3,120 research outputs found

    Exchange-Rate Pass-Through to Import Prices in the Euro Area

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    This paper presents an empirical analysis of transmission rates from exchange rate movements to import prices, across countries and product categories, in the euro area over the last fifteen years. Our results show that the transmission of exchange rate changes to import prices in the short run is high, although incomplete, and that it differs across industries and countries; in the long run, exchange rate pass-through is higher and close to one. We find no strong statistical evidence that the introduction of the euro caused a structural change in this transmission. Although estimated point elasticities seem to have declined since the introduction of the euro, we find little evidence of a structural break in the transmission of exchange rate movements except in the case of some manufacturing industries. And since the euro was introduced, industries producing differentiated goods have been more likely to experience reduced rates of exchange rate pass-through to import prices. Exchange rate changes continue to lead to large changes in import prices across euro-area countries.

    Jet energy loss in the quark-gluon plasma by stream instabilities

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    We study the evolution of the plasma instabilities induced by two jets of particles propagating in opposite directions and crossing a thermally equilibrated non-Abelian plasma. In order to simplify the analysis we assume that the two jets of partons can be described with uniform distribution functions in coordinate space and by Gaussian distribution functions in momentum space. We find that while crossing the quark-gluon plasma, the jets of particles excite unstable chromomagnetic and chromoelectric modes. These fields interact with the particles (or hard modes) of the plasma inducing the production of currents; thus, the energy lost by the jets is absorbed by both the gauge fields and the hard modes of the plasma. We compare the outcome of the numerical simulations with the analytical calculation performed assuming that the jets of particles can be described by a tsunami-like distribution function. We find qualitative and semi-quantitative agreement between the results obtained with the two methods.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Exchange rate pass-through to import prices in the euro area

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    This paper presents an empirical analysis of transmission rates from exchange rate movements to import prices, across countries and product categories, in the euro area over the last fifteen years. Our results show that the transmission of exchange rate changes to import prices in the short run is high, although incomplete, and that it differs across industries and countries; in the long run, exchange rate pass through is higher and close to one. We find no strong statistical evidence that the introduction of the euro caused a structural change in this transmission. Although estimated point elasticities seem to have declined since the introduction of the euro, we find little evidence of a structural break in the transmission of exchange rate movements except in the case of some manufacturing industries. And since the euro was introduced, industries producing differentiated goods have been more likely to experience reduced rates of exchange rate pass through to import prices. Exchange rate changes continue to lead to large changes in import prices across euro area countries

    The Effect of the Uniform Bar Examination on Admissions, Diversity, Affordability, and Employment across Law Schools in the United States

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    The Uniform Bar Examination (UBE), first implemented in February 2011 in Missouri and North Dakota, is a multijurisdictional or cross-state test designed to assess a minimum shared core of legal knowledge and lawyering skills. Since its implementation, UBE has now reached 37 states and territories, including the District of Columbia. Despite this prevalence, no empirical evidence exists regarding its effects on law schools’ admissions, diversity, affordability, and employment mobility of law students and graduates or of its effects on law schools’ application volumes or average bar passage rates. This study addresses this gap by providing a comprehensive examination of the effects of UBE adoption. Specifically, we apply rigorous quasi-experimental and causal-inference methods to a law-school level dataset to test whether UBE adoption influenced admissions, enrollment, affordability, degree production, bar passage rates, and employment mobility for law schools in UBE states. Our findings indicate that institutions located in states participating in UBE (compared to institutions located in states where no UBE has been implemented) realized higher applications (nearly 9% increase) and higher enrollments (reaching increases over 6% in total JD enrollments). We also found that these increases were driven predominantly by White student enrollments and women enrollees. With respect to affordability, no changes were observed in neither tuition increases and net price changes. Despite increase in enrollment, we found no evidence of increases in neither degree production nor in Bar passing rates. Based on this findings, we can conclude that UBE has had an effect in applications and enrollment, but if UBE aims to affect the diversification of the law profession, this program alone may be falling short in expanding access for minoritized students

