122 research outputs found

    Reflections on the development of soviet psychology : focusing on a few omissions of western interpretation

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    O presente artigo discute algumas questões desconhecidas na Psicologia Ocidental em relação com a Psicologia Soviética, a qual se tem representado de forma dominante no Ocidente a partir de seu núcleo hegemônico de Moscou. Este artigo constrói uma nova interpretação em relação a alguns dos eixos relevantes da Psicologia Soviética que permaneceram ocultos sob o domínio da Teoria da Atividade, a qual norteou a Psicologia Soviética até meados dos anos setenta do século passado. Junto com essa análise histórica, são trazidos à luz alguns psicólogos soviéticos muito pouco conhecidos no Ocidente, cujas posições são discutidas em diálogo com algumas das posições mantidas por L. S. Vygotsky em diferentes momentos de sua obra.This paper discusses issues which have remained unknown concerning Soviet psychology in Western Psychology, which has been dominantly represented on the basis of its Moscow's dominant core. The paper builds a new interpretation concerning some of the axis of the history of that psychology which remained in dark under dominant Theory of activity, which ruled Soviet psychology until the middle of the seventies decade of the last century. Besides this historical analysis, some of the more relevant Soviet psychologists, who have been quite unknown in the Western, are bringing into the light in dialog with some of L.S.Vygotsky's positions in different moments of his work

    La subjetividad en una perspectiva cultural-histórica: avanzando sobre un legado inconcluso

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    En el presente artículo se pretende mostrar cómo las transformaciones del psiquismo humano, a partir del carácter cultural de las producciones y prácticas del hombre, permiten retomar el tema de la subjetividad como nivel cualitativo distintivo de la especie humana. La subjetividad, entendida en la perspectiva aquí defendida, es un proceso inherente al funcionamiento cultural del hombre y al mundo social generado por sus producciones culturales. Estas consideraciones pretenden responder a la exclusión de la subjetividad por el post-estructuralismo y el neo-pragmatismo, apoyada en la idea de que se trababa de una noción que cargaba con las limitaciones del pensamiento moderno. Frente a esta postura, se argumenta que ninguna de estas corrientes de pensamiento tuvo una conciencia teórica sobre la subjetividad, un concepto que, de hecho, va en dirección opuesta a los principios fundamentales que sustentaron la modernidad tardía, apoyada en la idea de ciencia objetiva y en una representación racional del hombre

    Vigencia del cardenismo

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    La principal motivación del presente libro y que distingue a éste de otros trabajos sobre Lázaro Cárdenas es mostrar porqué, estimulado por el marasmo que tan graves consecuencias ha tenido para las mayorías y para la nación, agravadas aún más por las políticas económicas y sociales "neoliberales" puestas en práctica en México durante los últimos años, las aguas de la profunda y caudalosa corriente política del cardenismo que muchos consideraban agotada encontraron un nuevo vigoroso cauce político e ideológico en el movimiento popular que emergió en 1988, en el curso del proceso electoral de ese año. Esa ideología popular, de gran importancia potencial para las luchas presentes y futuras del pueblo trabajador mexicano, se inspira en la trayectoria revolucionaria de Cárdenas, un político excepcional -desde antes, durante y después de que ocupara una profunda huella y un pensamiento congruente, expresado en su vasta obra escrita. Muestran los autores que los ingredientes principales de esta ideología revolucionaria son el patriotismo, el nacionalismo, la permanente solidaridad con los pueblos por el imperialismo norteamericano, en primer lugar los de nuestra América, así como la profunda convicción democrática, libertaria y de respeto a la dignidad de los humildes, de quien razonó y actuó siempre convencido de que la base más firme de un genuino desarrollo de México es la justicia social, y de la defensa de la soberanía nacional, la soberanía de un pueblo unido, organizado con independencia y decidido a ejercer sus derechos

