231 research outputs found

    Environmentally Unfriendly Consumption Behaviour: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence from Private Motorists in Mexico City

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    This dissertation treats the topic of environmentally unfriendly consumption behaviour in relation to air pollution and the use of automobiles in Mexico City by analyzing three related aspects: i) relevant factors of driving patterns, ii) differences in the extent of pollution arising from environmentally friendlier vehicle use, and iii) the attitude of private motorists regarding the adoption of environmentally friendlier behaviour. The research includes not only economic but also social considerations. The specific objectives are to a) determine driving patterns specific to the Distrito Federal (core of the Mexico City Metropolitan Area), b) assess the behaviour of the driver regarding vehicle use and c) assess the conditions under which a switch to environmentally friendly alternatives related automobile use is possible. These objectives are analyzed using the approach of the Lancaster model of consumer behaviour with quantitative (the Distrito Federal’s Vehicle Verification Program 2003-2004 information) and qualitative (a Mexico City’s 2006 survey about consumers’ car preferences) data in three regression models: linear, logit and multinomial logit. The findings of the research are compared with the results of other related studies and with programs that have been implemented to date. The study demonstrates that several structural and behavioural factors determine the level of impact that private motorists have on urban air pollution. Also, it is demonstrated that the relation that motorists have with their vehicles revolves around function and use rather than simple ownership. In this sense, the more important results are that factors like income or purchase price do not explain automobile use; attitudes or personal attributes explain the behaviour much better than purely economic factors or the vehicle itself. One main conclusion is that the program implemented thus far to control vehicle use and alleviate air pollution in Mexico City has actually contributed to increased automobile use. In general, the approach applied demonstrates that sociological context is an intrinsic part of motorist choices regarding vehicle use, and that perceptions and attitudes influence motorists decisions.urban transport, sustainable development, transportation, megacities, consumption behaviour, Mexico, Latin America, automobiles, environmental economics, Lancaster model, environmentally friendly consumption, use of cars, air pollution, developing cities, environmental policy

    Environmentally Unfriendly Consumption Behaviour: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence from Private Motorists in Mexico City

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    This dissertation treats the topic of environmentally unfriendly consumption behaviour in relation to air pollution and the use of automobiles in Mexico City by analyzing three related aspects: i) relevant factors of driving patterns, ii) differences in the extent of pollution arising from environmentally friendlier vehicle use, and iii) the attitude of private motorists regarding the adoption of environmentally friendlier behaviour. The research includes not only economic but also social considerations. The specific objectives are to a) determine driving patterns specific to the Distrito Federal (core of the Mexico City Metropolitan Area), b) assess the behaviour of the driver regarding vehicle use and c) assess the conditions under which a switch to environmentally friendly alternatives related automobile use is possible. These objectives are analyzed using the approach of the Lancaster model of consumer behaviour with quantitative (the Distrito Federal’s Vehicle Verification Program 2003-2004 information) and qualitative (a Mexico City’s 2006 survey about consumers’ car preferences) data in three regression models: linear, logit and multinomial logit. The findings of the research are compared with the results of other related studies and with programs that have been implemented to date. The study demonstrates that several structural and behavioural factors determine the level of impact that private motorists have on urban air pollution. Also, it is demonstrated that the relation that motorists have with their vehicles revolves around function and use rather than simple ownership. In this sense, the more important results are that factors like income or purchase price do not explain automobile use; attitudes or personal attributes explain the behaviour much better than purely economic factors or the vehicle itself. One main conclusion is that the program implemented thus far to control vehicle use and alleviate air pollution in Mexico City has actually contributed to increased automobile use. In general, the approach applied demonstrates that sociological context is an intrinsic part of motorist choices regarding vehicle use, and that perceptions and attitudes influence motorists decisions

    Environmentally Unfriendly Consumption Behaviour: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence from Private Motorists in Mexico City

