351 research outputs found

    Scientific communication (XXI). Basic knowledge to read (and write) a scientific paper (8): Checklists of diagnostic test

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    [EN]: Before a new diagnostic test and before the use in clinical practice, it is necessary to know its validity. And to validate studies of diagnostic tests it is necessary they have methodological rigor in the design and applicability. In diagnostic tests we can consider two checklists: STARD for validity and QUA-DAS for quality. The STARD statement defines a list of 25 questions and one flowchart to be followed for an appropriate study design, given the inclusion of patients, the order of performing the test, the number of patients receiving the test and the selected reference. The QUADAS statement consists, of four key areas including: selection of patients, test under study, reference standards, and patient flow and timetable.[ES]: Ante una nueva prueba diagnóstica, y antes de utilizarla en la práctica clínica, es necesario conocer su validez. Y para que los estudios de pruebas diagnósticas sean válidos, es preciso que tengan rigor metodológico en cuanto a su diseño y aplicabilidad. En las pruebas diagnósticas podemos considerar dos listas guía de comprobación: STARD para la validez y QUADAS para la calidad. La declaración STARD define un listado de 25 preguntas y un diagrama de flujo que debería seguirse para que el diseño de un estudio sea adecuado, teniendo en cuenta la inclusión de los pacientes, el orden de la realización de la prueba, el número de pacientes que reciben la prueba y la prueba de referencia seleccionada. La declaración QUADAS está formada por cuatro áreas fundamentales: a) selección de los pacientes; b) prueba en estudio; c) estándares de referencia, y d) flujo de pacientes y cronograma.Peer Reviewe

    Scientific communication (XXIII). Medical language (1): The use and abuse of abbreviations and acronyms in the medical language and in Pediatrics

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    [EN]: Abbreviations (abbreviations, acronyms and symbols) are widely used in all scientific fields, especially in health sciences, usually used as a resource to gain time and save space. However, they can cause communication problems between professionals from different levels of care and may incur misunderstandings that can lead to serious consequences, especially in drug prescriptions in childhood. This article revises the rules that define their construction and use, describes problems of their use in scientific communication, proposes solutions to avoid acronyms and details some search engines about acronyms on the internet.[EN]: Abbreviations (abbreviations, acronyms and symbols) are widely used in all scientific fields, especially in health sciences, usually used as a resource to gain time and save space. However, they can cause communication problems between professionals from different levels of care and may incur misunderstandings that can lead to serious consequences, especially in drug prescriptions in childhood. This article revises the rules that define their construction and use, describes problems of their use in scientific communication, proposes solutions to avoid acronyms and details some search engines about acronyms on the internet.Peer Reviewe

    Scientific communication (XIX). Basic knowledge to read (and write) a scientific paper (6): checklists of experimental studies

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    [EN]: Clinical trials are considered the gold standard in therapeutic interventions and the key factor in these studies is randomization. The germ of these lists guide comes from the standards applied to randomized clinical trial, the gold standard of biomedical publication, and it needs to be described in detail, accurately and transparently, both the design, implementation, analysis and results. However, the information provided in the publications is often inadequate or inaccurate, and these deficiencies motivated in 1996 the development of the CONSORT statement. We are in the third generation of the CONSORT statement and we review the 25 items that are considered critical and that should be included in any report of a randomized clinical trial. Nonrandomized intervention studies are needed when there are reasons that prevent the realization of a randomized clinical trial, but the TREND checklist should be used to communicate transparently the results. In this article we also review the 22 items of the TREND statement with a brief description of each one.[ES]: El ensayo clínico es el diseño que se considera el «patrón oro» en intervenciones terapéuticas, y el factor clave es la aleatorización. El germen de estas listas guía procede de los estándares aplicados al ensayo clínico aleatorizado, «patrón oro» de la publicación biomédica, y es preciso que se describan detalladamente, con exactitud y transparencia, su diseño, ejecución, análisis y resultados. Sin embargo, la información facilitada en las publicaciones es muchas veces insuficiente o inexacta, carencias que motivaron el desarrollo de la declaración CONSORT en 1996. Nos encontramos en la tercera generación de la declaración CONSORT y revisamos los 25 ítems considerados críticos que, por tanto, deberían incluirse en todo informe de un ensayo clínico aleatorizado. Cuando existen razones que impidan la realización de un ensayo clínico aleatorizado es necesario efectuar estudios de intervención no aleatorizados, pero para comunicar con transparencia los resultados obtenidos en ellos debe emplearse la lista de comprobación TREND. En este artículo también revisamos los 22 ítems de la declaración TREND con una breve descripción de cada uno.Peer Reviewe

