Control (GC, n=50) la misma ración de concentrado y ensilaje que el GG durante el mismo período de tiempo, pero sin la adición de Glycoline®. Se registraron los eventos y las variables reproductivas de las vacas durante 202 días. Los datos fueron sistematizados, analizados y comparados estadísticamente. Resultados. Comparaciones entre el GG y GC respectivamente: Retención de placenta (0,0 vs 12.0%; p=0.027), síndrome de vaca caída (14.3 vs 44.0%; p=0.002), involución uterina (64.6 vs 36.4%; p=0.019), infección uterina (10.4% vs 35.5%; p=0.006), sin actividad ovárica (6.3 vs 25.6%; p=0.018), quistes foliculares (0.0 vs 18.2%, p=0.002), estructuras luteales (25.0 vs 9.3%; p=0.058), promedio presentación de celo (40.1% vs 63.5%; p=0.033), hembras inseminadas (79.6 vs 68.0%; p=0.017), tasa de preñez al día 150 (57.1 vs 46.0%; p≥0.317) y intervalos de tiempo (días): parto 1er -celo (39.8 vs 63.2; p≤0.006), parto-IA (62.4 vs 87.5; p≤0.006) y parto-preñez (81.7 vs 93.6; p≤0.006; p=0.103). Conclusiones. Los resultados sugieren que el Glycoline® adicionado en la dieta en el período de transición, mejora la eficiencia reproductiva de vacas de alta producción

    Identification of candidate host serum and saliva biomarkers for a better diagnosis of active and latent tuberculosis infection

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    In our work, we aim to identify new candidate host biomarkers to discriminate between active TB patients (n = 28), latent infection (LTBI; n = 27) and uninfected (NoTBI; n = 42) individuals. For that, active TB patients and their contacts were recruited that donated serum and saliva samples. A multiplex assay was performed to study the concentration of different cytokines, chemokines and growth factors. Proteins with significant differences between groups were selected and logistic regression and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) was used to assess the diagnostic accuracy. The best marker combinations that discriminate active TB from NoTBI contacts were [IP-10 + IL-7] in serum and [Fractalkine + IP-10 + IL-1alpha + VEGF] in saliva. Best discrimination between active TB and LTBI was achieved using [IP-10 + BCA-1] in serum (AUC = 0.83) and IP-10 in saliva (p = 0.0007; AUC = 0.78). The levels of TNFalpha (p = 0.003; AUC = 0.73) in serum and the combination of [Fractalkine+IL-12p40] (AUC = 0.83) in saliva, were able to differentiate between NoTBI and LTBI contacts. In conclusion, different individual and combined protein markers could help to discriminate between active TB and both uninfected and latently-infected contacts. The most promising ones include [IP-10 + IL-7], [IP-10 + BCA-1] and TNFalpha in serum and [Fractalkine + IP-10 + IL-1alpha + VEGF], IP-10 and [Fractalkine+IL-12p40] in saliva

    Wireless Optical Communications for Intra-Spacecraft Networks Based on OCDMA with Random Optical Codes

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    In recent years, spacial agencies have shown a growing interest in optical wireless as an alternative to wired and radio-frequency communications. The use of these techniques for intra-spacecraft communications reduces the effect of take-off acceleration and vibrations on the systems by avoiding the need for rugged connectors and provides a significant mass reduction. Diffuse transmission also eases the design process as terminals can be placed almost anywhere without a tight planification to ensure the proper system behaviour. Previous studies have compared the performance of radio-frequency and infrared optical communications. In an intra-satellite environment optical techniques help reduce EMI related problems, and their main disadvantages - multipath dispersion and the need for line-of-sight - can be neglected due to the reduced cavity size. Channel studies demonstrate that the effect of the channel can be neglected in small environments if data bandwidth is lower than some hundreds of MHz