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    This dissertation treats the topic of environmentally unfriendly consumption behaviour in relation to air pollution and the use of automobiles in Mexico City by analyzing three related aspects: i) relevant factors of driving patterns, ii) differences in the extent of pollution arising from environmentally friendlier vehicle use, and iii) the attitude of private motorists regarding the adoption of environmentally friendlier behaviour. The research includes not only economic but also social considerations. The specific objectives are to a) determine driving patterns specific to the Distrito Federal (core of the Mexico City Metropolitan Area), b) assess the behaviour of the driver regarding vehicle use and c) assess the conditions under which a switch to environmentally friendly alternatives related automobile use is possible. These objectives are analyzed using the approach of the Lancaster model of consumer behaviour with quantitative (the Distrito Federal’s Vehicle Verification Program 2003-2004 information) and qualitative (a Mexico City’s 2006 survey about consumers’ car preferences) data in three regression models: linear, logit and multinomial logit. The findings of the research are compared with the results of other related studies and with programs that have been implemented to date. The study demonstrates that several structural and behavioural factors determine the level of impact that private motorists have on urban air pollution. Also, it is demonstrated that the relation that motorists have with their vehicles revolves around function and use rather than simple ownership. In this sense, the more important results are that factors like income or purchase price do not explain automobile use; attitudes or personal attributes explain the behaviour much better than purely economic factors or the vehicle itself. One main conclusion is that the program implemented thus far to control vehicle use and alleviate air pollution in Mexico City has actually contributed to increased automobile use. In general, the approach applied demonstrates that sociological context is an intrinsic part of motorist choices regarding vehicle use, and that perceptions and attitudes influence motorists decisions

    Vulneración del derecho al hijo menor del cónyuge de una familia ensamblada al no obtener el beneficio al seguro social de salud del padre o de la madre afín

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    El presente trabajo de investigación sobre “ vulneración del derecho al hijo menor del cónyuge de una familia ensamblada al no obtener el beneficio al seguro social de salud del padre o de la madre afín” ha tenido como objetivo analizar si le corresponde o no al o los menores de edad que conforman una familia ensamblada el otorgamiento del beneficio al seguro social de salud por parte del padre o de la madre afín en los supuestos de fallecimiento del padre biológico y extinción de la patria potestad; por lo que se ha realizado la aplicación de la herramienta metodológica cualitativa porque se requiere recolectar datos, información que ayuden a esclarecer este problema planteado . De lo antes dicho se ha usado la técnica de entrevistas, y análisis documental y que a través del instrumento de guía de entrevistas se ha podido recolectar información de tres especialistas del derecho laboral quienes de manera asertiva nos dan la razón a nuestra investigación acotando que es una necesidad que requiere que los menores de edad que integran una familia ensamblada obtengan este beneficio. De la misma forma se pudo recolectar a través de instrumento de ficha de análisis de documentos de la sentencia jurisprudencial de Colombia lo que ha permitido realizar de esta manera una demostración de la descripción de la realidad del derecho de igualdad, protección del estado que tienen los menores de edad que conforman esta familia ensamblada, con el otorgamiento al seguro social de salud del padre o de la madre afín en el derecho comparado. Finalmente Se ha podido concluir que los menores de edad que integran una familia ensamblada tienen igualdad de derechos, protección integral de la familia y por principio del interés superior del niño; mismos derechos que tienen los integrantes que conforman una familia tradicional; pues así lo establece la constitución política del Perú de 1993; de tal manera que, no es posible imponer la ausencia del beneficio al seguro social de salud porque se está atentado con los derechos de estos menores. Se Hace una serie de recomendaciones al Estado para que tenga en cuenta que estamos ante una ausencia legal tanto Constitucional como leyes especiales, del tema de menores de edad que conforman una familia ensamblada al referirse al otorgamiento al beneficio al seguro social de salud del padre o de la madre afín en los supuestos de fallecimiento del padre biológico y extinción de la patria potestad


