474 research outputs found

    Molecular effects of polystyrene nanoplastics on human neural stem cells

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    All Results NPs cells files are available from the Dryad repository (doi:10.5061/dryad.zpc866tf9).Nanoplastics (NPs) have been found in many ecological environments (aquatic, terrestrial, air). Currently, there is great concern about the exposition and impact on animal health, including humans, because of the effects of ingestion and accumulation of these nanomaterials (NMs) in aquatic organisms and their incorporation into the food chain. NPs´ mechanisms of action on humans are currently unknown. In this study, we evaluated the altered molecular mechanisms on human neural stem cell line (hNS1) after 4 days of exposure to 30 nm polystyrene (PS) NPs (0.5, 2.5 and 10 μg/mL). Our results showed that NPs can induce oxidative stress, cellular stress, DNA damage, alterations in inflammatory response, and apoptosis, which could lead to tissue damage and neurodevelopmental diseases.S

    La chilenidad en pandemia. Fiestas Patrias en Río Gallegos

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    In the year 2020 it’s declared the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. For this reason, isolation and social distancing measures are taken by countries around the world, Argentina included. Such measures have affected whole populations and their regular activities. Related to the IP “Migrational trajectories of chilean residents in Río Gallegos, southern Patagonia, Argentina, we are interested in discribing and analizing migrant’s cultural practices asociated to keeping their ties to their homeland, particularly the celebration of their “national holidays” in Argentina. The starting ground, being the following question: ¿In which way were such practices affected by isolation and social distancing measures that prohibited gatherings in traditional community spaces? Having into account that some practices were adapted, but others such as watching chilean TV, listening to special radio programs and sharing typical cuisine have continued. This piece of work, it is drawn upon chilean residents’ experiences in Rio Gallegos.En 2020 se declara una pandemia por SARS-CoV-2. Por esto, se tomaron medidas de aislamiento y distanciamiento en la mayoría de los países del mundo, incluido Argentina. Estas acciones afectaron a la población y a sus actividades en todas sus dimensiones. En relación al PI “Trayectorias migratorias de chilenos residentes en Río Gallegos, Patagonia austral argentina”, nos interesa describir y analizar las prácticas culturales de los inmigrantes chilenos asociadas al mantenimiento de los vínculos identitarios con su patria, particularmente, el festejo de “fiestas patrias”, en este caso en la Argentina. Se parte de la pregunta ¿cómo se vieron afectadas estas prácticas con las medidas de aislamiento y distanciamiento social que prohibieron los encuentros en espacios comunitarios tradicionales? Teniendo en cuenta que los festejos se adaptaron, pero algunas prácticas como seguir programación de TV chilena, escuchar programas radiales especiales y compartir la gastronomía típica continuaron. Se recurre a las experiencias de chilenos residentes en Río Gallegos para este trabajo

    Protein biomarker discovery and fast monitoring for the identification and detection of Anisakids by parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) mass spectrometry

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    8 páginas, 7 figuras, 1 tablaAnisakids are fish-borne parasites that are responsible for a large number of human infections and allergic reactions around the world. World health organizations and food safety authorities aim to control and prevent this emerging health problem. In the present work, a new method for the fast monitoring of these parasites is described. The strategy is divided in three steps: (i) purification of thermostable proteins from fish-borne parasites (Anisakids), (ii) in-solution HIFU trypsin digestion and (iii) monitoring of several peptide markers by parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) mass spectrometry. This methodology allows the fast detection of Anisakids in < 2 h. An affordable assay utilizing this methodology will facilitate testing for regulatory and safety applications. Significance The work describes for the first time, the Protein Biomarker Discovery and the Fast Monitoring for the identification and detection of Anisakids in fishery products. The strategy is based on the purification of thermostable proteins, the use of accelerated in-solution trypsin digestions under an ultrasonic field provided by High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) and the monitoring of several peptide biomarkers by Parallel Reaction Monitoring (PRM) Mass Spectrometry in a linear ion trap mass spectrometer. The workflow allows the unequivocal detection of Anisakids, in < 2 h. The present strategy constitutes the fastest method for Anisakids detection, whose application in the food quality control area, could provide to the authorities an effective and rapid method to guarantee the safety to the consumersThis work was supported by EU-granted project PARASITE (GA312068), Marie Curie actions (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IEF, ref. 332274) and by the Ramón Areces Foundation XVII National GrantPeer reviewe

    Neurotoxicity and endocrine disruption caused by polystyrene nanoparticles in zebrafish embryo

