117 research outputs found

    Concepciones alternativas de los alumnos de Educación Secundaria sobre el enlace químico

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    En el presente trabajo se analizan las concepciones alternativas de los alumnos de 4º curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) y 1º de Bachillerato sobre el enlace químico. Para ello se procedió a la administración de un cuestionario a 101 alumnos de ambos cursos. Los resultados muestran que, a pesar de que hay matices diferenciales entre ambos cursos, en los dos casos, los alumnos presentan dificultades para relacionar los niveles macro y micro de la química, y por tanto, para llegar a comprender y relacionar las propiedades macroscópicas de las sustancias con el tipo de unión que presentan las partículas (átomos, iones y moléculas) a nivel microscópicoIn this paper, the alternative misconceptions about chemical bond of 4th Compulsory Secondary Education and 1st of Bachillerato students are analyzed. The experimental work involved the administration of 101 questionnaires to students of both courses. The results show that, although there are differential nuances between both courses, the most important conclusion is that students have in common the difficulty to relate macro and micro levels of chemistry and, therefore, to reach the comprehension to relate the macroscopic properties of substances with the type of bonding that these particles (atoms, ions and molecules) have at the microscopic leve

    Analysis of a new teaching approach to teach chemical bonding to high school spanish students

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    This report shows the design and implementation of a New Teaching Approach (NTA) for chemical bonding to 1st year high school students (16-18y). To design and test the proposal several key aspect regarding chemical bonding have been determined after taking into consideration the student preconceptions. The NTA has been implemented in one experimental group while the control one has been taught with traditional methodology. The same comprehensive test has been offered to both groups after being taught chemical bonding, and the answers have been analysed. In the findings it is observed that the proposed NTA and the used teaching strategies let students develop a higher thinking analysis and a deeper knowledge of chemical bonding, although still some aspects regarding the role of energy in bond formation should be improved in NTA.Resumo: Este artigo apresenta o desenho e implementação de uma Nova Abordagem de Ensino (NTA) da ligação química para estudantes do 1º ano do ensino secundário (16-18 anos). Para conceber e testar a proposta foram determinados, depois de tomar em consideração as preconceções dos alunos, vários aspetos-chave a respeito da ligação química. A NTA foi implementada num grupo experimental enquanto o de controlo foi ensinado com a metodologia tradicional. Depois de ser ensinada a ligação química, o mesmo teste abrangente foi aplicado a ambos os grupos e as respostas foram analisadas. Nos resultados, observa-se que as estratégias de ensino utilizadas e a NTA proposta permitem aos alunos desenvolver uma análise de pensamento mais elevado e um conhecimento mais profundo da ligação química, embora ainda alguns aspetos relacionados com o papel da energia na formação da ligação deva ser melhorado na NTA.Résumé Ce rapport montre la conception et la mise en oeuvre d'une Nouvelle Approche de l'Enseignement (NTA) de la liaison chimique avec les élèves de 1ère année du secondaire (16-18 ans). Pour concevoir et tester la proposition, plusieurs aspects clés concernant la liaison chimique ont été déterminés après avoir pris en considération les idées préconçues des étudiants. La NTA a été mise en oeuvre dans un groupe expérimental tandis que celui de contrôle recevait un enseignement suivant la méthodologie traditionnelle. Après la séquence d’enseignement sur la liaison chimique, le même test complet a été appliqué aux deux groupes et les réponses ont été analysées. Dans les conclusions, il est observé que la NTA proposée et les stratégies d'enseignement utilisées permettent aux élèves de développer une analyse plus approfondie et une connaissance plus profonde de la liaison chimique, bien que certains aspects concernant le rôle de l'énergie dans la formation de liaison doivent encore être améliorées dans la NTA.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of a New Teaching Approach to teach chemical bonding to High School Spanish students

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    This report shows the design and implementation of a New Teaching Approach (NTA) for chemical bonding to 1st year high school students (16-18y). To design and test the proposal several key aspect regarding chemical bonding have been determined after taking into consideration the student preconceptions. The NTA has been implemented in one experimental group while the control one has been taught with traditional methodology. The same comprehensive test has been offered to both groups after being taught chemical bonding, and the answers have been analysed. In the findings it is observed that the proposed NTA and the used teaching strategies let students develop a higher thinking analysis and a deeper knowledge of chemical bonding, although still some aspects regarding the role of energy in bond formation should be improved in NTA

