97 research outputs found

    On local CAC schemes for scalability of high-speed networks

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    This article has been extended from the original: “On local CAC schemes for scalability of high-speed networks” by the same authors, which was presented on the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) held in Athens, Greece, on June 22-26, 2008Next generation networks are required to provide bandwidth on-demand for sessions with fine-time granularity. In this sense, centralized CAC (Connection Admission Control) approaches could suffer from scalability problems if the number of requests for connections is excessive. In this paper we investigate local CAC schemes where the admission decisions are performed at the network edges, based on precalculated admission quotas.The authors would like to acknowledge the BONE Network of Excellence, partially funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, the MUSE project, partially funded by the EU Sixth FP, and the RUBENS project as part of the EUREKA CELTIC initiativ

    Angular velocity analysis boosted by machine learning for helping in the differential diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor

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    Recent research has shown that smartphones/smartwatches have a high potential to help physicians to identify and differentiate between different movement disorders. This work aims to develop Machine Learning models to improve the differential diagnosis between patients with Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor. For this purpose, we use a mobile phone’s built-in gyroscope to record the angular velocity signals of two different arm positions during the patient’s follow-up, more precisely, in rest and posture positions. To develop and to find the best classification models, diverse factors were considered, such as the frequency range, the training and testing divisions, the kinematic features, and the classification method. We performed a two-stage kinematic analysis, first to differentiate between healthy and trembling subjects and then between patients with Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor. The models developed reached an average accuracy of 97.2+/-3.7% (98.5% Sensitivity, 93.3% Specificity) to differentiate between Healthy and Trembling subjects and an average accuracy of 77.8+/-9.9% (75.7% Sensitivity, 80.0% Specificity) to discriminate between Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor patients. Therefore, we conclude, that the angular velocity signal can be used to develop Machine Learning models for the differential diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease and Essential Tremor.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Los paisajes de la región de Milmarcos: sistemática y cartografía (Cordillera Ibérica, Provincias de Guadalajara, Soria y Zaragoza)

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    Landforms constitute the physical framework of the landscape, whether it is considered in a territorial or in a visual approach. The composition, tectonic structure and geologic history of a territory determine the topographic development of the landscape and its textures. Here, we summarize the study o f the landscape's structure of a region o f 600 km2 located in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula, characterised by an alternance o f rock strata with different consistency and erosionability. The Mesozoic materials are folded and faulted because o f the alpine movements, and flattened to Neogene planation surfaces. The Cenozoic materials are in a horizontal disposal. During the Quaternary, the river system of the Mesa River was incised and developed. As a consequence of these circumstances, a wide variety of landforms is displayed. A typological classification o f the structures o f the landscapes of this region and their mapping has been made

    On local CAC schemes for scalability of high-speed networks

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. J. Aracil, J. A. Hernández, A. J. Elizondo, R. Duque, and O. G de Dios, " in 10th Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2008. Volume 3. p. 175-177Next generation networks are required to provide bandwidth on-demand for fine granularity sessions. In this sense, centralized CAC (connection admission control) approaches could suffer from scalability problems if the number of requests for connections were very high. In this paper we investigate local CAC schemes where the decisions are performed at the network edges, based on pre-calculated admission quotas.The authors would like to acknowledge the BONE Network of Excellence, partially funded by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, the MUSE project, partially funded by the EU Sixth FP, and the RUBENS project as part of the EUREKA CELTIC initiativ

    Characterization of the volume and thickness of DIEP flap by CTA image processing

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksBreast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide and is the leading cause of cancer-related death in more than 100 countries. Breast cancer surgery, especially when it involves a mastectomy, is associated with unaesthetic results that can be traumatic. Therefore, breast reconstruction is crucial for the patient to return to normal life, avoiding the psychological consequences. Based on free tissue transfer with microsurgery, autologous breast reconstruction is the gold standard for breast reconstruction, especially in irradiated patients. To plan the reconstruction surgery and locate the cutaneous perforating vessels supplying blood to the flap, preoperative Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) is usually performed. However, only approximate and qualitative measurements are obtained and the location of the umbilical perforators reported by the radiologist. This paper advances a quantitative method to assess autologous Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator (DIEP) flap volume and thickness from CTA images. This method is validated by measuring flap volume intraoperatively in the operating room of the Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge. These measurements could improve preoperative planning by reconstructive surgeons as they would know beforehand whether the amount of adipose tissue that can be harvested is sufficient to reconstruct the breast completely. This information could be crucial in thin and large breasted women or if bilateral breast reconstruction is planned.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Leguminosas leñosas de rápido crecimiento como cultivos energéticos en el Suroeste de la Península Ibérica