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    Nanoplastics (NP) are present in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Humans can be exposed to them through contaminated water, food, air, or personal care products. Mechanisms of NP toxicity are largely unknown and the Zebrafish embryo poses an ideal model to investigate them due to its high homology with humans. Our objective in the present study was to combine a battery of behavioral assays with the study of endocrine related gene expression, to further explore potential NP neurotoxic effects on animal behavior. Polystyrene nanoplastics (PSNP) were used to evaluate NP toxicity. Our neurobehavioral profiles include a tail coiling assay, a light/dark activity assay, two thigmotaxis anxiety assays (auditory and visual stimuli), and a startle response - habituation assay in response to auditory stimuli. Results show PSNP accumulated in eyes, neuromasts, brain, and digestive system organs. PSNP inhibited acetylcholinesterase and altered endocrine-related gene expression profiles both in the thyroid and glucocorticoid axes. At the whole organism level, we observed altered behaviors such as increased activity and anxiety at lower doses and lethargy at a higher dose, which could be due to a variety of complex mechanisms ranging from sensory organ and central nervous system effects to others such as hormonal imbalances. In addition, we present a hypothetical adverse outcome pathway related to these effects. In conclusion, this study provides new understanding into NP toxic effects on zebrafish embryo, emphasizing a critical role of endocrine disruption in observed neurotoxic behavioral effects, and improving our understanding of their potential health risks to human populations.This work was supported by the Joint Research Institute IMIENS (Grant Number: IMIENS-2020-001-PIC), and the Spanish Government (Grant Number: PID2021-125948OB-I00 from MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER, UE to ADV).S

    Perturbações psicológicas e o seu impacto no rendimento académico de estudantes de educação média durante o tempo do confinamento

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    COVID-19 has had repercussions in economic, cultural, political, educational, family, and personal spheres due to the strategies implemented to stop its propagation. Against this background, the objective was to analyze the psychological alterations present during confinement and their impact on the academic performance of high school students in two institutions in Querétaro, Mexico. It was a descriptive, quantitative, and cross-sectional study in a sample of 428 students between 15 and 18 years of age (confidence level of 95 % and a 5 % error). The results show psychological alterations in cognitive processes (attention problems, disorganized thinking, and difficulty for virtual learning) and emotional processes (anxiety, stress, boredom, loss of enjoyment, sleeping problems, and need for peers), as well as the appearance of risky thoughts and behaviors (worthlessness, suicidal thought and attempts and self-harm). It is concluded that confinement caused significant cognitive and emotional alterations, which impacted academic performance (motivation, study habits), but not grades and homework submission.La COVID-19 ha repercutido en ámbitos económicos, culturales, políticos, educativos, familiares y personales debido a las estrategias implementadas para detener su propagación. Ante este panorama, el objetivo fue analizar las alteraciones psicológicas presentes durante el confinamiento y su impacto en el desempeño académico de estudiantes de educación media de dos instituciones de Querétaro, México. Fue un estudio de carácter descriptivo, cuantitativo y transversal en una muestra de 428 estudiantes, entre quince y dieciocho años (nivel de confianza 95 % y 5 % de error). Los resultados muestran alteraciones psicológicas en: procesos cognitivos (problemas de atención, pensamiento desorganizado, dificultad de aprendizaje virtual); emocionales (ansiedad, estrés, aburrimiento, pérdida de disfrute, problemas de sueño y necesidad de contacto de pares); y, pensamientos y conductas de riesgo (inutilidad, pensamiento e intento suicida, autolesiones). Se concluye que el confinamiento trajo alteraciones cognitivas y emocionales significativas que impactaron en el desempeño académico (motivación y hábitos de estudio), no así en las calificaciones y entregas de tareas.A COVID-19 tem repercutido nos âmbitos econômicos, culturais, políticos, educativos, familiares e pessoais devido as estratégias implantadas para impedir a sua propagação. Diante deste panorama, o objetivo foi analisar as alterações psicológi-cas presentes durante o confinamento e o seu impacto no desempenho acadêmico de estudantes do ensino médio de duas instituições de Querétaro no México. Foi um estudo de caráter descritivo, quantitativo e transversal numa amostra de 428 estudantes, entre quinze e dezoito anos (nível de confiança de 95% e 5% de erro). Os resultados apontam alterações psicológicas em: processos cognitivos (problemas de atenção, pensamento desorganizado, dificuldade de aprendizagem virtual); emocionais (ansiedade, estresse, tédio, perda de interesse, problemas do sono e necessidade de contato com colegas); e, pensamento e condutas de risco (inutilidade, pensamento e tentativa de suicídio,&nbsp; autolesões). Conclui-se que o confinamento trouxe alterações cognitivas e emocionais importantes que impactaram o desempenho acadêmico (motivação e hábitos de estudo), não assim nas notas e entregas de trabalhos

    DNA damage and molecular level effects induced by polystyrene (PS) nanoplastics (NPs) after Chironomus riparius (Diptera) larvae

