82 research outputs found

    Relationships between birth weight, breastfeeding and digit ratio with physical activity and physical fitness in school adolescents

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    This study aimed to analyze the isolated and combined effects of non-modifiable factors on adolescents’ physical fitness. This cross-sectional, descriptive study involved 1475 adolescents, aged 12 to 19 years, of whom 721 were girls, from four public schools in southern Spain. Physical activity, birth weight and breastfeeding time, and physical fitness were assessed. To calculate the 2D:4D ratio, three separate measurements of the length of the index finger (2D) and ring finger (4D) of both hands were taken. Results show no differences in the intake of breast milk nor its prediction power for physical fitness. Birth weight was related to horizontal jump and manual dynamometry results, while the 2D:4D ratio was not significant in the linear regression models. The non-modifiable factors studied in relation to physical activity practically ceased to be significant when variables such as sex, body mass index and physical activity practice were introduced into the models

    Manual de conocimientos en revictimización para auxiliares del sistema de administración de justicia

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    Curso de Especial Interés : VictimologíaLa finalidad del presente trabajo es generar un manual de conocimientos en revictimización para auxiliares jurídicos, desde la búsqueda de información bibliográfica actual sobre los procesos de victimización, para luego conglomerar lo encontrado en una guía practica, eficaz y de fácil comprensión.1. RESUMEN 2. INTRODUCCIÓN 3. JUSTIFICACIÓN 4. OBJETIVO GENERAL 5. OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS 6. MARCO TEÓRICO 7. MARCO LEGAL 8. MARCO ÉTICO 9. ESTUDIO DEL MERCADO 10. RESULTADOS 11. DISCUSIÓN 12. REFERENCIAS 13. APÉNDICESPregradoPsicólog

    Diseño de un controlador adaptativo basado en los parámetros de sintonización de ziegler y nichols para plantas de primer orden

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    Para el desarrollo de este trabajo de grado, se inicia describiendo la problemática que se ha encontrado y sobre la que se establece una pregunta de investigación, para luego justificar el por qué los autores del mismo, han emprendido este proyecto. Seguidamente se hace la delimitación del problema y se establecen los objetivos a lograr, para poder diseñar un controlador adaptativo, basado en los parámetros de sintonización de Ziegler y Nichols para plantas de primer orden. A continuación se construye el marco referencial, que comprende los antecedentes y el marco teórico conceptual que apoyará el desarrollo y diseño, seguido de la aplicación de una metodología escogida para hacer el paso a paso del modelo propuesto. Finalmente se presentan los resultados y conclusiones que describen el logro del objetivo general del trabajo de grado y materializan el camino hacia la obtención del título profesional como ingenieros electrónicos.For the development of this paper grade, begins by describing the problems found and establishing a research question and then justify why its authors have undertaken this project. Following is the definition of the problem and set objectives to achieve in order to design an adaptive controller based on the tuning parameters of Ziegler and Nichols first-order plant. Then construct the frame of reference, including the background and conceptual framework that will support the development and design, followed by application of a methodology chosen to do step by step the proposed model. Finally, we present the results and conclusions described the achievement of the overall objective of the thesis and materialize the way to gaining the professional electronics engineers

    Relationship between physical fitness and cyberbullying patterns (cybervictimization and cyberperpetration) in Spanish adolescents

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    Background: Cyberbullying is a growing problem among adolescents, and deeper knowledge of this phenomenon could facilitate the implementation of adequate prevention and intervention strategies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the relationships between victimization and aggression patterns in cyberbullying and physical fitness levels in Spanish adolescents. (2) Methods: A total of 741 adolescents aged 12 to 19 years from two high schools in Andalusia, Spain (mean = 14.52 ± 1.96 years; 50.9% girls, 49.1% boys) participated in the study. The participants underwent the EUROFIT battery test and completed the Spanish version of the European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire (ECIPQ) scale. T-test, bivariate correlations and a linear regression analysis were used for statistical analysis. (3) Results: The study results indicated positive relationships between cyberbullying patterns, especially cybervictimization, and age, as well as several physical fitness measures, including BMI, sit-ups, sit-and-reach, and handgrip tests. On the other hand, cyberperpetration was positively related only to age and the specific grip strength test. Further statistical analysis revealed that cybervictimization was primarily influenced by age, while cyberperpetration was mainly influenced by age and performance in a functional test (sit-and-reach). (4) Conclusions: Cyberbullying roles, both as victims and aggressors, may not be strongly influenced by isolated physical fitness factors. Thus, in order to reach a more comprehensive understanding and better explanations of individual involvement in cyberbullying behavior, future studies should analyze psychological and social factors along with the variables considered in this study

    A passive, non-intrusive, cheap method to identify behaviours and habits in the Campus

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    [EN] Infrastructure usage discovery, positioning and analysis of behaviors of its users, usually requires a collection of accurate and frequent positioning data. This paper shows how a network of inexpensive and non-intrusive sensors can serve to perform this kind of analysis by detecting devices with wifi connectivity. We are able to obtain the hours of use of the infrastructures, the occupation of the different areas at each moment and some of the most common users' behaviours.Andión Jiménez, J.; Navarro González, JM.; Álvarez-Campana Fernández-Corredor, M.; Dueñas Lopez, JC. (2018). A passive, non-intrusive, cheap method to identify behaviours and habits in the Campus. En XIII Jornadas de Ingeniería telemática (JITEL 2017). Libro de actas. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 40-47. https://doi.org/10.4995/JITEL2017.2017.6570OCS404

    Non-Invasive Archaeological Methodologies for the Analysis of the Port Structures of Portus Ilicitanus (Santa Pola, Alicante)

