3,663 research outputs found

    Support for Success: An Exploration of the Support Networks of Latino Students in the College Assistance Migrant Program

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    Research on Latino college students finds high attrition and low completion rates at the four-year level. This study explores the support networks of Latino students in the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) during their first year in college. Surveys and interviews were used to determine which individuals the students went to for support on academic matters, educational and occupational plans, personal matters, and information on job opportunities. The main goal of this study is to learn about the individuals that form the students’ support networks and the resources that emerge from the ties to those individuals for each type of support. The students were able to gain valuable resources through these ties, which helped them persist in college and navigate the school system. Findings indicate that CAMP staff and family are important sources of emotional and informational support for the students and are helpful in their adjustment and persistence in college

    The new models of university governance: The case of the European Union as supranational agency configuring the Spanish University System

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    Este estudio se centra en el análisis de las nuevas formas de gobernanza universitaria que se están generando, partiendo de la idea de que el surgimiento de nuevos modelos de gobernanza en educación superior se debe a una mayor influencia por parte de los organismos internacionales sobre el diseño de las políticas educativas. Esto se traduce en una pérdida de centralidad de los Estados sobre la configuración de las políticas de educación superior, en el sentido de que cada vez en menor medida pueden crear políticas nacionales independientes. El resultado de este proceso es la creación de políticas educativas centradas en unas prioridades que se marcan y generan a escala global. La Unión Europea (UE) es un organismo internacional que a nuestro juicio, ejemplifica este proceso de transformación por ello en este trabajo, por un lado nos centramos en el estudio de los objetivos que la Unión Europea establece en materia de educación superior, así como en el análisis de los procedimientos que utiliza para que los Estados miembros impulsen reformas educativas encaradas a la consecución de los objetivos marcados. Por otro lado, examinamos algunas de las reformas en el contexto español que se han introducido en educación superior y que coinciden con las directrices marcadas desde la Unión EuropeaThis study focuses on the analysis of the new forms of university governance that are being generated, starting from the idea that the emergence of new governance models in higher education is due to a greater influence by the international organizations on the design Of educational policies. This translates into a loss of the centrality of the states in the configuration of higher education policies, in the sense that they can, to a lesser extent, create independent national policies. The result of this process is the creation of educational policies focused on priorities that are marked and generated on a global scale. The European Union (UE) is an international body which, in our view, exemplifies this process of transformation. In this work, on the one hand, we focus on the study of the European Union's goals in higher education, as well as on the analysis Of the procedures it uses for Member States to promote educational reforms aimed at achieving the stated objectives. On the other hand, we examine some of the reforms in the Spanish context that have been introduced in higher education and which coincide with the guidelines established by the European Unio

    Bank Value and Financial Fragility

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    We propose a valuation model for a bank which faces a bankruptcy risk. Banks are identified with a possibly infinite random sequence of net benefits. A bank is solvent as long as its benefits remain non-negative. To preserve distressed banks from destruction, banks will be pooled within a financial coalition. When possible, those with current positive balance sheet will refinance those in need of liquidity. Banks are refinanced to the extent that their current needs for liquidity do not exceed their expected endogenous continuation value. This value itself is affected by future refinancing possibilities. We provide a recursive formula to compute this value when there is an aggregate liquidity constraint. Nous proposons un modèle d'évaluation pour une banque sujette au risque de faire faillite. Les banques sont représentées par une séquence infinie de bénéfices aléatoires. Une banque est solvable tant que ses profits ne sont pas négatifs. Pour protéger les banques en détresse contre une possible liquidation, les banques sont membres d'une coalition financière. Lorsque c'est possible, celles qui ont un bilan courant positif refinanceront celles qui éprouvent un besoin de liquidité. Les banques sont refinancées tant que leurs besoins courants de liquidité ne dépassent pas leur valeur attendue de continuation. Cette valeur est endogène et dépend des possibilités de refinancement futures. Nous dérivons une formule récursive pour calculer cette valeur en présence d'une contrainte de liquidité agrégée.Bank value, aggregate liquidity constraint, financial coalition, refinancing, Valeur d'une banque, contrainte de liquidité agrégée, coalition financière, refinancement

    A Case of Study: México and the International Intellectual Cooperation in the Interwar Period

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    The Debates around the “soft power” have generated the advance of an area of study yet a little unexplored: the cultural history of the international relations. We are to approach the role of the cultural diplomacy as an essential tool to understand the role that culture played at a certain moment and of those who stand in the place of its interpreters, the intellectuals who were participating in a certain way of diplomacy. The case of study which is presented here is a synthesis of a major work which will soon appear as a book, the one that is dedicated to the study of the relations between Mexico and the International organization of intellectual cooperation during a wide period of time which goes between 1922 and 1948. This allows the understanding of the complex net of relations that the Mexican cultural diplomacy had in order to place itself in the international stage without losing sight of the regional conflicts which specially had with its neighbor, The United States of America

