214 research outputs found

    Carne para alimento de rádios e discos o conceito de música popularesca na obra musicológica de Mário de Andrade

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    Este artigo revisa o uso da expressão música popularesca na obra musicológica de Mário de Andrade (1893-1945). Tudo parece indicar que o escritor modernista a utilizou, inicialmente, para descrever um tipo de repertório intermediário entre a música folclórica e a música erudita. Mais tarde, na medida em que a música popular urbana se consolidou, Mário de Andrade empregou “música popularesca” para denominar essa nova música, que era semelhante — mas não igual — à música folclórica. Esta expressão não possuía o caráter depreciativo do termo “submúsica”, usado pelo escritor para qualificar obras “de aplauso fácil”. A leitura apresentada difere da maneira como tradicionalmente a historiografia musical tem compreendido a expressão música popularesca e, por tanto, convida a se repensar parte da obra musicológica do escritor.In this paper I analyzed the use of the expression “música popularesca” over the musicological work of Mário de Andrade (1892 – 1945). Apparently, Mário de Andrade used it to describe a type of repertoire somewhere between folk music and classical music. After the consolidation of the urban popular music, Mário de Andrade used “música popularesca” to denominate this new kind of music, which was similar – but not identical – to folk music. This expression had no pejorative connotation, unlike the word “sub música” used by the same author to label works as “of easy applause”. This approach is different from the traditional one that the musical historiography has over the expression “música popularesca” and, therefore, invites to debate some of the Mario de Andrade’s musicological works

    Mário de Andrade y Carlos Vega: el estudio de la música popular

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    Al comparar las obras publicadas de Carlos Vega(1898-1966), en Buenos Aires, y Mário de Andrade(1893-1945), en São Paulo, existen similitudes en suscríticas y argumentos sobre la incompatibilidad entre lospostulados del folclor y las manifestaciones musicales desus países. Gracias a los libros de Vega disponible en labiblioteca de Mário De Andrade en São Paulo (Brasil),se analizan dichas coincidencias y algunos indicios decontacto entre los dos investigadores, sugiriendo laimportancia de estudiar las redes latinoamericanas deintercambio musicológico

    History and Sound Culture: the historicization of listening and sounds

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    The article provides an overview of recent production focused on the historicization of sounds and listening, present in the texts that compose the dossier História e Cultura Sonora. In general, it is possible to indicate that three major currents prevail in these works: the anglophone Sound Studies, the History of Sensibilities of French tradition and Latin American studies, which, although inspired by the previous two, strive not to confine themselves to classical discussions but to reflect on the specificities of sound production and modes of listening within their cultures. The text also evaluates the impact of phonography and the digitization of sound collections on historiographical production in the field of Sound Culture.  O artigo traça um panorama da produção recente voltada para a historicização dos sons e das escutas, presente nos textos que compõem o dossiê História e Cultura Sonora. De modo geral, é possível indicar que três grandes correntes predominam nesses trabalhos: os Sound Studies anglófonos, a História das Sensibilidades de tradição francesa e os estudos latino-americanos que, embora inspirados nos dois anteriores, procuram não se limitar às discussões clássicas para refletir sobre as especificidades da produção sonora e dos modos de escuta de suas culturas. O texto também avalia o impacto da fonografia e da digitalização dos acervos sonoros na produção historiográfica no campo da Cultura Sonora

    Final report on the evaluation of RRM/CRRM algorithms

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    Deliverable public del projecte EVERESTThis deliverable provides a definition and a complete evaluation of the RRM/CRRM algorithms selected in D11 and D15, and evolved and refined on an iterative process. The evaluation will be carried out by means of simulations using the simulators provided at D07, and D14.Preprin

    An experimental assessment of channel selection in cognitive radio networks

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    The management of future networks is expected to fully exploit cognitive capabilities that embrace knowledge and intelligence, increasing the degree of automation, making the network more self-autonomous and enabling a personalized user experience. In this context, this paper presents the use of knowledge-based capabilities through a specific lab experiment focused on the Channel Selection functionality for Cognitive Radio Networks (CRN). The selection is based on a supervised classification that allows estimating the number of interfering sources existing in a given frequency channel. Four different classifiers are considered, namely decision tree, neural net-work, naive Bayes and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Additionally, a comparison against other channel selection strategies using Q-learning and game theory has also been performed. Results obtained in an illustrative and realistic test scenario have revealed that all the strategies allow identifying an optimum solution. However, the time to converge to this solution can be up to 27 times higher according to the algorithm selected.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A multi-start biased-randomized algorithm for the capacitated dispersion problem

