181 research outputs found

    SkyFlow: heterogeneous streaming for skyline computation using FlowGraph and SYCL

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    The skyline is an optimization operator widely used for multi-criteria decision making. It allows minimizing an n-dimensional dataset into its smallest subset. In this work we present SkyFlow, the first heterogeneous CPU+GPU graph-based engine for skyline computation on a stream of data queries. Two data flow approaches, Coarse-grained and Fine-grained, have been proposed for different streaming scenarios. Coarse-grained aims to keep in parallel the computation of two queries using a hybrid solution with two state-of-the-art skyline algorithms: one optimized for CPU and another for GPU. We also propose a model to estimate at runtime the computation time of any arriving data query. This estimation is used by a heuristic to schedule the data query on the device queue in which it will finish earlier. On the other hand, Fine-grained splits one query computation between CPU and GPU. An experimental evaluation using as target architecture a heterogeneous system comprised of a multicore CPU and an integrated GPU for different streaming scenarios and datasets, reveals that our heterogeneous CPU+GPU approaches always outperform previous only-CPU and only-GPU state-of-the-art implementations up to 6.86×and 5.19×, respectively, and they fall below 6% of ideal peak performance at most. We also evaluate Coarse-grained vs Fine-Grained finding that each approach is better suited to different streaming scenarios.This work was partially supported by the Spanish projects PID2019-105396RB-I00, UMA18-FEDERJA-108 and P20-00395-R. // Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA

    Aislamiento de hongos causantes de infecciones micóticas superficiales en pacientes que asisten al Centro Nacional Dermatológico, “Dr. Francisco José Gómez Urcuyo” diciembre 2018 –febrero 2019

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    El estudio de las infecciones micóticas superficiales en el país, constituyen un tema trascendental, representan un alto índice de consultas médicas especialmente dermatológicas, debido a los daños estéticos que causan en los pacientes, estos, buscan ayuda de especialistas para atender la afección. En el estudio se planteó identificar los géneros y especies de hongos causantes de infecciones micóticas superficiales, realizar el cultivo de muestras, identificar la frecuencia de los mismos y conocer las características sociodemográficas de los pacientes, tales como edad, sexo, ocupación y procedencia. Es un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, en el cual se cultivaron 71 muestras a partir de KOH positivo, en donde el 87% presentó crecimiento. Los géneros y las especies más frecuentes en el estudio fueron Trichophyton (de las especies T. rubrum, 36% y T. mentagrophytes, 24%), seguido por el género Candida, en las que se aislaron e identificaron la especie C. krusei (34%) y Candida spp (34%), y Microsporum spp con el 13% (encontrando a M. canis con el 86%). El sexo masculino resultó ser el más afectado con el 55%, y las edades de los pacientes más afectados fueron las entre 16 a 30 años y de 46 a 60 años con el 23% cada una. De acuerdo a ocupación, las más afectadas fueron las amas de casas y los estudiantes con el 24% respectivamente. Dentro de las principales recomendaciones: elaboración de un proyecto que conlleve a la ampliación de del laboratorio del Centro Nacional Dermatológico y continuar una vigilancia prospectiva para conocer mejor el comportamientos de la enfermedades de origen micótico, al departamento de Bioanálisis clínico; solicitar la compra o adquisición de una cabina de bioseguridad y realizar la descontaminación periódica del ambiente de todas las áreas del laboratorio y seguir fomentando investigaciones en el área de micología para conocer mejor el comportamiento de los hongos causantes de micosi

    Historia ambiental de los lagos someros de la llanura Pampeana (argentina) desde el Holoceno medio: inferencias Paleoclimáticas