    Energías alternativas

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    Manual desarrollado en convenio entre el Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA) con la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UN) en el que se presentan los resultados de las investigaciones desarrolladas en el área de energías alternativas. Describe el concepto de energía, su uso, obtención, tipos, recurso energético disponible por regiones, oferta y demanda energética, desarrollos tecnológicos y funcionamiento.Manual developed in agreement between the National Service of Learning (SENA) and the National University of Colombia (UN) in which the results of the investigations developed in the area of alternative energies are presented. Describes the concept of energy, its use, procurement, types, energy resources available by region, energy supply and demand, technological developments and operation.Fuentes de energía -- Demanda -- oferta de energías -- Convertidores -- Predimensionamiento de convertidoresn

    Synthesis design and structure of a multipore zeolite with interconnected 12- and 10-MR channels

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    [EN] A new molecular sieve, ITQ-38, containing interconnected large and medium pores in its structure has been synthesized. The rational combination of dicationic piperidine-derivative molecules as organic structure directing agents (OSDAs) with germanium and boron atoms in alkaline media has allowed the synthesis of ITQ-38 zeolite. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) has been used to elucidate the framework topology of ITQ-38, revealing the presence of domains of perfect ITQ-38 crystals as well as very small areas containing nanosized ITQ-38/ITQ-22 intergrowths. The structure of ITQ-38 is highly related to ITQ-22 and the recently described polymorph C of ITQ-39 zeolite. It shares a common building layer with ITQ-22 and contains the same building unit as the polymorph C of ITQ-39. All three structures present similar framework density, 16.1 T atoms/1000 angstrom(3).Financial support by the Spanish MICINN (MAT2009-14528-C02-01 and MAT2006-14274-C02-01), Consolider Ingenio 2010-Multicat, Generalitat Valenciana by the PROMETEO program, UPV through PAJD-06-11 (n.1952), the Swedish Research Council (VR), the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA) and Goran Gustafsson Foundtion for Natural Sciences and Medical Research, is acknowledged. Manuel Moliner also acknowledges the "Subprograma Ramon y Cajal" for the contract RYC-2011-08972. Wei Wan was supported by a postdoctoral grant from the Carl-Trygger Foundation. The EM facility was supported by Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The authors thank the beamline BM01B at ESRF in Grenoble for beamtime allocation (exp. CH-2493). Gunnel Karlsson is kindly thanked for TEM sample preparation by ultramicrotomy. Dedicated to Prof. Miguel A. Miranda on his 60th Birthday.Moliner Marin, M.; Willhammar, T.; Wan, W.; González, J.; Rey Garcia, F.; Jorda Moret, JL.; Zou, X.... (2012). Synthesis design and structure of a multipore zeolite with interconnected 12- and 10-MR channels. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 134(14):6473-6478. https://doi.org/10.1021/ja301082nS647364781341

