1,628 research outputs found

    Reconstrucción 3D de órgano a partir de imágenes de Tomografía Axial Computarizada (TC) usando Matlab

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    The three-dimensional processing and reconstruction of anatomical regions from medical images allows the application of a set of segmentation and filtering techniques to subsequently perform volumetric reconstructions and thus generate 3D computer representations of human anatomy, which is useful in the field of medicine to facilitate the analysis of human body structures.  In this paper, a 3D reconstruction was performed from the segmentation, based on the differentiation by area, of the organ (kidney) and bone structures from a series of images from an abdominal CT. Also, we implemented an interactive interface for the visualization of the planes (frontal, sagittal and transversal). The interface that shows the different planes and also loads the 3D reconstruction that was generated in a separate process, gives the user the option to select any CT study that he has stored in his computer. This procedure, depending on the field of application, complements the interaction and analysis of anatomical structures to the physician, allowing the planning of a timely treatment that will help the preoperative analysis of complex pathologies and the formulation of surgical strategies.El procesamiento tridimensional y la reconstrucción de las regiones anatómicas a partir de imágenes médicas permiten aplicar un conjunto de técnicas de segmentación y filtrado para para realizar posteriormente reconstrucciones volumétricas y así generar representaciones computacionales en 3D de la anatomía humana, que es útil en el campo de la medicina para facilitar análisis de las estructuras del cuerpo humano.  En este artículo, se realizó una reconstrucción 3D a partir de la segmentación, basada en la diferenciación por área, del órgano(riñón) y estructuras óseas de una serie de imágenes de un TAC abdominal. También, implementamos una interfaz interactiva para la visualización de los planos (frontal, sagital y transversal). La interfaz que muestra los diferentes planos y también carga la reconstrucción 3D que se generó en un proceso aparte, da la opción al usuario de seleccionar cualquier estudio TAC que tenga almacenado en su ordenador. Este procedimiento, según el campo de aplicación, complementa la interacción y análisis de estructuras anatómicas al médico, permite planificar un tratamiento oportuno que ayudará al análisis preoperatorio de patologías complejas y la formulación de estrategias quirúrgicas

    Determinación de frecuencia de resonancia de linfa como fundamento para posible tratamiento no invasivo del Linfedema

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    spa: El linfedema es una patología que genera la hinchazón progresiva por acumulación de linfa, afecta aproximadamente entre 140-250 millones de personas. Puede ser el resultado de trastornos congénitos (Linfedema primario) o adquiridos (Linfedema secundario). Una de sus causas es el estado avanzado de la filariasis linfática, generada por parásitos nematodos trasmitidos por mosquitos que impacta a 40 millones de personas. Se ha reportado que genera complicaciones psicológicas, económicas y físicas, afectando la calidad de vida de la población mencionada. Los tratamientos son invasivos, presentan problemas de adaptación fisiológica, tienen un proceso complejo de selección de paciente y generan complicaciones físicas. La determinación de la frecuencia de resonancia de la linfa puede generar resultados que evidencien e impliquen el desdoblamiento y reducción del edema de linfa en zonas afectadas; puede ser el soporte de un posible nuevo tratamiento no invasivo para el linfedema basada en la exposición a ondas electromagnéticas. En Comsol Multiphysics se diseñó una geometría de acumulación de linfa con las características físicas necesarias para la determinación de frecuencia de resonancia, con la frecuencia encontrada se evaluó respuestas en cambios de forma y temperatura. Se encontró una frecuencia de resonancia de linfa de 5029.6Hz; para la identificación de la respuesta en cuanto a forma y cambios de temperatura, se fijó esta frecuencia y el programa encontró respuestas para el rango de 5027.6-5031.5Hz. Los cambios de temperatura encontrados fueron mínimos y los cambios en la forma implican desplazamiento de linfa. Se identificó que es necesario implementar o estudiar la respuesta a esta frecuencia en geometrías no idealizadas del sistema linfático o de una región anatómica en específico. Este trabajo encontró los primeros valores registrados de frecuencia de resonancia de la linfa, sugiere y puede ser fundamento para nuevas investigaciones en el tratamiento del linfedema basado en la irradiación, en el rango de frecuencias encontradas.1. Introducción. 7 2. Planteamiento del Problema. .9 2.1. Descripción del Problema. . 9 2.2. Formulación del Problema. . 10 3. Justificación. 11 4. Hipótesis. . 13 5. Alcance. 14 6. Objetivos. . 15 6.1. Objetivo General. . 15 6.2. Objetivos Específicos. 15 7. Marco de Referencia. . 16 7.1. Antecedentes. 16 7.1.1. Modelos Computacionales del Sistema Linfático y/o Linfedema. 16 7.1.2. Antecedentes de Efectos de las Vibraciones en el Cuerpo Humano. 18 7.1.3. Otras Tecnologías. . 19 7.1.4. Investigaciones Basadas en Vibraciones en Frecuencia de Resonancia. 19 7.2. Marco Conceptual. . 22 7.2.1. El Sistema Linfático. . 22 7.2.2. Funciones del sistema linfático . 26 7.2.3. Linfedema. . 27 7.2.4. Tratamientos. . 36 8. Metodología. . 44 8.1. Geometría para Acumulación de Linfa. . 44 8.2. Caracterización Propiedades Físicas de Linfa. . 45 8.3. Estudio Determinación Frecuencia de Resonancia de la Linfa. 46 8.4. Respuestas a la Frecuencia en Acústica Termo Viscosa. 47 9. Resultados. . 48 10. Discusión. . 52 11. Conclusiones. . 54 12. Referencias Bibliográficas. . 55PregradoIngeniero en BiomédicaIngeniería Biomédic

