1,929 research outputs found

    Printers are dangerous

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    Proceeding of: IEEE 35th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, London , UK, 16 - 19 october 2001In the last years, many new intelligent full-featured peripherals that assist information systems have appeared. Those peripherals, such as printers, copiers, PDA organizers, Web cameras, etc. usually have a very friendly way of configuration and management (via http, ftp or telnet servers) and offer more networked services everyday. Their computation, memory and networking capabilities have also increased in the last years. Nowadays, many of them are comparable to workstations and run complete operating systems such as Linux or Solaris. All those factors imply that these devices could represent a real threat to the security of information systems. This problem is even worse because most of those peripherals have been considered inoffensive and not many administrators are aware of their security risks. The most representative example is printers, which have been traditionally considered totally harmless devices. At the present time, that idea is difficult to defend because many security incidents related with networked printers have arisen in the last years. System and security administrators have traditionally focused their efforts in fortifying servers and hosts only, but it seems that this view is not enough for assuring security nowadays.Publicad

    ATIPICIDADES EN UN CASO CON DISPLASIA ARRITMOGÉNICA DEL VENTRÍCULO DERECHO O ENFERMEDAD DE UHL / Report of an atypical case with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia or Uhl´s anomaly

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    ResumenLa displasia arritmogénica del ventrículo derecho es una miocardiopatía caracterizada por arritmias ventriculares malignas y anomalías estructurales progresivas, que afectan primariamente al ventrículo derecho. Se presenta por una sustitución progresiva parcial o masiva del miocardio por tejido adiposo o fibroadiposo. La enfermedad de Uhl puede ser una manifestación extrema y generalizada de la displasia arritmogénica del ventrículo derecho, trastorno congénito muy poco frecuente con ausencia de miocardio ventricular derecho, por lo que sus paredes son delgadas como el papel. Se comenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 56 años que presentó pérdida de conocimiento y se le realizó el diagnóstico clínico y ecocardiográfico. Se discuten las características clínicas, el diagnóstico y la conducta a seguir ante esta cardiopatía potencialmente letal en pacientes que sufren síncope, taquicardia ventricular o parada cardíaca. / AbstractArrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia is a cardiomyopathy characterized by malignant ventricular arrhythmias and progressive structural abnormalities, affecting primarily the right ventricle. It appears due to a partial or massive progressive replacement of the myocardium by fibroadipose or adipose tissue. Uhl's disease may be an extreme and widespread manifestation of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, a rare congenital disorder with absence of right ventricular myocardium, so that its walls are paper thin. The case of a 56 year old male patient who had loss of consciousness and underwent clinical and echocardiographic diagnosis is presented. The clinical features, diagnosis and action to take against this potentially fatal heart disease in patients with syncope, ventricular tachycardia or cardiac arrest are discussed

    Effect of glucomannan and the dosage form on ethinylestradiol oral absorption in rabbits

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    P. 423-427To the beneficial properties of dietary fiber in human health, several disadvantages can be added as the possible modification of the bioavailability of other drugs when administered by the oral route. In this study, the influence of glucomannan in the oral bioavailability of ethinyl estradiol (EE), when administered to female rabbits in two different dosage forms (enteric capsules and dispersed in water), was established. To carry out the study, three groups of six animals each were used. All animals received 1 mg kg 1 oral EE, and rabbits in groups 2 and 3 received 1.5 g glucomannan dispersed in water or in enteric capsules, respectively, immediately before EE. When comparing the results obtained after the administration of EE/glucomannan dispersed in water with those obtained after the administration of this estrogen without fiber, we can see that Cmax is 1.4 times lower, AUC 1.9 times lower and that tmax is identical (10 min). However, after the administration of fiber in enteric capsules, AUC and Cmax are higher (4.1 and 7.8 times, respectively) than when the estrogen was administered alone, and also, there is a delay in tmax (20 min). After the administration of glucomannan in the enteric capsule, the fiber forms, as in the stomach, a highly viscous solution in the gut that would limit EE access to the mucosal surface delaying its absorption. However, this effect could be compensated by a reduction of EE metabolism in the intestinal wall, leading to a higher absorption of the estrogen.S

