6,837 research outputs found

    Regionalization and connectivity in the Gulf of Cádiz and Alborán Sea implication for marine spatial planning and coastal management

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    This work proposes a regionalization of marine waters south of the Iberian Peninsula based on empirical orthogonal functions and GIS analysis. The regions identified are consistent and correspond to hydrological mesoscale and macroscale structures well characterized from physical and biological viewpoints. Although it is difficult to determine the boundaries of a fluid continuously moving, the procedure used recognizes the most frequent patterns and can be used to reference geographically the most likely position of the limit among the regions. Once established the regions, the connectivity among them is addressed by means of geostrophic currents derived from altimetry data. The main geostrophic circulation pattern depict an elevate connectivity in the area that might facilitate the conservation and recovering of species, but also imply a higher vulnerability to negative externalities and highlight the need of models, marine spatial planning, and coastal management approaches that includes the pelagic ecosystem and connectivity of the seas. Furthermore, the results confirm that the cooperation between public authorities at different levels (local, regional, state) as well as among riparian countries is essential for marine spatial planning and prevention of potential risk derived from upcoming marine activities in the framework of the 2020 agenda and Blue Growth strategy.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Moving from medical to health systems classifications of deaths : extending verbal autopsy to collect information on the circumstances of mortality

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    Acknowledgements The authors would also like to acknowledge the field staff at the MRC, SA/Wits Agincourt Unit, particularly Sizzy Ngobeni. The authors also acknowledge Drs Malin Eriksson and Edward Fottrell at Umeå Centre for Global Health Research *UCGHR) who contributed to the development of the SF-VA indicators, Dr Nawi Ng at UCGHR who advised on the cause of death categories, and Dr Kerstin Edin at UCGHR who provided comments on the manuscript categories, and Dr Kerstin Edin who provided comments on the manuscript. Funding A Health Systems Research Initiative Development Grant from the UK Department for International Development (DFID), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Medical Research Council (MRC (and the Wellcome Trust (MR/N005597/1) funds the research presented in this paper. Support for the Agincourt HDSS including verbal autopsies was provided by The Wellcome Trust, UK (grants 058893/Z/99/A; 069683/Z/02/Z; 085477/Z/08/Z; 085477/B/08/Z), and the University of the Witwatersrand and Medical Research Council, South Africa.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    PMU5 prevalence and associated factors to psychotic substance use in low-income adolescents from the caribbean region of Colombia

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    Objectives: To estimate the prevalence and associated factors to psychotic substance use in low-income adolescents from the Caribbean region of Colombia Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted. Adolescents between 10-24 years of age residents in 21 municipalities were randomly selected from the population affiliated to a subsidized-regime insurance company between 2014-2018. A previously constructed questionnaire was used to obtain information regarding sociodemographic variables and potential risk factors. Prevalence of lifetime use of substance abuse was assessed. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression models were used to establish associated factors. Absolute and relative frequencies were compared with the Chi2 test and continuous variables were compared with the t-test. A p value <0.050 was considered significan

    High glucose enhances store-operated calcium entry by upregulating ORAI/STIM via calcineurin-NFAT signalling

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    © 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Abstract: ORAI and stromal interaction molecule (STIM) are store-operated channel molecules that play essential roles in human physiology through a coupling mechanism of internal Ca 2+ store to Ca 2+ influx. However, the roles of ORAI and STIM in vascular endothelial cells under diabetic conditions remain unknown. Here, we investigated expression and signalling pathways of ORAI and STIM regulated by high glucose or hyperglycaemia using in vitro cell models, in vivo diabetic mice and tissues from patients. We found that ORAI1-3 and STIM1-2 were ubiquitously expressed in human vasculatures. Their expression was upregulated by chronic treatment with high glucose (HG, 25 mM d-glucose), which was accompanied by enhanced store-operated Ca 2+ influx in vascular endothelial cells. The increased expression was also observed in the aortae from genetically modified Akita diabetic mice (C57BL/6-Ins2 Akita /J) and streptozocin-induced diabetic mice, and aortae from diabetic patients. HG-induced upregulation of ORAI and STIM genes was prevented by the calcineurin inhibitor cyclosporin A and NFATc3 siRNA. Additionally, in vivo treatment with the nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) inhibitor A-285222 prevented the gene upregulation in Akita mice. However, HG had no direct effects on ORAI1-3 currents and the channel activation process through cytosolic STIM1 movement in the cells co-expressing STIM1-EYFP/ORAIs. We concluded that upregulation of STIM/ORAI through Ca 2+ -calcineurin-NFAT pathway is a novel mechanism causing abnormal Ca 2+ homeostasis and endothelial dysfunction under hyperglycaemia. Key message: ORAI1-3 and STIM1-2 are ubiquitously expressed in vasculatures and upregulated by high glucose.Increased expression is confirmed in Akita (Ins2 Akita /J) and STZ diabetic mice and patients.Upregulation mechanism is mediated by Ca 2+ /calcineurin/NFATc3 signalling.High glucose has no direct effects on ORAI1-3 channel activity and channel activation process

