1,456 research outputs found

    Modelling and simulation of a lava flow affecting a shore platform: a case study of Montaña de Aguarijo eruption, El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain)

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    Recent subaerial volcanism at El Hierro Island (Canary Islands, Spain) consists of monogenetic volcanic fields. This volcanism generated cinder cones, tephra air-fall deposits, and lava flows. The lava flows reach several kilometres in length extending through shore platforms and, sometimes, penetrating under the sea level. The volcanic landforms of El Hierro convert it into a natural laboratory for topographic and morphometric modelling and lava flow simulations. We perform the modelling and simulation of the Montaña de Aguarijo eruption, a cinder cone at the NE rift. The associated lava flow channelled through a V-shaped ravine until reaching a cliff, where formed cascades. The flow spread at the cliff base over a platform before reaching the sea modifying the coastline. Different maps were designed to show the results, including the geomorphologic reconstruction of the area affected by this eruption and the lava flow simulations obtained with the Q-LavHA plugin. © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of Journal of Maps

    Insulin Induces Relaxation and Decreases Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Vasoconstriction in Human Placental Vascular Bed in a Mechanism Mediated by Calcium-Activated Potassium Channels and L-Arginine/Nitric Oxide Pathways

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    Insulin induces relaxation in umbilical veins, increasing the expression of human amino acid transporter 1 (hCAT-1) and nitric oxide synthesis (NO) in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Short-term effects of insulin on vasculature have been reported in healthy subjects and cell cultures; however, its mechanisms remain unknown. The aim of this study was to characterize the effect of acute incubation with insulin on the regulation of vascular tone of placental vasculature. HUVECs and chorionic vein rings were isolated from normal pregnancies. The effect of insulin on NO synthesis, L-arginine transport, and hCAT-1 abundance was measured in HUVECs. Isometric tension induced by U46619 (thromboxane A analog) or hydrogen peroxide (HO) were measured in vessels previously incubated 30 min with insulin and/or the following pharmacological inhibitors: tetraethylammonium (KCa channels), iberiotoxin (BKCa channels), genistein (tyrosine kinases), and wortmannin (phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase). Insulin increases L-arginine transport and NO synthesis in HUVECs. In the placenta, this hormone caused relaxation of the chorionic vein, and reduced perfusion pressure in placental cotyledons. In vessels pre-incubated with insulin, the constriction evoked by HO and U46619 was attenuated and the effect on HO-induced constriction was blocked with tetraethylammonium and iberiotoxin, but not with genistein, or wortmannin. Insulin rapidly dilates the placental vasculature through a mechanism involving activity of BKCa channels and L-arginine/NO pathway in endothelial cells. This phenomenon is related to quick increases of hCAT-1 abundance and higher capacity of endothelial cells to take up L-arginine and generate NO

    Analysis of Optimal Steady-State Operation of Power Systems with Embedded FACTS Devices: A Matlab-Based Flexible Approach

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    This book chapter presents a flexible approach to incorporate mathematical models of FACTS devices into the Power Flow (PF) and the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) analysis tools, as well as into the standard OPF Market-Clearing (OPF-MC) procedure. The proposed approach uses the Matlab Optimization Toolbox because it allows to easily: (a) implement a given optimization model, (b) include different objective functions using distinct equality and inequality constraints and (c) modify and reuse an optimization model that has been previously implemented. The conventional OPF model is the main core of the proposed approach, which is easily implemented and adapted to include the mathematical models of FACTS devices. The resulting implementation of the OPF model featuring FACTS devices can be easily modified and adjusted to obtain the implementation of both the PF and the OPF-MC models which includes such devices. It should be mentioned that with the flexible approach proposed here, the complexity as well as the implementation time of optimized models featuring embedded FACTS devices is significantly reduced, since it is not necessary to define the expressions associated with the hessian matrix and the gradient vector. The flexibility and reliability of the proposed approach are demonstrated by means of several study cases using test as well as real power systems

    Gestión de residuos sólidos urbanos en San Isidro Mazatepec, Tala

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    En este proyecto PAP verano 2018 San Isidro Mazatepec, nos enfocamos en generar un plan de gestión de residuos sólidos urbanos. Participó un equipo multidisciplinario conformado por ingenieros industriales, mecánicos, licenciados en relaciones industriales y en administración. La base del proyecto fue la problemática que existe en el poblado de San Isidro Mazatepec sobre la excesiva producción de residuos sólidos urbanos, la falta de espacios en donde realizar los depósitos de basura y la deplorable situación del sistema de gestión actual, así como del relleno sanitario del poblado. Se atacó la problemática desde la estrategia de implementación de un sistema de gestión de residuos, en donde se acondicionó un centro de acopio, en donde se acumularán los residuos sólidos urbanos de todo el poblado, se separarán y se tratarán para su futura venta y/o reciclaje. Estudiamos la situación de la bodega en materia de espacios, y realizamos un lay–out (diseño) del acomodo interno, para optimizar de la mejor manera los espacios, movimientos y procesos. Asimismo, se fabricaron prototipo de botes de basura en los que se separaran los residuos; esto se logró realizando una investigación por parte del delegado del pueblo, acordando la mejor ubicación para éstos. Lo anterior se validó mediante herramientas estadísticas y la opinión de un grupo representativo de habitantes de San Isidro. Por último, gestionamos una campaña de limpieza, a manera de concientización de la población, y poner en funcionamiento el centro de acopio.ITESO, A.C