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    Conocer la relación que guarda la profesión con la sociedad y el conocimiento; como pasó de ser un oficio a una profesión la medicina veterinaria y la zootecnia y cuál es el perfil de ingreso del alumno y que pueda identificar los diferentes campos de acción del Médico Veterinario Zootecnista para establecer junto con su tutor las unidades de aprendizaje que lo llevarán a cumplir su perfil de egreso y su futuro ejercicio profesional..Esta Unidad de Aprendizaje, se encuentra inserta en el núcleo básico y contribuye a la formación social y humanista del perfil de egreso. En ella el alumno tendrá un acercamiento con algunos de los campos de acción del Médico Veterinario Zootecnista, a partir de una revisión sobre el origen y evolución de la profesión, su aplicación actual y prospectiva .También conocerá aspectos sobre la organización gremial y las Asociaciones de Especialistas a las que puede pertenecer para mejorar su ejercicio profesional, así mismo conocerá la responsabilidad de la profesión frente a la sociedad y el entorno. Para ello las sesiones se llevarán de manera teórico-práctica, buscando que el alumno realice en gran parte la búsqueda de información, la cuál será discutida y analizada en el salón de clases y tendrá la oportunidad de realizar algunas actividades propias de la carrera bajo la supervisión del personal académico en áreas como: laboratorios, posta zootécnica, hípico universitario, CIESA, HMVPE, CeMeGO, UMA “Las Maravillas” e instalaciones pecuarias y clínicas veterinarias entre otras. La evaluación se realizará considerando el portafolio que el docente llevará durante el curso, el cual tendrá un valor del 60% y el 40% restante corresponderá a las dos evaluaciones parciales que se realizarán en las fechas acordadas por el H. Consejo Académico

    Evaluación del cumplimiento de los objetivos de inflación y el papel de las expectativas: evidencia para México, 1995-2012

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    After more than a decade of inflation targeting, it is important to evaluate its scope in terms of the inflation objectives set by the central bank in Mexico, and on the role, that inflation expectations have played in this process as a nominal anchor for prices. In particular, we contrast how often the bank deviates from its goal and investigate on the stabilization of inflation expectations in an environment of low and stable inflation, but subject to macroeconomic shocks, which are evaluated using a VAR model. Furthermore, a correlation analysis between inflation expectations and their actual values is performed, based on the Rolling Windows methodology. The results suggest that the degree of association between actual inflation and its expectations has declined over time and the effects of macroeconomic shocks on expectations are less intense during the inflation targeting period

    Localización de las proteínas específicas del cemento radicular CEMP1 y CAP en células neoplásicas

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    Introducción: Las proteínas CEMP1 y CAP presentes en los cementoblastos y sus progenitores contribuyen a los procesos de mineralización en tejidos del ligamento periodontal, incluyendo la migración y la proliferación de fibroblastos gingivales; sin embargo su papel y relación con procesos neoplásicos no se han estudiado a profundidad. Para lograr un mejor entendimiento de la posible contribución de estas proteínas en los procesos tumorales, particularmente en las metástasis óseas, se investigó su expresión y localización en tejidos y líneas celulares de cáncer humano. Materiales y métodos: Trece casos de cáncer de próstata y mama que desarrollaron enfermedad metastásica ósea fueron analizados por medio de inmunohistoquímica; mientras que la expresión de las proteínas en dos líneas celulares de carcinoma de próstata (PC-3) y mama (MCF-7) se estudió por medio de ensayos de Western Blot. Resultados: Los tejidos de cáncer revelaron expresión citoplasmática y ocasionalmente nuclear de CAP en células tumorales y estructuras glandulares pequeñas, así como en el citoplasma de los fibroblastos estromales adyacentes al frente de invasión tumoral. En lo correspondiente a CEMP1, su expresión se localizó en el citoplasma de las células tumorales de 5 casos, pero no en el estroma. Ensayos de Wester Blot mostraron expresión de CEMP1 en las células PC-3 y MCF-7; y de CAP en las MCF-7. Conclusiones: Los resultados muestran que las proteínas de cemento radicular CEMP1 y CAP se expresan en tejidos neoplásicos y células neoplásicas, y que posiblemente contribuyen en ciertas condiciones patológicas como el cáncer metastásico en humanos.Palabras clave: CEMP1, CAP, metástasis óseas, TWIST, Runx2.Introduction: CEMP1 and CAP are recognized as cementum proteins, they appear to be limited to cementoblasts and their progenitors, and participate in the mineralization process of periodontal ligament tissues, including the proliferation and migration of periodontal ligament fibroblasts. However, their contribution in neoplastic processes had not been explored. In the present study, we investigated their protein expression and localization in cancer tissues and cells. Materials and Methods: CEMP1 and CAP expressions were analyzed immunohistochemically in 13 cancer cases with bone metastasis. In addition, Wester Blot essays were use to detect expression of the proteins in the prostate (PC-3) and mama (MCF-7) cancer cell lines. Results: CAP expression was detected in all tissues examined. Strong cytoplasmatic and rarely nuclear staining was found in small tumor nests, glandular structures and, in the stromal fibroblasts at the immediate vicinity of the tumor nests. CEMP1 was found in the cytoplasm of tumor cells in 5 cases, but its expression was negative in the stromal tissues. Also, cancer lines PC-3 and MCF-7 showed CEMP1 expression; however, CAP expression was observed only in MCF-7 cells. Conclusions: The results suggest that CEMP1 and CAP are present in tissues other that cementum and possibly contribute to pathological conditions such as metastatic cancer.Keywords: CEMP1, CAP, bone metastasis, TWIST, Runx2

