1,220 research outputs found

    The tactical use of the free-throw in handball

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    El análisis de las situaciones especiales de juego en el balonmano actual, como desigualdades numéricas, uso del portero falso o situaciones finales de partido, son aspectos en que los equipos prestan cada vez una mayor atención. Dentro de este tipo de situaciones, el uso táctico del golpe franco es un elemento del juego utilizado para lograr un mayor éxito en situaciones concretas de partido. Por tanto, dicho uso debería ser explotado en mayor medida en el juego de ataque, ya que es una de las pocas ocasiones en las que los atacantes pueden construir el juego ofensivo partiendo de una situación estable. El objetivo del trabajo es realizar una revisión descriptiva del análisis del golpe franco y su uso táctico, y proponer modelos prácticos para lograr el éxito en este tipo de situaciones. El entrenamiento posibilitará su uso en situaciones puntuales durante un partido de forma que el equipo contrario tenga que adaptarse a la nueva situación planteada.The analysis of special game situations in modern handball, such as numerical inequalities, use of a false goalkeeper and late-game situations are aspects to which the teams turn increasingly more attention. In these situations, the tactical use of the free-throw is an element of the game used to achieve success in specific game situations. Therefore, such use should be further exploited in attacking play as it is one of the few occasions in which attackers can build the offensive played from a stable situation. The aim of the work is to carry out a descriptive analysis and tactical use the shoot of free-throw, and propose practical models for success in this type of situation. The training will enable their use in specific situations during a match so that the opposing team has to adapt to the new situation presented.peerReviewe

    A Semantic Cognition Contribution to Mood and Anxiety Disorder Pathophysiology

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    Over the last two decades, the functional role of the bilateral anterior temporal lobes (bATLs) has been receiving more attention. They have been associated with semantics and social concept processing, and are regarded as a core region for depression. In the past, the role of the ATL has often been overlooked in semantic models based on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) due to geometric distortions in the BOLD signal. However, previous work has unequivocally associated the bATLs with these higher-order cognitive functions following advances in neuroimaging techniques to overcome the geometric distortions. At the same time, the importance of the neural basis of conceptual knowledge in understanding mood disorders became apparent. Theoretical models of the neural basis of mood and anxiety disorders have been classically studied from the emotion perspective, without concentrating on conceptual processing. However, recent work suggests that the ATL, a brain region underlying conceptual knowledge, plays an essential role in mood and anxiety disorders. Patients with anxiety and depression often cope with self-blaming biases and guilt. The theory is that in order to experience guilt, the brain needs to access the related conceptual information via the ATL. This narrative review describes how aberrant interactions of the ATL with the fronto–limbic emotional system could underlie mood and anxiety disorders

    Metric of a Slow Rotating Body with Quadrupole Moment from the Erez-Rosen Metric

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    A metric representing a slowly rotating object with quadrupole moment is obtained using a perturbation method to include rotation into the weak limit of the Erez-Rosen metric. This metric is intended to tackle relativistic astrometry and gravitational lensing problems in which a quadrupole moment has to be taken into account

    Documentación de la orla más antigua de la Facultad de Medicina de Valladolid

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    La orla más antigua de la que se dispone en la facultad de Medicina de Valladolid data del año 1873 y se halla expuesta en el despacho del Señor Decano de dicha facultad. En este trabajo se profundiza acerca de quiénes fueron y qué hicieron aquellos graduados que aparecen en ella. Mediante un trabajo de documentación hemos reunido información tanto académica como profesional, haciendo uso del Archivo Universitario e Histórico Provincial de Valladolid así como de fuentes informáticas. Durante esta investigación hemos podido comprobar cómo era la enseñanza de Medicina en aquella época, de qué forma se distribuyeron por la península y fuera de ella los graduados en su labor profesional, y cómo se almacenó dicha información a través del tiempo.Grado en Medicin

    A Visualization of Null Geodesics for the Bonnor Massive Dipole

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    In this work we simulate null geodesics for the Bonnor massive dipole metric by implementing a symbolic-numerical algorithm in Sage and Python. This program is also capable of visualizing in 3D, in principle, the geodesics for any given metric. Geodesics are launched from a common point, collectively forming a cone of light beams, simulating a solid-angle section of a point source in front of a massive object with a magnetic field. Parallel light beams also were considered, and their bending due to the curvature of the space-time was simulated.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, Presented at XIX Simposio Internacional de M\'etodos Matem\'aticos Aplicados a las Ciencias (19th International Symposium of Mathematical Methods Applied to Sciences, XIX-SIMMAC

