1,336 research outputs found

    Resource recovery and remediation of highly alkaline residues : a political-industrial ecology approach to building a circular economy

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    Highly alkaline industrial residues (e.g., steel slag, bauxite processing residue (red mud) and ash from coal combustion) have been identified as stocks of potentially valuable metals. Technological change has created demand for metals, such as vanadium and certain rare earth elements, in electronics associated with renewable energy generation and storage. Current raw material and circular economy policy initiatives in the EU and industrial ecology research all promote resource recovery from residues, with research so far primarily from an environmental science perspective. This paper begins to address the deficit of research into the governance of resource recovery from a novel situation where re-use involves extraction of a component from a bulk residue that itself represents a risk to the environment. Taking a political industrial ecology approach, we briefly present emerging techniques for recovery and consider their regulatory implications in the light of potential environmental impacts. The paper draws on EU and UK regulatory framework for these residues along with semi-structured interviews with industry and regulatory bodies. A complex picture emerges of entwined ownerships and responsibilities for residues, with past practice and policy having a lasting impact on current possibilities for resource recovery

    The H-join of arbitrary families of graphs

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    The H-join of a family of graphs G = {G1, . . . , Gp}, also called the generalized composition, H[G1, . . . , Gp], where all graphs are undirected, simple and finite, is the graph obtained from the graph H replacing each vertex i of H by Gi and adding to the edges of all graphs in G the edges of the join Gi ∨ Gj , for every edge ij of H. Some well known graph operations are particular cases of the H-join of a family of graphs G as it is the case of the lexicographic product (also called composition) of two graphs H and G, H[G], which coincides with the H-join of family of graphs G where all the graphs in G are isomorphic to a fixed graph G. So far, the known expressions for the determination of the entire spectrum of the H-join in terms of the spectra of its components and an associated matrix are limited to families of regular graphs. In this paper, we extend such a determination to families of arbitrary graphs.publishe

    Development of paper-based color test-strip for drug detection in aquatic environment: Application to oxytetracycline

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    The wide use of antibiotics in aquaculture has led to the emergence of resistant microbial species. It should be avoided/minimized by controlling the amount of drug employed in fish farming. For this purpose, the present work proposes test-strip papers aiming at the detection/semi-quantitative determination of organic drugs by visual comparison of color changes, in a similar analytical procedure to that of pH monitoring by universal pH paper. This is done by establishing suitable chemical changes upon cellulose, attributing the paper the ability to react with the organic drug and to produce a color change. Quantitative data is also enabled by taking a picture and applying a suitable mathematical treatment to the color coordinates given by the HSL system used by windows. As proof of concept, this approach was applied to oxytetracycline (OXY), one of the antibiotics frequently used in aquaculture. A bottom-up modification of paper was established, starting by the reaction of the glucose moieties on the paper with 3-triethoxysilylpropylamine (APTES). The so-formed amine layer allowed binding to a metal ion by coordination chemistry, while the metal ion reacted after with the drug to produce a colored compound. The most suitable metals to carry out such modification were selected by bulk studies, and the several stages of the paper modification were optimized to produce an intense color change against the concentration of the drug. The paper strips were applied to the analysis of spiked environmental water, allowing a quantitative determination for OXY concentrations as low as 30 ng/mL. In general, this work provided a simple, method to screen and discriminate tetracycline drugs, in aquaculture, being a promising tool for local, quick and cheap monitoring of drugs

