327 research outputs found
Clínica de animais de companhia
O presente relatório pretende descrever as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio curricular de seis meses no Hospital Veterinário do Restelo, referindo a casuística acompanhada e incluindo uma monografia sobre a síndrome de disfunção cognitiva canina (DCC). A área com maior representatividade foi a clínica médica, com 75,23% do total de casos acompanhados. A DCC é uma síndrome neurodegenerativa, de etiologia multifatorial, que afeta cães, sobretudo a partir dos 11 anos, estando muitas vezes associada a outras afeções, o que pode dificultar o seu diagnóstico. Os sinais clínicos seguem a sigla DISHA, do inglês disorientation (desorientação), interaction (interação), sleep (sono), house soiling (eliminação errática) e activity (atividade). É necessário excluir outras patologias que possam assumir uma sintomatologia semelhante para se poder estabelecer o diagnóstico de DCC. A terapêutica disponível não reverte os sinais clínicos, pelo que o diagnóstico precoce se torna particularmente importante; Abstract:
Small animal clinics
The present report aims to describe the activities developed during the six-month period traineeship at Hospital Veterinário de Restelo, referring the accompanied casuistry and including a monography about the canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome (DCC). The most represented field was medical clinic, with 75,23% from the total cases. The DCC is a neurodegenerative syndrome, with multifactorial aetiology, that affects dogs mainly above 11 years old. It is often associated to other affections, which may difficult the diagnosis. The clinical signs follow the acronym DISHA, disorientation, sleep, house soiling and activity. It is necessary to exclude other pathologies that may assume a similar symptomatology to establish the DCC diagnosis. The available therapeutics do not revert the clinical signs, making the early diagnosis particularly important
Portomesenteric Venous Thrombosis after Bariatric Surgery: a case series and a systematic review comparing LSG and LRYGB
Introdução: A Trombose Venosa Portomesentérica (TVPM) é uma complicação rara, porém grave, da Cirurgia Bariátrica Metabólica (CBM). Embora mais frequentemente descrita após a gastrectomia vertical laparoscópica (GVL), os fatores de risco para TVPM são pouco claros. Este estudo tem como objetivo comparar a incidência e os determinantes de TVPM entre GVL e o bypass gástrico em Y-de-Roux laparoscópico (BGYR).
Métodos: Uma análise retrospetiva de 5235 CBM realizadas na nossa instituição entre 2015 e 2023 identificou cinco casos de TVPM. Adicionalmente, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática em março de 2023, abrangendo PubMed, Web of Science e Scopus. Vários dados foram analisados relativamente aos fatores de risco.
Resultados: Na nossa série de casos, a incidência de TVPM foi de 0,1%. Os cinco casos descritos incluíram quatro mulheres, com IMC entre 39,7-56,0 kg/m2. As comorbilidades identificadas estavam associadas à síndrome metabólica, todas a mulheres utilizavam contracetivos orais e dois pacientes foram diagnosticados com trombofilia ou tromboembolismo pulmonar. Todos os pacientes receberam tromboprofilaxia per-protocolo. O diagnóstico foi feito com uma mediana de 16 dias pós-cirurgia, sendo a dor abdominal o principal sintoma de apresentação. Os casos agudos foram tratados com enoxaparina, heparina não fracionada e fibrinólise. Um paciente precisou de cirurgia.
Dez estudos foram incluídos na revisão sistemática e identificaram 205 pacientes com TVPM: 193 (94,1%) pós-GVL e 12 pós-BGYR. As comorbidades mais frequentes foram dislipidemia, apneia do sono e distúrbios hepáticos.
Conclusão: A TVPM é uma complicação potencialmente ameaçadora de vida após a CBM, exigindo medidas preventivas, diagnóstico atempado e diversos tratamentos. Os nossos achadas sugerem uma maior frequência em mulheres, com IMC elevado e pós-CVL. Pode ser necessária tromboprofilaxia personalizada aos pacientes submetidos a CBM com risco de TVPM.Introduction: Portomesenteric Venous Thrombosis (PMVT) is a rare but serious complication of Metabolic Bariatric Surgery (MBS). Although more frequently reported after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), risk factors for PMVT remain unclear. This study aims to compare the incidence and determinants of PMVT between LSG and laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGB).
