38 research outputs found

    Contribución de la intervención logopédica al diagnóstico diferencial en los Trastornos graves de la Comunicación y el Comportamiento

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    Bajo el término diagnóstico diferencial, se define el conjunto de posibles diagnósticos (no siendo la valoración final), planteados por el profesional en base a la sintomatología que presenta el paciente. Si a un dudoso diagnóstico se asocia una confusa limitación sintomatológica, nos encontramos ante un amplio abanico de juicios clínicos, con una desconocida determinación e influencia entre los mismos. Con esta premisa y, a partir del conocimiento de los diferentes Trastornos del Neurodesarrollo puede realizarse una correcta valoración para así, diseñar un tratamiento específico para el caso concreto. Los datos presentados en la evaluación han sido obtenidos tras un arduo estudio personal fundamentado en importantes trabajos y aportaciones teóricas de diversos autores. De forma inicial, con el fin de asentar el caso concreto a desarrollar, se presenta una extensa introducción que da paso a la exposición de los diversos apartados: a) objetivos; b) justificación teórica; c) metodología; d) planificación de la intervención logopédica; e) resultados; f) conclusiones; g) referencias bibliográficas. El estudio plantea una comparativa entre los resultados obtenidos en la evaluación inicial y final tras, aproximadamente, un año de intervención. Los resultados son analizados estableciendo las conclusiones oportunas con el fin último de demostrar la contribución de la intervención logopédica al diagnóstico diferencial de los Trastornos graves de la Comunicación y el Comportamiento.Grado en Logopedi

    A path model of university dropout predictors: the role of satisfaction, the use of self-regulation learning strategies and students' engagement

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    University dropout is a phenomenon that is a concern in many countries all over the world. However, although there are studies in which the direct relationship of the personal and contextual variables is observed individually to predict dropout, there is little research to know whether any of these variables mediate each other in a more dynamic and complex model. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the extent to which the intention to drop out of university courses is predicted by (i) satisfaction and expectations with the course, (ii) engagement with the course, and (iii) by the use of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) strategies. Eight hundred and seventy-seven students from two Spanish universities completed the CARE questionnaire. Path analyses were performed using Mplus 8.3. The data obtained indicate that the intention to drop out is directly and significantly explained by students´ engagement (in 17.8%) and indirectly explained by the use of SRL strategies through engagement. Changes in engagement and in the use of SRL strategies were seen to be associated with satisfaction. Finally, the effect of satisfaction and the use of SRL strategies explained a proportion of students’ engagement (53.6%). It is important for research or interventions focused on students’ intention to drop out to understand that there are multiple variables that both directly and indirectly influence those intentions.This research was funded by the Severo Ochoa Program of the Government of the Principality of Asturias, grant number BP20-116

    Teaching Sensory Analysis in a Tasting Panel and its relation to the properties of Virgin Olive Oil

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    Vanessa Martos Núñez – Universidad de Granada - 0000-0001-6442-7968Celia Monteagudo González – Universidad de Granada - 0000-0003-0529-379XAli Ahmad – Universidad de Granada - 0000-0001-5530-7374Mª Luisa Lorenzo Tovar – Universidad de Granada - 0000-0002-5997-4745Recepción: 27.12.2021 | Aceptado: 25.01.2022Correspondencia a través de ORCID: Vanessa Martos - 0000-0001-6442-79683Área o categoría del conocimiento: Innovación docenteLa valoración organoléptica, se puede llevar a cabo científicamente mediante ensayos sensoriales realizados por un panel analítico y aplicando un tratamiento estadístico para analizar los resultados y conocer la calidad intrínseca del alimento, los catadores han de ser entrenados y esto constituye un aprendizaje en análisis sensorial, actividad de mucho futuro profesional hoy en día. El panel analítico está constituido por 8/12 catadores seleccionados y entrenados dirigidos por un Jefe de Panel, que posee conocimientos y formación para la organización y realización de los ensayos, siguiendo el método de valoración organoléptica del Consejo Oleícola Internacional (COI). Este método tiene por finalidad, establecer los criterios necesarios para valorar las características del flavor del Aceite de Oliva Virgen (AOV) y desarrollar la metodología para su clasificación, en función de la intensidad de los defectos y la existencia de atributo frutado. Se entiende por flavor el conjunto de percepciones de estímulos olfato-gustativos, táctiles y quinestésicos que permiten a un sujeto identificar un alimento y establecer un criterio, a distintos niveles de agrado o desagrado. Al realizar la cata del AOV, hay que distinguir entre atributos positivos y negativos de este, entendiéndose por atributo la propiedad característica perceptible.Abstract: The organoleptic evaluation can be carried out scientifically through sensory tests performed by an analytical panel and applying a statistical treatment to analyze the results and know the intrinsic quality of the food, the tasters have to be trained and this is an apprenticeship in sensory analysis, an activity of great professional future nowadays. The analytical panel is made up of 8/12 selected and trained tasters directed by a Panel Leader, who has the knowledge and training to organize and carry out the tests, following the organoleptic assessment method of the International Olive Council (IOC). The purpose of this method is to establish the necessary criteria to evaluate the flavor characteristics of Virgin Olive Oil (VOO) and to develop the methodology for its classification, according to the intensity of the defects and the existence of the fruity attribute. Flavor is understood as the set of perceptions of olfactory-gustatory, tactile and kinesthetic stimuli that allow a subject to identify a food and establish a criterion, at different levels of liking or disliking. When tasting the AOV, it is necessary to distinguish between its positive and negative attributes, whereby attribute is understood as the perceptible characteristic property