    Los homenajes a José Ingenieros y el debate en torno al papel del intelectual

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    Este trabajo analiza los homenajes que se realizaron tras la muerte de José Ingenieros, con el fin de recuperar las múltiples representaciones sociales que sobre la figura de este intelectual construyeron individuos o grupos desde el mirador bonaerense y latinoamericano. Se sostiene que en estos rituales cívicos puede observarse de qué modo se creó en la memoria colectiva un variado y diverso número de imágenes de Ingenieros. Proponemos que la existencia de estos matices se encontraba relacionada con la intención de apropiarse simbólicamente de la prestigiosa figura de Ingenieros -y nombrarse sus dignos herederos-, así como por la dificultad de encontrar una representación única y coherente de lo que debía de ser un intelectual.This piece analyzes the posthumous tributes to Jose Ingenieros, with the objective of recovering the multiple social representations of this intellectual figure, as constructed by individuals or groups from the standpoints of Buenos Aires and Latin America. It is maintained that through these civic rituals one can observe the ways in which a varied and diverse number of images of Ingenieros were created in the collective memory. It is proposed that the existence of these diverse shades is due to the intention to symbolically appropriate the prestigious figure of Ingenieros –and to stand out as his worthy heirs- as well as to the difficulty of finding a single and coherent representation of the ideal intellectual

    Trichosporon spp.: an emerging fungal pathogen

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    Trichosporon spp. has gained importance as the cases of immunosuppressed patients increase. The genus Trichosporon includes 6 species of clinical relevance that may cause supericial infections, such as white piedra and onychomycosis, or deep and invasive infections with high mortality rates. These microorganisms have a broad geographical distribution and some species are resistant to antifungal drugs in vitro. The present paper is a review on the virulence factors, associated infections, and in vitro susceptibility of the species with the highest incidence as pathogenic agents in humans

    Estrategias de Desarrollo Turístico Rural Sostenible para la finca “El Rayo” Comarca península de Asese, Departamento de Granada. Agosto 2015-Abril 2016

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    El siguiente trabajo investigativo permitió identificar el potencial turístico que posee la Finca El Rayo y hacer un propuesta de desarrollo con enfoque Sostenible. Las propuestas de desarrollo turístico sostenible servirá como base para orientar y dirigir al dueño de la finca en toma de decisiones a corto, mediano y largo plazo y así alcanzar determinados objetivos en pro de la inserción de la actividad Turística como una alternativa para el aprovechamiento de los recursos y compartir con los visitantes. Este trabajo cumplió con los objetivos generales y específicos los cuales se desarrollan como resultados obtenidos a partir de ellos. El estudio es descriptivo con enfoque cualitativo, de acuerdo a la cobertura fue transversal porque se realizó en el periodo transcurrido de agosto a diciembre de 2015. Parte de los resultados fueron caracterización de la finca, elaboración de diagnóstico turístico, un análisis FODA para examinar las fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas, para finalizar con una propuesta de desarrollo para la implementación de la actividad turística. El beneficio de las propuestas de desarrollo partiendo que se lleva a cabo para la implementación del turismo en la finca el Rayo vendrá a impactar a la comunidad porque se pretende generar empleos directos e indirectos, protección y conservación de los recursos, al propietario le generará ingresos, el municipio tendrá un espacio más que ofertar y será un ejemplo porque se está pensando en que todo lo que se hagas tiene que estar presente la filosofía de la sostenibilidad

    La importancia relativa de las pymes: un análisis de sus determinantes en la industria manufacturera ecuatoriana

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    Enzyme-Polymers Conjugated to Quantum-Dots for Sensing Applications

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    In the present research, the concept of developing a novel system based on polymer-enzyme macromolecules was tested by coupling carboxylic acid functionalized poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA-COOH) to glucose oxidase (GOx) followed by the bioconjugation with CdS quantum-dots (QD). The resulting organic-inorganic nanohybrids were characterized by UV-visible spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, Photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The spectroscopy results have clearly shown that the polymer-enzyme macromolecules (PVA-COOH/GOx) were synthesized by the proposed zero-length linker route. Moreover, they have performed as successful capping agents for the nucleation and constrained growth of CdS quantum-dots via aqueous colloidal chemistry. The TEM images associated with the optical absorption results have indicated the formation of CdS nanocrystals with estimated diameters of about 3.0 nm. The “blue-shift” in the visible absorption spectra and the PL values have provided strong evidence that the fluorescent CdS nanoparticles were produced in the quantum-size confinement regime. Finally, the hybrid system was biochemically assayed by injecting the glucose substrate and detecting the formation of peroxide with the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Thus, the polymer-enzyme-QD hybrid has behaved as a nanostructured sensor for glucose detecting

    Improvement of saffron production using Curtobacterium herbarum as a bioinoculant under greenhouse conditions

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    [EN] Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) are natural soil bacteria which establish a beneficial relationship with their host. This microbiota community exists in the rhizosphere and inside plant tissues and stimulates plant growth by a variety of direct or indirect mechanisms. These bacterial plant promoters are frequently present in different environments, and are associated with many plant species, both wild and agricultural. Saffron is the dried stigmas of Crocus sativus (L.) and is the most expensive spice in the world. Remarkably, saffron cultivation and collection is carried out by hand and does not involve the use of machines. Additionally, 150 flowers are needed to produce one gram of dried stigmas. Hence, a slight increase in the size of the saffron filaments per plant would result in a significant increase in the production of this spice. In this study, we report the improved production of saffron using Curtobacterium herbarum Cs10, isolated from Crocus seronitus subs clusii, as a bioinoculant. The bacterial strain was selected owing to its multifunctional ability to produce siderophores, solubilize phosphate and to produce plant growth hormones like IAA. Furthermore, the isolate was tested on saffron producing plants under greenhouse conditions. The results indicate that Curtobacterium herbarum Cs10 improves the number of flowers and significantly enhances the length of the saffron filaments and overall saffron production compared to the control treated plants