187 research outputs found

    An analysis of pollutant scavenging coefficient in function of drop size distributions from different localities in Germany and Brazil

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    The pollutant transference among reservoirs atmosphere-hydrosphere, relevant to the atmospheric chemistry, depends upon scavenging coefficient (Λ) calculus, which depends on the raindrop size distribution as well as on the rainfall systems, both different to each locality. In this work, the Λ calculus will be evaluated to gas SO2 and particulate matter fine and coarse among five sites in Germany and two in Brazil. The results show three possible classifications in function of Λ, comparable to literature, however with a greater range due to the differences of rainfall system sites. This preliminary study supports future researche

    Some thoughts about the conceptual / procedural distinction in translation: a key-logging and eye-tracking study of processing effort

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    This article builds on the conceptual / procedural distinction postulated by Relevance Theory to investigate processing effort in translation task execution. Drawing on relevance-theoretic assumptions, it assumes that instances related to procedural encodings will require more effortful processing not only in relation to the time spent on the task but also in terms of product indicators such as seconds per word and number of micro translation units per word. Drawing on key-logging and eye-tracking data, the article shows that there are statistically significant differences when conceptual and procedural encodings are analysed in selected areas of interest, with instances related to procedural encoding requiring more processing effort to be translated. The results are relevant for translation process research as they signal to where processing effort is predominantly located. Additionally, the discussion also contributes to validating experimentally some claims postulated by Relevance Theory.Este artículo se basa en la distinción entre codificaciones conceptuales y procedimentales postulada por la Teoría de la Relevancia para investigar el esfuerzo de procesamiento en tareas de traducción. Con base en esta teoría, se asume que los casos relacionados con codificaciones procedimentales requieren más esfuerzo de procesamiento no sólo en relación al tiempo empleado en la tarea, sino también en términos de indicadores de producto, tales como segundos por palabra y número de micro unidades de traducción por palabra. Utilizando datos de registro de teclado y ratón, así como datos de seguimiento ocular, el artículo muestra que existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las codificaciones conceptuales y las procedimentales cuando se analizan áreas de interés seleccionadas. Los casos relacionados con la codificación procedimental requieren más esfuerzo de procesamiento para traducirlos. Los resultados son relevantes para la investigación del proceso de traducción, ya que indican dónde se concentra predominantemente el esfuerzo de procesamiento al traducir. Además, el debate contribuye a validar experimentalmente algunos principios postulados por la Teoría de la Relevancia.Research funded by CNPq, the Brazilian Research Council (grant 307964/2011-6); and FAPEMIG, the Research Agency of the State of Minas Gerais (grants SHA/PPM-00495-12 and SHA/PPM-00087-12)

    Chaos control via Mathieu-Van der Pol system and Linear Optimal Control design with a non-ideal excitation and parametric uncertainties

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    The hyper-chaotic Mathieu-Van der Pol system is an important autonomous system model, with four state variables and four Lyapunov exponents, three of which are positive. Also called the Tri-Chaos, the Mathieu-Van der Pol system was mathematically modeled via linear coupling of Mathieu and Van der Pol non-linear and non-autonomous systems. In this work, a non-ideal system based on the Mathieu-Van der Pol System is modeled considering its parameters as uncertain, which makes it closer to reality. Numerical simulations are presented demonstrating that the system has a chaotic behavior with three positive Lyapunov exponents. Given such unstable and unpredictable behavior, the linear optimal control design is proposed to reduce the chaotic movement of this system to a fixed point. The simulation results show that the identification by Linear Optimal Control is very effective.Peer Reviewe

    Processos de remoção de material particulado atmosférico: uma modelagem numérica de estudo de casos