Methods: A retrospective analysis of 5235 MBS conducted at our institution between 2015 and 2023, identified five cases of PMVT. Additionally, a systematic review in March 2023, covering PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus, was performed. Several data was analyzed regarding risk factors.
Results: In our case series, the incidence of PMVT was 0,1%. The five cases described involved four females, BMI between 39,7-56,0 kg/m2. Comorbidities were associated with metabolic syndrome, all women used oral contraceptive and two patients were diagnosed with thrombophilia or pulmonary embolism. Thromboprophylaxis per-protocol was administered to all patients. Diagnosis was made at a median of 16 days post-surgery, with abdominal pain as main presenting symptom. Acute cases were managed with enoxaparin, unfractionated heparin and fibrinolysis. One patient required surgery.
Ten studies were included in the systematic review and 205 patients with PMVT were identified: 193 (94,1%) post-LSG and 12 post-LRYGB. The most common comorbidities were dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea and liver disorders.
Conclusion: PMVT is a potentially life-threatening complication after MBS, requiring preventive measures, timely diagnosis and several treatments. Our findings suggest a higher occurrence in women, with elevated BMI and post-LSG. Tailored thromboprophylaxis for MBS patients at risk for PMVT may be warranted
Verbesserungsmöglichkelten von färberischen-und antimikrobiellen eigenschaften auf baumwolle
Comunicação apresentada no 20th IFATCC Congress, Weimer, Germany, 5 - 6 Maio 2005.In the present work, some specific amino compounds were linked to the cotton fabrics on a process that can impart at the same time dyeability and durable antimicrobial properties. The process was monitored on-line in a prototype dyeing system since the addition of cationic agents will influence dye uptake. Different dyeing conditions were tested with direct dyes, with and without salt, until the exhaustion curve was at least equivalent to the standard dyeing curve in the presence of salt
O turismo comunitário apresenta-se como uma alternativa ao desenvolvimento para comunidades locais e tradicionais, sobretudo as rurais e costeiras. Essa modalidade de turismo difere-se de outras por suas dimensões humanas e culturais que objetivam o diálogo entre os membros de uma comunidade, bem como os encontros interculturais de qualidade entre o residente e o visitante, na perspectiva de conhecer, compreender e aprender com seus respectivos modos de vida. Devido à relevância sócio-cultural do turismo comunitário é primordial estudar as experiências que estão sendo desenvolvidas no âmbito mundial e como o tema é tratado do ponto de vista científico. O estudo objetivou caracterizar o conhecimento científico produzido em inglês sobre o turismo comunitário. Foi realizada uma análise bibliométrica, analisando 19 artigos, publicados entre 2014 e 2017, nas revistas científicas com maior impacto JCR (Journal Citation Reports), no início de 2018, disponíveis no Portal de Periódicos da Capes. As revistas Annals of Tourism Research e Tourism Management destacaram-se com maior número de artigos publicados. Os resultados apontaram crescimento nos estudos sobre o tema. A China destacou-se como local onde foram realizados mais estudos sobre turismo comunitário. Como pesquisas futuras, sugerem-se estudos bibliométricos sobre turismo comunitário em outros idiomas, como português e espanhol, a fim de identificar se há tendências no empreendimento de pesquisas sobre o tema em diferentes países
Application of carbon-based catalysts derived from compost on catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of leachate waters from mechanical and biological treatment plant units for municipal solid waste
This work aims at the valorization of compost from mechanical and biological treatment (MBT) units of municipal solid waste by their transformation into carbon-based catalysts for further application in the treatment of MBT leachate waters (chemical oxygen demand (COD) = 60.0 g L-1, total organic carbon (TOC) = 26.7 g L-1, five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) = 23.3 g L-1 and aromaticity = 10.2 g L-1). The catalyst was prepared in this work by hydrothermal carbonization at 230 ºC from compost obtained in a MBT unit. The treatment of the leachate waters was conducted by combining a pre-treatment with a cationic ion exchange resin followed by catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO). The CWPO step was operated for 24 h using 7.2 g L-1 of catalyst, 85.7 g L-1 of H2O2 poured inside