    Abuso de sustancias y percepción de la salud en niños y adolescentes españoles

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    [EN] Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze subs- tance abuse and health self-perception in children and adolescents from the province of Cádiz (Spain). Methodology: Participants were 738 students, 50.9 boys and 49.1% girls, from elementary school to high school (1 st to 12 th grade, mean age 12.2. years), who res- ponded a Spanish adaptation of the Health Behavior in School-aged Children Inventory. Results: No difference was observed in percentage of boys and girls reporting to smoke or drink alcohol. Smo- king and drinking habits increased with age, being higher in 11 th and 12 th grade students. Significant differences were observed among the percentage of smokers and non smokers recognizing to have parents, older brothers or friends who smoke. Rates of drug abuse were generally low, being cannabis the most frequently consumed illicit drug. Most respondents had a perception of excellent or good health, with no significant gender differences. About half of subjects considered that health exclusively depends on self behavior, but an important percentage also gave a relevant role to luck. Stomach-ache was the most frequent physical complaint, followed by headache. Psychological complaints mainly corresponded to ner- vousness and bad temper. Only a small percentage of sub- jects declared the use of medicines or tablets without prescription. No significant difference in the percentage of respondent who perceived an excellent or good health was observed among substance users and non users. Conclusions: Substance abuse and health self-percep- tion in children and adolescents are the result of the inte- raction of a complex series of individual and social fac- tors. Activities aimed to improve health focusing on partial aspects of adolescents’ lifestyle most probably will have limited results, and global programs are required.[ES] Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio ha sido analizar el uso de sustancias tóxicas y la autopercepción del estado de salud en niños y adolescentes de la provincia de Cádiz. Metodología: Participaron 738 alumnos, 50.9% de chi- cos y 49.1% de chicas, que cursaban educación primaria y secundaria (desde 1º educación primaria a 2º de bachi- llerato, edad media 12,2 años), a los que se aplicó la ver- sión española del Inventario de Conductas de Salud en Escolares. Resultados: No se observaron diferencias en el porcen- taje de chicos y chicas que fumaban o bebían alcohol. Los hábitos de consumo de tabaco y alcohol se incrementaban con la edad, alcanzando sus máximos valores en los alum- nos de bachillerato. Se encontraron diferencias significa- tivas en el porcentaje de fumadores y no fumadores que reconocían el tener padres, hermanos mayores o amigos que fumaban. El consumo de drogas ilegales era general- mente reducido, predominando la utilización del canna- bis. La mayoría de los sujetos tenían una percepción de su salud como excelente o buena. En torno a la mitad de los encuestados consideraban que la salud depende exclusi- vamente del propio comportamiento, aunque una parte importante también le otorgaba un papel relevante a la suerte. El dolor de estómago era el síntoma físico más fre- cuente, seguido del dolor de cabeza. Entre los síntomas psicológicos predominaban el nerviosismo y el estar irri- tado o enfadado. Solo un pequeño porcentaje declaraba consumir medicamentos o píldoras no prescritos. No se observaron diferencias significativas en el porcentaje de los que reconocían una salud excelente o buena entre los usuarios y no usuarios de sustancias tóxicas. Conclusiones: El abuso de sustancias tóxicas y la auto- percepción del estado de salud en niños y adolescentes es el resultado de la interacción de una compleja serie de facto- res individuales y sociales. Las actividades diseñadas para la mejora de la salud centradas en aspectos parciales del estilo de vida tendrán probablemente resultados limitados, requiriéndose el desarrollo de programas globales.S

