1,362 research outputs found

    Mentoring impact on the transversal competence’s development. An experience of educational accompaniment in the integral formation of the university student.

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    Introduction: The adaptation of universities to the new guidelines set by the European Higher Education Area implies relevant changes. Among them, a teaching model more focused on the student and his or her learning than on the teacher and the subject, new active teaching-learning methodologies and the development of competences through the acquisition of learning outcomes; all with the aim of contributing to the integral formation of the university student. The integral formation, enabling each student to discover and realize their own life project, is nourished by educational accompaniment and the development of competences. A concrete form of educational accompaniment is mentoring. The objective of this study is to evaluate the formative effectiveness of an innovative mentoring program in the development of transversal competences as a means to achieve the ultimate mission of the university: to provide a comprehensive education to students. Methods: The design of this research is quasi-experimental (pretest-posttest). The sample consists of more than 300 first-year students of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria who participated in the mentoring program. A questionnaire on transversal competences and group interviews were used as measurement instruments. Results: The results showed significant differences in the level of acquisition of intrapersonal competences between the pre-treatment and post-treatment periods, in favor of the latter. This fact suggests that students improved their level of intrapersonal competences thanks to the mentoring program. These results are subsequently supported by the analysis of the group interviews. Discussion: Therefore, it can be concluded that this type of mentoring program is a valid example for the development of intrapersonal competences, which in turn contributes to the integral formation of the student.post-print912 K

    Mejoramiento en el sistema de almacenamiento de un Centro de Distribución

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    Este proyecto, pretende presentar un proceso estándar que permite la eficiente recolección de productos para un pedido, mediante el correcto almacenamiento de los productos dentro de un Centro de Distribución -- En un principio se expone el diagnóstico del Centro de Distribución, abarcando la confiabilidad del inventario y los indicadores de gestión logística manejados en él -- Un vez realizado el diagnostico, se desarrolla y ejecuta el proceso estándar que tiene como objetivo principal la gestión adecuada del sistema de almacenamiento, verificando los mejoramientos realizados a través de un indicado

    Epidemiología descriptiva de la gastroenteritis por Campylobacter en Castellón.

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    Treball Final de Grau en Medicina. Codi: MD1158. Curs acadèmic: 2017/2018Campylobacter gastroenteritis (GEAc) is the most common bac terial diarrhea. It affects children in a special way. In order to know the epidemiological features of this disease in the Departments of Health of Castellón and La Plana (470000 inhabitants), a descriptive epidemiological study was carried out in the pe riod from 2014 to 2017. All cases registered in the Epidemiological Surveillance System with confirmed microbiological diagnosis, residents in the study area, have been included. There were a total of 1804 cases (incidence of 1 case per 1000 person - years (p - a)). 51% were under 5 years old (rate of 1 per 100 p - a). A higher incidence was observed in men than in women ( male ratio 1.38). The percentage of hospitalization was very low (6%). The percentage of cases associated with outbreak was also low (2%). The trend throughout the period was quite stable. There was no clear seasonality pattern. A higher incidence was observed in the Department of La Plana than in that of Castellón, with a relative risk of 1.50 (IC95% 1.36 - 1.64). The epidemiology of the GEAc pr esents very particular features in its distribution by age and sex; the little presence of outbreaks contrasts with the high incidence of sporadic cases, which are generally mild. These findings are discussed and interpreted, and lines are proposed for fut ure studiesLa gastroenteritis por Campylobact er (GEAc) es la más frecuente entre las diarreas bacterianas. Afecta de manera especial a los niños. Con el objetivo de conocer los rasgos epidemiológicos de esta enfermedad en los Departamentos de Salud de Castellón y La Plana (470000 habitantes), se ha llevado a cabo un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo en el periodo de 2014 a 2 0 17. Se han incluido todos los casos con diagnóstico microbiológico confirmado, registrados en el sistema de Vigilancia Epidemiológica y residentes en el área del estudio. Hubo un total de 1804 casos (incidencia de 1 caso por 1000 personas - año). El 51% fueron menores de 5 años (tasa de 1 por 100 p - a). Se observó una mayor incidencia en hombres que en mujeres (razón de masculinidad 1.38). El porcentaje de hospitalización fue muy bajo (6%). El porcentaje de casos asociados a brote es asimismo bajo (2%). La tendencia a lo largo del periodo fue bastante estable. No hubo un patrón de estacionalidad claro. Se observó mayor incidencia en el Departamento de la Plana que en el de Cast ellón, con un riesgo relativo de 1.50 (IC95% 1.36 - 1.64). La epidemiología de la GEAc presenta rasgos muy particulares en su distribución por edad y sexo; la escasez de brotes contrasta con la elevada incidencia de casos esporádicos, que, en general son l eves. Se discuten e interpretan estos hallazgos y se proponen líneas para futuros estudios

    Vclass, a virtual homework strategy to reinforce and improve the English communicative skills of EFL young learners.

