339 research outputs found

    Ornamentos múltiples: Mecanismos, función y evolución.

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    [spa] El uso de señales múltiples de calidad es común en numerosas especies, pero este hecho no es fácil de explicar. Las presiones fluctuantes del ambiente podrían tener un rol importante en el origen y mantenimiento de las señales múltiples, y las implicaciones evolutivas de esta hipótesis enfatizan la importancia de realizar nuevos estudios sobre señales múltiples. En esta tesis se realizaron diferentes estudios sobre la señalización múltiple del plumaje de dos especies de aves: El carbonero común (Parus major) y el lúgano (Carduelis spinus). En el primer capítulo se examinó la banda alar amarilla del lúgano, un ornamento sexual basado en carotenoides. Se vio que machos con bandas alares mayores eran más rápidos resolviendo un problema de forrajeo. Esto sugiere la existencia de una selección sexual de habilidades cognitivas en el lúgano. En el segundo capítulo, estudiamos la función del babero negro del lúgano como señal de la personalidad del individuo. Descubrimos que lúganos con baberos de mayor tamaño mostraban tendencias exploratorias más rápidas. Este hallazgo apoya la idea de que los ornamentos del plumaje pueden funcionar como señales de la personalidad del individuo. En el tercer capítulo se examinó cómo las señales múltiples pueden definir el comportamiento sexual extra pareja. Se pudo constatar que la respuesta agonística y la paternidad de machos de carbonero dependía de la interacción entre la corbata negra y la coloración amarilla del pecho del macho, sugiriendo la existencia de diferentes estrategias reproductivas de acuerdo a la calidad individual. Por último, examinamos las posibles interacciones entre ornamentos sexuales y la familiaridad, mediante experimentos de selección de pareja en lúganos. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la familiaridad puede ser tan importante como los ornamentos sexuales a la hora de determinar los criterios de selección de la hembra. En conclusión, esta tesis profundiza en el hecho de que las diferentes cualidades de un individuo, reflejadas en distintas señales múltiples, tienen el potencial de ser parte de diferentes estrategias válidas en selección sexual y social, permitiendo una selección más plástica. Esta plasticidad de selección podría ser uno de los mecanismos tras el origen y mantenimiento de las señales múltiples.[eng] In sexual or social selection processes, animals employ traits that signal qualities. The use of multiple signals is known to be well spread in numerous species, but the ultimate reasons for using more than one single signal are not easy to explain. Why would animals invest in several different signals, instead of focusing on only one? Traditionally, the adaptive hypotheses formulated to explain the existence of multiple signalling have been framed into static scenarios, under constant selection pressures. However, there is increasing awareness of the need to widen this static framework, by taking into account the selection plasticity produced by spatial and temporal environmental heterogeneity. Fluctuating ecological and social environments could have an important role in the origin and maintenance of multiple signals. In an environment where changes happen faster every day, multiple signalling would allow a more flexible, dynamic selection, increasing the odds of survival and fitness. The evolutionary implications of this hypothesis highlight the importance of novel studies in multiple signalling. In this thesis, we performed several such experiments on the Eurasian siskin (Carduelis spinus) and the Great tit (Parus major). They are two passerine species that show ornaments based on melanins and carotenoids, which makes them a particularly suitable models for the study of multiple signalling. In the first chapter, the signalling function of the yellow wing stripe of the Eurasian siskin, a carotenoid based sexual ornament, was examined. A problem solving experiment showed that male siskins with longer yellow wing stripes were better foragers. These resuls suggest the existence of sexual selection for cognitive abilities. In the second chapter, we studied the function of the black bib of the Eurasian siskin as a potential source of information about the personality of the individual. We examined the exploratory behaviour of male siskins, finding that those with larger black bibs had a shorter approaching latency to a novel object. These results support the idea that plumage structures could give information about the personality of its bearer. The results of these two chapters show that colour signals based on different pigments have separate functions in the siskin, allowing multiple criteria in sexual (and social) selection. The third chapter examined the effects of different multiple colour signals on the extra pair sexual behaviour of the great tit. By measuring the response of different males to conspecific male intrusions, and the within pair paternity of males depending on their colour traits, we could observe that different combinations of traits where related to the intensity of nest defence, and implied differences in paternity loss. These findings suggest that males might be using different strategies to maximize their qualities. In the last chapter, we tested the potential interactions between colour sexual ornaments and the previous experience, by sexual selection experiments in siskins. Our results suggest that familiarity adds to attractiveness when female siskins choose a mate. At least in some species, females are using multiple criteria in mate choice, not necessarily related to external signals of quality. In conclusion, this thesis stress that multiple qualities, signalled by different colour traits, have the potential to be part of different successful social and sexual mate choice strategies, aiding a more plastic selection. Our results support the hypothesis that selection plasticity could be one of the mechanisms behind the origin and maintenance of multiple signal

    How to be a biologist?