    On the equal displacement aproximation for mid-rise reinforced concrete buildings

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    The equal displacement approximation is a well-known procedure for estimating the non-linear behavior of structures subjected to earthquake ground motions. This procedure plays a significant role in current seismic design, since it constitutes the basic assumption for defining strength reduction factors. In this paper, calculation of the performance point based on this rule is used to estimate engineering demand parameters such as those obtained by advanced probabilistic non-linear dynamic analysis, NLDA. We present a modification to the classic approach, to improve the predictability of the equal displacement rule. Uncertainties in seismic action and structural properties are considered. Mid-rise reinforced concrete buildings will be used as a testbed. To obtain a representative sample of buildings for statistical analysis, we describe the development through implementation of a numerical tool for calculating probabilistic NLDA. This tool, which is expected to evolve into interoperable software for assessing the seismic risk of structures, is developed within the framework of the KaIROS project. The results presented in this paper could be used to estimate the seismic risk of structures in a very simplified manner.Postprint (published version

    Dynamic monitoring of a mid-rise building by real-aperture radar interferometer: advantages and limitations

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    In this paper, remote and in situ techniques to estimate the dynamic response of a building to ambient vibration are reported: data acquired through a real-aperture radar (RAR) interferometer and conventional accelerometers are analyzed. A five-story reinforced concrete housing building, which was damaged during the May 11th 2011 Lorca (Spain) earthquake, is used as a case study. The building was monitored using both types of instruments. The dynamic properties of the building are estimated first taking acceleration measurements using a set of 10 high-precision accelerometers installed on the roof of the building. Further, the displacement–time histories, recorded with the RAR device pointing to a corner of the building, are analyzed. Then, the ability and shortcomings of RAR measurements to deal with the fundamental frequencies of vibration of the structure are investigated. The advantages and limitations of from-inside (accelerometric) and from-outside (RAR) measurements are highlighted and discussed. A relevant conclusion is that, after strong earthquakes, RAR may be an interesting and useful tool, as it allows surveying the structural response of mid-rise buildings remotely, without the need to enter the structures, which may be dangerous for inspectors or technicians in cases of severely damaged buildings. Given that the instrumented building suffered significant damage, the ability of these kinds of measurements to detect damage is also discussed.This research has been partially funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) of the Spanish Government and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union (EU) through projects with references CGL2015-65913-P (MINECO/ERDF, EU) and EFA158/16/POCRISC (INTERREG/POCTEFA. EU). R.E.A. holds a PhD fellowship from the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT) in México. L.A.P. is supported by a Ph.D. scholarship grant from the Institute for the Training and Development of Human Resources (IFARHU) and the Government of Panama’s National Secretariat of Science, Technology, and Innovation (SENACYT).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version


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    La adherencia de investigación en la formación médica es capaz de atender la demanda de una sociedad en constante evolución, dando como resultado profesionales con capacidad creativa y analitica donde tomen decisiones basadas en la investigación científica para el bien de la salud individual y colectiva1. La información científica fluye a una velocidad nunca antes vista y la medicina es parte de esta tendencia mundial. Día a día se publican decenas de artículos en diferentes revistas y bases de datos, los que continúan alimentando el conocimiento médico. Por lo tanto, se considera indispensable para la construcción de nuevas realidades invertir en programas de educación médica2. Las pasantías universitarias y profesionales en investigación, son una opción curricular importante diseñadas para expandir la profundidad y amplitud del aprendizaje académico en un área particular de estudio, el Informe de Generation Opportunity “State of the Millennial Report” indica que los 81.1% de los graduados que completan tres o más pasantías tienen más probabilidades de obtener un empleo de tiempo completo, planteando que las pasantías generan un tránsito identitario del pasante con la experiencia.   DOI: 10.25176/RFMH.v18.n2.129