205 research outputs found

    Perceptions of Burden and Preparedness for Caregiving among the Family Caregivers of Hospitalised Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Stud

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    Background: Due to the increasing care needs of older adults, family caregivers are more and more solicited. This can have a negative impact on their quality of life related to a lack of preparedness for caregiving and feelings of burden. Objectives: To measure perceptions of burden and preparedness for caregiving among the family caregivers of hospitalised older adults, and to explore their possible associations. Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted in two university hospital geriatrics wards in Switzerland. Principal family caregivers of hospitalised older adults were invited to complete sociodemographic, the Zarit Burden Interview, and the Preparedness for Caregiving Scale questionnaires. Descriptive and correlational data analyses were performed. Results: Of the 38 responding caregivers, 80% provided informal care to their spouse or parent; 45% reported a lack of preparedness to provide care and 61% reported substantial levels of burden. There was no statistically significant correlation between preparedness and burden (ρ ≤ −0.30, p = 0.07). Conclusions: A significant proportion of caregivers reported burden and a lack of preparedness. Healthcare professionals should provide adequate support to help informal caregivers to fulfil their roles

    Alianzas trisectoriales en el emprendedurismo social: discurso y práctica de los actores a partir de círculos de acción y reflexión

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    No artigo, discute-se a construção das chamadas Parcerias Tri-Setoriais em três projetos, desenvolvidos no Brasil, de diferentes áreas temáticas de intervenção em políticas públicas (acesso a água, educação básica e atuação de conselhos de direitos da criança e do adolescente). Articulações colaborativas envolvendo simultaneamente atores dos chamados três setores (Estado, sociedade civil e mercado) são práticas pouco estudadas no contexto brasileiro e mesmo internacional, visto que parcerias de caráter tri-setorial são pouco frequentes, apesar da proliferação de discursos de apoio às alianças entre governos e sociedade civil ou entre Organizações Não Governamentais (ONGs) e empresas na gestão de políticas públicas. Como estratégia de investigação, recorreu-se na pesquisa ao Cooperative Inquiry, método que pressupõe a ruptura de fronteiras entre sujeitos e objetos de análise, frequentemente constituídos por outros sujeitos vinculados à ação. Além do avanço na compreensão dos desafios da construção de parcerias tri-setoriais na realidade brasileira, busca-se também demonstrar a relevância para os estudos em gestão social de métodos investigativos assentados no protagonismo dos sujeitos pesquisados, como forma de se caminhar na compreensão de práticas, discursos e dilemas vinculados à ação social em programas sociais.This article discusses the construction of tri-sector partnerships in three projects conducted in Brazil in different fields of intervention of public policy (access to water, basic education and performance of boards of rights of children and adolescents). Collaborative articulations involving the players from three sectors (the State, civil society and the market) are practices that are little studied in the Brazilian and even in the international context, as tri-sector partnerships are rare, despite the proliferation of lines of discourse in support of alliances between governments and civil society or between companies and NGOs in the management of public policy. As a research strategy, this study resorted to cooperative inquiry, a method that involves breaking down the boundaries between the subjects and the objects of the analysis. Besides working toward a better understanding of the challenges of building tri-sector partnerships in the Brazilian context, the article also tries to show the relevance to public policy studies of investigative methods based on the subjects studied, as a means of developing an understanding of the practices, lines of discourse and dilemmas linked to social action in social programs.En este artículo se discute la construcción de las llamadas Alianzas Trisectoriales, en tres proyectos desarrollados en Brasil, de diferentes áreas temáticas de intervención en políticas públicas (acceso al agua, educación básica y actuación de consejos de derechos del niño y del adolescente). Las articulaciones de colaboración que incluyen simultáneamente actores de los llamados tres sectores (Estado, sociedad civil y mercado) son prácticas poco estudiadas en el contexto brasileño y también en el internacional, dado que alianzas de carácter trisectorial son poco frecuentes, a pesar de la proliferación de discursos de apoyo a las alianzas entre gobiernos y sociedad civil o entre organizaciones no gubernamentales y empresas en la gestión de políticas públicas. Como estrategia de investigación, se utilizó el Cooperative Inquiry, método que presupone la ruptura de fronteras entre sujetos y objetos de análisis, muchas veces constituidos por otros sujetos vinculados a la acción. Además del avance en la comprensión de los desafíos de la construcción de alianzas trisectoriales en la realidad brasileña, se pretende también demostrar la relevancia, para los estudios en gestión social, de métodos investigativos fundamentados en el protagonismo de los sujetos estudiados, como una forma de avanzar hacia la comprensión de prácticas, discursos y dilemas relacionados con la acción social en programas sociales


