770 research outputs found

    Crescimento Económico em Cabo Verde e seu Impacto na Sustentabilidade Ambiental

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    Para que o crescimento económico seja efetivo, importa registar de igual modo o crescimento real nas outras vertentes que sustentam o próprio crescimento, assim é cada vez mais importante introduzir variáveis ambientais e sociais quando se procede à análise efetiva do crescimento económico. O “crescimento económico é um indicador que revela o bem-estar económico de um país”, (Bürgenmeier, 2005, p.16-17). Só se pode falar da sustentabilidade ao nível do crescimento económico, se efetivamente os recursos forem devidamente racionalizados, mas é igualmente muito importante ter em conta a reutilização de recursos, sobretudo quando são escassos ou quando representam riscos sérios para o ambiente como também para a economia, entre outros. O protocolo do Quioto, a Convenção Quadro sobre as Mudanças Climáticas e os Objetivos Do Milénio (ODM), são apenas alguns exemplos de programas cujos objetivos visam essencialmente disciplinar a emissão de dióxido de carbono (CO2). Um dos objetivos é o de tentar “educar” o mundo global para os problemas que decorrem do uso abusivo e descontrolado de recursos, principalmente aqueles que podem pôr em causa a sustentabilidade do planeta terra. Cabo Verde (CV) é um dos poucos países ao nível do continente africano, e único na sua sub-região, que tem cumprido com os objetivos dos projetos acima listados. Essas conquistas têm permitido que este país conduza as suas políticas de desenvolvimento, balizadas em contextos das melhores práticas mundialmente aceites. Têm sido canalizados investimentos em infraestruturas de elevado valor acrescentado para a captação e exploração de energias verdes. A presente dissertação tem como objetivos: identificar os eventuais impactos ambientais em Cabo Verde que poderão decorrer do crescimento e desenvolvimento económico; sugerir melhorias ao nível da sustentabilidade. Conclui-se, por meio de inquéritos conduzidos por nós, que os Cabo-verdianos se mostram dispostos a colaborar financeiramente para a proteção ambiental em Cabo Verde.To get an effective economic growth is necessary to note in the equal mode the real growth of all task that sustain the growth, thus is more important to introduce environmental and social variables when proceed the effective analysis of economic growth. The “the economic growth is an indicator that show us the economic welfare of the country”, (Bürgenmeier, 2005, p.16-17). We only can talk about sustainability at level of the economic growth, whether resources were optimized in very well manner, it is very important to take in to account reutilizations of the resources, overcoat when less or when are represent serious risks for environment and economy as well. The protocol of Kyoto, a Convention Framework on Climate Change and the goal of millennium (ODM), are scarcely some examples of the programs whose the main aims is to discipline the dioxide of carbon (CO2) emission. One of the goals is to try “to educate” the global world for the problems that emerge for the abusive use and unbalanced of the resources, mainly that one that deteriorate the sustainability of the earth planet

    Ecotoxicological effects of Barcelona harbor sediments in Capitella teleta

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia dos Recursos Marinhos apresentada à ESTM - Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria.A major decline of the world’s biological diversity has been associated to human activities. Life in our planet depends on the oceans and the threat to marine life comes in various forms, noting the uncontrolled waste discharges and the different sources of pollution. Harbor environments are permanently associated to high contamination and bottom sediments are considered as the final repository. Filter-feeding and burrowing organisms, such as polychaete communities, are amongst the most exposed organisms. Regarding the previous statement, efforts are needed to predict contamination and prevent organisms from irreversible effects (e.g. death or impaired organismal function), which sometimes are only visible at a stage in time when it is too late to take preventive or abatement measures. Chemical analysis provide us with information about the contamination level in the environment, however they may not be enough. Ecotoxicological endpoints are needed to improve this lack of information. Evaluation of individual-level effects, such as growth and feeding, are crucial but an assessment at the sub-cellular level is also quite interesting since biochemical data give a more detailed and earlier evidence of pollution. Such biochemical responses include enzymatic efficiency and are nowadays often used. Polychaetes, such as Capitella teleta, are filter-feeding and burrowing organisms. Their high suitability and ecological relevance, together with their easy culture and maintenance in the laboratory, has led them becoming increasingly used in ecotoxicological studies. This study aimed to assess the potential effects of Barcelona harbor sediments on the polychaete worm Capitella teleta. Sediments were collected from three different locations of the Barcelona (Spain) harbor with a positive gradient of pollution from the mouth of the harbor towards the innermost zone. Body weight (growth) and egestion rate (feeding), as well as antioxidant enzymes (catalase and superoxide dismutase) and neurotransmission related enzyme (acetylcholinesterase) were evaluated. