949 research outputs found

    Aborto impune (Anotaciones críticas a un proyecto de ley)

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    Con cuanta razón escribía Erancesco Carrara: “La tiranía de las pasíones y el choque de las condiciones sociales exigen a veces que la mujer síienta odio a lo que debería excitarla a suma alegría, es decir, a ser madre, y en cambio desee lo que debería temer como un gran infortunio, esto es, el aborto. A destruir anticipadamente en sus propias entrañas el don de la Providencia, fueron impulsadas las mujeres, en todas las épocas, por distintas causas, la más frecuente de las cuales consiste en el anhelo de esconder una falta, y ésta es la más excusable, pero no la única, pues la historia nos enseña muy a menudo que indiferentemente son llevadas a estos excesos, o por la molestia de la crianza de los hijos, o por contrariar a un marido a quien no se ama, © por evitar los dolores y peligros del parto, y hasta (parece increíble) con el único fin de no afear el vientre hermoso con arrugas precoces (1).How rightly Erancesco Carrara wrote: “The tyranny of passions and the clash of social conditions sometimes require that women feel hatred towards what should excite them to the utmost joy, that is, to be a mother, and instead desire what should fear as a great misfortune, that is, abortion. To destroy in advance in their own entrails the gift of Providence, women were impelled, in all ages, for different reasons, the most frequent of which consists in the desire to hide a fault, and this is the most excusable, but not the only one, because history teaches us very Often they are indifferently led to these excesses, either by the hassle of raising children, or by upsetting a husband whom they do not love, or by avoiding the pain and danger of childbirth, and even (it seems incredible) with the sole purpose of not disfiguring the beautiful belly with early wrinkles' (1)

    Efecto del endurecimiento in vitro de plantas de Fragaria chiloensis sobre la aclimatacion ex vitro

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    53 p.La frutilla chilena (Fragaria chiloensis) es un cultivo ancestral nativo de Chile que tiene un gran potencial como cultivo y como progenitor en programas de mejoramiento genético. Para lograr el éxito en el desarrollo de esta especie es necesario contar con material de plantación de alta calidad genética y fitosanitaria y las técnicas de cultivo in vitro pueden ser un herramienta eficaz para cumplir con estos objetivos. Con el fin de establecer un método de adaptación ex vitro de alta eficiencia para plantas de frutillas micropropagadas, se evaluaron una serie de factores que influyen sobre el desarrollo morfofisiológico de las plantas in vitro. Se utilizaron plantas hibridas procedentes de cruces de fragaria nativa (F. chiloensis sp chiloensis accesión Bau) con frutilla comercial (Fragaria x ananassa cv Camarosa). Las plantas micropropagadas y mantenidas en medio basal MS se tomaron a partir de introducciones realizadas a partir de semillas y de meristemos. Se evaluó el efecto de la adición de diferentes concentraciones de sacarosa (10, 20, 30, 50 y 60 gLı¹) sobre la respuesta morfogénica in vitro y la eficiencia de adaptación ex vitro. Para mejorar el desarrollo morfogénico y la eficiencia de adaptación ex vitro, también se evaluó la influencia de los reguladores del crecimiento IBA (0,1; 0,5 y 1 mglı¹) e AIA (0,1; 0,5 y 1 mglı¹); el pH (5,2; 5,6; 5,8 y 6,5); y la capacidad de intercambio gaseoso en el frasco de cultivo permeabilidad (uso de tapa hermética y uso de tapa permeable). La sobrevivencia las plantas fue el principal criterio de evaluación para seleccionar los mejores tratamientos y se evaluó a los 30 días de comenzada la fase aclimatación. En plantas provenientes de meristemos como de semilla ninguno de los factores mostraron un efecto estadísticamente significativo sobre la sobrevivencia respecto al control./ ABSTRACT: The Chilean strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis) is an ancient crop native of Chile who has great potential as a crop and as a parent in breeding programs. To achieve success in the development of this kind is needed planting material of high genetic quality and plant and in vitro culture techniques can be an effective tool to meet these objectives. To establish a method of adaptation ex vitro high efficiency micropropagated strawberry plants, we evaluated a number of factors that influence the development morfofisiológico of plants in vitro. We used hybrid plants from crosses of native fragaria (F. chiloensis accession Bau chiloensis sp) with commercial strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa cv Camarosa). The micropropagated and maintained in MS basal medium were taken from introductions from seeds and meristem. The effect of adding different concentrations of sucrose (10, 20, 30, 50 and 60 gL ı ¹) on the morphogenetic response in vitro and ex vitro adaptation efficiency. To improve the morphogenic development and efficiency of ex vitro adaptation, also evaluated the influence of growth regulators IBA (0.1, 0.5 and 1 mgl ı ¹) and IAA (0.1, 0.5 and 1 mgl ı ¹), the pH (5.2, 5.6 and 5.8 and 6.5) and gas exchange capacity in the culture flask permeability (using an airtight lid and use of permeable cover). The survival of plants was the main evaluation criterion for selecting the best treatment and assessed at 30 days after the start of the acclimation phase. In plants from seed meristems as none of the factors showed a statistically significant effect on survival over control

