657 research outputs found
Trabajamos las competencias básicas en un huerto escolar en el 2º ciclo de educación infantil
Con este trabajo se pretende demostrar como a partir de algunas actividades relacionadas con el huerto escolar, los alumnos de Educación Infantil pueden trabajar o desarrollar las competencias básicas. Se utilizará el modelo de aprendizaje de indagación constructiva, en el cual los alumnos adquieran la máxima participación e implicación. Se intentará llegar a la resolución de problemas a partir del planteamiento de hipótesis, el trabajo cooperativo, la globalización y el error, respetando siempre las características de cada uno. Otro punto importante será que nuestros alumnos descubran su entorno a partir de la utilización de los cinco sentidos, es vital que huelan, toquen, observen, prueben y escuchen elementos que encontremos en el huerto, para que se produzca el aprendizaje. Poner en práctica los sentidos hará que los alumnos puedan experimentar con mayor facilidad. La participación de la familia también será otro punto que tendremos en cuenta en el desarrollo de este trabajo, ya que la haremos participe en todo momento dejando que entren a observar lo que hacemos, les invitaremos a que nos proporcionen charlas y otro tipo de tareas. Además, con la creación y desarrollo de un huerto en la escuela podemos aprender contenidos conceptuales (números, colores, sabores, seres vivos,…etc.), procedimentales (clasificaciones, debates, manipulación, etc.) y actitudinales (atención, interés, responsabilidad, cuidado, valoración, buena interacción en la convivencia, etc.)
Influencia de un programa de expresión corporal en la imagen corporal en niños y niñas de Educación Primaria
Este estudio pretendió observar el efecto de un programa de expresión corporal en la imagen
corporal de alumnos de 12 años. El programa incluyó siete sesiones de 45 minutos de
dramatización y baile. Se obtuvieron mediciones pre y post con 33 alumnos (n = 13 grupo control
-GC-; n = 20 grupo experimental -GE-). Para conocer su imagen corporal se utilizó una escala de
figuras corporales (Children’s Ten Bodies Scale). Los resultados revelaron mayor satisfacción
corporal en el GE en comparación con el GC, aunque no hubo diferencias significativas tras la
intervención y tampoco se encontraron diferencias por género. Sin embargo, las chicas del GE
mostraron menos insatisfacción corporal en el post-test (M = -0,57) que en el pre-test (M = -
2,37). Los resultados sugieren que las actividades expresivas podrían ayudar a mejorar la imagen
corporal, especialmente en chicas
Influencia de un programa de expresión corporal en la imagen corporal en niños y niñas de Educación Primaria: [Influence of a corporal expression program on primary school children's body image]
This study aimed to know the effect of a corporal expression programme on 12-years-old children’s body image. The programme was composed of 45-min seven sessions of drama and dance. Pre and post-measures were obtained with 33 students (n = 13 control group -CG-; n = 20 experimental group -EG-). To know the students’ body image, CTBS was used. Also, an ad hoc questionnaire was administered to the EG to know their perceptions about the influence of the programme on their body image. Results revealed that participants from GE were more accurate in the perception of their body size and were more satisfied with their bodies, although the differences were not remarkable. Girls from EG showed less body dissatisfaction in the post-test (M = -0,57) in comparison with the pre-test (M = -2,37). Results suggest that expressive activities could help to improve body image, especially in girls.Este estudio pretendió observar el efecto de un programa de expresión corporal en la imagen corporal de alumnos de 12 años. El programa incluyó siete sesiones de 45 minutos de dramatización y baile. Se obtuvieron mediciones pre y post con 33 alumnos (n = 13 grupo control -GC-; n = 20 grupo experimental -GE-). Para conocer su imagen corporal se utilizó una escala de figuras corporales (Children’s Ten Bodies Scale). Los resultados revelaron mayor satisfacción corporal en el GE en comparación con el GC, aunque no hubo diferencias significativas tras la intervención y tampoco se encontraron diferencias por género. Sin embargo, las chicas del GE mostraron menos insatisfacción corporal en el post-test (M = -0,57) que en el pre-test (M = -2,37). Los resultados sugieren que las actividades expresivas podrían ayudar a mejorar la imagen corporal, especialmente en chicas.