    Una década de investigación en Anales de Documentación (1998-2007) : Aproximación bibliométrica y temática

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    -Gregorio González Alcaide: [email protected] (correo de PDI, privado) -Adolfo Alonso Arroyo: [email protected] -Juan Carlos Valderrama: Zurián:[email protected] realiza un análisis bibliométrico y temático de la revista Anales de Documentación (AD) con motivo del cumplimiento de su décimo aniversario (1998-2007). Se analiza la productividad, colaboración, ámbitos de investigación aborda-dos, visibilidad e impacto de la publicación. AD ha publicado 153 trabajos de inves-tigación, en los que han intervenido 176 autores de 56 instituciones diferentes. AD presenta una paridad entre hombres y mujeres, habiendo participado en la revista instituciones de 12 países diferentes. Los principales temas abordados son Internet y las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, la Biblioteconomía, la gestión de la información y del conocimiento, la evaluación de la calidad de los servicios, las fuentes de información y el acceso a las mismas y las publicaciones científicas. AD ha recibido 54 citas de 64 autores diferentes, con un 30,7% de trabajos que han sido citados al menos una vez, lo que ha permitido que la revista ocupe una destaca-da posición en el ranking de publicaciones españolas del área de la Biblioteconomía y Documentación.A bibliometric and thematic approach of the journal Anales de Docu-mentación (AD) is presented (1998-2007) on account of the celebration of its tenth anniversary. Productivity, collaborations patterns, research areas, visibility and jour-nal impact are analysed. AD has published 153 research papers presented by 176 au-thors belonging to 56 institutions. AD presents a gender equality, with an institu-tional participation of 12 different countries. The main themes analyzed are Internet and Information and Communication Technologies, Library Science, information management and knowledge management, evaluation and quality of services, infor-mation resources and access to them and scientific publications. AD has received 54 citations corresponding to 64 authors, 30.7% papers being cited. Because of that, AD has reached a relevant position in the ranking of Library and Information Sci-ence Spanish journals

    Barriers to scientific production of the female university teachers of the healt sciences áreas

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    To discover the features associated with personal and professional lives of university teachers, in the area of health sciences in the"Comunidad Valenciana" for the period 2003-2007, to learn if they contribute to a greater or lesser scientific productivity. Were interviewed in depth 30 teachers aged between 30 and 60 years in order to identify factors that hamper productivity. Have more difficulties to publish scientific papers, teachers less productive. Represent obstacles: the labor problems, the difficulty to obtain science projects and to publish in certain journals, to balance teaching and research, care work in hospitals, the maternity and children. Although the two groups of large and small producers point to the same problems in their work and personal life, are perceived more difficulties in the group of less productive. Most offer the same kind of solutions to reduce the gender distance

    The inclusion of the gender perspective in oncology research with Spanish participation

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    The gender perspective is important for a better diagnosis and treatment of diseases, especially in the field of oncology. This study aimed to analyse the gender approach in scientific articles in the field of oncology by studying the gender composition of the authorship of papers and the gender inclusion in the research carried out. A bibliographic search of articles and reviews signed by at least one Spanish institution published between 2010 and 2019 was carried out using the Science Citation Index Expanded database in the Oncology category. A total of 7523 studies were classified according to the gender composition determined by the author’s name and a randomised sample was used to evaluate the inclusion of gender perspectives using a checklist. This study revealed a lack of gender parity in the authorship of oncology publications involving Spanish participation. Papers without author gender parity were eight times higher than papers with parity and showed a greater presence of male than female authorship (58 % versus 31 %). Regarding the introduction of the gender perspective, a negative response of 68 % referring to compliance with the entire checklist was obtained, and only a fifth of the articles presented gender balance in the study sample. Moreover, there is a positive correlation between gender parity in authorship and gender perspective integration in published research. In conclusion, there is a great need to advance the inclusion of gender perspectives in cancer research to overcome gender bias and promote better prevention, detection, and intervention for cancer.This work benefited from the assistance of the Spanish Ministry of Equality (MUJER-PI-41-2-ID22), the National R + D + I of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government (PID2019-108579RB-I00), and the Valencian Regional Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science, and Digital Society. Generalitat Valenciana (AICO/2020/010; CIAICO/2021/205); the 2015- Networks of Excellence Call (CSO2015-71867-REDT), and the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MS21-020)

    Practical issues for testing thin film PV modules at standard test conditions.