    Rendimiento, calidad de fruta y distribución de radiación en arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum L. cv Brigitta y O’Neal) en dos localidades de la región del Maule (Cauquenes y Romeral)

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    42 p.Los arándanos presentan muchas diferencias a nivel de huertos y zonas productivas. Es por esto que se llevó a cabo el presente ensayo en 2 huertos comerciales de la región del Maule (Chile): Cauquenes (35°57´53.77´´ S; 72°21´53.22´´ O) y Romeral (34°57' S; 71°7' O) para conocer factores que inciden en el rendimiento y calidad de la fruta. Se estudiaron dos variedades: O´Neal y Brigitta, seleccionando 16 plantas por localidad y tamaño, de las cuales ocho eran plantas altas (> 1,6 m) y ocho bajas (< 1,6 m). El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con arreglo factorial de tres factores: localidad, variedad y altura de planta. Las variables estudiadas fueron rendimiento y sus componentes (kg/planta, peso de fruto y número de frutos), crecimiento vegetativo (volumen y distribución de la radiación), y calidad de fruta (firmeza, diámetro y sólidos solubles). Las cosechas se realizaron durante la mañana, a intervalos de 5 a 7 días. Se midió: rendimiento y calidad de fruta, radiación PAR a 30, 60 y 90 cm desde el ápice hacia la base de la planta. Además, se calculó el volumen de planta. El estudio arrojó una alta correlación entre el número de frutos y el rendimiento. Lo anterior se manifestó en ambas localidades y variedades; en el caso de la variedad O´Neal, la correlación obtenida fue de 0,99 en Cauquenes y 0,87 en Romeral. Mientras que para Brigitta los valores de r fueron de 0,87 para la primera localidad y de 0,93 para la segunda. Por otra parte el estudio no mostró correlaciones significativas entre el rendimiento y peso de los frutos. Los mayores rendimientos (kg/planta) se obtuvieron para la zona de Romeral (4,4), así como en la variedad Brigitta (4,0), y en plantas altas (4,1). Para los tres factores, la radiación fue descendiendo a medida que la luz penetraba la copa. Se registraron valores <30% de pleno sol a 60 cm del ápice en Romeral y cv. O´Neal. Al correlacionar volumen y número de frutos, se obtuvieron valores de r elevados en plantas bajas con 0,91 para cv. Brigitta en Cauquenes y 0,88 para cv. O´Neal en Romeral. La mayor concentración de sólidos solubles (º Brix) fue registrada en la zona de Cauquenes (14,16), en la variedad O´Neal (14,20) y en plantas altas (14,18). Finalmente se concluyó que el rendimiento está fuertemente influenciado por número de frutos. Palabras clave: Rendimiento, peso de frutos, número de frutos, volumen de planta, radiación, sólidos solubles, O´Neal, Brigitta./ABSTRACT: Blueberries have many differences in terms of orchards and productive areas. This experiment was done to learn on sources of variability in yield and fruit quality. The trial was conducted in two commercial orchards, one located in Cauquenes (35 ° 57'53.77'' S; 72 ° 21'53.22'' O) and the other in Romeral (34 ° 57 'S; 71 ° 7' O), both in the Maule Region (Chile). Two varieties were studied: O'Neal and Brigitta. In each location16 plants were selected of which eight plants were tall (>1.6) and eight were short (<1.6 m). The experimental design used was completely randomized with a factorial arrangement (factors were location, variety and plant height). The variables studied were yield and its components (kg / plant, fruit weight and fruit number), vegetative growth (plant volume and distribution of radiation), and fruit quality (firmness, soluble solids and diameter). Harvests were done during the morning, at 5-7 intervals. Fruit were then brought to the laboratory and the following measurements were done: fruit weight, firmness and soluble solids. PAR radiation was measured at 30, 60 and 90 cm from the apex on two dates for each plant, also canopy volume was calculated. The study found a high correlation between yield and fruit number in both varieties (In O'Neal we had 0.99 for Cauquenes and 0.87 for Romeral; for Brigitta we had 0.87 for Cauquenes and 0.93 for Romeral), but not significant between yield and fruit weight. The highest yields (kg/plant) were obtained in Brigitta (4.0), Romeral (4.4) and taller plants (4.1). Radiation availability decreased as measurements were closer to plant base, values <30% full sun were reported at 60 cm from the apex in Romeral and cv. O'Neal. The correlation between volume and fruit number was highest for short plants of cv. Brigitta in Cauquenes (0.91) and short plants of cv. O'Neal in Romeral (0.88). The highest concentrations of soluble solids were found in Cauquenes (14.16), O'Neal (14.2) and tall plants (14.18). Finally it was concluded that yield is strongly influenced by fruit number. Keys words:Yield, fruit weight; fruit number; canopy volume; radiation; soluble solids; O´Neal; Brigitta