    Stimulus-Specific Adaptation in the Inferior Colliculus of the Anesthetized Rat

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    [EN]To identify sounds as novel, there must be some neural representation of commonly occurring sounds. Stimulus-specific adaptation (SSA) is a reduction in neural response to a repeated sound. Previous studies using an oddball stimulus paradigm have shown that SSA occurs at the cortex, but this study demonstrates that neurons in the inferior colliculus (IC) also show strong SSA using this paradigm. The majority (66%) of IC neurons showed some degree of SSA. Approximately 18% of neurons showed near-complete SSA. Neurons with SSA were found throughout the IC. Responses of IC neurons were reduced mainly during the onset component of the response, and latency was shorter in response to the oddball stimulus than to the standard. Neurons with near-complete SSA were broadly tuned to frequency, suggesting a high degree of convergence. Thus, some of the mechanisms that may underlie novelty detection and behavioral habituation to common sounds are already well developed at the midbrain

    De la enseñanza con libros de texto al aprendizaje en espacios online gamificados

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    This article raises the need for twenty-first century schools to begin transforming their teaching materials by adapting them to the new experiences and expressive forms offered by the digital society. Our study begins by analysing an idiosyncratic school means--textbooks. Text-books are underlying by an encyclopedic understanding of the curriculum made popular by twentieth century’s cultural industries and they play an important mediating role between the official curriculum and teaching practice since they scaffold what should be taught and learned. As an alternative to text-books, we present a new approach to producing educational materials basedon the logic of video games: gamification. This approach to learning involves a model based on problem solving, on a better human-machine interactivity and on ludic components. Our conclusion is that these digital gamified materials have profound implications for the restructuring of the publishing industry, as well as for the conceptions and practices of teaching and learning in schools.En este artículo se plantea la necesidad que la escuela del siglo XXI empiece a transformar sus materiales didácticos adecuándolos a las nuevas experiencias y formas expresivas de la sociedad digital. Comienza con el análisis del medio o material didáctico idiosincrático escolarcomo es el libro de texto. Se le caracteriza como un producto derivado de una concepción enciclopedista del curriculum, derivado del modelo de las industrias culturales del siglo XX y que juega un papel mediador entre el curriculum oficial y la práctica docente ya que vertebra lo que debe enseñarse y aprenderse. Frente a ello, presentamos un nuevo enfoque de producción de materiales educativos basados en la lógica de los videojuegos. Es el enfoque de gamificación del aprendizaje que implica un modelo de aprendizaje basado en situaciones problemáticas, en mayor interactividad humano-máquina y con componentes lúdicos. Concluimos que estos materiales digitales gamificados tienen profundas implicaciones para la reestructuración de las industrias editoras, así como para las concepciones y prácticas de enseñanza y aprendizaje en las escuelas

    Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas respecto al cáncer de cuello uterino de mujeres entre 14 y 49 años de un barrio de la comuna 10 de la ciudad de Armenia, Colombia