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    Este estudio pretende evaluar las posibilidades del empleo de leguminosas leñosas de rápido crecimiento como cultivos destinados a la producción de biomasa como fuente de energía. El ensayo consistió en el cultivo de 14 especies / procedencias de los géneros Leucaena (L. leucocephala, L. salvadorensis, L. diversifolia, L. collinsi), Prosopis (P. alba y P. julyflora), Sesbania (S. sesban), Chamaecytisus (C. proliferus var palmensis) y Retama (R. monosperma). Las plantas fueron producidas a partir de semillas e inoculadas con bacterias del género Rhizobium. Tras una fase de vivero fueron transplantadas en dos parcelas de ensayo sometidas a dos regímenes de riego. Durante el cultivo se monitorizó el crecimiento (altura, diámetro y peso). La producción anual de biomasa se evaluó durante 3 años consecutivos bajo tres sistemas de aprovechamiento: cortas anuales o a los 2, y 3 años. Todas las especies y variedades salvo Leucaena salvadorensis y Sesbania sesban mostraron una buena adaptación edafo-climática a las características de la zona de estudio (Huelva). La variación en las tasas de crecimiento entre especies fue muy grande desde las 0.3 toneladas de materia seca leñosa por hectárea y año (Retama monosperma, Prosopis julyflora) hasta las 25-35 t/ha y año (Luecaena leucocephala). Todas las especies soportaron bien las cortas anuales menos Chamaecytisus proliferus que se mostró muy sensible a la corta del primer año sobretodo en la parcela más regada._____________________________________We cultivate 14 species / provenances of genera Leucaena (L. leucocephala, L. salvadorensis, L. diversifolia, L. collinsi), Prosopis (P. alba and P. julyflora), Sesbania (S. sesban), Chamaecytisus (C. proliferus var palmensis) and Retama (R. monosperma). The plants were produced from seeds and inoculated with specific bacteria of the genus Rhizobium. After a nursery phase, seedling were planted in two experimental plots subjected to two water regimes. Annual biomass production was evaluated under three management systems: annual biannual and three annual clear-cutting All the species and varieties except Leucaena salvadorensis and Sesbania sesban showed a good edafo-climatic adaptation to the characteristics of the study area (Huelva). Variation in growth rates among species was high, from the 0.3 t of woody dry matter per hectare and year (Retama monosperma, Prosopis juliflora) until 25-35 t ha-1 year-1 (Leucaena leucocephala). All the species supported annual cutting with a vigorous re-sprouts except Chamaecytisus proliferus that was very susceptible especially in the most irrigated plots

    Loss of KEAP1 causes an accumulation of nondegradative organelles

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    KEAP1 is a cytoplasmic protein that functions as an adaptor for the Cullin-3-based ubiquitin E3 ligase system, which regulates the degradation of many proteins, including NFE2L2/NRF2 and p62/SQSTM1. Loss of KEAP1 leads to an accumulation of protein ubiquitin aggregates and defective autophagy. To better understand the role of KEAP1 in the degradation machinery, we investigated whether Keap1 deficiency affects the endosome-lysosomal pathway. We used KEAP1-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and combined Western blot analysis and fluorescence microscopy with fluorometric and pulse chase assays to analyze the levels of lysosomal-endosomal proteins, lysosomal function, and autophagy activity. We found that the loss of keap1 downregulated the protein levels and activity of the cathepsin D enzyme. Moreover, KEAP1 deficiency caused lysosomal alterations accompanied by an accumulation of autophagosomes. Our study demonstrates that KEAP1 deficiency increases nondegradative lysosomes and identifies a new role for KEAP1 in lysosomal function that may have therapeutic implications

    Contraste de la oferta y demanda laboral juvenil en los periodos previos y posteriores a la apertura económica en Colombia

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    El presente documento busca conocer los principales cambios entre los periodos previos y posteriores a la apertura económica de Colombia, con respecto a la demanda y la oferta juvenil, a través de un análisis exploratorio descriptivo con un corte longitudinal de tres periodos. La fuente de los datos comienza con los hallazgos del trabajo de Ocampo (1986) basados en la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares y una nueva elaboración de análisis de datos de la misma encuesta, en un periodo posterior a la apertura económica. Este documento también hace una breve descripción bibliográfica donde se muestran estudios que nacen de la preocupación de analizar las mismas variables macroeconómica que estudia Ocampo y el presente documento, y gracias a esta se elaboran una serie de hipótesis que se contrastan con los resultados de la encuesta. Entre los principales hallazgos encontramos que después de la apertura hay una mayor proporción de los jóvenes en la población ocupada, el sector financiero e industrial emplean a la mayoría de jóvenes hay actualmente más técnicos y tecnólogos que universitarios en los puestos de trabajos y existe una precarización de los ingresos de forma considerable

    Monitorización y seguimiento del esfuerzo realizado por los estudiantes y de su asistencia a actividades presenciales

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    Este artículo documenta el planteamiento, la metodología y los primeros resultados de un plan de monitorización detallada del esfuerzo y de asistencia a actividades presenciales por parte de los estudiantes de las titulaciones ofertadas por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Navales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid durante el segundo cuatrimestre del curso 2011-2012. Se ha establecido un sistema mecánico de recogida de datos de esfuerzo por parte de los estudiantes utilizando una hoja tipo test especialmente configurada al efecto. Se pasa una hoja en todas y cada una de las actividades presenciales realizadas y en la hoja se solicita información sobre el trabajo "fuera de clase". Se documenta en este artículo cómo se ha estructurado esa hoja, qué tipo de datos se recogen, cómo se tratan mediante una base de datos creada al efecto, qué tipo de análisis se puede realizar y qué resultados preliminares obtenemos de dichos análisis