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    A qualidade de vida está presente em todas as organizações e se tornou algo indispensável, pois, através dela é possível obter um melhor desempenho dos funcionários visto que um colaborador satisfeito tende a realizar suas atividades de maneira mais eficiente. Segundo Limongi-França (2011) no trabalho a qualidade de vida representa hoje a necessidade de valorização das condições de trabalho, da definição de procedimentos da tarefa em si, do cuidado com o ambiente físico e dos bons padrões de relacionamento. Com essa perspectiva o seguinte artigo tem como objetivo identificar os fatores que influenciam a qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT) das redes atacadistas do município de Valparaiso de Goiás segundo o modelo de Walton, a fim de verificar a percepção dos funcionários sobre a qualidade de vida no local de trabalho. Para isso foi utilizado à pesquisa quantitativa e de campo direta pó meio de questionários aplicados aos colaboradores. Com isso obtivemos os respectivos resultados: Quando questionados sobre a compensação justa e adequada a maioria dos funcionários estão Nem satisfeito/Nem insatisfeito, correspondendo respectivamente a 50%. O indicador de oportunidades apresentou um alto índice no incentivo para estudar obtendo 65%, proporcionando que seu colaborador agregue maiores conhecimentos e tenha objetivos maiores. Dessa forma a hipótese pôde ser comprovada, no que se refere aos fatores que mais influenciam no ponto de vista dos colaboradores são os fatores pessoais, destacando-se a compensação justa e adequada e oportunidades.DOI: 10.6084 / m9.figshare.1299457

    Use of Phytotherapics, Low Power Laser and Ozone for Biting Wound in Dog

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    Background: Skin wounds are among the most common cases in small animals, highlighting the importance of alternative therapies as an aid to the healing process. These include ozone, which has a bactericidal and immunomodulatory action; the low power laser that determines photodynamic changes triggering metabolism elevation; and the use of medicinal plants, in which several herbal medicines has been mentioned in research relating their benefits to wound healing in humans and animals. Thus, it aims to report the case of a dog submitted to these treatments due to chronic wound due to bite.Case: A 6-year-old canine, female, mixed-breed, 8 kg, with a perforating wound in the left anterior limb in the scapular and humeral region, caused by trauma from the bite of another dog, previously treated, without clinical improvement, has been attended presenting apathy, increased body temperature (40.1°C), difficulty in walking and inability to support the injured limb, which was swollen, hyperemic, with elevated temperature, absence of hair, elevated pain sensitivity and presence of 2 circular lesions, approximately 2 cm in diameter, caused by trauma, and others of size between 0.5 and 1 cm in diameter, which appeared during the course of the disease, characterized as fistulas, through which there was drainage of characteristic fluid exudative and purulent discharge. It was collected blood sample for blood count and purulent material through sterile swab for culture and antibiogram. Systemic treatment with ceftiofur, dipyrone, meloxican and topical cleaning of the wounds with hydrogen peroxide and physiological solution; dimethyl sulfoxide ointment, and hot compresses was chosen. After seven days, the animal showed significant general clinical improvement and in the limb, it was observed: decreased edema, hyperemia, hyperthermia and secretions, with no pus. Only local treatment was recommended, with cleansing of the skin lesions, with physiological solution, chlorhexidine and healing gel made of herbal medicine: chitosan, aloe vera, marigold, sunflower oil and barbatimao. After 21 days of treatment, the injured limb showed consecutive clinical improvement, with epithelialization of the smaller diameter lesions. Low-level laser and ozone therapy was instituted, totaling three initial sessions every five days and one last session 14 days after the third. After the four sessions the animal was discharged, presenting absence of the previously reported alterations, besides the total re-epithelialization of the lesions and hair growth. Discussion: The contamination arising from bite can interfere with healing time due to the action of bacterial toxins and inflammatory infiltrates that cause vascular and cellular damage. According to other reports the use of ozone therapy, local and systemic, promoted rapid healing, related to effective decontamination, in a short period of time. Considering the response and quality of tissue repair, due to wound recovery, verifying therapeutic effects of anti-inflammatory action, effective decontamination, stimulation of granulation tissue, epithelialization and repilation of the cutaneous region, it is concluded that topical and systemic ozone therapy, associated with the effect of tissue regeneration by edge revival in chronic lesions, of low power laser and herbal medicine gel, under the conditions of this case, represent satisfactory therapy for the treatment of bite wounds in dogs

    State of the art of blue light effects on hidradenitis suppurativa: a concise systematic review

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    Introduction: In the setting of inflammatory diseases, hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), or acne inversa, is an immune-mediated skin disease with a prevalence of 0.1-1% and characterized by nodules and abscesses in the armpits, groin, and inframammary areas, which may evolve for fistulas and scars. Still, an update is needed on the recent understanding of the pathogenesis of HS, including the central role of inflammatory cytokines and other contributing factors such as genetics, hormones, and pathogenic microorganisms. As an innovative approach, antimicrobial blue light in the 400-470 nm spectrum has demonstrated its intrinsic antimicrobial properties resulting from the presence of endogenous photosensitizing chromophores in pathogenic microorganisms. Objective: To carry out a narrative and systematic review of the literature to explore the main clinical and experimental results of the use of photobiomodulation with blue light for the treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa by antibacterial action. Methods: The present study followed a model of narrative and systematic review, according to PRISMA rules, to gather the main information about the efficiency and safety of blue light in the treatment of HS. The research was carried out from January 2018 to May 2019 and developed based on Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMed, Scielo, and Cochrane Library. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results: Microorganisms are less able to develop resistance to antimicrobial blue light than to traditional antibiotics, due to the multi-targeting characteristics of antimicrobial blue light. Furthermore, it is well accepted that antimicrobial blue light is much less harmful to host cells than UV irradiation. Clinical studies have presented scientific evidence of treatment for HS with light-based therapy, showing efficacy and safety through articles published in quality journals in scientific evidence. A meta-analysis published in 2019, based on the quality of the evidence, showed that the most recommended treatments for HS include adalimumab and laser (blue light) therapy. For intense pulsed light with blue light, two RCTs reported improvements in HS-LASI scores and the Dermatology Quality of Life Index. Conclusion: The use of blue light for dermal treatments, particularly for HS, is finding an increasing role in dermatology. However, more robust and consistent studies are still needed to better demonstrate the antibacterial effects of blue light on HS

    Impact of COVID‐19 on professional nursing practice environments and patient safety culture

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    Aim: To analyse the impact of COVID-19 on professional nursing practice environments and patient safety culture. Background: The relationship between work environments and patient safety has been internationally recognized. In 2020, the pandemic imposed enormous challenges, yet the impact on these variables remains unknown. Method: This is a quantitative observational study, conducted in a Portuguese hospital, with 403 registered nurses. A self-completion questionnaire was used. Results: The impact on the Structure and Outcome components of nursing professional practice environments was positive. Although the Process component remained favourable to quality of care, a negative trend was confirmed in almost all dimensions. The results regarding safety culture showed weaknesses; ‘teamwork within units’ was the only dimension that maintained a positive culture. Conclusion: Positive responses regarding patient safety were significantly associated with the quality of the nursing professional practice environment. The need to invest in all dimensions of safety culture emerges to promote positive professional environments. Implications for nursing management: Improving professional nursing practice environments can be achieved through managers’ investment in the participation and involvement of nurses in the policies and functioning of institutions, as well as promoting an open, fair and participatory safety culture that encourages reporting events and provides adequate support for professionals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The COVID-19 pandemic and professional nursing practice in the context of hospitals

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed challenges to health systems and institutions, which had to quickly create conditions to meet the growing health needs of the population. Thus, this study aimed to assess the impact of COVID-19 on professional nursing practice environments and to identify the variables that affected their quality. Quantitative, observational study, conducted in 16 Portuguese hospitals, with 1575 nurses. Data were collected using a questionnaire and participants responded to two different moments in time: the pre-pandemic period and after the fourth critical period of COVID-19. The pandemic had a positive impact on the Structure and Outcome components, and a negative trend in the Process component. The variables associated with the qualification of the components and their dimensions were predominantly: work context, the exercise of functions in areas of assistance to COVID-19 patients, length of professional experience and length of experience in the service. The investment in professional practice environments impacted the improvement of organizational factors, supporting the development of nurses’ work towards the quality of care. However, it is necessary to invest in nurses’ participation, involvement and professional qualifications, which are aspects strongly dependent on the institutions’ management strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors in astrocytomas: a literature review