    A plasma fatty acid profile associated to type 2 diabetes development: from the CORDIOPREV study

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    Purpose: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is increasing worldwide. For this reason, it is essential to identify biomarkers for the early detection of T2DM risk and/or for a better prognosis of T2DM. We aimed to identify a plasma fatty acid (FA) profile associated with T2DM development. Methods: We included 462 coronary heart disease patients from the CORDIOPREV study without T2DM at baseline. Of these, 107 patients developed T2DM according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) diagnosis criteria after a median follow-up of 60 months. We performed a random classification of patients in a training set, used to build a FA Score, and a Validation set, in which we tested the FA Score. Results: FA selection with the highest prediction power was performed by random survival forest in the Training set, which yielded 4 out of the 24 FA: myristic, petroselinic, α-linolenic and arachidonic acids. We built a FA Score with the selected FA and observed that patients with a higher score presented a greater risk of T2DM development, with an HR of 3.15 (95% CI 2.04–3.37) in the Training set, and an HR of 2.14 (95% CI 1.50–2.84) in the Validation set, per standard deviation (SD) increase. Moreover, patients with a higher FA Score presented lower insulin sensitivity and higher hepatic insulin resistance (p < 0.05). Conclusión: Our results suggest that a detrimental FA plasma profile precedes the development of T2DM in patients with coronary heart disease, and that this FA profile can, therefore, be used as a predictive biomarker

    Análisis filosófico de la economía política: Una introducción al pensamiento crítico

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    Abordar lo que se conoce como Economía Política presupone un marco conceptual de análisis de los fenómenos que se analizan, puesto que ésta es una concepción eminentemente crítica de los acontecimientos exacerbados a partir de las revoluciones industriales, específicamente en Europa, que con el curso del tiempo y los acontecimientos dichos problemas se extendieron a nivel mundial, con un nivel acuciante en Latinoamérica. Es decir, la Economía Política o Volkswirtschaftslehre es un marco de concepción omniabarcante de las leyes de funcionamiento de lo social, lo cual atraviesa lo político, económico, antropológico, entre otras ideas y saberes de orden menor, como la logística, por ejemplo. Para que nuestro análisis sea coherente, puesto que es muy extenso, nos remitiremos a la historia que posibilitó dicho marco conceptual, en su praxis y teoría, mostrando la hilación entre unos y otros autores de la historia de la filosofía en los períodos comprendidos entre el siglo XVIII y XIX, desembocando en el siglo XX. Asimismo, en el esquema que se plasma a continuación, se mostrará el mapa de recorrido sobre los planos de análisis, en sus categorías específicas, reduciéndolas asimismo a las categorías del materialismo dialéctico, que es la dimensión ontológica que perfila el conflicto en la materialidad

    Multiplex RNA-based detection of clinically relevant MET alterations in advanced non-small cell lung cancer

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    We studied MET alterations in 474 advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients by nCounter, an RNA-based technique. We identified 3% with MET Δex14 mRNA and 3.5% with very-high MET mRNA expression, a surrogate of MET amplification. MET alterations identified by nCounter correlated with clinical benefit from MET inhibitors. Quantitative mRNA-based techniques can improve the selection of patients for MET-targeted therapies. MET inhibitors have shown activity in non-small-cell lung cancer patients (NSCLC) with MET amplification and exon 14 skipping (METΔex14). However, patient stratification is imperfect, and thus, response rates have varied widely. Here, we studied MET alterations in 474 advanced NSCLC patients by nCounter, an RNA-based technique, together with next-generation sequencing (NGS), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), immunohistochemistry (IHC), and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), exploring correlation with clinical benefit. Of the 474 samples analyzed, 422 (89%) yielded valid results by nCounter, which identified 13 patients (3%) with MET Δex14 and 15 patients (3.5%) with very-high MET mRNA expression. These two subgroups were mutually exclusive, displayed distinct phenotypes and did not generally coexist with other drivers. For MET Δex14, 3/8 (37.5%) samples positive by nCounter tested negative by NGS. Regarding patients with very-high MET mRNA, 92% had MET amplification by FISH and/or NGS. However, FISH failed to identify three patients (30%) with very-high MET RNA expression, among which one received MET tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment deriving clinical benefit. Our results indicate that quantitative mRNA-based techniques can improve the selection of patients for MET-targeted therapies

    Comparative serology techniques for the diagnosis of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in a rural population from the state of Querétaro, Mexico