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    The traditional identification of the ancient port of Ilici with the current town of Santa Pola in Alicante (Spain) has been based on a small number of punctual, unconnected, and too partial archaeological interventions. Since 2017, a program of geophysical surveys has been performed with a Stream X model multi-channel georadar IDS. This program has been focused mainly on the so-called Mercado de Viguetes, an area in which archaeological excavations have hardly been carried out. The geophysical surveys have allowed us to draw part of the urban fabric of the central core of the Portus Ilicitanus, revealing a set of structures that can be assimilated into a port area: warehouses, houses, open spaces, and decantation basins to produce salted fish, and the probable eastern boundary of the complex identified with the port dock. Altogether, two predominant alignments can be assimilated into the Early Imperial and Late Imperial construction phases. Non-invasive archaeological methodologies have become the main resource for archaeological analysis and heritage protection in view of the current impossibility of carrying out archaeological excavations in this area of Santa Pola.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, grant number PID2019-107264GB-I00 and PGC2018-099843-B-I00

    Identificación y análisis del nivel de cumplimiento del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo frente al decreto único reglamentario del sector trabajo 1072 de 2015 para la empresa HAG Construcciones Cia Ltda

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    122 p.1. Título de la Investigación 2. Problema de investigación 3. Objetivos de la investigación 4. Justificación y delimitación 5. Marco de referencia de la investigación 6. Tipo de investigación 7. Diseño metodológico 8. Fuentes para la obtención de la información 9. Recursos 10. Cronograma 11. Bibliografí

    Automation Tool for Institutional Repositories Evaluation

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    The rise of digital repositories has framed a significant advance in access to academic and scientific knowledge, increasing its impact due to greater reach and lower cost. However, these platforms are a new topic that initially did not have standards or models to carry out their implementation and operation, which is why there were inconsistencies between repositories on issues such as interoperability, digital preservation, among others. Due to the lack of standardization and the exponential increase in the number of repositories, different organizations and researchers made multiple proposals to standardize the processes and characteristics of these platforms. The proposals materialized in models, such as the Dublin Core and DataCite metadata schemes, and in guides for the evaluation and implementation of repositories, such as the "Guide for the evaluation of institutional research repositories" by RECOLECTA or the DINI certificate (Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerk Information). The latter aim to evaluate the platforms in their entirety, including 8 sections with a total of 87 elements. Therefore, in this research an application was developed to automate the evaluation of repositories, automating processes that improve educational work using computer tools and their integration

    Colombian Forest Monitoring System: Assessing Deforestation in an Environmental Complex Country

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    Colombia is a key actor related with the adoption of the relevant UNFCC provisions referred in the context of obtaining result-based payments for REDD+ actions. Since 2012, the Colombian Forest Monitoring System (SMByC, Spanish acronym) has generated wall-to-wall historical information about the deforestation process over the last 27 years at national and regional levels. The SMByC generates a methodology that integrates tools for the preprocessing and semi-automated processing of satellite imagery to detect and quantify the loss of forest cover by deforestation. Also, the SMByC has done an extensive literature review, collecting qualitative and quantitative information to identify how the drivers of deforestation (illicit crops, illegal mining and postconflict scenario) could result in an increased forest lost during a postconflict scenario. Given that Colombia is a country conformed by regions that have differentially socioeconomic and environmental conditions, the study shows how the methods could generate official information and specifies the context of deforestation process of those regions

    Guía metodológica para la selección de proveedores DBaaS en Pymes

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    The importance that has acquired the trend of database-as-a-service (DBaaS) and the relationship that providers have directly in the management of information when offering a service in the cloud, are key factors in the management of information. The negative impact on monetary resources, performance and information security has inspired an analysis on cloud service acquisition in order to mitigate errors in DBaaS adoption. The present work intends to propose the development of a methodological guide that strengthens the DBaaS acquisition processes in SMEs, managing to minimize its impact on the loss or disuse of monetary resources, infrastructure, and security. For this purpose, a document review is carried out, including documents from 2008 to 2018, a period in which countries with high performance levels in research on cloud computing and database management services published significantly. The creation of a methodological guide in the selection of DBaaS providers in SMEs, establishes methods, paths and outstanding strategies when acquiring a DBaaS service. The priority is to know in detail how the service level agreements oriented to the adoption of Cloud Services are developed and managed.La importancia que han adquirido las bases de datos como servicio (DBaaS) y la relación que tienen los proveedores directamente en la gestión de la información cuando se ofrece un servicio en la nube son factores clave en el manejo de la información. El impacto negativo en los recursos monetarios, desempeño y seguridad de la información ha inspirado un análisis en la adquisición de servicios en la nube en el que se ha buscado maneras para mitigar errores en la adopción de DBaaS. El presente trabajo pretende plantear el desarrollo de una guía metodológica que fortalezca los procesos de adquisición de DBaaS en pequeñas y medianas empresas (Pymes), logrando minimizar su impacto en la pérdida o inutilización de recursos monetarios, infraestructura y seguridad. Para lo anterior se realizó una revisión documental incluyendo documentos publicados entre 2008 a 2018, periodo en el que países con niveles de desempeño altos en investigación sobre computación en la nube y servicios en la gestión de las bases de datos publicaron de manera significativa. La creación de una guía metodológica en la selección de proveedores de DBaaS en Pymes establece métodos, caminos y estrategias sobresalientes al momento de adquirir un servicio DBaaS. La prioridad es conocer en detalle cómo se desarrollan y se gestionan los acuerdos de nivel de servicio orientados a la adopción de servicios Cloud