    Aplicación del ciclo Deming para mejorar la calidad de la atención en el restaurante caprichos, Trujillo 2022

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar cómo la aplicación del ciclo Deming mejora la calidad en la atención en el restaurante Capricho, Trujillo, 2022. En cuanto a la metodología, el tipo de investigación fue aplicada, su enfoque de la investigación cuantitativa, pre - experimental. La muestra de esta investigación será probabilística constituida por 363 pedidos del restaurante Caprichos de la ciudad de Trujillo, muestreados a razón de 6 pedidos por día durante un periodo de 60 días, esta muestra será equivalente tanto para el pre tes como el post test. Se considerarán como instrumentos a las fichas de datos y el cuestionario. En resultados, obtuvo que luego de aplicar el ciclo de Deming, mejoró la calidad de atención a los clientes, mostrándose que la empatía hacia los clientes aumentó a un 90.89 %, además se obtuvo que un 91.93 % de los clientes indicaron que se encuentran satisfechos y las ventas aumentaron en un 84.7% en el restaurante Capricho de Trujillo. En conclusión, se obtuvo que el plan de acción de la implementación del ciclo de Deming, resultó ser una estrategia adecuada para dar solución oportuna a los problemas encontrados en el proceso de calidad de atención del cliente

    Efectos de la salinidad en el desarrollo vegetativo e intercambio gaseoso de Fragaria x ananassa y Fragaria chiloensis

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    81 p.La frutilla comercial (Fragaria x ananassa) es un híbrido entre Fragaria chiloensis y Fragaria virginiana. La frutilla comercial es muy sensible a salinidad por NaCl. Se ha visto que algunos genotipos de F. chiloensis son capaces de crecer en zonas costeras y suelo pobres en nutrientes, lo que sugiere una mayor tolerancia a estreses bióticos que la frutilla comercial. Esta importante característica podría ser de gran valor para el mejoramiento genético de la frutilla comercial. Este estudio se desarrolló para evaluar la tolerancia a la salinidad de dos accesiones de F. chiloensis (‘Bau’ y ‘Cucao’) y un cultivar de F. x ananassa (‘Camarosa’). Las plantas fueron sometidas a tres niveles salinos 0, 30 y 60 mM de NaCl. El peso fresco de hojas, corona y raíces, peso seco de hojas, corona y raíces, diámetro de corona, área foliar de la planta, número de hojas, tasa fotosintética (A), contenido de CO2 interno (Ci), la eficiencia instantánea en el uso del agua (WUEi), el contenido de clorofila a, b y total y el contenido de antocianos decrecieron con el incremento salino en la solución. La accesión ‘Cucao’ mostró menor sensibilidad a NaCl que ‘Camarosa’ y ‘Bau’, lo que se reflejó en menores disminuciones del área foliar de la planta, diámetro de corona, peso seco de hojas y raíces, peso fresco de hojas y raíces, número de hojas, contenido de clorofila total y antocianos. F. x ananassa ‘Camarosa’ y F. chiloensis accesión ‘Bau’ mostraron similar grado de sensibilidad a la salinidad. Los resultados sugieren que el genotipo ‘Cucao’ podría ser utilizado en programas de mejoramiento genético para disminuir la sensibilidad de la frutilla comercial al estrés salino./ABSTRACT: Commercial strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) is a hybrid of Fragaria chiloensis and Fragaria virginiana. This species is sensitive to salt stress. It has been shown that some genotypes of F. chiloensis are able to grow in coastal areas and nutrient-poor soils, suggesting a higher tolerance to biotic stresses than commercial strawberry. This important feature may be of great value for breeding of commercial strawberry. This study was conducted to evaluate the salinity tolerance of two accessions of F. chiloensis (‘Bau’ and ‘Cucao’) and one cultivar of F. x ananassa (‘Camarosa’). The plants were cultivated under three levels of NaCl: 0, 30 and 60 mM. The fresh weight of leaves, crown and roots, dry weight of leaves, crown and roots, crown diameter, leaf area of the plant, number of leaves, photosynthetic rate (A), content of internal CO2 (Ci), instantaneous water use efficiency (WUEi), chlorophyll content and anthocyanin content decreased with the increase of salt content in the irrigation solution. The accession ‘Cucao’ showed lower sensitivity to salt stress than ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Bau’, which was reflected in smaller reductions in leaf area per plant, crown diameter, dry and fresh weights of leaf and roots, number of leaves, content of total chlorophyll and anthocyanins. F. x ananassa ‘Camarosa’ and F. chiloensis accession ‘Bau’ showed similar degree of sensitivity to salinity. The results suggest that the genotype ‘Cucao’ could be used in breeding programs to reduce the sensitivity of the commercial strawberry to salt stress