Palabras clave: baile; dramatización; Educación Física; satisfacción corporal; percepción corporal; niños.
This study aimed to know the effect of a corporal expression programme on 12-years-old children’s body image. The programme was composed of 45-min seven sessions of drama and dance. Pre and post-measures were obtained with 33 students (n = 13 control group -CG-; n = 20 experimental group -EG-). A figure-rating scale was used (Children’s Ten Bodies Scale) to know the students' body image. Results revealed higher body satisfaction in EG in comparison with the CG, although there were no significant differences after the intervention and no differences were found by gender. However, girls from EG showed less body dissatisfaction in the post-test (M = -0,57) in comparison with the pre-test (M = -2,37). Results suggest that expressive activities may help to improve body image, especially in girls.
Keywords: dance; drama; Physical Education; body satisfaction, body size perception, children
A Hexagonal Pattern in the Paraninfo at the Universidad de Alcalá
In the sixteenth century, the assembly hall, or Paraninfo, at the recently inaugurated Universidad de Alcala. was known as the pieça del theatro. This study focuses on the layouts and proportions designed for this hall, which could be the key to understanding the whole project as a Renaissance theater that was singularly inspired by Roman models. Specifically, the hexagonal pattern of the coffered ceiling represents a genuine formal exploration in comparison with other wooden ceilings having similar geometric bases. All this led us to study this uncommon masterpiece as a proposal for a new model toward an intellectual and architectural recovery of the Antiquity, in the core of the Universidad, conceived for the representation of academic ceremonies and humanistic theater.Research funded by Comunidad de Madrid/Universidad de Alcalá, Project CM/JIN/2019-041, IP: Manuel De Miguel Sánchez
El estudio de la incidencia de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TICs)
sobre los procesos de influencia social ha sido el objetivo de diversas investigaciones. En ellas,
el papel de estos procesos en la relación entre la modalidad de comunicación y los resultados explogrupales
no queda definido. El objetivo del presente trabajo es clarificar el rol de los procesos
de influencia en dicha relación, utilizando dos modalidades de comunicación: videoconferencia
y comunicación mediada por ordenador. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio de laboratorio con
44 grupos distribuidos aleatoriamente entre las dos modalidades de comunicación. Los
resultados indican que los procesos de influencia social modulan la relación entre la modalidad
de comunicación y la eficacia grupal
Well-Being without Employment? Promoting the Employability of Refugees
There are more than 25 million refugees in the world. Many of them try to reach the Mediterranean in order to enter Europe. Spain is one of the countries that receive refugees and have to integrate them. Many refugees have experienced persecution in their countries, as well as forced migration, rape, diseases, etc. Their integration requires support and coordination from the government, health services, and social agents. The first step in achieving this integration is getting a job, which is currently an important issue. Thus, we aim to analyze the employability of a specific group of refugees in Spain and then develop and implement an intervention program to improve their employability. Our framework is based on the Bioecological Model of Employability. The results obtained show that the program is effective in improving employability, and they highlight the importance of labor inclusion for refugees' well-being. Moreover, the findings reveal the need to create labor market policies and further evaluations, diagnostics, and intervention programs that improve employability and other types of personal-community growth. It is necessary to focus on refugees' needs and develop appropriate services
Sinorhizobium fredii Strains HH103 and NGR234 Form Nitrogen Fixing Nodules With Diverse Wild Soybeans (Glycine soja) From Central China but Are Ineffective on Northern China Accessions
