196 research outputs found


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    Obra ressenyada: Juan Pablo ARANGUREN ROMERO, Cuerpos al límite: tortura, subjetividad y memoria en Colombia (1977-1982). Bogotá: Uniandes, 2016

    Complex networks vulnerability to module-based attacks

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    In the multidisciplinary field of Network Science, optimization of procedures for efficiently breaking complex networks is attracting much attention from practical points of view. In this contribution we present a module-based method to efficiently break complex networks. The procedure first identifies the communities in which the network can be represented, then it deletes the nodes (edges) that connect different modules by its order in the betweenness centrality ranking list. We illustrate the method by applying it to various well known examples of social, infrastructure, and biological networks. We show that the proposed method always outperforms vertex (edge) attacks which are based on the ranking of node (edge) degree or centrality, with a huge gain in efficiency for some examples. Remarkably, for the US power grid, the present method breaks the original network of 4941 nodes to many fragments smaller than 197 nodes (4% of the original size) by removing mere 164 nodes (~3%) identified by the procedure. By comparison, any degree or centrality based procedure, deleting the same amount of nodes, removes only 22% of the original network, i.e. more than 3800 nodes continue to be connected after thatComment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    A model for cross-cultural reciprocal interactions through mass media

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    We investigate the problem of cross-cultural interactions through mass media in a model where two populations of social agents, each with its own internal dynamics, get information about each other through reciprocal global interactions. As the agent dynamics, we employ Axelrod's model for social influence. The global interaction fields correspond to the statistical mode of the states of the agents and represent mass media messages on the cultural trend originating in each population. Several phases are found in the collective behavior of either population depending on parameter values: two homogeneous phases, one having the state of the global field acting on that population, and the other consisting of a state different from that reached by the applied global field; and a disordered phase. In addition, the system displays nontrivial effects: (i) the emergence of a largest minority group of appreciable size sharing a state different from that of the applied global field; (ii) the appearance of localized ordered states for some values of parameters when the entire system is observed, consisting of one population in a homogeneous state and the other in a disordered state. This last situation can be considered as a social analogue to a chimera state arising in globally coupled populations of oscillators.Comment: 8 pages and 7 figure

    Intracultural diversity in a model of social dynamics

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    We study the consequences of introducing individual nonconformity in social interactions, based on Axelrod's model for the dissemination of culture. A constraint on the number of situations in which interaction may take place is introduced in order to lift the unavoidable ho mogeneity present in the final configurations arising in Axelrod's related models. The inclusion of this constraint leads to the occurrence of complex patterns of intracultural diversity whose statistical properties and spatial distribution are characterized by means of the concepts of cultural affinity and cultural cli ne. It is found that the relevant quantity that determines the properties of intracultural diversity is given by the fraction of cultural features that characterizes the cultural nonconformity of individuals.Comment: 7 pages, 2 tables, 6 figure

    Emergence and persistence of communities in coevolutionary networks

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    We investigate the emergence and persistence of communities through a recently proposed mechanism of adaptive rewiring in coevolutionary networks. We characterize the topological structures arising in a coevolutionary network subject to an adaptive rewiring process and a node dynamics given by a simple voterlike rule. We find that, for some values of the parameters describing the adaptive rewiring process, a community structure emerges on a connected network. We show that the emergence of communities is associated to a decrease in the number of active links in the system, i.e. links that connect two nodes in different states. The lifetime of the community structure state scales exponentially with the size of the system. Additionally, we find that a small noise in the node dynamics can sustain a diversity of states and a community structure in time in a finite size system. Thus, large system size and/or local noise can explain the persistence of communities and diversity in many real systems.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Accepted in EPL (2014

    Effects of mass media on opinion spreading in the Sznajd sociophysics model

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    In this work we consider the influence of mass media in the dynamics of the two-dimensional Sznajd model. This influence acts as an external field, and it is introduced in the model by means of a probability pp of the agents to follow the media opinion. We performed Monte Carlo simulations on square lattices with different sizes, and our numerical results suggest a change on the critical behavior of the model, with the absence of the usual phase transition for p>∼0.18p>\sim 0.18. Another effect of the probability pp is to decrease the average relaxation times τ\tau, that are log-normally distributed, as in the standard model. In addition, the τ\tau values depend on the lattice size LL in a power-law form, τ∼Lα\tau\sim L^{\alpha}, where the power-law exponent depends on the probability pp.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Physica
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