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    Determinar los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas frente al cáncer de cuello uterino de las mujeres entre 14 y 49 años de un barrio de la comuna 10 de Armenia, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio prospectivo, observacional, de corte transversal, analítico, cuantitativo, con muestreo por conveniencia. Resultados: En total se entrevistaron 100 mujeres. En la distribución por edad la media fue de 27,22 años. La mayoría tenían SISBEN 1 (76%). El 89% de las mujeres encuestadas tenían poco conocimiento sobre cáncer de cuello uterino. El 51% tenían claro cómo se previene el cáncer de cuello uterino. El 88,8% de mujeres que habían tenido relaciones sexuales se había tomado alguna vez la citología. Existe una relación significativa (p<0.05) entre el bajo conocimiento sobre la prevención, detección y periodicidad de la toma de la citología y las edades más bajas. Discusión: No existe coherencia entre el conocimiento, el pensamiento y las actitudes de las mujeres en edad reproductiva incluidas en el presente estudio. Las mujeres más jóvenes tienen un nivel más bajo de conocimientos pese a que acuden a la escuela. Con estos resultados se busca tener elementos para reorientar los procesos educativos en esta comunidad, empezando desde la educación escolar, hacia aspectos socioculturales de las personas y con base en esto elaborar proyectos educativos mucho mas pertinentes (conocimiento contextualizado y útil) convirtiéndolos en eficientes y efectivos.To determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices about cervical cancer of women between 14 and 49 years of a neighborhood of the comuna 10 from armenia, colombia. Methods: cross-sectional, with convenience sampling. results: a total of 100 women were interviewed. The average age was 27.22 years. Majority had sisBeN 1 (76%). 89% had a low knowledge about cervical cancer. 51% were clear as to prevent the cervical cancer; 88.8% of women who have had sexual relations had taken the cytology. There is a significant relationship (p<0.05) between low knowledge about the prevention, detection and schedule for making the cytology and lower ages. Discussion: There is no consistency between knowledge, attitudes and practices of women in reproductive age included in this study. Younger women have a lower level of knowledge despite attending school. Our results seek to have elements in order to reorient the educational processes in this community, starting from school education to socio-cultural aspects of the people and on this basis to develop educational projects much more relevant (contextualized knowledge and useful) making them efficient and effective.http://revistas.utp.edu.co/index.php/revistamedic

    Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas respecto al cáncer de cuello uterino de mujeres entre 14 y 49 años de un barrio de la comuna 10 de la ciudad de Armenia, Colombia

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    Determinar los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas frente al cáncer de cuello uterino de las mujeres entre 14 y 49 años de un barrio de la comuna 10 de Armenia, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio prospectivo, observacional, de corte transversal, analítico, cuantitativo, con muestreo por conveniencia. Resultados: En total se entrevistaron 100 mujeres. En la distribución por edad la media fue de 27,22 años. La mayoría tenían SISBEN 1 (76%). El 89% de las mujeres encuestadas tenían poco conocimiento sobre cáncer de cuello uterino. El 51% tenían claro cómo se previene el cáncer de cuello uterino. El 88,8% de mujeres que habían tenido relaciones sexuales se había tomado alguna vez la citología. Existe una relación significativa (p<0.05) entre el bajo conocimiento sobre la prevención, detección y periodicidad de la toma de la citología y las edades más bajas. Discusión: No existe coherencia entre el conocimiento, el pensamiento y las actitudes de las mujeres en edad reproductiva incluidas en el presente estudio. Las mujeres más jóvenes tienen un nivel más bajo de conocimientos pese a que acuden a la escuela. Con estos resultados se busca tener elementos para reorientar los procesos educativos en esta comunidad, empezando desde la educación escolar, hacia aspectos socioculturales de las personas y con base en esto elaborar proyectos educativos mucho mas pertinentes (conocimiento contextualizado y útil) convirtiéndolos en eficientes y efectivos.To determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices about cervical cancer of women between 14 and 49 years of a neighborhood of the comuna 10 from armenia, colombia. Methods: cross-sectional, with convenience sampling. results: a total of 100 women were interviewed. The average age was 27.22 years. Majority had sisBeN 1 (76%). 89% had a low knowledge about cervical cancer. 51% were clear as to prevent the cervical cancer; 88.8% of women who have had sexual relations had taken the cytology. There is a significant relationship (p<0.05) between low knowledge about the prevention, detection and schedule for making the cytology and lower ages. Discussion: There is no consistency between knowledge, attitudes and practices of women in reproductive age included in this study. Younger women have a lower level of knowledge despite attending school. Our results seek to have elements in order to reorient the educational processes in this community, starting from school education to socio-cultural aspects of the people and on this basis to develop educational projects much more relevant (contextualized knowledge and useful) making them efficient and effective.http://revistas.utp.edu.co/index.php/revistamedic
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