3,038 research outputs found

    Mobile information system for seed production processes in gene banks, CIAT study case

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    Este artículo es una extensión de los resultados de investigación presentados en el Workshop de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación Aplicadas a la Agricultura (TIC-@GRO 2015). En esta oportunidad se extienden los detalles acerca de cómo se ha desarrollado el sistema de información móvil para procesos de producción de semillas en bancos de recursos genéticos. Se describen los procesos llevados a cabo anteriormente en la producción de semillas en campo y cómo estos demandan la necesidad de manejar la información de manera consistente, organizada, actualizada y exacta. También se describe el desarrollo de un sistema de computación móvil como un componente indispensable para un sistema de información móvil, el cual integra componentes de software, hardware, móviles, recurso humano, gestión y control de información, obteniendo como resultado las características de un sistema de documentación para bancos de recursos genéticos.This article is an extension of the research results presented on the Workshop on Information and Communication Technologies Applied to Agriculture (TIC-@GRO 2015). This time, details are provided about the way the mobile information system has been developed for seed production processes at gene banks. Processes conducted before in seed production are described, including the way such processes demanded a need for managing information in a reasonable, organized, updated, and accurate manner. The development of a mobile computation system is described as an indispensable element for a mobile information system which integrates elements of software, hardware, mobile devices, human resources, management, and information control; this results in characteristics of a documentation system for gene banks

    Environmental sensitivity of n-i-n and undoped single GaN nanowire photodetectors

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    In this work, we compare the photodetector performance of single defect-free undoped and n-in GaN nanowires (NWs). In vacuum, undoped NWs present a responsivity increment, nonlinearities and persistent photoconductivity effects (~ 100 s). Their unpinned Fermi level at the m-plane NW sidewalls enhances the surface states role in the photodetection dynamics. Air adsorbed oxygen accelerates the carrier dynamics at the price of reducing the photoresponse. In contrast, in n-i-n NWs, the Fermi level pinning at the contact regions limits the photoinduced sweep of the surface band bending, and hence reduces the environment sensitivity and prevents persistent effects even in vacuum

    Strategic Innovation Management For Sems

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    El documento parte de la situación en la cual se origina la creación de las PYMES y el contexto en el cual se empiezan a convertir en una alternativa empresarial y comercial interesante, como quiera que su creación produce no sólo una rápida dinamización de la economía sino que la tecnología se constituye en un elemento importante para su funcionalidad y consolidación.The document of the situation in which the creation of SMEs and the context in which they begin to become an interesting business and commercial alternative, whatever that creation occurs not only fast dynamic economy but which originates technology constitutes an important element in its functionality and consolidation

    A Dynamic Factor Model for the Colombian Inflation

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    We use a dynamic factor model proposed by Stock and Watson [1998, 1999, 2002a,b] to forecast Colombian inflation. The model includes 92 monthly series observed over the period 1999:01-2008:06. The results show that for short-run horizons, factor model forecasts significantly outperformed the auto-regressive benchmark model in terms of the root mean squared forecast error statistic.Dynamic factor models, static factor models, forecast accuracy. Classification JEL: C13, C33, C53.

    Impact of a teacher development programme on approaches to teaching in higher education

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    [EN] The Bologna process involved a strategic change that included in its policy agenda a move towards a student-centred scenario. In addition, a reasonable association may be assumed to exist between teaching development programmes and student learning outcomes. This research study focused on the impact that a brief yet intense formal and non-qualifying teaching programme, delivered as a seminar and supported by the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) in Spain, had on teachers’ approaches to teaching measured by the most recent Spanish adaptation of the Approaches to Teaching Inventory (S-ATI-20). Results showed that there was a positive and statistically significant impact of the training programme on approaches to teaching measured by the information transmission/teacher-focused scale (ITTF). The poor attendance rate to this non-compulsory programme, course duration, participant profile, psychometric structure of the questionnaire used, and the relationship between teaching development programmes and approaches to teaching are discussed.González-Geraldo, J.; Monroy, F. (2017). Impact of a teacher development programme on approaches to teaching in higher education. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 125-132. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.5052OCS12513