    Metodología aplicada en el estudio del desarrollo del lenguaje en niños con detección temprana de la hipoacusia neonatal

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    Producción CientíficaDado que el potencial discapacitante que causa la deficiencia auditiva neonatal disminuye con una detección e intervención tempranas, hemos elaborado un proyecto de investigación, con el que nos proponemos conocer el grado de desarrollo del lenguaje de los niños y niñas que procedentes del cribado auditivo universal, han sido diagnosticados/as por nosotros de hipoacusia prelingual en estos últimos 15 años y analizar las variables determinantes y las que son modificables. El objeto de esta comunicación consistirá en presentar la metodología que vamos a utilizar. Método: Partimos de los datos almacenados en nuestro Servicio de ORL, que comprende a 282 niños con hipoacusia. Hemos tenido la oportunidad de crear un grupo de investigación en el que coincidimos especialistas de la audición infantil y del lenguaje, por lo que contamos con medios suficientes para el estudio. Resultados: Describimos los elementos que configuran este proyecto, en relación al equipo de trabajo y a su desarrollo. Tras aplicar unos criterios de exclusión/inclusión, hemos seleccionado a un grupo de 45 niños entre 3 y 15 años, definiendo sus características auditivas. Mediante pruebas específicas, adaptadas a la edad, estudiaremos los diferentes aspectos del lenguaje; y a través Rev. ORL, 20xx, x x de una entrevista estructurada realizada a los padres, intentaremos determinar las variables que influyen en el proceso re-habilitador. Finalmente, los datos serán analizados estadísticamente. Discusión: La variabilidad y la escasa prevalencia de la hipoacusia infantil, dificultan la realización de estudios con población suficiente para obtener resultados estadísticamente significativos. Sin embargo, creemos que el grupo de niños seleccionado y la metodología utilizada nos permitirán conocer mejor las variables influyentes en el desarrollo del lenguaje. Conclusiones: El programa de cribado auditivo universal ha permitido una intervención más precoz, lo que debería mejorar los niveles de lenguaje de los niños detectados/as con hipoacusia. Aunque el desarrollo normalizado de la comunicación depende de otros factores difíciles de determinar, a través del protocolo presentado pretendemos equiparar estos resultados, validando el proceso de cribado/diagnóstico e intervención de nuestro medio.Universidad de Valladoli

    Amyloid β / PKC-dependent alterations in NMDA receptor composition are detected in early stages of Alzheimer´s disease

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    [EN] Amyloid beta (Abeta)-mediated synapse dysfunction is an early event in Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathogenesis and previous studies suggest that NMDA receptor (NMDAR) dysregulation may contribute to these pathological effects. Although Abeta peptides impair NMDAR expression and activity, the mechanisms mediating these alterations in the early stages of AD are unclear. Here, we observed that NMDAR subunit NR2B and PSD-95 levels were aberrantly upregulated and correlated with Abeta42 load in human postsynaptic fractions of the prefrontal cortex in early stages of AD patients, as well as in the hippocampus of 3xTg-AD mice. Importantly, NR2B and PSD95 dysregulation was revealed by an increased expression of both proteins in Abeta-injected mouse hippocampi. In cultured neurons, Abeta oligomers increased the NR2B-containing NMDAR density in neuronal membranes and the NMDA-induced intracellular Ca2+ increase, in addition to colocalization in dendrites of NR2B subunit and PSD95. Mechanistically, Abeta oligomers required integrin beta1 to promote synaptic location and function of NR2B-containing NMDARs and PSD95 by phosphorylation through classic PKCs. These results provide evidence that Abeta oligomers modify the contribution of NR2B to NMDAR composition and function in the early stages of AD through an integrin beta1 and PKC-dependent pathway. These data reveal a novel role of Abeta oligomers in synaptic dysfunction that may be relevant to early-stage AD pathogenesis.We thank S. Marcos, L. Escobar, A Martínez and Z. Martínez for technical assistance. This study was supported by the Basque Government (IT1203-19; PIBA_2020_1_0012; ELKARTEK KK-2020/00034; fellowship to T.Q-L, U.B. and J.Z-I), University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU; fellowship to C.O-S) CIBERNED, MICINN (PID2019-108465RB-I00) and Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno (fellowship to C.L)