    Modelling stand biomass fractions in Galician Eucalyptus globulus plantations by use of different LiDAR pulse densities

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    Aims of study: To evaluate the potential use of canopy height and intensity distributions, determined by airborne LiDAR, for the estimation of crown, stem and aboveground biomass fractions. To assess the effects of a reduction in LiDAR pulse densities on model precision. Area of study: The study area is located in Galicia, NW Spain. The forests are representative of Eucalyptus globulus stands in NW Spain, characterized by low-intensity silvicultural treatments and by the presence of tall shrub. Material and methods: Linear, multiplicative power and exponential models were used to establish empirical relationships between field measurements and LiDAR metrics. A random selection of LiDAR returns and a comparison of the prediction errors by LiDAR pulse density factor were performed to study a possible loss of fit in these models. Main results: Models showed similar goodness-of-fit statistics to those reported in the international literature. R2 ranged from 0.52 to 0.75 for stand crown biomass, from 0.64 to 0.87 for stand stem biomass, and from 0.63 to 0.86 for stand aboveground biomass. The RMSE/MEAN · 100 of the set of fitted models ranged from 17.4% to 28.4%. Models precision was essentially maintained when 87.5% of the original point cloud was reduced, i.e. a reduction from 4 pulses m–2 to 0.5 pulses m–2. Research highlights: Considering the results of this study, the low-density LiDAR data that are released by the Spanish National Geographic Institute will be an excellent source of information for reducing the cost of forest inventories

    Accumulation of scandium in plasma in patients with chronic renal failure

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    Scandium (Sc) is an element with many industrial applications, but relatively little is known about its physiological and/or toxicological effects, and very little data are available concerning the role of Sc in chronic renal failure (CRF). This paper examines the changes in plasma levels of Sc in predialysis patients with CRF and the relationship with blood parameters. The participants in this trial were 48 patients with CRF in predialysis and 53 healthy controls. Erythrocyte, haemoglobin, and haematocrit counts in blood were determined, and levels of creatinine, urea, uric acid, albumin, total protein and Sc were measured in plasma. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was calculated using the Cockcroft-Gault index. The CRF patients were found to have higher plasma levels of creatinine, urea, uric acid, albumin, total protein, and Sc and a lower GFR than that the controls. Scandium in plasma was positively correlated with creatinine and plasma urea and negatively correlated with GFR, haemoglobin, and haematocrit and was associated with the risk of lower levels of erythrocytes, haemoglobin, and haematocrit. CRF was associated with increases in the circulating levels of scandium.This research was supported by Plan Nacional I+D Project 1FD 1997-0642

    Differences between adjusted vs. non- adjusted loads in velocity-based training: consequences for strength training control and programming