    Integrated biocatalytic platform based on aqueous biphasic systems for the sustainable oligomerization of rutin

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    Rutin is a known antioxidant compound that displays a broad range of biological activities and health-related benefits but presents a low water solubility that can be overcome by its polymerization. In this work, biocompatible aqueous biphasic systems composed of the ionic liquid cholinium dihydrogen phosphate ([CH][DHph]) and the polymer poly(ethylene glycol) 600 (PEG 600) were investigated as an efficient integrated reaction–separation platform for the laccase-catalyzed oligomerization of rutin. Two different approaches were studied to reuse laccase in several oligorutin production cycles, the main difference between them being the use of monophasic or biphasic regimes during the oligomerization reaction. The use of a biphasic regime in the second approach (heterogeneous reaction medium) allowed the successful reuse of the biocatalyst in three consecutive reaction–separation cycles while achieving noteworthy rutin oligomerization yields (95% in the first cycle, 91% in the second cycle, and 89% in the last cycle). These remarkable results were caused by the combination of the increased solubility of rutin in the PEG-rich phase together with the enhanced catalytic performance of laccase in the [Ch][DHph]-rich phase, alongside with the optimization of the pH of the reaction medium straightly linked to enzyme stability. Finally, a life-cycle assessment was performed to compare this integrated reaction–separation platform to three alternative processes, reinforcing its sustainabilityThis research was supported by the Spanish Government (AEI) through the RTI2018-094482-J-I00 project. This work was developed within the scope of the project CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, UIDB/50011/2020 & UIDP/50011/2020, financed by national funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology/MCTES. The programme is cofunded by FEDER (UE). A.P.M.T. thanks the FCT for the research contract CEECIND/2020/01867. G.E. thanks the Spanish MICIU for her Ramón y Cajal contract (RYC2018- 024846-I). A.M.-M. thanks the Programa de axudas á etapa predoutoral da Xunta de Galicia (ED481A-2018/023)S

    Health behaviour of school children at the province of Cádiz

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    [ES] Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio ha sido analizar algunas características de las conductas relacionadas con la salud en escolares de la provincia de Cádiz, centrándose en la práctica de deporte y actividad física y en los hábitos alimenticios. Metodología: Participaron 738 alumnos, con una media de edad de 12,2 años que cursaban desde primero de educación primaria hasta segundo de bachillerato. La muestra estaba compuesta por un 50,9% de chicos y un 49,1% de chicas, a los que se aplicó la versión española del Inventario de Conductas de Salud en Escolares. Resultados: Existían diferencias entre ambos sexos en cuanto al porcentaje de aquellos que afirmaban no practicar nunca deporte, mayor en el caso de las chicas. Los chicos practicaban deporte y realizaban actividad física de mayor intensidad que las chicas, siendo también mayor la duración de dicha práctica. Un porcentaje elevado consideraba su forma física buena o normal y solo regular en una pequeña parte. Más de la mitad de los sujetos percibían un apoyo para la práctica por parte de padres y madres, siendo menor el apoyo de hermanos y amigos. Una parte importante de los alumnos no desayunaba todos los días de la semana y algunos no realizaban esta primera comida del día. Un porcentaje muy alto de los sujetos consumía golosinas o dulces de forma habitual, siendo también elevado el consumo de patatas fritas, de frutos secos y de hamburguesas o salchichas. Cerca de una cuarta parte reconocía no consumir nunca verduras u hortalizas. Conclusiones: Los resultado obtenidos confirman la necesidad de una adecuada educación sobre hábitos de vida saludable y el desarrollo de programas de intervención en niños y jóvenes, aconsejando sobre dieta y actividad física y prestando especial interés a las chicas, que constituyen el grupo menos físico activamente y con mayor riesgo de padecer trastornos.[EN] Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze some characteristics of health-related behaviour in school children at the province of Cadiz, centering on engagement in sports and physical activity, and on dietary habits. Methodology: Participants were 738 students, mean age 12.2 years, from primary school o high school. 50.9% were boys and 49.1% girls, who responded a Spanish adaptation of the Health Behavior in Schoolchildren Inventory. Results: Sex differences were observed in the percentage of subjects not engaged in sports, which was higher in girls. Boys practiced sports and physical activity at a higher intensity and more time than girls. A large number of subjects considered good or normal their physical fitness, with only and small percentage describing it as regular. More than half of participants felt a support by parents, and to a smaller extent by brothers and friends. An important part of the subjects did not have breakfast every day, and some even never. A high percentage of the sample ate candies 1 to 3 days per week, being also high the intake of chips, nuts, hamburgers and sausages. Near a quarter of subjects reported not to consume vegetables. Conclusions: Results obtained confirm the necessity of an adequate lifestyle habits education and the development of intervention programs in children and youth, counseling on diet and physical activity and targeting on girls, who are less physically active and on risk of serious disorders.S