    Comparison of Extracellular Vesicle Isolation Methods for miRNA Sequencing

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) encapsulated in extracellular vesicles (EVs) are potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. However, discrepancies in miRNA patterns and their validation are still frequent due to differences in sample origin, EV isolation, and miRNA sequencing methods. The aim of the present study is to find a reliable EV isolation method for miRNA sequencing, adequate for clinical application. To this aim, two comparative studies were performed in parallel with the same human plasma sample: (i) isolation and characterization of EVs obtained using three procedures: size exclusion chromatography (SEC), iodixanol gradient (GRAD), and its combination (SEC+GRAD) and (ii) evaluation of the yield of miRNA sequences obtained using NextSeq 500 (Illumina) and three miRNA library preparation protocols: NEBNext, NEXTFlex, and SMARTer smRNA-seq. The conclusion of comparison (i) is that recovery of the largest amount of EVs and reproducibility were attained with SEC, but GRAD and SEC+GRAD yielded purer EV preparations. The conclusion of (ii) is that the NEBNext library showed the highest reproducibility in the number of miRNAs recovered and the highest diversity of miRNAs. These results render the combination of GRAD EV isolation and NEBNext library preparation for miRNA retrieval as adequate for clinical applications using plasma samples

    Association of Functional Polymorphisms of KIR3DL1/DS1 With Behçet's Disease

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    Behçet's disease (BD) is an immune-mediated vasculitis related to imbalances between the innate and adaptive immune response. Infectious agents or environmental factors may trigger the disease in genetically predisposed individuals. HLA-B51 is the genetic factor stronger associated with the disease, although the bases of this association remain elusive. NK cells have also been implicated in the etiopathogenesis of BD. A family of NK receptors, Killer-cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptor (KIR), with a very complex organization, is very important in the education and control of the NK cells by the union to their ligands, most of them, HLA class I molecules. This study aimed to investigate the contribution of certain KIR functional polymorphisms to the susceptibility to BD. A total of 466 BD patients and 444 healthy individuals were genotyped in HLA class I (A, B, and C). The set of KIR genes and the functional variants of KIR3DL1/DS1 and KIR2DS4 were also determined. Frequency of KIR3DL1004 was lower in patients than in controls (0.15 vs. 0.20, P = 0.005, Pc = 0.015; OR = 0.70; 95% CI 0.54-0.90) in both B51 positive and negative individuals. KIR3DL1004, which encodes a misfolded protein, is included in a common telomeric haplotype with only one functional KIR gene, KIR3DL2. Both, KIR3DL1 and KIR3DL2 sense pathogen-associated molecular patterns but they have different capacities to eliminate them. The education of the NK cells depending on the HLA, the balance of KIR3DL1/KIR3DL2 licensed NK cells and the different capacities of these receptors to eliminate pathogens could be involved in the etiopathogenesis of BD

    Deregulated cellular circuits driving immunoglobulins and complement consumption associate with the severity of COVID-19 patients