    Analysis of Chromatic Aberration Effects in Triple-Junction Solar Cells Using Advanced Distributed Models

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    The consideration of real operating conditions for the design and optimization of a multijunction solar cell receiver-concentrator assembly is indispensable. Such a requirement involves the need for suitable modeling and simulation tools in order to complement the experimental work and circumvent its well-known burdens and restrictions. Three-dimensional distributed models have been demonstrated in the past to be a powerful choice for the analysis of distributed phenomena in single- and dual-junction solar cells, as well as for the design of strategies to minimize the solar cell losses when operating under high concentrations. In this paper, we present the application of these models for the analysis of triple-junction solar cells under real operating conditions. The impact of different chromatic aberration profiles on the short-circuit current of triple-junction solar cells is analyzed in detail using the developed distributed model. Current spreading conditions the impact of a given chromatic aberration profile on the solar cell I-V curve. The focus is put on determining the role of current spreading in the connection between photocurrent profile, subcell voltage and current, and semiconductor layers sheet resistance

    Complejo de Titanio derivados de Ligantes 3-(4´-R-Fenil)-3-Hidroxi-2Propenditiato de Metilo

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    Se sintetizaron los ligantes 3-(4’-R-fenil)-3-hidroxi-2-propenditioato de metilo [R = H(1), MeO(2), Me(3), Cl(4) y Br(5)], realizando ciertas modificaciones a lo informado en la literatura. Se caracterizaron por IR, RMN de 1H y 13C, así como Análisis Elemental. Se obtuvieron cristales adecuados de 1, 2, 4 y 5 para su estudio por Difracción de Rayos X. A partir del análisis de las distancias de enlace se puede concluir la deslocalización electrónica del fragmento S1C1C2C3O1, además de la presencia de un puente de hidrogeno intramolecular. Se sintetizaron cinco complejos LRTiCpCl [(R = H(6), MeO(7), Me(8), Cl(9) y Br(10)], a partir de reacción de la sal del ligante y CpTiCl3. Los complejos 6-10 se obtuvieron como sólidos de color amarillo oscuro que se caracterizaron por IR, RMN de 1H y 13C y Análisis Elemental. Se obtuvieron cristales rojos de la evaporación lenta de una solución concentrada de los compuestos 6-10 en CH2Cl2, que fueron estudiados de Difracción de Rayos X. En todos los casos se observa una molécula con geometría de pirámide de base cuadrada, con el átomo de titanio en el centro de la pirámide, el anillo Cp en posición apical, en la base se encuentran dos átomos de cloro y el ligante coordinado por los átomos de O y S, formando un quelato de seis miembros

    Basic Principles in Microvascular Anastomosis and Free Tissue Transfer

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    Free tissue transfer pursues the best functional and aesthetic results in reconstructive surgery. As these techniques completely maximise the donor tissues’ disposability, these treatments have become a first-line option in many situations. When the donor site is taken form the same patient, these surgeries are often referred to as autotransplants. Free tissue transfer sustains in microvascular anastomosis, which are defined by a vessel lumen diameter inferior to 3 mm. Particular attention to some details is important in these techniques, as, for example, to preclude any damage to the vessel walls or any leakage in the microvascular anastomosis. But the success of these techniques does not only depend on an adequate vascular suture, but also on a constellation of details that must be taken into account. These go from the availability of a trained team, to the ergonomics of the surgeon, through the scrupulous cleanliness of the surgical field

    Medidor de voltametría cíclica para dispositivos de transmitancia controlable

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    Este trabajo versa sobre uno de los sistemas de caracterización eléctrica. La voltametría cíclica (VC) es una técnica electroquímica de microelectrólisis, de tipo transitorio (donde el transporte de materia al electrodo se produce por difusión). Se utiliza para la obtención de información de forma muy rápida sobre las reacciones químicas asociadas a los procesos de transferencia electrónica, como los producidos en los materiales electrocrómicos.Ingeniería Técnica en Electrónic