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    Strength and conditioning specialists commonly deal with the quantification and selection the setting of protocols regarding resistance training intensities. Although the one repetition maximum (1RM) method has been widely used to prescribe exercise intensity, the velocity-based training (VBT) method may enable a more optimal tool for better monitoring and planning of resistance training (RT) programs. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of two RT programs only differing in the training load prescription strategy (adjusting or not daily via VBT) with loads from 50 to 80% 1RM on 1RM, countermovement (CMJ) and sprint. Twenty-four male students with previous experience in RT were randomly assigned to two groups: adjusted loads (AL) (nD13) and non-adjusted loads (NAL) (nD11) and carried out an 8-week (16 sessions) RT program. The performance assessment pre- and post-training program included estimated 1RM and full load-velocity profile in the squat exercise; countermovement jump (CMJ); and 20-m sprint (T20). Relative intensity (RI) and mean propulsive velocity attained during each training session (Vsession) was monitored. Subjects in the NAL group trained at a significantly faster Vsession than those in AL (p < 0.001) (0.88 - 0.91 vs. 0.67- 0.68 m/s, with a 15% RM gap between groups for the last sessions), and did not achieve the maximum programmed intensity (80% RM). Significant differences were detected in sessions 3- 4, showing differences between programmed and performed Vsession and lower RI and velocity loss (VL) for the NAL compared to the AL group (p < 0.05). Although both groups improved 1RM, CMJ and T20, NAL experienced greater and significant changes than AL (28.90 vs.12.70%, 16.10 vs. 7.90% and -1.99 vs. - 0.95%, respectively). Load adjustment based on movement velocity is a useful way to control for highly individualised responses to training and improve the implementation of RT programs

    Monitoring coastal storms’ effects on the Trabucador barrier beach (Ebro Delta) through Sentinel-2 derived shorelines

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    The vulnerable Trabucador barrier beach has recently suffered significant storm-induced geomorphological changes. This study presents the monitoring of its shoreline during storm events for assessing their effects on beach dynamics. After fine-tuning the CoastSat tool (i.e. optimal NDWI threshold) for shoreline extraction from Sentinel-2 imagery (S2), results were validated with GNSS-RTK reference shorelines (RMSE = 6.8 m). Shorelines were extracted from Dec-2019 to Feb-2021, encompassing 11 storms (Hs > 2m; duration = 24h), including Gloria (Jan-2020). Results showed that S2 imagery provides enough temporal and spatial resolution to capture the storm effects on the site. The shoreline timeseries gave relevant information about the geomorphological processes occurring during storm events (barrier breaching, erosion, washover), allowing the assessment of their cumulative effects. These results might be important for coastal management, in a site suffering from chronic flooding.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Modelling stand biomass fractions in Galician Eucalyptus globulus plantations by use of different LiDAR pulse densities

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    [EN] Aims of study: To evaluate the potential use of canopy height and intensity distributions, determined by airborneLiDAR, for the estimation of crown, stem and aboveground biomass fractions.To assess the effects of a reduction in LiDAR pulse densities on model precision.Area of study: The study area is located in Galicia, NW Spain. The forests are representative of Eucalyptus globulusstands in NW Spain, characterized by low-intensity silvicultural treatments and by the presence of tall shrub.Material and methods: Linear, multiplicative power and exponential models were used to establish empiricalrelationships between field measurements and LiDAR metrics.A random selection of LiDAR returns and a comparison of the prediction errors by LiDAR pulse density factorwere performed to study a possible loss of fit in these models.Main results: Models showed similar goodness-of-fit statistics to those reported in the international literature. R2ranged from 0.52 to 0.75 for stand crown biomass, from 0.64 to 0.87 for stand stem biomass, and from 0.63 to 0.86for stand aboveground biomass. The RMSE/MEAN · 100 of the set of fitted models ranged from 17.4% to 28.4%.Models precision was essentially maintained when 87.5% of the original point cloud was reduced, i.e.a reductionfrom 4 pulses m–2to 0.5 pulses m–2.Research highlights: Considering the results of this study, the low-density LiDAR data that are released by theSpanish National Geographic Institute will be an excellent source of information for reducing the cost of forestinventoriesSIGalician Government, Xunta de Galicia, DirecciónXeral de Montes(09MRU022291PR); Norvento (Mul-tinational energy company) (PGIDT09REM023E);Galician Government, Dirección Xeral de Ordenacióne Calidade do Sistema Universitario de Galicia (Con-sellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria)and European Social Fund (Official Journal of Galicia –DOG nº 9, p. 2246, exp. 2011/14