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    The capacitated dispersion problem is a variant of the maximum diversity problem in which a set of elements in a network must be determined. These elements might represent, for instance, facilities in a logistics network or transmission devices in a telecommunication network. Usually, it is considered that each element is limited in its servicing capacity. Hence, given a set of possible locations, the capacitated dispersion problem consists of selecting a subset that maximizes the minimum distance between any pair of elements while reaching an aggregated servicing capacity. Since this servicing capacity is a highly usual constraint in real-world problems, the capacitated dispersion problem is often a more realistic approach than is the traditional maximum diversity problem. Given that the capacitated dispersion problem is an NP-hard problem, whenever large-sized instances are considered, we need to use heuristic-based algorithms to obtain high-quality solutions in reasonable computational times. Accordingly, this work proposes a multi-start biased-randomized algorithm to efficiently solve the capacitated dispersion problem. A series of computational experiments is conducted employing small-, medium-, and large-sized instances. Our results are compared with the best-known solutions reported in the literature, some of which have been proven to be optimal. Our proposed approach is proven to be highly competitive, as it achieves either optimal or near-optimal solutions and outperforms the non-optimal best-known solutions in many cases. Finally, a sensitive analysis considering different levels of the minimum aggregate capacity is performed as well to complete our study.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Origen, evolución y perspectiva de la auditoría: una mirada histórica

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    La auditoría al igual que la contabilidad se consideran prácticas surgidas a partir de la necesidad del hombre por conocer y controlar lo que tenían desde los albores de la antigüedad, por lo tanto, se hace relevante contar con trabajos que desde una perspectiva histórica permitan conocer el origen, evolución y representación futura de la auditoría a nivel mundial, y por su puesto desde el caso colombiano. El presente trabajo tiene sustento en la revisión de información documental relevante sobre el ejercicio práctico de la auditoría, basado desde luego en el campo teórico/conceptual que subyace a su ejercicio profesional, así como en normativas y estándares que hoy por hoy regulan su labor. El proceso de la investigación permite concluir que la auditoría es un campo significativo no solo para la profesión contable, sino para los Estados y las organizaciones, teniendo presente que a partir de ella se lleva a cabo un trabajo especializado de indagación, confrontación, investigación y verificación de las actividades que desarrolla una organización, con el fin de otorgar confianza pública

    The restorative practices in the peace agreement with las Farc : circles of support and accountability

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    Este artículo propone la utilización de los círculos de apoyo en el marco de implementación del Acuerdo de Paz con las FARC como medida para lograr un efectivo reintegro de los ex combatientes a sus comunidades de origen. Para ello, realiza un breve análisis del contexto en el cual se firmó el Acuerdo para determinar cómo éste refleja el paradigma de justicia restaurativa, y posteriormente, explicar en qué consiste la práctica restaurativa de los círculos de apoyo, su origen y modo de aplicación, y cómo podrían realizarse dentro de las comunidades afectadas por el conflicto para conseguir exitosamente la rehabilitación y reincorporación de los ex combatientes de la guerrilla, generando, además, mayor cohesión social.This article proposes the use of circles of support and accountability within the framework of the implementation of the Peace Agreement with las FARC as means to achieve the effective reinstatement of ex-combatants to their original communities. To do so, it presents a brief analysis of the context in which the Agreement was signed to determine how it reflects the model of restorative justice, and then explains what circles of support and accountability are as a restorative practice, their origin and application, and how they could be executed within the communities that were affected by the armed conflict to successfully achieve the rehabilitation and reincorporation of former members of the guerrilla, which would also generate greater social cohesion

    Metabolic Serendipities of Expanded Newborn Screening

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    Incidental findings on newborn screening (NBS) are results that are not the target of screening within a given NBS program, but rather are found as a result of the screening and resulting diagnostic workup for that target. These findings may not have an immediate clinical impact on the newborn, but are sometimes an additional benefit of NBS programs and may be considered secondary targets of NBS programs. This work describes four case reports that had incidental findings on the NBS, which eventually led to the diagnosis of another metabolic disease instead of the one that was initially suspected. The first case was a new defect in the cationic amino acid transporter-2 (CAT-2), which was oriented as an arginase-1 deficiency in the newborn. The second case was a maternal glutaric aciduria type 1 (GA-1) that mimicked a carnitine transporter deficiency in the newborn. The third report was a case of lysinuric protein intolerance (LPI), which appeared as high levels of citrulline on the NBS. The fourth case was a mother with homocystinuria that was diagnosed during the biochemical study of vitamin B12 status. All cases provide new or interesting data that will help guide differential diagnosis in the future.Financial support was provided by grant PI19/01155 and the European Regional Development Fun