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    En este trabajo se presenta un estudio paleolimnológico basado en el análisis de múltiples indicadores en múltiples sitios con el objetivo de reconstruir la historia evolutiva de cinco lagos someros de la llanura Pampeana (Argentina) desde el Holoceno medio, y así realizar inferencias paleoclimáticas para esta región. Los cinco lagos estudiados respondieron sincrónicamente y mostraron el mismo patrón de evolución paleoambiental durante el Holoceno medio y tardío. Entre los ca. 7.000 y 700-500 años cal AP, se evidencia una primera fase clara, dominada por carofitas del género Chara, que cambia a los ca. 700-500 años cal AP hacia una fase turbia dominada por fitoplancton y con una importante presencia de carofitas sumergidas del grupo de las angiospermas, que indican fases claras que alternan con el estado turbio general. En la vegetación circundante, se evidencia un cambio desde una comunidad halófita que indica condiciones salobres e inestables hacia la comunidad de macrófitas que caracterizan en la actualidad a estos lagos, por lo cual sugiere ambientes con mayor estabilidad. Durante el Holoceno medio y por largos períodos (alrededor de 6.500 años) la estabilidad del paisaje se mantuvo debido a las condiciones climáticas más secas que las actuales, en las que predominaron fluctuaciones de sequías e inundaciones y/o condiciones de alta evaporación. Estas fluctuaciones son las que mantuvieron a las comunidades tanto acuáticas como terrestres. A partir de ca. 2.000 años cal AP el incremento de la diversidad de macrófitas sumergidas (carofitas y angiospermas) indica mayor aporte de nutrientes y materia orgánica, causado por un aumento en la intensidad y/o duración de las precipitaciones. A partir de este momento comienza un cambio gradual que se efectiviza a los ca. 700-500 años cal AP, con el establecimiento de las comunidades de macrófitas emergentes, flotantes y sumergidas, características de los sistemas actuales

    The effect of orlistat on postprandial hypertriglyceridemia by oral fat loading test. A systematic review

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    Orlistat induces weight loss by blocking hydrolysis of triglyceride in the intestine, and has thereby been associated with favorable changes in postprandial triglycerides (ppTGL). Some epidemiological studies have identified ppTGL concentrations as a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Oral fat loading test (OFLT) has been used for screening of elevated levels of ppTGL. The objective of the present systematic review is to present available data on the effects of orlistat on OFLT. We found 11 studies, seven of which studied the effect of a single dose of orlistat on OFLT in three healthy volunteers, one with obesity, two with type-2 diabetes and one with hyperlipidemic patients. The other four studied the effect of orlistat on OFLT, but after a previous period of time with daily treatment with orlistat: 1 healthy volunteer, 2 obese volunteers, and one patient with hyperlipidemia. Our systematic review suggests that orlistat can help to reduce postprandial hypertriglyceridemia in obese, dyslipemic and type-2 diabetic patients. Regarding free fatty acids, they could be reduced but not all the authors have found the same results. In relation to type-2 diabetic patients, we have found three studies with conflicting results on the immediate effect of orlistat on the postprandial GLP-1 response. In conclusion, orlistat can help to reduce postprandial plasmatic TGL, especially in patients with postprandial hypertriglyceridemia related to obesity, dyslipidemia or type-2 diabetes

    FODMAP Intake in Spanish Population: Open Approach for Risk Assessment

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    Fermentable oligo-, di- and monosaccharides and polyols’ (FODMAP) were related with intestinal complications. The present study aimed to determine the FODMAP consumption of Spanish children, adolescents and adults, analyzing the real FODMAP risk of foods, and to set an open methodology for the measurement of this intake in other regions as well as nutrient intake assurance. Total fructan analysis was performed analytically in eighty-seven food samples. Daily intake of FODMAPs, fiber and micronutrients was calculated by combining the food composition for selected fermentable carbohydrates with the national food consumption stratified by age in an open software. Spanish child and adolescent total FODMAP consumption was settled as 33.4 ± 92.4 and 27.3 ± 69.0 g/day, respectively. Both intakes were higher than that of the adult population (21.4 ± 56.7 g/day). The most important food sources of lactose, excess of fructose and total fructan, considering their content and dietary intake were different between age groups. The contribution of these foods to dietary calcium and fiber and the consequent risk of deficiency if they are withdrawn was highlighted. We demonstrated the relevance of stratifying the total FODMAP intake by age. An open approach for FODMAP intake quantification and nutrient control was provided.Maialen Vazquez-Polo and Gesala Perez-Junkera are IKASIKER fellowships of the Education Department of the Basque Government. This research was supported by a grant (University-Society US18/15 and GIU 18/78) from the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU