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    SARS-CoV-2 infection causes an abrupt response by the host immune system, which is largely responsible for the outcome of COVID-19. We investigated whether the specific immune responses in the peripheral blood of 276 patients were associated with the severity and progression of COVID-19. At admission, dramatic lymphopenia of T, B, and NK cells is associated with severity. Conversely, the proportion of B cells, plasmablasts, circulating follicular helper T cells (cTfh) and CD56–CD16+ NK-cells increased. Regarding humoral immunity, levels of IgM, IgA, and IgG were unaffected, but when degrees of severity were considered, IgG was lower in severe patients. Compared to healthy donors, complement C3 and C4 protein levels were higher in mild and moderate, but not in severe patients, while the activation peptide of C5 (C5a) increased from the admission in every patient, regardless of their severity. Moreover, total IgG, the IgG1 and IgG3 isotypes, and C4 decreased from day 0 to day 10 in patients who were hospitalized for more than two weeks, but not in patients who were discharged earlier. Our study provides important clues to understand the immune response observed in COVID-19 patients, associating severity with an imbalanced humoral response, and identifying new targets for therapeutic interventionThe study was funded by grants SAF2017- 82886-R to FS-M from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, and from “La Caixa Banking Foundation” (HR17-00016) to FS-M. Grant PI018/01163 to CMC and grant PI19/00549 to AA were funded by Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Spain. SAF2017-82886-R, PI018/01163 and PI19/00549 grants were also co-funded by European Regional Development Fund, ERDF/FEDER. This work has been funded by grants Fondo Supera COVID (CRUE-Banco de Santander) to FSM, and “Ayuda Covid 2019” from Comunidad de Madri

    Methodology applied in the study of the language development in children with early detection of neonatal hearing loss.

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    Introducción y objetivo: Dado que el potencial discapacitante que causa la deficiencia auditiva neonatal disminuye con una detección e intervención tempranas, hemos elaborado un proyecto de investigación, con el que nos proponemos conocer el grado de desarrollo del lenguaje de los niños y niñas que procedentes del cribado auditivo universal, han sido diagnosticados/as por nosotros de hipoacusia prelingual en estos últimos 15 años y analizar las variables determinantes y las que son modificables. El objeto de esta comunicación consistirá en presentar la metodología que vamos a utilizar. Método: Partimos de los datos almacenados en nuestro Servicio de ORL, que comprende a 282 niños con hipoacusia. Hemos tenido la oportunidad de crear un grupo de investigación en el que coincidimos especialistas de la audición infantil y del lenguaje, por lo que contamos con medios suficientes para el estudio. Resultados: Describimos los elementos que configuran este proyecto, en relación al equipo de trabajo y a su desarrollo. Tras aplicar unos criterios de exclusión/inclusión, hemos seleccionado a un grupo de 45 niños entre 3 y 15 años, definiendo sus características auditivas. Mediante pruebas específicas, adaptadas a la edad, estudiaremos los diferentes aspectos del lenguaje; y a través de una entrevista estructurada realizada a los padres, intentaremos determinar las variables que influyen en el proceso re-habilitador. Finalmente, los datos serán analizados estadísticamente. Discusión: La variabilidad y la escasa prevalencia de la hipoacusia infantil, dificultan la realización de estudios con población suficiente para obtener resultados estadísticamente significativos. Sin embargo, creemos que el grupo de niños seleccionado y la metodología utilizada nos permitirán conocer mejor las variables influyentes en el desarrollo del lenguaje. Conclusiones: El programa de cribado auditivo universal ha permitido una intervención más precoz, lo que debería mejorar los niveles de lenguaje de los niños detectados/as con hipoacusia. Aunque el desarrollo normalizado de la comunicación depende de otros factores difíciles de determinar, a través del protocolo presentado pretendemos equiparar estos resultados, validando el proceso de cribado/diagnóstico e intervención de nuestro medio.Introduction and objective: Given that the disabling potential causing neonatal hearing impairment decreases with early detection and intervention, we have drawn up a research project, with which we intend to know the degree of development of the language of children and girls than from the universal hearing screening, have been diagnosed for us of prelingual hearing loss in the last 15 years and analyze the determining variables and which are modifiable. The object of this communication will be to present the methodology that we use. Method: We assume the data stored on our ENT service, including 282 children with hearing loss. We have had the opportunity to create a research group in which we agree ENT and language specialists so we have resources sufficient for the study. Results: We describe the elements that make up this project in relation to the team and to its development. After applying inclusion/exclusion criteria, we have selected a group of 45 children between 3 and 15 years, defining their auditory characteristics. Through specific tests, adapted to the age, we will study the different aspects of the language; and through a structured interview parents, we try to determine the variables that influence the rehabilitator process. Finally, the data will be analyzed statistically. Discussion: The variability and the low prevalence of infant hearing loss, make it difficult studies with sufficient population to obtain statistically significant results. However, we believe that the group of children and the methodology selected will allow us to learn more about the influential in the development of the language variables. Conclusions: The hearing screening program allowed us to earlier intervention, which should improve the levels of language of children detected with hearing loss. Although the standard development of communication depends on other factors difficult to determine, through the presented protocol we equate these findings, validating the process of screening/diagnosis and intervention of our environment