    Malignant melanoma of nasal fossae, a propos of a case

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    [ES] Introducción: El melanoma de fosa nasal (MMFN) supone un 4% de los tumores malignos nasosinusales y sólo un 20% carecen de melanina. La clínica es inespecífica y retrasa el diagnóstico. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 80 años que acude a consulta por insuficiencia respiratoria nasal, otalgia izquierda y epistaxis de 8 meses de evolución. A la exploración se evidencia una formación de coloración oscura, polipoidea-carnosa. La TC muestra una masa sin erosión ósea. La biopsia con anestesia local arroja el resultado de melanoma amelanótico. Debido a la edad de la paciente y a su estado general se opta por realizar un abordaje endoscópico frente a una cirugía abierta. La paciente permanece asintomática hasta un año después en que se palpa una pequeña adenopatía laterocervical izquierda de más de 3 cm de diámetro que se confirma mediante PAAF que es una metástasis del melanoma. Se realiza vaciamiento radical cervical y se produce una fístula de linfa como complicación que cede con medidas compresivas. La paciente permanece otros 4 años asintomática desde entonces. Discusión: El tratamiento de elección es quirúrgico. Es un tumor radiorresistente. En casos seleccionados podemos ayudarnos de la inmunoterapia activa (Interferon y Cimetidina en combinación) y la QT dirigida. Las supervivencias a los 5 años varían del 6.5% al 34%. Conclusión: Proponemos la cirugía endoscópica para tumores no infiltrant. [EN] Introduction: The melanoma of the nasal fossae represents a 4% of all sinonasal malignant tumors. The symptoms are unspecific, thus delaying diagnosis. We present a case of a woman of 80 years of age. She has hypertension and a degenerative heart disease, and presents nasal respiratory insufficiency, left otalgia and epistaxis of 8 months of evolution. Examination revealed a dark, polypoidal, fleshy mass. The CT revealed a mass that occupied that space, without bone erosion. A biopsy of the mass revealed that it was an amelanotic melanoma. Due to the age of the patient and her general pathology, endoscopic sinonasal surgery was applied. The pathological anatomic analysis confirmed that it was a malignant round cell melanoma with the following phenotype: positive for Vimentin, positive for nuclear S-100, focal positive for HMB-45, negative, melan A+ negative for HMB-45 with heterogeneous intensity, and negative for ENE and ALC. The patient did not present symptoms until a year later, when she discovered a small laterocervical adenopathy. A FNAP confirmed that the melanoma had metastatized. The patient underwent a radical neck dissection and remained 15 months without symptoms. She is currently going through monthly revisions. Discussion: The treatment of choice is surgery. Selective neck dissection is not justified. This tumor is radioresistant. Active immunotherapy (a combination of Interferon and Cimetidine) and targeted chemotherapy have also been used, mainly in inoperable cases. Five-year survival ranges between 6.5% and 34%. Conclusion: We propose endoscopic surgery for non-infiltrating tumors or for patients who cannot undergo very aggressive surgery due to their general condition

    Anillos vasculares y compresión traqueo-esofágica: 15 años de experiencia quirúrgica

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    ResumenIntroducción y objetivosLos anillos vasculares son anomalías poco comunes, en los que el enfoque diagnóstico y quirúrgico puede ser controvertido. El objetivo es revisar nuestros resultados quirúrgicos hospitalarios y en seguimiento.MétodosEstudio observacional descriptivo de pacientes con anillos vasculares intervenidos en nuestro hospital.ResultadosSe incluyó a 26 pacientes con una mediana de edad de 9 meses (rango: 1 mes-38 años). Los pacientes fueron clasificados en 3 grupos: arco aórtico derecho-ligamento ductal izquierdo (n=14), doble arco aórtico (n=9) y sling pulmonar (n=3). Un total de 3 casos fueron diagnosticados en el periodo prenatal (11,5%). En todos los casos el diagnóstico se realizó mediante tomografía computarizada (TC). Se observó divertículo de Kommerell en 11 pacientes (42,3%). Un 19,2% presentaron anomalías intracardiacas asociadas que requirieron cirugía.El abordaje quirúrgico principal fue la toracotomía izquierda con un 72,7%. Un 9,1% requirió cirugía traqueal. Un 13,6% preciso reintervención del anillo vascular.La necesidad de reintervención se asoció estadísticamente a ventilación mecánica previa, traqueomalacia y persistencia de síntomas respiratorios. No hubo mortalidad hospitalaria. La mortalidad en seguimiento ha sido 7,6%, debido a malformaciones mayores asociadas.ConclusionesEl principal método diagnóstico en nuestra serie es la TC.La broncoscopia antes y después del tratamiento quirúrgico permite evaluar el resultado de la técnica; en algunos casos ayuda a valorar la necesidad de realizar una pexia aórtica.La presencia de traqueomalacia y defectos estructurales en la vía aérea, junto con la asociación de cardiopatías congénitas severas, marcan el pronóstico en el seguimiento.AbstractIntroduction and objectivesVascular rings are rare anomalies where the diagnosis and surgical approach can be controversial. The goal of this article is to review our hospital surgical results and follow-up.MethodsDescriptive observational study of patients with vascular rings operated on in our hospital from the year 2000 to 2015.ResultsThe study included 26 patients with a median age of 9 months (range: 1 month - 38 years). Patients were classified into 3 groups: right aortic arch - left ductal ligament (n=14), double aortic arch (n=9), and pulmonary sling (n=3). Prenatal diagnosis was made in 3 cases (11.5%). In all cases the diagnosis was made by computed tomography (CT). Kommerell's diverticulum was observed in 11 patients (42.3%), and 19.2% showed intracardiac anomalies that required surgery.The main surgical approach was left thoracotomy with 72.7%. Tracheal surgery was required in 9.1% and 13.6% required re-operation of the vascular ring.The need for re-operation was associated with previous mechanical ventilation, tracheomalacia, and the persistence of respiratory symptoms. There was no hospital mortality. The late mortality was 7.6%, due to associated major malformations.ConclusionsThe reference method for the diagnosis of vascular ring is computed tomography.Bronchoscopy before and after surgical treatment allows the outcome of the technique to be assessed and, in some cases, helps to assess the need for aortopexy.Tracheomalacia and the presence of structural defects in the airway, along with the association of severe congenital heart disease, are factors that are associated with late mortality