    Vascular and cognitive effects of cocoa-rich chocolate in postmenopausal women: a study protocol for a randomised clinical trial

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    Introduction The intake of polyphenols has certain health benefits. This study will aim to assess the effect of adding a daily amount of chocolate high in cocoa content and polyphenols to the normal diet on blood pressure, vascular function, cognitive performance, quality of life and body composition in postmenopausal women. Methods and analysis Here we plan a randomised clinical trial with two parallel groups involving a total of 140 women between 50 and 64 years in the postmenopausal period, defined by amenorrhoea of at least 12 consecutive months. The main variable will be the change in blood pressure. Secondary variables will be changes in vascular function, quality of life, cognitive performance and body composition. The intervention group will be given chocolate containing 99% cocoa, with instructions to add 10 g daily to their normal diet for 6 months. The daily nutritional contribution of this amount of chocolate is 59 kcal and 65.4 mg of polyphenols. There will be no intervention in the control group. All variables will be measured at the baseline visit and 3 and 6 months after randomisation, except cognitive performance and quality of life, which will only be assessed at baseline and at 6 months. Recruitment is scheduled to begin on 1 June 2018, and the study will continue until 31 May 2019. Ethics and dissemination This study was approved by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of the Health Area of Salamanca, Spain (‘CREC of Health Area of Salamanca’), in February 2018. A SPIRIT checklist is available for this protocol. The clinical trial has been registered at ClinicalTrials. gov provided by the US National Library of Medicine, number NCT03492983. The results will be disseminated through open access peer-reviewed journals, conference presentations, broadcast media and a presentation to stakeholders.Gerencia Regional de Castilla y León (GRS 1583/B/1

    Curso Teórico Práctico en el manejo y sujeción básica de animales de laboratorio

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    Documentos adjuntos: Resumen y presentación de ponenciaLos códigos de ética internacionales para la investigación biomédica consideran una obligación realizar primero ensayos con animales antes de efectuarlos en cualquier ser humano. Hasta hoy en día, no hay alternativas que se consideren viables para no utilizar animales de laboratorio; las nuevas técnicas como la de cultivo celulares y las simulaciones por computadora solo proporcionan datos accesorios que si bien son útiles, lo máximo para lo que se pueden utilizar es para disminuir el número de animales que se han de utilizar para investigación o docencia (Rodríguez Yunta, 2012). Se consideran animales de experimentación como cualquier especie del reino animal que se pueda utilizar en un experimento científico (Jar , 2014).Universidad de Costa Rica/[ED-3275]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Salud::Facultad de Medicina::Escuela de Medicin