    Starch Synthesis in Ostreococcus tauri: The Starch-Binding Domains of Starch Synthase III-B Are Essential for Catalytic Activity

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    Starch is the major energy storage carbohydrate in photosynthetic eukaryotes. Several enzymes are involved in building highly organized semi-crystalline starch granules, including starch-synthase III (SSIII), which is widely conserved in photosynthetic organisms. This enzyme catalyzes the extension of the α-1,4 glucan chain and plays a regulatory role in the synthesis of starch. Interestingly, unlike most plants, the unicellular green alga Ostreococcus tauri has three SSIII isoforms. In the present study, we describe the structure and function of OsttaSSIII-B, which has a similar modular organization to SSIII in higher plants, comprising three putative starch-binding domains (SBDs) at the N-terminal region and a C-terminal catalytic domain (CD). Purified recombinant OsttaSSIII-B displayed a high affinity toward branched polysaccharides such as glycogen and amylopectin, and to ADP-glucose. Lower catalytic activity was detected for the CD lacking the associated SBDs, suggesting that they are necessary for enzyme function. Moreover, analysis of enzyme kinetic and polysaccharide-binding parameters of site-directed mutants with modified conserved aromatic amino acid residues W122, Y124, F138, Y147, W279, and W304, belonging to the SBDs, revealed their importance for polysaccharide binding and SS activity. Our results suggest that OT_ostta13g01200 encodes a functional SSIII comprising three SBD domains that are critical for enzyme function

    Characterization of Sex-Based Dna Methylation Signatures in the Airways During Early Life.

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    Human respiratory conditions are largely influenced by the individual\u27s sex resulting in overall higher risk for males. Sex-based respiratory differences are present at birth suggesting a strong genetic component. Our objective was to characterize early life sex-based genomic signatures determined by variable X-chromosome methylation in the airways. We compared male versus female genome-wide DNA methylation in nasal airway samples from newborns and infants aged 1-6 months (N = 12). We analyzed methylation signals across CpG sites mapped to each X-linked gene using an unsupervised classifier (principal components) followed by an internal evaluation and an exhaustive cross-validation. Results were validated in an independent population of children (N = 72) following the same algorithm. X-linked genes with significant sex-based differential methylation in the nasal airway of infants represented only about 50% of the unique protein coding transcripts. X-linked genes without significant sex-based differential methylation included genes with evidence of escaping X-inactivation and female-biased airway expression. These genes showed similar methylation patterns in males and females suggesting unbalanced X-chromosome dosage. In conclusion, we identified that the human airways have already sex-based DNA methylation signatures at birth. These early airway epigenomic marks may determine sex-based respiratory phenotypes and overall predisposition to develop respiratory disorders later in life

    Spatio-temporal expression patterns of Arabidopsis thaliana and Medicago truncatula defensin-like genes

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    Plant genomes contain several hundred defensin-like (DEFL) genes that encode short cysteine-rich proteins resembling defensins, which are well known antimicrobial polypeptides. Little is known about the expression patterns or functions of many DEFLs because most were discovered recently and hence are not well represented on standard microarrays. We designed a custom Affymetrix chip consisting of probe sets for 317 and 684 DEFLs from Arabidopsis thaliana and Medicago truncatula, respectively for cataloging DEFL expression in a variety of plant organs at different developmental stages and during symbiotic and pathogenic associations. The microarray analysis provided evidence for the transcription of 71% and 90% of the DEFLs identified in Arabidopsis and Medicago, respectively, including many of the recently annotated DEFL genes that previously lacked expression information. Both model plants contain a subset of DEFLs specifically expressed in seeds or fruits. A few DEFLs, including some plant defensins, were significantly up-regulated in Arabidopsis leaves inoculated with Alternaria brassicicola or Pseudomonas syringae pathogens. Among these, some were dependent on jasmonic acid signaling or were associated with specific types of immune responses. There were notable differences in DEFL gene expression patterns between Arabidopsis and Medicago, as the majority of Arabidopsis DEFLs were expressed in inflorescences, while only a few exhibited root-enhanced expression. By contrast, Medicago DEFLs were most prominently expressed in nitrogen-fixing root nodules. Thus, our data document salient differences in DEFL temporal and spatial expression between Arabidopsis and Medicago, suggesting distinct signaling routes and distinct roles for these proteins in the two plant species

    Boyeria Irene (Fonscolombe, 1838) y Cordulegaster Boltonii (Donovan, 1807) (Odonata): Dos estrategias en cuanto a sustratos de emergencia de larvas en un mismo hábitat.

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    Se presentan datos sobre emergencia de Cordulegaster boltonii y Boyeria irene en un río de montaña del centro de España (altitud 1200 m s.n.m.) donde coexisten ambas especies, basados en la recogida semanal de exuvias. Boyeria irene comenzó a emerger 28 días más tarde que C. boltonii. Los sustratos usados por las larvas de ambas especies para emerger se solaparon ampliamente, aunque C. boltonii utilizó significativamente más árboles. Con respecto a otras zonas geográficas, las dos especies han modificado su estrategia, retrasando el inicio del periodo de emergencia. Se discute la importancia de las condiciones ambientales (sobre todo temperatura) en este hecho