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    El proyecto aplicado comienza describiendo algunos conocimientos previos importantes, investigaciones y experiencias que otros autores y profesionales han avanzado anteriormente. Las herramientas digitales en un entorno de aprendizaje de idiomas se reconocen como aprendizaje asistido por computadora (CALL) (Hubbard, 2009). Los profesionales en esta área sugieren lo siguiente: La investigación sobre la edad óptima para el aprendizaje de un idioma no es concluyente; un inicio temprano tiene un impacto positivo en las actitudes de los niños y la única ventaja de un comienzo temprano es la cantidad total de tiempo dedicado activamente a aprender un idioma (Hubbard, 2009). Buscando una oportunidad para utilizar las TIC de una manera pedagógica La Nueva Escuela ha diseñado algunas actividades en línea y su propia guía virtual llamada Vclass. Las guías de aprendizaje se han incluido en las materias principales como una parte de la calificación total en el área de cada asignatura (The New School, 2016, p.46). Gracias a la evolución de las TIC, la guía de aprendizaje cambia a guías virtuales. Aunque los estudiantes tienen clases de inglés 5 horas por semana, hay algunos estudiantes que no son fáciles de mejorar sus habilidades comunicativas, incluso tienen muchas horas inmersas en ese idioma. Además de esto, los resultados muestran que los estudiantes no revisan ni practican en casa los temas desarrollados en clase y las tareas se centran en los temas pero a veces no son motivadores para los estudiantes. A partir de la experiencia de los maestros de la escuela y los comentarios de los estudiantes, la investigación encuentra la importancia de modificar algunas actividades y agregar otras relacionadas con los temas como una herramienta virtual de ensayo. Estas son las razones por las que es importante considerar a Vclass como una estrategia virtual de tareas en la que los estudiantes pueden revisar los temas al mismo tiempo que participan en el mundo digital en el que la mayoría de ellos realmente se involucran y están motivados. La siguiente parte del proyecto aplicado se centró en la descripción de la metodología, las etapas, la descripción de la población y los recursos necesarios para recopilar la información. Para evaluar la guía virtual, fue relevante visitar y compartir opiniones de otras escuelas e instituciones que la aplicaron y sus experiencias con los estudiantes, comparando el nivel de inglés y el tiempo de practicar inglés por sí mismos. Finalmente hay una descripción sobre los resultados y el análisis de ellos. Las conclusiones y sugerencias completan el proyecto aplicado. El autor proporciona un esquema de posible tarea que podría incluirse o considerarse para la siguiente actualización para lograr las habilidades lingüísticas de nivel superior en los estudiantes que toman en cuenta las motivaciones, el modelo de la escuela, los enfoques y las nuevas herramientas virtuales. Metodología Efecto causal: al determinar causa-efecto y la investigación mixta, a partir de los datos recopilados: cuantitativo y cualitativo. Comparando con algunas referencias de teoría y escribiendo algunas preguntas cercanas y abiertas para buscar más sobre el tema. En este paso, el cuestionario está más estructurado y es posible recopilar más datos. Grupo de Enfoque: preguntas cortas abiertas para tratar el grupo de enfoque con estudiantes y maestros. Bench-marketing para analizar las experiencias de otras escuelas. Caso de estudio de investigación: debemos investigar y analizar los datos de la escuela: se revisan los registros internos. Las etapas de la metodología son: etapa 1: diagnóstico (encuesta, grupo focal); etapa 2: mercadeo en banco (análisis de la guía virtual de otras escuelas); etapa 3: modificación y actualización de la guía virtual; etapa 4: aplicación de la herramienta virtual renovada; Etapa 5 aplicando Vclass como tarea adicional. Conclusiones y Recomendaciones El proyecto aplicado contribuyó a lograr las conclusiones y recomendaciones que podrían determinar las nuevas estrategias virtuales que se aplicarán en la plataforma "Vclass". La evaluación y análisis de los datos recopilados sobre Vclass como estrategia para mejorar y reforzar las habilidades comunicativas en inglés en los grupos de séptimo y octavo grado y los teóricos que lo respaldaron, permitieron considerar esta herramienta como una de las estrategias de aprendizaje en un entorno virtual . Esta estrategia debe ser desarrollada y mejorada cada vez que los maestros la examinen y la consideren relevante; teniendo en cuenta las necesidades y opiniones de los estudiantes, los enfoques pedagógicos, las metodologías y las estrategias establecidas por la escuela.The applied project starts by describing some important previous knowledge, research and experiences those others authors and practitioners have advanced before. Digital tools in a language learning environment, are recognized as computer assisted language learning (CALL) (Hubbard, 2009). The practitioners in this area suggests the following: Research into the optimum age for language learning is inconclusive; an early start has a positive impact on children’s attitudes and the only advantage of an early start is the total amount of time spent actively on learning a language (Hubbard, 2009). Searching an opportunity to use the ICT in pedagogical way The New School has designed some online activities and their own virtual guide called Vclass. The learning guides have been included in the main subjects as a portion of the total grade in each subject’s area (The New School, 2016, p. 46). Thanks to the ICT evolution the learning guide change to virtual guides. Although the students have English class 5 hours per week, there are some students that are not easy to improve their communicative skills, even having many hours immersed in that language. In addition to this, the results show that students do not review or practice at home the topics developed in class and the tasks are around the topics but sometimes they are not motivating to the students. From the school teachers’ experience and students’ feedback the research finds the importance to modify some activities and add others relative to the topics as a rehearsal virtual tool. These are the reasons why it is important to consider Vclass as a virtual homework strategy in which students can review the topics at the same time that they are involve in the digital world in which most of them really engage and are motivated. The next part of the applied project was focused on the description of the methodology, the stages, description of the population and the resources required to collect the information. To assess the virtual guide, it was relevant to visit and share opinions from other schools and institutions that have applied it and their experiences with the students, comparing the level of English and the time practicing English by themselves. Finally there is a description about the results and analysis of them. Conclusions and suggestions complete the applied project. The author provides a scheme of possible task that could be included or considered to next updating to achieve the higher level languages skills in students taking account motivations, school’s model, approaches and new virtual tools. Methodology Causal effect: on determining cause-and-effect and Mixed research, from data collected: quantitative and qualitative. Comparing with some theory references and writing some close and open questions to search more about the topic. In this step the questionnaire is more structured and it is possible to collect more data. Focus Group: short open questions to deal the focus group with students and teachers. Bench-marketing to analyze the others schools experiences. Case of study research: We should research and analyze the school data: internal records are reviewed. The stages of the methodology are: stage 1: diagnosis (survey, focus group); stage 2: bench marketing (analysis from others schools virtual guide); stage 3: modifying and refreshing de virtual guide; stage 4: applying the renovated virtual tool; stage 5 applying Vclass as extra homework. Conclusions and Recommendations The applied project contributed to achieve the conclusions and recommendations that could determine the new virtual strategies that will be applied on the platform "Vclass". The assessment and analysis of the data gathered about Vclass as strategy to improve and reinforce the English communicative skills in the groups of the seventh and eighth grade and the theoretical that supported it, allowed considering this tool as one of the learning strategy in a virtual environment. This strategy should be evolved and improved every time that teachers examined and considered it relevant; taking account the students’ needs and opinions, the pedagogical approaches, methodologies and strategies established by the school