    Propuesta de fabricación fractal distribuida para la optimización de la sostenibilidad de la industria aeronáutica en industria 4.0

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    Los programas de Horizonte 2020 y el conjunto de investigaciones propuestas a nivel internacional relacionadas con la Cuarta Revolución Industrial y la Industria 4.0 reflejan el interés y la necesidad de ampliar el alcance del diseño, simulación, optimización, así como la ejecución y gestión de los sectores de fabricación en los sistemas productivos, desde el punto de vista de la digitalización y automatización, para el alcance de los objetivos de la sostenibilidad: (1) el control y prevención de la contaminación; (2) la reducción del impacto y del daño ambiental y social; y (3) el aseguramiento de la viabilidad técnica, económica y de calidad de los resultados. La propuesta de nuevas formas organizativas (entre ellas la organización fractal), así como nuevos entornos de fabricación digitalizados con nuevas tecnologías conectadas (facilitadores digitales y tecnológicos), son una oportunidad para las actividades de I+D+i en el área de conocimiento de la fabricación en todos los sectores industriales, entre ellos, el de la industria aeronáutica.The programs Horizon 2020 and the set of internationally proposed research areas regarding the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Industry 4.0 reflect the interest and need to extend the scope of design, simulation, optimization, as well as the execution and management of manufacturing sectors in production systems from the point of view of digitalization and automation to achieve the objectives of sustainability: (1) controlling and preventing pollution; (2) reducing the impact as well as environmental and social damage; and (3) assuring technical, economic and quality viability of the results. The proposal of new organizational forms (including fractal organization), as well as new digitalized manufacturing environments with new connected technologies (digital and technological facilitators) are opportunities for R+D+I activities in the knowledge area of manufacturing in all industrial sectors, including the aeronautical industry.Plan Propio de la Universidad de Sevilla Proyecto: 2017/0000096

    San Pedro Martir observations of microvariability in obscured quasars

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    Fast brightness variations are a unique tool to probe the innermost regions of active galactic nuclei (AGN). These variations are called microvariability or intra-night variability, and this phenomenon has been monitored in samples of blazars and unobscured AGNs. Detecting optical microvariations in targets hidden by the obscuring torus is a challenging task because the region responsible for the variations is hidden from our sight. However, there have been reports of fast variations in obscured Seyfert galaxies in X-rays, which rises the question whether microvariations can also be detected in obscured AGNs in the optical regime. Because the expected variations are very small and can easily be lost within the noise, the analysis requires a statistical approach. We report the use of a one-way analysis of variance, ANOVA, with which we searched for microvariability. ANOVA was successfully employed in previous studies of unobscured AGNs. As a result, we found microvariable events during three observing blocks: in two we observed the same object (Mrk 477), and in another, J0759+5050. The results on Mrk 477 confirm previous findings. However, since Mrk 477 is quite a peculiar target with hidden broad-line regions, we cannot rule out the possibility that we have serendipitously chosen a target prone to variations.Comment: Research note, 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Assessment of the Persistence of Avena sterilis L. Patches in Wheat Fields for Site-Specific Sustainable Management