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    In this work, we analyzed the early molecular effects of polystyrene (PS) nanoplastics (NPs) on an aquatic primary consumer (larvae of Chironomus riparius, Diptera) to evaluate their potential DNA damage and the transcriptional response of different genes related to cellular and oxidative stress, endocrine response, developmental, oxygen transport, and immune response. After 24-h exposures of larvae to doses of PS NPs close to those currently found in the environment, the results revealed a large genotoxic effect. This end was evidenced after significant increases in DNA strand breaks of C. riparius larvae quantified by the comet assay, together with results obtained when analyzing the expression of four genes involved in DNA repair (xrrc1, ATM, DECAY and NLK) and which were reduced in the presence of these nanomaterials. Consequently, this reduction trend is likely to prevent the repair of DNA damage caused by PS NPs. In addition, the same tendency to reduce the expression of genes involved in cellular stress, oxidative stress, ecdysone pathway, development, and oxygen transport was observed. Taken together, these results suggest that PS NPs reduce the expression of hormonal target genes and a developmental gene. We show, for the first time, effects of PS NPs on the endocrine system of C. riparius and suggest a possible mechanism of blocking ecdysteroid hormones in insects. Moreover, the NPs were able to inhibit the expression of hemoglobin (Hb C), a protein involved in oxygen transport, and activate a gene of the humoral immune system. These data reveal for the first time the genomic effects of PS NPs in the aquatic invertebrate C. riparius, at the base of the food chain.This article has been funded by the project of IMIENS. We would like to thank Laura Flores and Sonia de la Mata for their technical support. This work is part of Celia Sabroso’s final project (student of the Universidad Europea de Madrid).S

    Tecnología ósea en la Depresión del Río Salado (provincia de Buenos Aires)

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    Hunter-gatherer-fishers inhabited the wetlands of the Río Salado Depression (Argentine Pampas) during the Late Holocene (ca. 2400 to 400 years BP); they manufactured pottery and developed different strategies of acquisition and manufacture of bones and teeth for use as tools. The economy of these societies was based mainly on exploiting small-sized species, such as coypu (a rodent), fishes, as well as continental and aquatic birds. Two species of deer were complementary resources. Twenty-five bones from the sites LG1 (n= 4) and LG5 (n= 21) that show indications of human manipulation were subjected to a techno-morphological analysis. The following parameters were considered: material, type of fracture, dimensions and presence/absence of marks; the effects of taphonomic agents and processes on bone surfaces are evaluated as well. Human modification on the bones of several taxa were identified: Aves (n= 4), Rallidae (n= 1), Mammalia (n= 2), Cervidae (n=4), Ozotoceros bezoarticus (n=8), Blastoceros dichotomus (n= 1), Rodentia (n= 1), Rodentia cf. Caviinae (n= 3) and Myocastor coypus (n= 1). On this basis, we characterized the Morphological Groups as, tubes, bevelled tools, points (channelled, semi-channeled, blunt-ended), and those tools not allocated to these groups, were designated as Undetermined. The potential function of these tools is discussed, we propose that bone technology was part of the integral use of faunal resources in the area.En el humedal de la Depresión del Río Salado –habitado durante el Holoceno tardío (entre 2400 y 400 años AP) por grupos de expertos alfareros– los recursos faunísticos más explotados fueron especies de porte menor como coipo, peces, aves terrestres y acuáticas. Los cérvidos fueron recursos complementarios. Estos grupos desarrollaron estrategias de aprovisionamiento y manufactura de huesos, además de incisivos de coipo, para utilizar como instrumentos. Se analizaron tecno-morfológicamente 25 piezas óseas provenientes de los sitios LG1 (n= 4) y LG5 (n= 21) con evidencias de formatización antrópica. Se tomaron los siguientes parámetros: elemento, tipo de fractura, dimensiones y presencia/ausencia de huellas; asimismo se registró la incidencia de agentes y procesos tafonómicos sobre los elementos. Se identificaron varios taxa: Aves (= 4), Rallidae (n= 1), Mammalia (n= 2), Cervidae (n= 4), Ozotoceros bezoarticus (n= 8), Blastoceros dichotomus (n=1), Rodentia (n= 1), Rodentia cf. Caviinae (n= 3) y Myocastor coypus (n= 1). Se definieron los Grupos Morfológicos: tubos, biseles, puntas (acanalada, semiacanalada, roma) y aquellos que no pudieron asignarse a los ya definidos, se indicaron como indeterminados. Se discuten posibles funciones y se propone que esta tecnología ósea es parte del uso integral de los recursos faunísticos del área

    Metodología de valoración del paisaje desde infraestructuras lineales (II).

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    La reciente legislación sobre Patrimonio Natural y Biodiversidad exige que en los planes de ordenación se incluya la valoración del paisaje. Es el reflejo de la nueva tendencia de conservación del paisaje, como recurso natural y escaso, válido para el uso social y recreativo. El trabajo que se presenta desarrolla una Metodología que permite valorar el paisaje desde infraestructuras lineales de forma que pueda ser utilizada por los técnicos a la hora de planificar tanto las infraestructuras como los usos de las mismas ( Ej: vía escénica). Considera el paisaje un recurso más y que por tanto se puede objetivar y cuantificar para obtener un inventario del mismo junto con el resto de recursos a tener en cuenta a la hora de planificar y gestionar Se ha desarrollado un Método Mixto en el que se tiene en cuenta tanto las componentes de paisaje o elementos objetivos (Ej: vegetación, usos de suelo,...) y elementos subjetivos o categorías estéticas (expresión, simbolismo, unidad,…) Aplicando la fórmula estadística de Regresión Múltiple se obtiene los coeficientes de ponderación que se corresponden con el valor de las categorías subjetivas. Para ello se han realizado encuestas en una muestra lo suficientemente amplia como para permitir cuantificar la subjetividad