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    Below cloud scavenging processes have been investigated considering a numerical simulation, local atmospheric conditions and particulate matter (PM) concentrations, at different sites in Germany. The below cloud scavenging model has been coupled with bulk particulate matter counter TSI (Trust Portacounter dataset, consisting of the variability prediction of the particulate air concentrations during chosen rain events. The TSI samples and meteorological parameters were obtained during three winter Campaigns: at Deuselbach, March 1994, consisting in three different events; Sylt, April 1994 and; Freiburg, March 1995. The results show a good agreement between modeled and observed air concentrations, emphasizing the quality of the conceptual model used in the below cloud scavenging numerical modeling. The results between modeled and observed data have also presented high square Pearson coefficient correlations over 0.7 and significant, except the Freiburg Campaign event. The differences between numerical simulations and observed dataset are explained by the wind direction changes and, perhaps, the absence of advection mass terms inside the modeling. These results validate previous works based on the same conceptual model.Os processos de remoção atmosféricos foram investigados em simulação numérica, levando-se em conta as condições atmosféricas locais e a concentração de matéria particulada (MP) em diferentes lugares na Alemanha. Um modelo de remoção foi desenvolvido com intuito de predizer a variabilidade da concentração no ar da matéria particulada observada por um contador de partículas totais TSI, durante eventos de precipitação. As amostras de TSI, bem como os dados meteorológicos, foram coletadas em três Campanhas em Deuselbach, em três diferentes eventos; Sylt e Freiburg, respectivamente durante os meses de março de 1994, abril de 1994 e março de 1995. Os resultados mostram boa concordância entre os dados modelados e observados, com altos coeficientes de correlação quadráticos acima de 0.70, dentro da significância, exceto na Campanha de Freiburg. As diferenças apresentadas são devidas a alterações significativas da direção do vento e, talvez, devido à ausência de advecção de massa dentro do modelo. Estes resultados auxiliam a validação de trabalhos prévios baseados no mesmo modelo conceitual

    Praxis with idlenessmotricity: educational processes activated with undergraduate students in Physical Education in the inland of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Con este trabajo presentamos lo que denominamos ociomotricidad, neologismo acuñado a partir de las palabras ocio y motricidad, con explicita crítica a la lógica productivista y consumista, involucrando experiencias en prácticas lúdicas, de ocio, divertimiento, creación y contemplación llenas de sentido y con intencionalidad dirigida a lo buen vivir. Fundamentada en esa propuesta hicimos una intervención con dieciocho estudiantes de una disciplina del curso de pregrado en Educación Física de una Institución de Enseñanza de la Región Norte (interior) del Estado de São Paulo (Brasil), y de esa intervención hicimos una investigación profundizada con un grupo de cuatro estudiantes, os cuales fueran entrevistados. La investigación tuve como objetivo central comprender los procesos educativos movilizados con la intervención en ociomotricidad. Para el análisis de datos utilizamos del método Fenómeno Situado que nos posibilitó la formación das categorías: A) Convivencia y placer para la creación y B) La praxis con la ociomotricidad. Con base en estas consideramos que ocurriera desarrollo de procesos educativos de convivencia respetosa, cooperativa y de placer para la creación, pero con percepción de los cuatro estudiantes entrevistados de las eventuales dificultades para su efectividad en la escuela, todavía expresaran la intencionalidad de desarrollar praxis con la ociomotricidad, en busca de la transformación y humanizaciónWith this work we present what we call idlenessmotricity, neologism constructed from the words idleness and motricity, with an explicit criticism of the productivist and consumerist logic, involving experiences in playfulness, idleness, fun, creation and contemplation, full of meaning and intentionality and oriented towards living good. Based on this proposal, we conducted an intervention with eighteen students of a discipline of the undergraduate course in Physical Education from a Teaching Institution of the North (inland) Region of the State of São Paulo (Brazil), and from this intervention we did an in-depth investigation with a group of four students, who were interviewed. The main objective of the research was to understand the educational processes activated by an intervention with idlenessmotricity. For the data analysis we use the Phenomenon Located method, which enabled us to form the following categories: A) Coexistence and pleasure for creation; B) Praxis with the idlenessmotricity. Based on these, we considered that there would be a development of educational processes of respectful coexistence, cooperation, and pleasure for the creation; yet with the four interviewed students’ perception of possible difficulties to its effectiveness in the school, they would still expressed the intention of developing praxis with idlenessmotricity, in search of transformation and humanizationS

    “Fútbol callejero”: processos educativos emergentes da prática social da mediação