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    This paper aims to evaluate the spatial persistence of wild oat patches in four wheat fields over time to determine the economic feasibility of using late-season wild oat maps for early site-specific weed management (SSWM) next season. The spatial persistence of wild oat patches was analyzed by three tests: land use change detection between years, spatial autocorrelation, and análisis of spreading distance. The temporal trend of wild oat patch distribution showed a clear persistence and a generalized increase in the infested area, with a noticeable level of weed aggregation and a tendency in the new weed patches to emerge close to older ones. To economically evaluate the SSWM, five simulations in four agronomic scenarios, varying wheat yields and losses due to wild oat, were conducted. When yield losses due to wild oat were minimal and for any of the expected wheat yields, some SSWM simulations were more economically profitable than the overall application in most of the fields. Nevertheless, when the yield losses due to wild oat were maximal, all SSWM simulations were less profitable than overall treatment in all the analyzed fields. Although the economic profit variations achieved with SSWM treatments were modest, any of the site-specific treatments tested are preferred to herbicide broadcast over the entire field, in order to reduce herbicide and environmental pollution

    Therapeutic effects of psyllium in type 2 diabetic patients

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    P. 830-842The study included three phases: phase 1 (1 week), phase 2 (treatment, 14 g fibre=day, 6 weeks) and phase 3 (4 weeks). At the end of each phase a clinical evaluation was performed after the ingestion of a test breakfast of 1824.2 kJ (436 kcal). Measurements included concentrations of blood glucose, insulin, fructosamine, GHbA1c, C-peptide and 24 h urinary glucose excretion. In addition, uric acid, cholesterol and several mineral and vitamin concentrations were also evaluated. Twenty type 2 diabetic patients (12 men and 8 women) participated in the study with a mean age of 67.4 y for men and 66 y for women. The mean body mass index of men was 28.2 kg=m2 and that of women 25.9 kg=m2. Glucose absorption decreased significantly in the presence of psyllium (12.2%); this reduction is not associated with an important change in insulin levels (5%). GHbA1c, C-peptide and 24 h urinary glucose excretion decreased (3.8, 14.9 and 22.5%, respectively) during the treatment with fibre (no significant differences) as well as fructosamine (10.9%, significant differences). Psyllium also reduced total and LDL cholesterol (7.7 and 9.2%, respectively, significant differences), and uric acid (10%, significant difference). Minerals and vitamins did not show important changes, except sodium that increased significantly after psyllium administration.S

    Follow-up in healthy schoolchildren and in adolescents with DOWN syndrome: psycho-environmental and genetic determinants of physical activity and its impact on fitness, cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory biomarkers and mental health; the UP&DOWN Study

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    [Background] An objective diagnosis of sedentary behaviour as well as of the physical activity and fitness levels in youth and to better understand how lifestyle is associated with cardiovascular disease risk factors and other phenotypes is of clinical and public health interest, and might be informative for developing intervention studies focused on the promotion of physical activity in these population. The aim of this methodological paper is to describe the design and assessment in the UP&DOWN study. [Methods/Design] The UP&DOWN study is a multi-center follow-up design where 2225 Spanish primary and secondary schoolchildren from Cadiz and Madrid, respectively, as well as 110 Spanish adolescents with Down syndrome from Madrid and Toledo were recruited to be assessed. Nine main measurement categories are assessed: i) socio-demographic and early determinants; ii) environmental determinants; iii) physical activity and sedentary behaviour; iv) health-related fitness; v) blood pressure and resting heart rate; vi) mental health; vii) dietary patterns; viii) blood samples; and ix) genetic analysis. During the 3-yr follow-up study, socio-demographic and early determinants, and genetic analysis are only assessed in the first year. Blood sampling is assessed in the first year and the third year (2nd follow-up), and all the other measurements are assessed every year. [Discussion] The findings of the UP&DOWN study may help the Health Information Systems and policy makers to identify the target population for primary prevention and health promotion policies, and to develop and test preventive strategies. Moreover, these data will allow following the trends at population level, as well as to modify/adapt/create new evidence-based physical activity guidelines at national level. The findings will also serve as a scientific platform for interventional studies.This study was supported by the DEP 2010-21662-C04-00 (DEP 2010-21662-C04-01, DEP 2010-21662-C04-02, DEP 2010-21662-C04-03, DEP 2010-21662-C04-04) RYC-2010-05957 grants from the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (R + D + i) MICINN