    Evolution of neutrophil apoptosis in septic shock survivors and nonsurvivors

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    Producción CientíficaThe aims were to analyze the temporal evolution of neutrophil apoptosis, to determine the differences in neutrophil apoptosis among 28-day survivors and nonsurvivors, and to evaluate the use of neutrophil apoptosis as a predictor of mortality in patients with septic shock. [Materials and Methods]: Prospective multicenter observational study carried out between July 2006 and June 2009. The staining solution study included 80 patients with septic shock and 25 healthy volunteers. Neutrophil apoptosis was assessed by fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated annexin V and aminoactinomycin D staining. [Results]: The percentage of neutrophil apoptosis was significantly decreased at 24 hours, 5 days, and 12 days after the diagnosis of septic shock (14.8% ± 13.4%, 13.4% ± 8.4%, and 15.4% ± 12.8%, respectively; P .05). The mortality rate at 28 days was 53.7%. The crude hazard ratio for mortality in patients with septic shock did not differ according to the percentage of apoptosis (hazard ratio, 1.006; 95% confidence interval, 0.98-1.03; P = .60). [Conclusions]: During the first 12 days of septic shock development, the level of neutrophil apoptosis decreases and does not recover normal values. No differences were observed between surviving and nonsurviving patients

    What remains of the future: sustainability through heritage

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    Coordinators : Felipe Criado Boado (INCIPIT, CSIC), Blanca Ramírez Barat (CENIM, CSIC).Heritage is increasingly being recognized as a key element for social cohesion, sustainable socioeconomic development and people’s welfare. Resources dedicated to heritage conservation have gone from being considered an expense to being regarded as an investment, with a high revenue. The heritage industry has been an active part of this transformations in recent decades, it has generated employment, contributed to the worldwide expansion of tourism and has become a coveted sign of identity for political communities. Today there is no social or political process that does not use heritage in some way. Hence the actuality of the subject, and the importance of an organization such as the CSIC having research capabilities in this field

    Immunogenetic characterization of clonal plasma cells in systemic light-chain amyloidosis

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    This study was supported by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red—Área de Oncología—del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERONC; CB16/12/00369; and CB16/12/00489), Instituto de Salud Carlos III/Subdirección General de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS No. PI13/02196), Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (GCB120981SAN and the Accelerator Award), CRIS against Cancer foundation grant 2014/0120, and the Black Swan Research Initiative of the International Myeloma Foundation.Peer reviewe

    Recomendaciones para la inclusión del género en los contenidos de investigación

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    Siguiendo las recomendaciones de las instituciones europeas de investigación, se debe plantear la investigación como un ciclo completo en el que se incluya el impacto de los resultados sobre la sociedad, la economía, las oportunidades de negocio, la creatividad, la innovación, el uso de recursos, los usuarios finales, el desarrollo local o global, el medioambiente, etc., y es en estos aspectos donde la inclusión de consideraciones de género aporta calidad a la investigación. El análisis sobre las distintas necesidades, actitudes y preferencias de ambos sexos incrementa la relevancia social y la calidad del avance científico alcanzado. La Comisión de Mujer y Ciencia ya señaló en 2015 y en 2018 la necesidad de recibir formación para la adecuada inclusión de las cuestiones de género en los contenidos de investigación. En este sentido, revisó el material disponible como herramientas para tal fin y promovió la impartición de un curso de formación interna del CSIC específico en la materia. En general, se encuentra gran dificultad (y también alguna resistencia) en la aplicación de la dimensión de género en los contenidos de investigación. La CMyC presenta esta guía informal como ayuda para completar las cuestiones de integración del género en los contenidos, de modo que sirvan de apoyo en la preparación de solicitudes tanto en las convocatorias nacionales como europeas, contribuyendo así a los objetivos del III Plan de Igualdad (Eje 7) y a la estrategia HRS4S (Acción 17) del CSIC.Peer reviewe

    Flow cytometry for fast screening and automated risk assessment in systemic light-chain amyloidosis

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    Early diagnosis and risk stratification are key to improve outcomes in light-chain (AL) amyloidosis. Here we used multidimensional-flow-cytometry (MFC) to characterize bone marrow (BM) plasma cells (PCs) from a series of 166 patients including newly-diagnosed AL amyloidosis (N = 94), MGUS (N = 20) and multiple myeloma (MM, N = 52) vs. healthy adults (N = 30). MFC detected clonality in virtually all AL amyloidosis (99%) patients. Furthermore, we developed an automated risk-stratification system based on BMPCs features, with independent prognostic impact on progression-free and overall survival of AL amyloidosis patients (hazard ratio: ≥ 2.9;P ≤ .03). Simultaneous assessment of the clonal PCs immunophenotypic protein expression profile and the BM cellular composition, mapped AL amyloidosis in the crossroad between MGUS and MM; however, lack of homogenously-positive CD56 expression, reduction of B-cell precursors and a predominantly-clonal PC compartment in the absence of an MM-like tumor PC expansion, emerged as hallmarks of AL amyloidosis (ROC-AUC = 0.74;P < .001), and might potentially be used as biomarkers for the identification of MGUS and MM patients, who are candidates for monitoring pre-symptomatic organ damage related to AL amyloidosis. Altogether, this study addressed the need for consensus on how to use flow cytometry in AL amyloidosis, and proposes a standardized MFC-based automated risk classification ready for implementation in clinical practice