    Which are the predictors of perceived employability? An approach based on three studies

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    This study proposes a holistic model of perceived employability in university students, covering the following five areas: human capital, social capital, cultural capital, individual attributes and behaviours, and contextual factors. Three studies comprising five experts and 1,088 students were performed. Through these studies, the psychometric properties of the scales used were verified, and the proposed theoretical structural model was estimated. The results confirm that university student networks, labour market and self-confidence in job searching and university are the most important factors in graduates’ perception of employabilit

    Evaluation of a Vein Biometric Recognition System on an Ordinary Smartphone

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    Nowadays, biometrics based on vein patterns as a trait is a promising technique. Vein patterns satisfy universality, distinctiveness, permanence, performance, and protection against circumvention. However, collectability and acceptability are not completely satisfied. These two properties are directly related to acquisition methods. The acquisition of vein images is usually based on the absorption of near-infrared (NIR) light by the hemoglobin inside the veins, which is higher than in the surrounding tissues. Typically, specific devices are designed to improve the quality of the vein images. However, such devices increase collectability costs and reduce acceptability. This paper focuses on using commercial smartphones with ordinary cameras as potential devices to improve collectability and acceptability. In particular, we use smartphone applications (apps), mainly employed for medical purposes, to acquire images with the smartphone camera and improve the contrast of superficial veins, as if using infrared LEDs. A recognition system has been developed that employs the free IRVeinViewer App to acquire images from wrists and dorsal hands and a feature extraction algorithm based on SIFT (scale-invariant feature transform) with adequate pre- and post-processing stages. The recognition performance has been evaluated with a database composed of 1000 vein images associated to five samples from 20 wrists and 20 dorsal hands, acquired at different times of day, from people of different ages and genders, under five different environmental conditions: day outdoor, indoor with natural light, indoor with natural light and dark homogeneous background, indoor with artificial light, and darkness. The variability of the images acquired in different sessions and under different ambient conditions has a large influence on the recognition rates, such that our results are similar to other systems from the literature that employ specific smartphones and additional light sources. Since reported quality assessment algorithms do not help to reject poorly acquired images, we have evaluated a solution at enrollment and matching that acquires several images subsequently, computes their similarity, and accepts only the samples whose similarity is greater than a threshold. This improves the recognition, and it is practical since our implemented system in Android works in real-time and the usability of the acquisition app is high.MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/50110001103 Grant PDC2021-121589-I00Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) and Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades de la Junta de Andalucía Grant US-126514

    Theoretical and methodological foundation of a self-perception scale on personal competencies and the cardinal virtues. An exploratory and pilot study.

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    The cardinal virtues (prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance) have relevance within the areas of character education and integral or comprehensive formation. In recent years, there has been growing interest and a great deal of literature produced on character education and its measurement. In this paper, we propose a questionnaire (a Likert-type self-report scale of 22 items), the QCV, designed to measure competencies associated with the cardinal virtues. The theoretical foundation of the questionnaire lies in the Aristotelian-Thomistic tradition in dialogue with positive psychology. The paper also offers a review of the literature on the measurement of virtue and the principal instruments currently used to measure the cardinal virtues. The results of a preliminary application of the QCV with a sample of 325 university students indicate that the questionnaire, written in Spanish and conducted in Madrid, has good psychometric properties.post-print811 K

    What do consumers care about when purchasing experiential packaging?

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    Purpose: The importance of packaging attributes for purchase decisions has generated interest in the research and food industry. As a matter of fact, innovation in packaging is constantly searching for new solutions that generate customer experience. The aim of this study is to analyse the effect of packaging attributes (protection, convenience, portability and storage, information, sustainability, branding and engagement) on consumer purchase intention of experiential packaging especially designed to provide an extraordinary sensory or interactive communicational experience and the influence of potential moderators. Design/methodology/approach: The authors used a quantitative methodology based on the partial least squares (PLS) technique to estimate the structural model proposed. A purposely developed questionnaire was administered to a non-probabilistic sample of 1,489 European consumers. The questionnaire included questions related to consumers' perception of packaging attributes and purchase intention of different experiential packages. Findings: The results indicate that packaging attributes are related to consumer purchase intention of experiential packaging. Engagement attributes show the strongest positive influence followed by branding and economy. However, attributes such as sustainability showed a negative effect on the purchase intention of these packages. The authors’ results also show the influence of gender, family structure and residential background as moderators of the relationships. Originality/value: Customers' decision-making processes are strongly influenced by product packaging. However, little is known about how new technologies and design in packaging influence consumers' responses. This research provides evidence of the influence of packaging attributes on consumer purchase intention for experiential packaging, a proliferating area of research

    Influencia de las Redes Sociales en la autoestima de dos generaciones diferentes (Generación Z y Millennials)