    Plantas na Medicina Tradicional de Cabo Verde

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    Neste trabalho apresenta-se o resultado de uma pesquisa pormenorizada sobre as plantas medicinais e aromáticas que se desenvolvem no arquipélago de Cabo Verde, apoiada na bibliografia actualmente disponível sobre o assunto. Indicam-se as famílias, nomes científicos e vernáculos, e distribuição no arquipélago, bem como os respectivos princípios activos, propriedades terapêuticas e as partes das plantas utilizadas na medicina popular tradicional. Foram identificados 157 táxones, pertencentes a 68 famílias, com interesse medicinal e aromático conhecido. Estas plantas são maioritariamente alóctones, introduzidas, subespontâneas, naturalizadas ou cultivadas. Cabo Verde, devido a diversos condicionalismos, nomeadamente, situação geográfica, humidade e altitude das diferentes ilhas, é rico em espécies endémicas com interesse medicinal mas cujas potencialidades são ainda pouco conhecidas. Neste estudo foram localizados 27 táxones com interesse medicinal, distribuídos por 21 famílias. Conclui-se que é necessário proceder a mais estudos sobre os endemismos, de forma a melhor avaliar o seu potencial interesse como plantas medicinais e aromáticas. No âmbito da medicina tradicional, urge realizar os seguintes estudos: (1) etnobotânicos; (2) composição química dos vários órgãos das plantas referidas com interesse, sobretudo, para combater as patologias para as quais ainda não foi encontrada resolução satisfatória; (3) distribuição geográfica e habitat precisos das plantas; (4) avaliação e experimentação do seu possível cultivo, de forma a evitar a extinção ou erosão genética motivada pela sua colheita excessiva; (5) propriedades terapêuticas; (6) toxicológicos, a fim de se conhecer os doseamentos eficientes e seguros e as respectivas contra-indicações

    Stresse ocupacional em forças de segurança: um estudo comparativo

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    Este trabalho compara a experiência de stresse ocupacional em dois grupos de segurança portugueses, um a exercer em contexto público (n=95) e outro em contexto prisional (n=237). Para tal, utilizámos um protocolo de avaliação com medidas do stresse global, “burnout”, comprometimento organizacional, satisfação com a vida, satisfação profissional e desejo de abandonar a profissão. Os indicadores de fidelidade e validade dos instrumentos foram muito aceitáveis. Os resultados de “burnout” por dimensão apontaram níveis apreciáveis de exaustão emocional (valores a oscilar entre os 12% e os 26%), seguidos do cinismo (valores entre 8% e 21%) e do baixo sentimento de eficácia profissional (valores entre 3% e 8%) (apenas um participante registou valores de “burnout” nas três dimensões, em simultâneo). A análise comparativa entre os grupos demonstrou que os profissionais de segurança prisional evidenciaram experiências profissionais mais negativas (e.g., maiores níveis de “burnout” e desejo de abandonar a profissão e menores níveis de comprometimento organizacional, satisfação com a vida e satisfação profissional). No final, os autores discutem os factores que podem ajudar a perceber estas diferenças e possíveis implicações para a investigação futura.(undefined

    Constructed wetlands for steel slag leachate management: Partitioning of arsenic, chromium, and vanadium in waters, sediments, and plants

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    © 2019 The Authors Constructed wetlands can treat highly alkaline leachate resulting from the weathering of steel slag before reuse (e.g. as aggregate)or during disposal in repositories and legacy sites. This study aimed to assess how metal(loid)s soluble at high pH, such as arsenic (As), chromium (Cr), and vanadium (V)are removed in constructed wetlands and how they accumulate in the sediments and the plants (Phragmites australis, common reed). The results show that reedbeds were very effective at removing calcium (98%), aluminium (81%), barium (98%), chromium (90%), gallium (80%), nickel (98%), and zinc (98%), and lowering pH and alkalinity. No statistical difference was found for As and V between leachate influent and wetland samples, showing that these metal(loid)s were not efficiently removed. As, Cr, and V were significantly higher in the reedbed sediments than in a reference site. However, sediment concentrations are not at levels that would pose a concern regarding reuse for agricultural purposes (average values of 39 ± 26 mg kg −1 for As, 108 ± 15 mg kg −1 for Cr, and 231 ± 34 mg kg −1 for V). Also, there is no significant uptake of metals by the aboveground portions of the reeds compared to reference conditions. Results show statistically significant enrichment in metal(loid)s in rhizomes and also a seasonal effect on the Cr concentrations. The data suggest minimal risk of oxyanion-forming element uptake and cycling in wetlands receiving alkaline steel slag