    La perspectiva del profesor para caracterizar la ruta de estudio

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    El presente artículo pretende hacer una breve descripción de la participación como co investigadores en la investigación “Rutas de Estudio y Aprendizaje en el aula” realizada por un grupo de profesores de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. En primer lugar se hace una contextualización sobre el objeto de estudio de la investigación para luego señalar las acciones llevadas a cabo en la co investigación, las cuales consistían en la recolección de información, empleando diferentes técnicas como la observación no participante, la videograbación y la entrevista. Ya por último, se hace una reflexión8 entorno a una de las técnicas, La entrevista como instrumento para indagar el aporte de los profesores en la caracterización de la Ruta de Estudio y Aprendizaje

    Information-Driven Gas Source Localization Exploiting Gas and Wind Local Measurements for Autonomous Mobile Robots

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    Gas source localization (GSL) by an olfactory robot is a research field with a great potential for applications but also with numerous unsolved challenges, particularly when the search must take place in realistic, indoor environments that feature obstacles and turbulent airflows. In this work, we present a new probabilistic GSL method for a terrestrial mobile robot that revolves around the propagation of local estimations throughout the environment. By exploiting the geometry of the environment as the basis for this propagation, we avoid relying on analytical dispersion models, eliminating the need to assume controlled environmental conditions. Simulated and real experiments are presented in different indoor environments featuring multiple rooms and turbulent flows, demonstrating the suitability of our approach for locating the emitting gas source.Junta de Andalucía, Fondos FEDER. Proyectos P20_01302, TEP2012-53

    Teaching conceptions and approaches: do qualitative results support survey data?

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    This study examined preservice teachers’ teaching conceptions and approaches measured quantitatively and qualitatively in order to identify any convergence of findings. Additionally, any changes in conceptions and approaches towards a student- or teacher-centred orientation upon completion of a training course were compared. Method: Preservice teachers completed a scale on approaches to teaching and answered open-ended questions on teaching before and after an initial teacher training programme. Results and conclusions: Inconsistencies in the results suggest that research on teaching and learning should use a combination of techniques in order to ensure that phenomena are accurately examined so that appropriate educational decisions are made.This study examined preservice teachers’ teaching conceptions and approaches measured quantitatively and qualitatively in order to identify any convergence of findings. Additionally, any changes in conceptions and approaches towards a student- or teacher-centred orientation upon completion of a training course were compared. Method: Preservice teachers completed a scale on approaches to teaching and answered open-ended questions on teaching before and after an initial teacher training programme. Results and conclusions: Inconsistencies in the results suggest that research on teaching and learning should use a combination of techniques in order to ensure that phenomena are accurately examined so that appropriate educational decisions are made

    Comprender es algo más que un cuento: secuencia didáctica basada en la lectura y estudio de cuentos cortos colombianos para el fortalecimiento de la comprensión lectora de textos narrativos

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    El propósito de esta secuencia didáctica es ofrecer una estrategia de enseñanza y aprendizaje enfocada en la comprensión lectora, en estudiantes de grado sexto de EBS, desde la noción de Ana Camps, quien comprende esta como la orientación hacia la correcta elaboración de una tarea, a partir del diseño de actividades secuenciadas que tienen como fin lograr un aprendizaje significativo por parte de los estudiantes. Asimismo, este proyecto tiene en cuenta el cuento colombiano inmerso en el modelo comunicativo social, el cual favorece el desarrollo de capacidades inferenciales, pensamiento crítico y diversas competencias que atienden a la comprensión e interpretación en un contexto determinado; todo bajo el criterio de los Lineamientos Curriculares de Lengua Castellana, el Plan Nacional de Lectura y Escritura y demás orientaciones impartidas por el Ministerio de educación nacional

    Novel InN-based SESAMs with ultra-short time response

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    2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 23–27 June 2019, Munich, Germany.Tipo de participación: Participativo - Póster, Entidad organizadora: Optical Society of America, Forma de contribución: Artículo científico.Semiconductor saturable absorbers are becoming a matter of interest since they are keystone elements of pulsed lasers, leading to ultrashort pulses with high peak intensities and wide optical spectra. This kind of ultrafast lasers are empowering new applications in the fields of optical telecommunications and nonlinear optics. In order to improve the radiation source with regard to pulse energy and temporal duration, new saturable absorbers are still under development