    Validation of COL11A1/procollagen 11A1 expression in TGF-β1-activated immortalised human mesenchymal cells and in stromal cells of human colon adenocarcinoma

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    Our observations stress once more the usefulness of the DMTX1/1E8.33 mAb for cancer research, and the clinical significance of procollagen 11A1 as a very valuable biomarker to characterise cancer-associated stromal cells and to evaluate human colon adenocarcinomas.Background: The human COL11A1 gene has been shown to be up-regulated in stromal cells of colorectal tumours, but, so far, the immunodetection of procollagen 11A1, the primary protein product of COL11A1, has not been studied in detail in human colon adenocarcinomas. Some cancer-associated stromal cells seem to be derived from bone marrow mesenchymal cells; the expression of the COL11A1 gene and the parallel immunodetection of procollagen 11A1 have not been evaluated in these latter cells, either. Methods: We used quantitative RT-PCR and/or immunocytochemistry to study the expression of DES/desmin, VIM/vimentin, ACTA2/αSMA (alpha smooth muscle actin) and COL11A1/procollagen 11A1 in HCT 116 human colorectal adenocarcinoma cells, in immortalised human bone marrow mesenchymal cells and in human colon adenocarcinoma-derived cultured stromal cells. The immunodetection of procollagen 11A1 was performed with the new recently described DMTX1/1E8.33 mouse monoclonal antibody. Human colon adenocarcinomas and non-malignant colon tissues were evaluated by immunohistochemistry as well. Statistical associations were sought between anti-procollagen 11A1 immunoscoring and patient clinicopathological features. Results: Procollagen 11A1 was immunodetected in human bone marrow mesenchymal cells and in human colon adenocarcinoma-associated spindle-shaped stromal cells but not in colon epithelial or stromal cells of the normal colon. This immunodetection paralleled, in both kinds of cells, that of the other mesenchymalrelated biomarkers studied: vimentin and alpha smooth muscle actin, but not desmin. Thus, procollagen 11A1+ adenocarcinoma-associated stromal cells are similar to “activated myofibroblasts”. In the series of human colon adenocarcinomas here studied, a high procollagen 11A1 expression was associated with nodal involvement (p = 0.05), the development of distant metastases (p = 0.017), and advanced Dukes stages (p = 0.047). Conclusion: The immunodetection of procollagen 11A1 in cancer-associated stromal cells could be a useful biomarker for human colon adenocarcinoma characterisation. Keywords: Procollagen 11A1, Human bone marrow mesenchymal cells, Cancer-associated stromal cells, Human colon adenocarcinom