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    The aim of this article was to understand the educational processes that emerged from the mediation by the social practice of the “Fútbol Callejero” in an extension project that occurred in Sao Carlos- -SP. The analysis considered 10 meetings which occurred from August/2015 to February/2016, registered in field diaries. To build up the results, which used a methodological based on phenomenology, emerged two different categories: a) To respect dialog; b) To play with other. From these results, we perceived that the experience from the fruition of the “Fútbol Callejero” collaborated to improve comprehension and to promote more cooperative, more respectful and supportive relationships.El objetivo de este estudio fue comprender los procesos educativos que surgieron de la práctica social de la mediación del Fútbol Callejero en el proyecto de extensión Vivencias en Actividades Diversificadas del Ocio. El análisis consideró 10 encuentros celebrados desde agosto/2015 a febrero/2016, registrados en el diario de campo. En la construcción de los resultados, que utilizó el enfoque metodológico inspirado en la fenomenología, emergieron dos categorías: A) Diálogo respetoso; B) Jugar con el otro. A partir de los resultados, nos dimos cuenta de que el disfrute de la experiencia “Fútbol Callejero” contribuyó a la comprensión y la ocurrencia de relaciones más cooperativas, respetuosas y solidarias.O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender os processos educativos que emergiram da prática social da mediação do “Fútbol Callejero” no projeto de extensão Vivências em Atividades Diversificadas de Lazer. A análise considerou 10 encontros, ocorridos no período de agosto/2015 a fevereiro/2016, registrados em diários de campo. Na construção dos resultados, que utilizou perspectiva metodológica inspirada na fenomenologia, emergiram duas categorias: A) Diálogo respeitoso; B) Jogar com outrem. A partir dos resultados, percebemos que a experiência de fruição do “Fútbol Callejero” colaborou para o entendimento e para ocorrência de relações mais cooperativas, respeitosas e solidárias

    Diversidade Estrutural de Bosques de Mangue e sua Relação com Distúrbios de Origem Antrópica: O Caso da Baía de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro)

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    Structural and functional characteristics of mangrove forests are primarily governedby the interaction of environmental characteristics, that act in global, regional or local 102Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ Volume 26 / 2003scales. However, in areas submitted to strong influence of human activities, disturbanceshould be considered seriously. In this way, the structural characteristics of mangroves ofGuanabara bay were studied during three years (2000-2002). The studied forests presenteda high structural diversity, reflecting the action of disturbances, that determine differentdegradation levels and regeneration status (different phases of secondary succession) of thestands. The stems density varied from zero (gaps) to 52,800 stems.ha-1. The mean diameterat breast height varied from 1.33 cm to 7.83 cm and the medium tree height varied from1.80 m to 7.27 m. Several structural and dynamics patterns of the studied plants communitieswere identified, as follow: (a) reverse " j " shaped, (b) "normal" distribution, (c) massmortality, (d) overlap of "events", (e) recolonization/gaps, (f) regeneration failure, (g)gaps and, (h) invasion by Acrostichum aureum. The high structural diversity observed inthe studied forests, identified through the use of phytosociological parameters and speciescomposition, which determines a structural mosaic, is due to the overlapping of the followingcharacteristics: (1) variable nature of disturbances, (2) disturbances characteristics (chronicor acute), (3) spatial variability in disturbances action, (4) temporal variability in disturbancesaction, (5) variation in the frequency of disturbances occurrence and (6) capacity of thesystem to recover after a disturbance

    Influence of aerobic physical training in the motochondrial transport of long chain fatty acids in the skeletal muscle: role of the carnitine palmitoil transferase