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    Las redes sociales han ido influyendo en la vida moderna desde sus inicios, afectando a la forma de vivir, de actuar, creando adicción y afectando a la autoestima, al autoconcepto y la relación entre iguales. El presente estudio, plantea como objetivo principal analizar la influencia de las redes sociales en la autoestima de dos generaciones diferentes (Generación Z y Millennials). Para la elaboración de esta investigación se ha llevado a cabo un estudio exhaustivo sobre la autoestima y las redes sociales, así como de las características principales de cada generación. Además, se ha realizado un estudio de campo en Tenerife a una muestra de 170 personas, 123 pertenecientes a la Generación Z y 47 a los Millennials, con el objetivo de realizar una comparación sobre cómo las redes sociales influyen en la autoestima de cada grupo. Los datos se analizaron mediante el IBM SPSS en el que se realizaron comparaciones de las puntuaciones obtenidas por las dos en la Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg, en la Escala de Adicciones a las redes sociales y en una escala de elaboración propia a través del estadístico t de student. Se estudió mediante el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson la relación entre autoestima y adicción a las redes sociales, y entre la puntuación de estas dos escalas con la edad. Los resultados muestran que la Generación Z presenta menor autoestima debido a la influencia de las redes sociales en las que se da mayor importancia a la imagen y likes de una publicación. Son más adictos a la utilización de la tecnología y a su vida virtual y están más expuestos a una comparación continua con individuos irreales que muestran niveles de vida inalcanzables.Nowadays social media have been influencing the daily lives and the way people live and act. They have become a new way of addiction, affecting selfesteem, self-concept, and peer relationships. With this study, the objective was set out to analyse the influence of social networks on the self-esteem of two different generations (Generation Z and Millennials). For the elaboration of this research, an exhaustive study was carried out on self-esteem and social networks, as well as on the main characteristics of each generation. The study followed through a sample of 170 people in Tenerife, 123 belonging to generation Z and 47 to Millennials, with the aim of comparing how social networks influence the self-esteem of each group. The data were analysed using IBM SPSS in which comparisons were made between the scores obtained by the two generations on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, on the Social Network Addiction Scale and on a Self-developed scale using the Student's T-statistic. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to study the relationship between self-esteem and addiction to social media, and between the results on these two scales and the different ages. The results show that Generation Z has lower self-esteem due to the influence of social media in which more importance is given to the image and likes of a post. They are more addicted to the use of technology and their virtual life and are more exposed to continuous comparison with unrealistic individuals who show unattainable standards of living

    Knowledge, attitudes, perceptions and habits towards antibiotics dispensed without medical prescription: a qualitative study of Spanish pharmacists

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    Objective To investigate community pharmacists’ knowledge, attitudes, perceptions and habits with regard to antibiotic dispensing without medical prescription in Spain. Methods A qualitative research using focus group method (FG) in Galicia (north-west Spain). FG sessions were conducted in the presence of a moderator. A topic script was developed to lead the discussions, which were audiorecorded to facilitate data interpretation and transcription. Proceedings were transcribed by an independent researcher and interpreted by two researchers working independently. We used the Grounded Theory approach. Setting Community pharmacies in Galicia, region Norwest of Spain. Participants Thirty pharmacists agreed to participate in the study, and a total of five FG sessions were conducted with 2–11 pharmacists. We sought to ensure a high degree of heterogeneity in the composition of the groups to improve our study's external validity. Pharmacists’ participation had no gender or age restrictions, and an effort was made to form FGs with pharmacists who were both owners and non-owners, provided in all cases that they were Official Colleges of Pharmacists-registered community pharmacists. For the purpose of conducting FG discussions, the basic methodological principle of allowing groups to attain their ‘own structural identity’ was applied. Main outcome measurements Community pharmacists’ habits and knowledge with regard to antibiotics and identification of the attitudes and/or factors that influence antibiotic dispensing without medical prescription. Results Pharmacists attributed the problem of antibiotics dispensed without medical prescription and its relationship to antibiotic resistance to the following attitudes: external responsibility (doctors, dentists and the National Health Service (NHS)); acquiescence; indifference and lack of continuing education. Conclusions Despite being a problem, antibiotic dispensing without a medical prescription is still a common practice in community pharmacies in Galicia, Spain. This practice is attributed to acquiescence, indifference and lack of continuing education. The problem of resistance was ascribed to external responsibility, including that of patients, physicians, dentists and the NHS.S