the reactor in 5 stepwise additions, at 80 ºC and pH = 3. The combined treatment by cationic resin and CWPO led to obtain removals of 68.2, 65.4, 96.8 and 93.1 % for COD, TOC, BOD5 and aromaticity, respectively, after 24 h of reaction. In conclusion, it was found that compost is a suitable precursor to produce active catalysts for the CWPO of leachate waters.This work was financially supported by project “VALORCOMP - Valorización de compost y otros desechos procedentes de la fracción orgánica de los residuos municipales”, with reference 0119_VALORCOMP_2_P, through FEDER under Program INTERREG; Base Funding - UIDB/50020/2020 of the Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM - funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC); CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020) through FEDER under Program PT2020, and national funding by FCT, Foundation for Science and Technology, through the individual research grant SFRH/BD/143224/2019 of Fernanda Fontana Roman.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
APPRENDER : platform to orientation of learning processes
A presente pesquisa refere-se à orientação dos processos de aprendizagem considerando preferências e estratégias de aprendizagem com o auxílio de tecnologias cognitivas, objetivando desenvolver um aplicativo mobile que oriente professor e aluno ao autoconhecimento de seu aprender e instaure um meio digital aos processos de aprendizagem. Concernente à metodologia, a partir do aprofundamento bibliográfico no tema e, empreendeu-se uma pesquisa quali-quantitativa com observação de campo e aplicação de questionários semiestruturados com 505 colaboradores e discentes do IFSul, câmpus Sapucaia do Sul, de modo a auxiliar no levantamento de requisitos do aplicativo. Observou-se, como resultado principal, que as tecnologias digitais móveis encontram-se pervasivamente nas dependências do câmpus, afetando os ambientes de aprendizagem. Portanto, identifica-se que esta pesquisa contribuiu para uma melhor compreensão dos hábitos de uso das tecnologias pela comunidade investigada, assim como para a orientação dos processos de aprendizagem, ao desenvolver uma plataforma que fomente o autoconhecimento sobre preferências de aprendizagem.This investigation refers to the guiding of learning processes considering learning preferences and strategies with the support of cognitive technologies, aiming at developing a mobile application that may guide teacher and student to self-knowledge of their learning and may provide a digital means for learning processes to take place. The methodology was composed of a literature review that has led to a quali-quantitative research on which field observations were recorded and 505 workers and students of IFSul, campus Sapucaia do Sul, answered a semistructured questionnaire about the use of mobile technologies on campus, whose analyses helped listing the applications requisites. As a main result, the investigation indicates that mobile technologies are pervasive in the campus premises, affecting the learning ambience. Therefore, it is possible to state that the research has helped understand habits of use of mobile technologies by the investigated community, as well as how they can be used for learning, which led to the development of a platform that enhances self-knowledge about learning preferences
Assessment of pretreatments for highly concentrated leachate waters to enhance the performance of catalytic wet peroxide oxidation with sustainable low-cost catalysts
Matured compost, derived from a mechanical and biological treatment (MBT) plant, was
used as a precursor to produce catalysts through hydrothermal and thermal carbonization, HC and
PC, respectively. HC and PC displayed suitable properties to act as catalysts in the catalytic wet
peroxide oxidation (CWPO) treatment of the highly polluted leachate waters generated in the same
MBT plant (TOC0 = 27 g L-1; COD0 = 60 g L-1; BOD5,0 = 23 g L-1). The influence of catalyst loading
and pH were studied, considering multiple additions of H2O2. The best experimental conditions
found were T = 80º C, pH0 = 3.0, 7.2 g L-1 of HC catalyst, 85.7 g L-1 of H2O2, added in five batches
in one-hour intervals between each addition. Under these experimental conditions, removals of 43%,
52%, 93%, 82%, 35%, 95% and 93% for the COD, TOC, BOD5, aromaticity, chlorides, turbidity and
color number (CN) were, respectively, observed. Ion exchange resins and coagulation–flocculation
were studied as pretreatment options to reduce the complexity of the leachate waters and enhance
the CWPO results. Both strategies resulted in higher mineralization and enhanced the consumption