    Carotenoids diet: digestion, gut microbiota modulation, and inflammatory diseases

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    Several epidemiologic studies have found that consuming fruits and vegetables lowers the risk of getting a variety of chronic illnesses, including several types of cancers, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), and bowel diseases. Although there is still debate over the bioactive components, various secondary plant metabolites have been linked to these positive health benefits. Many of these features have recently been connected to carotenoids and their metabolites’ effects on intracellular signalling cascades, which influence gene expression and protein translation. Carotenoids are the most prevalent lipid-soluble phytochemicals in the human diet, are found in micromolar amounts in human serum, and are very susceptible to multiple oxidation and isomerisation reactions. The gastrointestinal delivery system, digestion processes, stability, and functionality of carotenoids, as well as their impact on the gut microbiota and how carotenoids may be effective modulators of oxidative stress and inflammatory pathways, are still lacking research advances. Although several pathways involved in carotenoids’ bioactivity have been identified, future studies should focus on the carotenoids’ relationships, related metabolites, and their effects on transcription factors and metabolism.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diabetes Mellitus - Estudo de AEQ dos Parâmetros Glicose e HbA1c (2008-2012)

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    Segundo o Internacional Diabetes Federation (IDF) (2012), a Diabetes atinge 371 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, correspondendo a 8,3% da população mundial. Estima-se que em cerca de 50% dessas pessoas a diabetes ainda não foi diagnosticada. Em 2012 morreram devido à diabetes 4,8 milhões de pessoas, sendo que metade tinha idade inferior a 60 anos. Segundo a IDF, Portugal posiciona-se entre os países europeus com maior taxa de prevalência de diabetes. A prevalência de diabéticos em Portugal em 2011, numa população entre os 20 e 79 anos foi de 12.7%, sendo que 7,2% diziam respeito a prevalência de diabetes diagnosticada e 5,5% a diabetes não diagnosticada. Em 2009, a percentagem de diabéticos em Portugal rondava os 11,7% e em 2010 os 12,4%. Dado a incidência a nível mundial da Diabetes Mellitus, torna-se de elevada importância avaliar toda a sua envolvência e estudar bem quais os critérios a ter em consideração. Propusemo-nos estudar os parâmetros bioquímicos relacionados com esta patologia - Glicose e Hemoglobina Glicada A1c (HbA1c), recorrendo à análise dos resultados dos últimos cinco anos (2008-2012) dos ensaios interlaboratoriais e metodologias utilizadas do Programa Nacional de Avaliação Externa da Qualidade, do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (PNAEQ-INSA), Lisboa, Portugal

    Hydrogenotrophic Methanogenesis Under Alkaline Conditions

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    A cement-based geological disposal facility (GDF) is one potential option for the disposal of intermediate level radioactive wastes. The presence of both organic and metallic materials within a GDF provides the opportunity for both acetoclastic and hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis. However, for these processes to proceed, they need to adapt to the alkaline environment generated by the cementitious materials employed in backfilling and construction. Within the present study, a range of alkaline and neutral pH sediments were investigated to determine the upper pH limit and the preferred route of methane generation. In all cases, the acetoclastic route did not proceed above pH 9.0, and the hydrogenotrophic route dominated methane generation under alkaline conditions. In some alkaline sediments, acetate metabolism was coupled to hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis via syntrophic acetate oxidation, which was confirmed through inhibition studies employing fluoromethane. The absence of acetoclastic methanogenesis at alkaline pH values (>pH 9.0) is attributed to the dominance of the acetate anion over the uncharged, undissociated acid. Under these conditions, acetoclastic methanogens require an active transport system to access their substrate. The data indicate that hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis is the dominant methanogenic pathway under alkaline conditions (>pH 9.0)