Sinorhizobium fredii indigenous populations are prevalent in provinces of Central China whereas Bradyrhizobium species (Bradyrhizobium japonicum, B. diazoefficiens, B. elkanii, and others) are more abundant in northern and southern provinces. The symbiotic properties of different soybean rhizobia have been investigated with 40 different wild soybean (Glycine soja) accessions from China, Japan, Russia, and South Korea. Bradyrhizobial strains nodulated all the wild soybeans tested, albeit efficiency of nitrogen fixation varied considerably among accessions. The symbiotic capacity of S. fredii HH103 with wild soybeans from Central China was clearly better than with the accessions found elsewhere. S. fredii NGR234, the rhizobial strain showing the broadest host range ever described, also formed nitrogen-fixing nodules with different G. soja accessions from Central China. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing an effective symbiosis between S. fredii NGR234 and G. soja. Mobilization of the S. fredii HH103 symbiotic plasmid to a NGR234 pSym-cured derivative (strain NGR234C) yielded transconjugants that formed ineffective nodules with G. max cv. Williams 82 and G. soja accession CH4. By contrast, transfer of the symbiotic plasmid pNGR234a to a pSym-cured derivative of S. fredii USDA193 generated transconjugants that effectively nodulated G. soja accession CH4 but failed to nodulate with G. max cv. Williams 82. These results indicate that intra-specific transference of the S. fredii symbiotic plasmids generates new strains with unpredictable symbiotic properties, probably due to the occurrence of new combinations of symbiotic signals.España, Junta de Andalucía P11-CVI-7500España Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2016-78409-
Diseño de una plataforma de mobiliario infantil basada en el imaginario colectivo
En este trabajo se expone la metodología para el desarrollo de proyectos de diseño industrial basado en el imaginario colectivo de un mercado objetivo, dicha metodología tiene en cuenta al cliente en todas las fases del proceso de diseño, posteriormente se desarrollan la soluciones de diseño bajo el enfoque de plataforma de producto dando lugar a una línea innovadora de dormitorios infantiles.Methodology for development of projects based and focused on the imaginary collective and its target market is explained on this essay. The customer is always taken into account at every stage of the design process; later on, this methodology is applied for development of children furniture product platform
Transcriptomic analysis reveals sex-specific differences in the expression of Dcl1 and Fis1 genes in the radio-adaptive response of thymocytes to TRP53-mediated apoptosis
BACKGROUND: Radio-Adaptive Response (RAR) is a biological defense mechanism whereby exposure to low dose ionizing radiation (IR) mitigates the detrimental effects of high dose irradiation. RAR has been widely observed in vivo using as endpoint less induction of apoptosis. However, sex differences associated with RAR and variations between males and females on global gene expression influenced by RAR have not been still investigated. In addition, the response to radiation-induced apoptosis is associated with phosphorylation of TRP53 at both the serine 15 (ser-18 in the mouse) and serine 392 (ser-389 in mice) residues, but the role of these two phosphorylated forms in male and female RAR remains to be elucidated.
RESULTS: We analyzed the effect of administering priming low dose radiation (0.075 Gy of X-rays) prior to high dose radiation (1.75 Gy of γ-rays) on the level of caspase-3-mediated apoptosis and on global transcriptional expression in thymocytes of male and female mice. Here, we provide the first evidence of a differential sex effect of RAR on the reduction of thymocyte apoptosis with males showing lesser levels of caspase-3-mediated apoptosis than females. Analysis of transcriptomic profiles of 1944 genes involved in apoptosis signaling in radio-adapted thymocytes identified 17 transcripts exhibiting differential expression between both sexes. Among them, Dlc1 and Fis1 are closely related to the apoptosis mediated by the TRP53 protein. Our data demonstrate that overexpression of Dlc1 and Fis1 occur concomitantly with a highest accumulation of phosphoserine-18-TRP53 and caspase-3 in radio-adapted thymocytes of female mice. In an opposite way, both down-modulation of Fis1 and phosphoserine-389-TRP53 accumulation appear to be associated with protection from thymocyte apoptosis mediated by caspase-3 in males.
CONCLUSIONS: Transcriptomic analysis performed in this work reveals for the first time sex-specific differences in gene expression influenced by RAR. Our results also suggest a sex-dependent dual role for phosphoserine-18-TRP53 and phosphoserine-389-TRP53 in the regulation of the radio-adaptive response in mouse thymocytes.This work was supported in part by grants from Spanish Nuclear Security Council (CSN-UAM 29072011) to JS, two grants funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF 2012-36566; SAF2015-70561-R (MINECO/FEDER, EU)), and one funded by Carlos III Health Institute (CIBERER 3-749/172.03) to JFD.S
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