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    Thin film photovoltaic (TF) modules have gained importance in the photovoltaic (PV) market. New PV plants increasingly use TF technologies. In order to have a reliable sample of a PV module population, a huge number of modules must be measured. There is a big variety of materials used in TF technology. Some of these modules are made of amorphous or microcrystalline silicon. Other are made of CIS or CdTe. Not all these materials respond the same under standard test conditions (STC) of power measurement. Power rates of the modules may vary depending on both the extent and the history of sunlight exposure. Thus, it is necessary a testing method adapted to each TF technology. This test must guarantee repeatability of measurements of generated power. This paper shows responses of different commercial TF PV modules to sunlight exposure. Several test procedures were performed in order to find the best methodology to obtain measurements of TF PV modules at STC in the easiest way. A methodology for indoor measurements adapted to these technologies is described

    Bibliometric profile of the global scientific research on multiple sclerosis (2003–2012)

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    Abstract Background and objectives: The aim of this paper is to analyse the scientific research on multiple sclerosis using a bibliographic analysis of articles published during the period 2003–2012. Methods: The items under study were obtained from the Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI-E) database, which was accessed through the Web of Science (WOS) platform. All records with the term ‘multiple sclerosis’ in the title, plus all articles published in the journals Multiple Sclerosis and Multiple Sclerosis Journal, were analysed. Results: A total of 9778 articles, with 160,966 citations, were retrieved on multiple sclerosis, and the majority of the articles were published in Multiple Sclerosis Journal (n = 1511). The articles were published in journals belonging to 135 different subject areas, with the greatest number of papers falling under the category of clinical neurology. The countries that published the largest numbers of articles were the United States (US) (n = 2786), Italy (n = 1263), the United Kingdom (n = 1147) and Germany (n = 1018). International collaborations produced 20.4% of the papers. Conclusions: We emphasise the progressive growth of publications worldwide, the publication of articles in a wide variety of journals covering numerous subject areas, and the research leadership of Western countries, most notably European countries, the US and Canad

    Análisis de género, productividad científica y colaboración de las profesoras universitarias de ciencias de la salud en la comunitat valenciana (2003-2007).

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    Se presenta la producción científica de las profesoras universitarias en el área de las Ciencias de la Salud de la Comunitat Valenciana durante el quinquenio 2003-2007 aplicando técnicas bibliométricas y realizando un análisis de género con el fin de conocer cuántas llegan a ser grandes productoras de artículos científicos frente a las que no alcanzan estos niveles de productividad e impacto. Se han recuperado 3.739 artículos durante el período estudiado, identificando el género de todos los autores con más de 2 artículos. De estos autores, 2.774 (60,41 %) son hombres y 1.818 (39,59 %) son mujeres, pero si se analizan solamente a los grandes productores, las autoras con más de 10 trabajos únicamente llegan a ser el 26,72 %. Respecto a la colaboración científica hay que resaltar que las mujeres están presentes en todas las redes de al menos 10 autores y en algunos casos su presencia se equipara a la de los hombres. Pese a que la participación de la mujer en todas las áreas del conocimiento es inferior a los hombres, en las Ciencias de la Salud la proporción es menor que en otras áreas técnicas. La aportación de las mujeres al ámbito científico es cada vez mayor pudiendo alcanzar la paridad con el paso de los años

    Analysis of notch effect in 3D-printed ABS fracture specimens containing U-notches

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    In this paper a fracture assessment in additive manufactured acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) fracture specimens containing U-notches is performed. We performed 33 fracture tests and 9 tensile tests, combining five different notch radii (0 mm, 0.25 mm, 0.50 mm, 1 mm and 2 mm) and three different raster orientations: 0/90, 30/-60 and 45/-45. The theory of critical distances (TCD) was then used in the analysis of fracture test results, obtaining additional validation of this theoretical framework. Different versions of TCD provided suitable results contrasting with the experimental tests performed. Moreover, the fracture mechanisms were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy in order to establish relationships with the behaviour observed. It was demonstrated that 3D-printed ABS material presents a clear notch effect, and also that the TCD, through both the point method and the line method, captured the physics of the notch effect in 3D-printed ABS. Finally, it was observed that the change in the fracture mechanisms when introducing a finite notch radius was limited to a narrow band behind the original defect, which appeared in cracked specimens but not in notched specimens.This research received funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, grant PGC2018-095400-B-I00 “Comportamiento en fractura de materiales compuestos nano-reforzados con defectos tipo entalla”