efficiency of H2O2 (H2O2 ). The sequential treatment using coagulation–flocculation and CWPO with
PC catalyst showed the best results, achieving abatement of 94%, 70%, 98%, 93%, 31%, 96% and 95%
for COD, TOC, BOD5, aromaticity, chlorides, turbidity and CN, respectively.This work was financially supported by project “VALORCOMP-Valorización de compost
y otros desechos procedentes de la fracción orgánica de los residuos municipales”, with reference
0119_VALORCOMP_2_P, through FEDER under Program INTERREG; Base Funding- UIDB/50020/2020
of the Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM-funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC);
CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020) through FEDER under Program PT2020 and national funding by FCT,
Foundation for Science and Technology and European Social Fund, FSE, through the individual
research grant SFRH/BD/143224/2019 of Fernanda Fontana Roman.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Los factores asociados con la atención domiciliaria : subsidios a la gestión de la atención en el SUS
A identificação de variáveis associadas ao tipo de atenção domiciliária (AD) dos usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) contribui para a gestão do cuidado na Rede de Atenção à Saúde (RAS). Objetiva-se identificar variáveis associadas ao tipo de AD dos usuários em Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) selecionadas de Belo Horizonte. Estudo transversal em duas UBS com todos os usuários (n=114) em AD da área de abrangência. Utilizou-se a análise de regressão logística múltipla para seleção (stepwise) de variáveis significativas. Obteve-se maior comprometimento clínico dos usuários (OR=27,47), estado emocional triste (OR=24,36), risco para úlcera por pressão pela escala de Braden (OR=7,6) e a semidependência para as AVD pelo índice de Katz (OR=63,8) como fortemente associadas ao tipo de AD (p < 0,05). As variáveis fundadas no contexto social, familiar e clínico dos sujeitos subsidiam a abordagem integral e a tomada de decisão da equipe de saúde.The identification of variables associated with the type of home care (HC) of the users of the Unified Health System (UHS) contributes to the management of care in the Health Care Network (HCN). The objective was to identify variables associated with HC users in Basic Health Units (BHU) selected from Belo Horizonte. It was a transversal study in two BHU with all users (n=114) in HC in the covered area. We used a multiple logistic regression analysis for selection (stepwise) of significant variables. Greater clinical involvement of users (OR=27.47), a sad emotional state (OR=24.36), risk for pressure ulcer by the Braden scale (OR=7.6) and semidependence by the Katz ADL index (OR=63.8) were obtained and were strongly associated with the type of HC (p<0.05). Variables based on the social, family and clinical context of the subjects subsidized the integral approach and decision-making of the healthcare team.La identificación de variables asociadas al tipo de atención domiciliaria (AD) de los usuarios del SUS contribuye para la gestión del cuidado en la Red de Cuidado de la Salud (RAS). Objetivo: identificar las variables asociadas al tipo de AD requerida por todos los usuarios del SUS en Unidades Básicas de Salud (UBS) de Belo Horizonte. Estudio transversal en dos UBS con todos los usuarios de AD (n=114) en el área de cobertura, análisis de regresión logística múltiple para la selección (stepwise) de las variables significativas. Mayor comprometimiento clínico (OR=27,47), el estado emocional triste (OR=24,36), la Escala de Braden (OR=7,6) y índice de Katz (OR=63,8) se asociaron con el tipo de AD (p<0,05). Las variables fundadas en el contexto social, familiar y clínico de los sujetos subsidian el abordaje integral y la toma de decisión del equipo
Genome Sequencing of 10 Helicobacter pylori Pediatric Strains from Patients with Nonulcer Dyspepsia and Peptic Ulcer Disease
We present draft genome sequences of 10 Helicobacter pylori clinical strains isolated from children. This will be important for future studies of comparative genomics in order to better understand the virulence determinants underlying peptic ulcer disease.This work was supported by the FCT-PTDC/BIM-MEC/1051/2012 grant from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) (to M.O.). A.N.
and F.F.V. are recipients of postdoctoral fellowships (SFRH/BPD/75295/2010 and SFRH/BPD/95125/2013, respectively) from FCT, and R.R. is a
recipient of a fellowship (BRJ-DDI/2012) from the National Institute of Health
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