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    Immunological diagnostic methods for Trypanosoma cruzi depend specifically on the presence of antibodies and parasitological methods lack sensitivity during the chronic and “indeterminate” stages of the disease. This study performed a serological survey of 1,033 subjects from 52 rural communities in 12 of the 18 municipalities in the state of Querétaro, Mexico. We detected anti-T. cruzi antibodies using the following tests: indirect haemagglutination assay (IHA), indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), ELISA and recombinant ELISA (rELISA). We also performed Western blot (WB) analysis using iron superoxide dismutase (FeSOD), a detoxifying enzyme excreted by the parasite, as the antigen. Positive test results were distributed as follows: ELISA 8%, rELISA 6.2%, IFA and IHA 5.4% in both cases and FeSOD 8%. A comparative study of the five tests was undertaken. Sensitivity levels, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, concordance percentage and kappa index were considered. Living with animals, trips to other communities, gender, age, type of housing and symptomatology at the time of the survey were statistically analysed using SPSS software v.11.5. Detection of the FeSOD enzyme that was secreted by the parasite and used as an antigenic fraction in WBs showed a 100% correlation with traditional ELISA tests

    Innovación en las enseñanzas universitarias: experiencias presentadas en las III Jornadas de Innovación Educativa de la ULL

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    En este libro se recoge un conjunto de experiencias de innovación educativa desarrolladas en la ULL en el curso 2011-12. Se abordan distintos ámbitos y ramas del conocimiento, y ocupan temáticas variadas que han sido desarrolladas con rigor, y con un claro potencial para su extrapolación a efectos de la mejora educativa en el ámbito universitario. Esta publicación constituye una primera edición de una serie que irá recogiendo las experiencias de innovación educativa de la ULL. Este es un paso relevante para su impulso en nuestra institución, como lo es el de su vinculación con la investigación educativa, para potenciar su publicación en las revistas científicas en este ámbito cada vez más pujante y relevante para las universidades. Sobre todo representan el deseo y el compromiso del profesorado de la ULL para la mejora del proceso educativo mediante la investigación, la evaluación y la reflexión compartida de nuestras prácticas y planteamientos docentes

    Innovación turística y desarrollo regional

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    Libro que se compila 14 capítulos asociados a las temáticas de innovación y desarrollo tecnológico en el sector turístico, emprendimiento y tecnologías emergentes, políticas estratégicas y tácticas para mejorar la competitividad en las empresas, políticas públicas y educación para el desarrollo regional y responsabilidad social ambientalBook that compiles 14 chapters associated to the themes of innovation and technological development in the tourism sector, entrepreneurship and emerging technologies, strategic and tactical policies to improve competitiveness in companies, public policies and education for regional development and environmental social responsibilityInnovación social como estrategia para el desarrollo de las poblaciones palafíticas de la ciénaga grande de santa marta mediante la oferta de productos turísticos / Gregoria Polo de Lobatón; José Luis Rosenstiehl Martínez; Daulis Lobatón Polo -- Uso de las tic para mejorar la competitividad turística en San Basilio de Palenque / Jesús Llerena Cabrera; Raúl José Martelo Gómez; David Franco Borré -- Plataforma web niu (nuevo, ideas y usados) / Néstor José Ocampo Ardila -- Posicionamiento estratégico del turismo urbano de eventos como atributo de la personalidad del espacio territorial de la ciudad de santa marta / Zuleidy María Ruíz Torres -- Identificación competitiva de la oferta exportadora de la región ariari para fortalecer el desarrollo social y económico en zonas de posconflicto basado en el comercio exterior y logística / Keyla Karina González Martínez -- Tecnologías integradas en gestión sostenible de operadores turísticos en zonas de posconflicto del departamento del meta / Carlos Hernán Cruz Castro; óscar Eduardo Sarmiento Saavedra -- Herramienta online de control de ingresos y facturación: una solución dinámica para las pequeñas y medianas empresas / Esmerlis Camargo Torres; Antonio José González Liñán; Marieth Orcasitas Peñaloza; Yerson Monroy Contreras -- Modelo de cadena productiva dinamizado a través de la educación y las estrategias TIC para el desarrollo regional sostenible en Risaralda / Beatriz Elena Franco Cárdenas; Patricia Henao Montoya; Marco Aurelio Aristizabal Valencia -- Evaluación físico - química de adhesivo de yuca (manihot esculenta) como alternativa comercial para la Orinoquia / Yarithza Molina Caro; Wilfran Hernán Cortes Conde -- Formulaciones nutracéuticas alimenticias para estilos de vida saludables / Daldo Araujo Vidal; Daniel Mendoza Cujia; Maresa Anaya de oro -- Competencias tecnológicas como estrategia formativa en los aprendices de gestión de redes de datos del SENA regional guajira / Carlos Antonio Salas Solano; Alejandro Jesús Osorio Amaya; Alda Pérez Campuzano; Duvan Andrés rondón bravo -- Uso y apropiación del computador como herramienta para las prácticas educativas de los docentes / Alda Pérez Campuzano; Carlos Antonio Salas Solano; Elkin Fuentes Jiménez; Kira Rodríguez Moscote -- El aviturismo como eje transformador de cultura ambiental y desarrollo sustentable / Lina María Gamarra Pineda; Néstor Alejandro Tascón Arias -- Huella ecológica (he), indicador de condición ambiental para evaluar la sostenibilidad en instituciones de educación (ie) / Cristian David Trujillo CardonaPrimera ediciónna169 página