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    http://bioblogia.net http://www.bioblogia.net/p/consejosjovenesbiologos.html Tips for young biologists-- •How and why study Biology •How to get experience, contacts, and jobs as a biologist •My own troubles/experiences What do they ask about? My own goals for SciComm2016

    How to be a biologist?

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    http://bioblogia.net http://www.bioblogia.net/p/consejosjovenesbiologos.html Tips for young biologists-- •How and why study Biology •How to get experience, contacts, and jobs as a biologist •My own troubles/experiences What do they ask about? My own goals for SciComm2016

    Influencia del rendimiento sobre el estilo decisional en jugadores de fútbol

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    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo fue analizar cómo el nivel de rendimiento afecta al perfil de estilo decisional. Se empleó una muestra de 247 jugadores de fútbol, de los cuales 106 pertenecían a la categoría infantil y 141 a la categoría cadete. La variable independiente fue el nivel de rendimiento, determinado por el puesto que ocupó cada equipo en la clasificación final de la competición. Las variables dependientes fueron la Competencia Decisional Percibida, la Ansiedad y Agobio al Decidir y el Compromiso en el Aprendizaje Decisional, variables que fueron medidas a partir del Cuestionario de Estilo de Toma de Decisiones (CETD) (Ruiz & Graupera, 2005). Los datos determinaron diferencias significativas, en función del nivel de rendimiento, en la variable Competencia Decisional Percibida, coincidiendo este resultado con estudios anteriores (Gaspar, 2001; García, Ruiz, & Graupera, 2009). Respecto a la Ansiedad y Agobio al Decidir, los deportistas mostraron más ansiedad a medida que se incrementaba el nivel de rendimiento, siendo este resultado opuesto al que se refleja en investigaciones precedentes (López, 2002; Jiménez, 2007). Por último, en el Compromiso en el Aprendizaje Decisional no se observaron diferencias en función del nivel de rendimiento, contradiciendo igualmente a estudios anteriores que reforzaban un aumento del compromiso en función del nivel de rendimiento (Ruiz et al., 2002; Jiménez, 2004)

    Placental Adaptive Changes to Protect Function and Decrease Oxidative Damage in Metabolically Healthy Maternal Obesity

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    Pregnancy-related disorders, including preeclampsia and gestational diabetes, are characterized by the presence of an adverse intrauterine milieu that may ultimately result in oxidative and nitrosative stress. This scenario may trigger uncontrolled production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide anion (OBLACK CIRCLE-) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) such as nitric oxide (NO), along with an inactivation of antioxidant systems, which are associated with the occurrence of relevant changes in placental function through recognized redox post-translational modifications in key proteins. The general objective of this study was to assess the impact of a maternal obesogenic enviroment on the regulation of the placental nitroso-redox balance at the end of pregnancy. We measured oxidative damage markers-thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances (TBARS) and carbonyl groups (C=O) levels; nitrosative stress markers-inducible nitric oxide synthase, nitrosothiol groups, and nitrotyrosine residues levels; and the antioxidant biomarkers-catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and expression, and total antioxidant capacity (TAC), in full-term placental villous from both pre-pregnancy normal weight and obese women, and with absence of metabolic complications throughout gestation. The results showed a decrease in C=O and TBARS levels in obese pregnancies. Although total SOD and catalase concentrations were shown to be increased, both activities were significantly downregulated in obese pregnancies, along with total antioxidant capacity. Inducible nitric oxide sintase levels were increased in the obese group compared to the lean group, accompanied by an increase in nitrotyrosine residues levels and lower levels of nitrosothiol groups in proteins such as ERK1/2. These findings reveal a reduction in oxidative damage, accompanied by a decline in antioxidant response, and an increase via NO-mediated nitrative stress in placental tissue from metabolically healthy pregnancies with obesity. All this plausibly points to a placental adaptation of the affected antioxidant response towards a NO-induced alternative pathway, through changes in the ROS/RNS balance, in order to reduce oxidative damage and preserve placental function in pregnancy

    Consideraciones respecto al comportamiento físico y mecanico de hormigones ligeros estructurales

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    Resulta paradójico que a pesar de las enormes ventajas que supone en muchas aplicaciones de construcción el empleo del hormigón ligero estructural (HLE) frente a un hormigón convencional (HC), su uso todavía no se haya generalizado. Muy posiblemente, el desconocimiento de su comportamiento físico y mecánico contribuye de forma decisiva a la utilización de un HC en muchas ocasiones en las que su sustitución por HLE sería totalmente competitivo y ventajoso. Este trabajo pretende ampliar el conocimiento del comportamiento del HLE para contribuir a su utilización en todas las situaciones en donde su empleo supone una clara ventaja frente al HC

    MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry Is a Fast and Reliable Platform for Identification and Ecological Studies of Species from Family Rhizobiaceae

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    Family Rhizobiaceae includes fast growing bacteria currently arranged into three genera, Rhizobium, Ensifer and Shinella, that contain pathogenic, symbiotic and saprophytic species. The identification of these species is not possible on the basis of physiological or biochemical traits and should be based on sequencing of several genes. Therefore alternative methods are necessary for rapid and reliable identification of members from family Rhizobiaceae. In this work we evaluated the suitability of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for this purpose. Firstly, we evaluated the capability of this methodology to differentiate among species of family Rhizobiaceae including those closely related and then we extended the database of MALDI Biotyper 2.0 including the type strains of 56 species from genera Rhizobium, Ensifer and Shinella. Secondly, we evaluated the identification potential of this methodology by using several strains isolated from different sources previously identified on the basis of their rrs, recA and atpD gene sequences. The 100% of these strains were correctly identified showing that MALDI-TOF MS is an excellent tool for identification of fast growing rhizobia applicable to large populations of isolates in ecological and taxonomic studies

    El parque nacional de Bukhansan desde la perspectiva educativa: Análisis comparativo con el parque nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama

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    Este artículo pertenece al proyecto titulado: Propuesta comparativa para la gestión educativa en espacios naturales y actividades tradicionales del entorno entre Gyeryongsan National Park (Daejeon, Corea del Sur) y Montes de Valsaín (Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama, España) (ASIA2017/05)El presente artículo expone los resultados procedentes de la investigación perteneciente a un proyecto en el que compara la gestión educativa entre los parques nacionales de Corea del Sur y España. Se introducen las características de los parques nacionales de estos dos países para abordar, brevemente, los aspectos históricos y culturales de Corea del Sur. Más en detalle se analizan los elementos, bióticos y abióticos, del paisaje del Parque Nacional de Bukhansan, el espacio protegido más visitado y más cercano a la capital, Seoul. Además, se abordan los aspectos relacionados con la gestión educativa en el país asiático y concretamente aquellos que tienen que ver con la educación ambiental en el Parque Nacional. Finalmente, se establece una comparativa sobre los elementos del medio físico y la gestión educativa entre este espacio protegido y el Parque Nacional de la Sierra de GuadarramaThis article offers the results of a research project that compares the educational management of the National Parks of South Korea and Spain. It introduces the main characteristics of National Parks of the both countries. It also offers an introductory passage on historical and cultural aspects of South Korea. The biotic and abiotic elements of Bukhansan National Park are studied in detail, since it is the most visited protected area of the country and the closest to the capital city, Seoul. In addition, we undertake the study of the issues related to educational management, especially those linked with the environmental education in the National Park. The last part compares the elements from the physical medium and the educational management between Bukhansan National Park and Sierra de Guadarrama National Par

    Impact of different waves of COVID-19 on emergency medical services and out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest in Madrid, Spain

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    Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is one of the three leading causes of death in industrialized countries.[1,2] Some studies have described the impact of the first COVID-19 pandemic wave in terms of the number of cases and OHCA survival rates in various regions,[3-5] but few have addressed the relationship between the successive phases and how they affected OHCA.[6,7] The 14-d cumulative incidence peaked at more than 990 cases, with these rates remaining above 200 for an eight-month period between 15 March 2020 and 15 March 2021 in Madrid, Spain. The objectives of the current study were twofold. First, we sought to describe how the different waves in the first pandemic year aff ected the healthcare activity of the Spanish emergency medical services (EMS). Second, we compared effects of the pandemic year on OHCA care to those of the preceding non-pandemic year in terms of initiating cardiopulmonary resuscitation and survival in a community with a high incidence of COVID-19.post-print164 K

    Study of Competition in the Textile Sector by Twitter Social Network Analysis

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    URL del artículo en la web de la Revista: https://www.upo.es/revistas/index.php/gecontec/article/view/3311Social networks have become a place where brands or companies are advertised to increase their market share. The companies allocate resources to hire community managers that disseminate quality content and perform customer service tasks. This article presents the development of a tweet retrieval tool and user account information to generate simulation and a strategic analysis of a set of competitors in the Twitter social network during a period of three months. A collection of tweets related to four related textile brands has been obtained. The information retrieval process is done using Python to access the Twitter REST service whose results are indexed using Elasticsearch. Once the data is arranged, Kibana is used to create an interactive panel, with different visualizations, that helps to extract the information hidden in the data, proposing different alternatives, its advantages and its disadvantages.Universidad Pablo de Olavid