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    O ácido graxo (AG) é uma importante fonte de energia para o músculo esquelético. Durante o exercício sua mobilização é aumentada para suprir as necessidades da musculatura ativa. Acredita-se que diversos pontos de regulação atuem no controle da oxidação dos AG, sendo o principal a atividade do complexo carnitina palmitoil transferase (CPT), entre os quais três componentes estão envolvidos: a CPT I, a CPT II e carnitina acilcarnitina translocase. A função da CPT I durante o exercício físico é controlar a entrada de AG para o interior da mitocôndria, para posterior oxidação do AG e produção de energia. Em resposta ao treinamento físico há um aumento na atividade e expressão da CPT I no músculo esquelético. Devido sua grande importância no metabolismo de lipídios, os mecanismos que controlam sua atividade e sua expressão gênica são revisados no presente estudo. Reguladores da expressão gênica de proteínas envolvidas no metabolismo de lipídios no músculo esquelético, os receptores ativados por proliferadores de peroxissomas (PPAR) alfa e beta, são discutidos com um enfoque na resposta ao treinamento físico.Fatty acids are an important source of energy for the skeletal muscle. During exercise, their mobilization is increased to supply the muscle energetic needs. Many points of regulation act in the fatty acids metabolism, where the carnitine palmytoiltransferase (CPT) complex is the main control system. Three compounds named CPT I, CPT II and carnitine acyl carnitine translocase (CACT) are components of this system. Its function is to control the influx of fatty acids inside the mitochondria for posterior oxidation and energy production. There is a pronounced increase in both activity and gene expression of CPT I in the skeletal muscle in response to exercise. Due to its importance in lipid metabolism, the controlling mechanisms are reviewed in the present study. The modulation of gene expression by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) alpha and beta during the physical training is also discussed in this review

    Processos educativos desvelados na roda de capoeira da Associação Pena de Ouro

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    ResumoO objetivo deste estudo foi identificar, descrever e compreender os processos educativos desencadeados na relação Mestre-Aprendiz no contexto dos treinos de Capoeira da Associação Cultural e Desportiva Pena de Ouro, ministradas pelo Mestre Izael Teixeira. Nos orientamos pela Fenomenologia e, em busca de uma compreensão do fenômeno, realizamos inserção na citada Associação, localizada no município de São Carlos, interior do estado de São Paulo. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre outubro de 2014 e maio de 2015, totalizando 15 encontros, com 11 participantes. Durante todos os encontros foram redigidos registros sistemáticos de observações em diários de campo, dos quais foram organizadas as seguintes categorias temáticas: A) Pedagógica de Mestre Izael; B) Valorização do Mestre Izael pela Comunidade; C) Enquanto descanso, carrego pedra - resistência e ancestralidade. Foram identificados processos educativos de resistência, ancestralidade, pertencimento e fortalecimento de identidades.Palavras-chave: Processos Educativos. Capoeira. Cultura Popular.Educational processes unveiled in the capoeira circle of the Pena de Ouro AssociationAbstractThe objective of this study was to identify, describe and understand the educational processes of the Master-Apprentice relationship in the training sessions of Capoeira of the Cultural and Sports Association Pena de Ouro, developed by Master Izael Teixeira. We use the Phenomenology to understand the phenomenon and we perform insertion in the Association, located in the city of São Carlos, in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Data collection took place between October 2014 and May 2015, totaling 15 meetings, with 11 participants. The observations of all the meetings were systematically recorded in field diaries, from which the thematic categories were organized: A) Pedagogical of Master Izael; B) Valorization of Master Izael by the Community; C) While resting, I carry stone - resistance and ancestry. Educational processes of resistance, ancestry, belonging and the strengthening of identities were identified.Keywords: Educational Processes. Capoeira. Popular Culture.Procesos educativos desvelados en la rueda de capoeira de la Asociación Pena de OuroResumenEl objetivo de este estudio fue identificar, describir y comprender los procesos educativos desencadenados en la relación Maestro-Aprendiz en el contexto de los entrenamientos de Capoeira de la Asociación Cultural y Deportiva Pena de Ouro, impartidos por el Maestro Izael Teixeira. Nos orientamos por la Fenomenología y, en busca de una comprensión del fenómeno, realizamos inserción en la citada Asociación, ubicada en el municipio de São Carlos, interior del estado de São Paulo. La recolección de datos ocurrió entre octubre de 2014 y mayo de 2015, totalizando 15 encuentros, con 11 participantes. Durante todos los encuentros se redactaron registros sistemáticos de observaciones en diarios de campo, de los cuales se organizaron las siguientes categorías temáticas: A) Pedagogía del Maestro Izael; B) Valorización del Maestro Izael por la Comunidad; C) En cuanto descanso, llevo piedra - resistencia y ancestralidad. Se identificaron procesos educativos de resistencia, ancestralidad, pertenencia y fortalecimiento de identidades.Palabras clave: Procesos Educativos. Capoeira. Cultura Popular