    Bovine infectious abortion: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The aim of the present systematic review and meta-analysis was to identify the main infectious agents related to bovine abortion worldwide in the period between 2000 and 2022. First, we investigated the global prevalence of infectious agents related to bovine abortion. For this analysis, only 27 articles detected of a wide panel of agents were included. The random effects model revealed that the estimated prevalence of the abortifacient agents in bovine abortion was 45.7%. The heterogeneity among studies was high, but Egger’s test showed that there was no publication bias, even though the total number of samples analyzed in these articles was variable. There was no significant effect of the year of the study publication on the estimated prevalence, although an increasing trend was observed over time, possibly due to the implementation of new diagnostic techniques. Then, we analyzed the prevalence of the main transmissible agents in bovine abortion. For this analysis, 76 studies that analyzed 19,070 cases were included. Some infectious agent was detected in 7,319 specimens, and a final diagnosis was reached in 3,977 of these, when both the infectious agent and compatible histopathological changes were detected. We found that Neospora caninum was the most detected agent (22.2%), followed by opportunistic bacteria (21.4%), Chlamydiaceae family (10.9%) and Coxiella burnetii (9.5%). Regarding viral agents, bovine herpes virus type 1 and bovine viral diarrhea displayed similar prevalence rates (approximately 5%). After considering the description of specific histopathological changes, our analyzes showed that N. caninum was a confirmed cause of abortion in 16.7% of the analyzed cases, followed by opportunistic bacteria (12.6%) and Chlamydia spp. (6.8%); however, C. burnetii was only confirmed as a cause of abortion in 1.1% of the cases. For all agents, the heterogeneity among studies was high, and the subgroup analyzes discarded the diagnostic method as the cause of such heterogeneity. This study provides knowledge about the global prevalence of the different infectious agents related to bovine abortion, the most coming of which is N. caninum. In addition, this review reveals the existing deficiencies in the diagnosis of bovine abortion that must be addressed in the future

    Combined use of smartphone and smartband technology in the improvement of lifestyles in the adult population over 65 years: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial (EVIDENT-Age study)

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    Background The increasing use of smartphones by older adults also increases their potential for improving different aspects of health in this population. Some studies have shown promising results in the improvement of cognitive performance through lifestyle modification. All this may have a broad impact on the quality of life and carrying out daily living activities. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of combining the use of smartphone and smartband technology for 3 months with brief counseling on life habits, as opposed to providing counseling only, in increasing physical activity and improving adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Secondary objectives are to assess the effect of the intervention on body composition, quality of life, independence in daily living activities and cognitive performance. Methods This study is a two-arm cluster-randomized trial that will be carried out in urban health centers in Spain. We will recruit 160 people aged between 65 and 80 without cardiovascular disease or cognitive impairment (score in the Mini-mental State Examination ≥24). On a visit to their center, intervention group participants will be instructed to use a smartphone application for a period of 3 months. This application integrates information on physical activity received from a fitness bracelet and self-reported information on the patient’s daily nutritional composition. The primary outcome will be the change in the number of steps measured by accelerometer. Secondary variables will be adherence to the Mediterranean diet, sitting time, body composition, quality of life, independence in daily living activities and cognitive performance. All variables will be measured at baseline and on the assessment visit after 3 months. A telephone follow-up will be carried out at 6 months to collect self-reported data regarding physical activity and adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Discussion Preventive healthy aging programs should include health education with training in nutrition and lifestyles, while stressing the importance of and enhancing physical activity; the inclusion of new technologies can facilitate these goals. The EVIDENT-AGE study will incorporate a simple, accessible intervention with potential implementation in the care of older adults.This study was supported in part by grants funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Institute of Biomedical Research of Salamanca (IBSAL)-IBY17/00003, and the Spanish Research Network for Preventive Activities and Health Promotion in Primary Care (REDIAPP)-RD16/0007

    Role of Klotho and AGE/RAGE-Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway on the development of cardiac and renal fibrosis in diabetes

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    Fibrosis plays an important role in the pathogenesis of long-term diabetic complications and contributes to the development of cardiac and renal dysfunction. The aim of this experimental study, performed in a long-term rat model, which resembles type 1 diabetes mellitus, was to investigate the role of soluble Klotho (sKlotho), advanced glycation end products (AGEs)/receptor for AGEs (RAGE), fibrotic Wnt/β-catenin pathway, and pro-fibrotic pathways in kidney and heart. Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin. Glycaemia was maintained by insulin administration for 24 weeks. Serum and urine sKlotho, AGEs, soluble RAGE (sRAGE) and biochemical markers were studied. The levels of Klotho, RAGEs, ADAM10, markers of fibrosis (collagen deposition, fibronectin, TGF-β1, and Wnt/β-catenin pathway), hypertrophy of the kidney and/or heart were analysed. At the end of study, diabetic rats showed higher levels of urinary sKlotho, AGEs and sRAGE and lower serum sKlotho compared with controls without differences in the renal Klotho expression. A significant positive correlation was found between urinary sKlotho and AGEs and urinary albumin/creatinine ratio (uACR). Fibrosis and RAGE levels were significantly higher in the heart without differences in the kidney of diabetic rats compared to controls. The results also suggest the increase in sKlotho and sRAGE excretion may be due to polyuria in the diabetic rats