    Patterns of Differentially Expressed circRNAs in Human Thymocytes

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    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are suggested to play a discriminative role between some stages of thymocyte differentiation. However, differential aspects of the stage of mature single-positive thymocytes remain to be explored. The purpose of this study is to investigate the differential expression pattern of circRNAs in three different development stages of human thymocytes, including mature single-positive cells, and perform predictions in silico regarding the ability of specific circRNAs when controlling the expression of genes involved in thymocyte differentiation. We isolate human thymocytes at three different stages of intrathymic differentiation and determine the expression of circRNAs and mRNA by RNASeq. We show that the differential expression pattern of 50 specific circRNAs serves to discriminate between the three human thymocyte populations. Interestingly, the downregulation of RAG2, a gene involved in T-cell differentiation in the thymus, could be simultaneously controlled by the downregulation of two circRNASs (hsa_circ_0031584 and hsa_circ_0019079) through the hypothetical liberation of hsa-miR-609. Our study provides, for the first time, significant insights into the usefulness of circRNAs in discriminating between different stages of thymocyte differentiation and provides new potential circRNA-miRNA-mRNA networks capable of controlling the expression of genes involved in T-cell differentiation in the thymus.This work was financed by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU)(RTI2018- 093330-B-I00; MCIU/FEDER, EU), Ramón Areces Foundation (CIVP19S7917); Autonomous Community of Madrid, Spain (B2017/BMD-3778; LINFOMAS-CM); the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC, 2018; PROYE18054PIRI); and the Spanish Ministry (Juan de la Cierva Grant IJCI-2016-29155). Institutional grants from the Fundación Ramón Areces and Banco de Santander to the CBMSO are also acknowledged.S

    Desarrollo de una metodología de trabajo para aplicar en los TFG del ámbito de la Geografía y Ciencias Ambientales. Aportaciones de las TIGs: itinerarios geográficos por Madrid III

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    La guía de campo que se presenta se ha realizado gracias a un Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora de la Calidad Docente (PIMCD) de la UCM, durante el curso 2022-2023 Esta publicación es continuación de las realizadas en los cursos 2020-21 y 2021-22 con otros dos Proyectos de Innovación y Mejora de la Calidad Docente de la UCM. En el primer libro se incluyeron tres itinerarios en la Comunidad de Madrid y áreas próximas: Bajo Lozoya y Patones, Madrid de los Austrias y Barrancas de Castrejón-Montes de Toledo. En el segundo se realizaron dos itinerarios: uno por la Alcarria madrileña y Aranjuez y otro por los valles de los ríos Alberche y Tiétar. En este tercer libro se han seleccionado dos itinerarios geográficos que se están realizando o preparando para los trabajos prácticos de algunas asignaturas de los Grados de Historia y Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio impartidas por profesores de las áreas de conocimiento de Geografía Regional y Geografía Física del Departamento de Geografía: uno por el Alto Tajo y otro por la Mancha Húmeda. Dado que el PIMCD no tenía financiación, se han podido realizar los trabajos de campo gracias a la financiación recibida por el Grupo de Investigación “Teledetección y Cambio Global”.Depto. de GeografíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaFALSEsubmitte