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    Gliomas are the most common type of primary central nervous system neoplasm. Astrocytomas are the most prevalent type of glioma and these tumors may be influenced by sex steroid hormones. A literature review for the presence of estrogen and progesterone receptors in astrocytomas was conducted in the PubMed database using the following MeSH terms: “estrogen receptor beta” OR “estrogen receptor alpha” OR “estrogen receptor antagonists” OR “progesterone receptors” OR “astrocytoma” OR “glioma” OR “glioblastoma”. Among the 111 articles identified, 13 studies met our inclusion criteria. The majority of reports showed the presence of estrogen and progesterone receptors in astrocytomas. Overall, higher tumor grades were associated with decreased estrogen receptor expression and increased progesterone receptor expression

    The COVID-19 Pandemic and Professional Nursing Practice in the Context of Hospitals

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed challenges to health systems and institutions, which had to quickly create conditions to meet the growing health needs of the population. Thus, this study aimed to assess the impact of COVID-19 on professional nursing practice environments and to identify the variables that affected their quality. Quantitative, observational study, conducted in 16 Portuguese hospitals, with 1575 nurses. Data were collected using a questionnaire and participants responded to two different moments in time: the pre-pandemic period and after the fourth critical period of COVID-19. The pandemic had a positive impact on the Structure and Outcome components, and a negative trend in the Process component. The variables associated with the qualification of the components and their dimensions were predominantly: work context, the exercise of functions in areas of assistance to COVID-19 patients, length of professional experience and length of experience in the service. The investment in professional practice environments impacted the improvement of organizational factors, supporting the development of nurses’ work towards the quality of care. However, it is necessary to invest in nurses’ participation, involvement and professional qualifications, which are aspects strongly dependent on the institutions’ management strategiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar fatores epidemiológicos que pudessem predispor os animais de companhia de municípios do Rio de Janeiro ao desenvolvimento do câncer de mama, bem como analisar a contribuição do médico-veterinário na prevenção da doença. Para isto, foram avaliados questionários respondidos por tutores em campanha de conscientização sobre o câncer de mama em cadelas e gatas para identificação de fatores predisponentes e de risco à doença, acesso aos cuidados veterinários e orientações sobre o tema. Foram analisados 1.143 questionários que revelaram a presença de fatores de alta predisposição como a predominância do sexo feminino, da espécie canina e de raças caninas de pequeno porte. Já a baixa média de idade da população estudada foi o único fator que indicou reduzida predisposição. Quanto aos fatores de risco analisados, a predominância de animais não castrados revelou alto risco de desenvolvimento da doença, enquanto a baixa ocorrência de gestação, pseudociese e de uso de contraceptivos não foram fatores de impacto nesta população. E ainda, apenas 29,3% dos tutores que levavam seus animais para atendimento veterinário foram orientados sobre a doença e/ou métodos preventivos como a castração. Conclui-se que a população analisada apresenta alta predisposição ao desenvolvimento de neoplasias mamárias, que deve-se intensificar a capacitação do médico-veterinário para incluir orientações preventivas durante as consultas, ampliar campanhas educativas sobre o tema e as castrações na região de Seropédica e arredores.This study aims to identify epidemiological factors that could predispose the companion animals of Seropédica and other cities in Rio de Janeiro to the development of breast cancer, as well as to analyze the veterinarian's contribution inpreventing the disease. For this, questionnaires answered by tutors in an awareness campaign about breast cancer in bitches and cats were evaluated to identifypredisposing factors and risk to the disease, access to veterinary care and guidance on the topic. 1,143 questionnaires were analyzed, which revealed the presence of highly predisposing factors such as the predominance of females, of the canine species and of small canine breeds. The low average age of the population studied was the only factor that indicated a low predisposition. As for the risk factors analyzed, the predominance of non-castrated animals revealed a high risk of developing the disease, while the low occurrence of pseudocyesis and the use of contraceptives were not impact factors in this population. In addition, only 29.3% of tutors who took their animals for veterinary care were instructed on the disease and / or preventive methods such as castration. It is concluded that the analyzed population has a high predisposition to the development of breast neoplasms, which should intensify the training of the veterinarian to include preventive guidance during consultations, expand educational campaigns on the subject and castrations in the region of Seropédica and surroundings