    New Software for Gluten-Free Diet Evaluation and Nutritional Education

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    Following a gluten-free diet (GFD) is the only treatment for celiac disease. This diet must ensure the absence of gluten but also needs to be nutritionally balanced. Dietitians working in this field cannot properly evaluate energy and nutrient intake of celiac people because dietary programs available on the market do not contain the nutritional composition of gluten-free products (GFP). Here we present a new GFD evaluation software that contains more than 700 gluten-free rendered foodstuffs and their macronutrient composition. Apart from diet evaluation and design, the software represents a tool for nutritional education as well, since it shows diet appropriacy and indicates how to promote balanced self-care. Moreover, anthropometric and biochemical data or symptoms presence and diet adherence can be recorded and evaluated. This open free software, can be downloaded in its app format for mobiles and tablets. Software evaluation indicated its correct functionality and the importance of assessing a GFD with GFP instead of with their gluten-containing analogues. Thus, this software represents an essential e-Health tool, not only for proper GFD evaluation, but also for improving life quality of celiac and gluten sensitive people.This research was supported by two grants from the University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain (UPV/EHU) (University-Society US15/06 and US18/15)

    Performance of Apple Pomace for Gluten-Free Bread Manufacture: Effect on Physicochemical Characteristics and Nutritional Value

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    Apple pomace has been proposed as a quality enhancer for gluten-free bread, but its composition and physicochemical features differ significantly depending on the apple cultivar. The objective of this article was to characterize apple pomace powder (APP) from certain varieties from the Basque Country and to study the feasibility of adding it to gluten-free bread, focusing on physicochemical and nutritional aspects. APP was obtained by washing, drying and grinding, and it was added at 0, 5, 6 and 8%, together with other ingredients, such as gluten-free flours, corn starch and whey protein. APP had a reddish-grey coloration (L* 56.49 ± 1.39, a* 11.07 ± 0.47, b* 27.69 ± 1.76), pH 4.19 ± 0.15 and Aw 0.235 ± 0.084. Pomace powder was used successfully in higher amounts than experiences reported before. Key physicochemical parameters such as specific volume (≥2.5 cm3/g) and cohesiveness or resilience values (0.538 and 0.378, respectively) suggested good acceptability for gluten-free breads with 8% APP. Additionally, breads were a source of antioxidant potential (437.66 ± 38.95 µM DPPHeq/g APP), fiber (80.13 ± 6.07 g/100 g) and micronutrients such as Cu, Mg, Mn and Fe. In conclusion, local apple varieties are a good source of raw material for gluten-free bread manufacture, which offers a solution for environmental pollution and may contribute to boosting the circular economy.This research was developed within a project funded by the Department of Food Quality and Food Industries of the Basque Government (00025-IDA2019-38) and was possible thanks to a grant received for labor costs by the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment of the same institution

    The Sinorhizobium fredii HH103 Lipopolysaccharide is not only relevant at early soybean nodulation stages but also for symbiosome stability in mature nodules

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    In this work we have characterised the Sinorhizobium fredii HH103 greA lpsB lpsCDE genetic region and analysed for the first time the symbiotic performance of Sinorhizobium fredii lps mutants on soybean. The organization of the S. fredii HH103 greA, lpsB, and lpsCDE genes was equal to that of Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021. S. fredii HH103 greA, lpsB, and lpsE mutant derivatives produced altered LPS profiles that were characteristic of the gene mutated. In addition, S. fredii HH103 greA mutants showed a reduction in bacterial mobility and an increase of auto-agglutination in liquid cultures. RT-PCR and qPCR experiments demonstrated that the HH103 greA gene has a positive effect on the transcription of lpsB. Soybean plants inoculated with HH103 greA, lpsB or lpsE mutants formed numerous ineffective pseudonodules and showed severe symptoms of nitrogen starvation. However, HH103 greA and lps mutants were also able to induce the formation of a reduced number of soybean nodules of normal external morphology, allowing the possibility of studying the importance of bacterial LPS in later stages of the S. fredii HH103-soybean symbiosis. The infected cells of these nodules showed signs of early termination of symbiosis and lytical clearance of bacteroids. These cells also had very thick walls and accumulation of phenolic-like compounds, pointing to induced defense reactions. Our results show the importance of bacterial LPS in later stages of the S. fredii HH103-soybean symbiosis and their role in preventing host cell defense reactions. S. fredii HH103 lpsB mutants also showed reduced nodulation with Vigna unguiculata, although the symbiotic impairment was less pronounced than in soybean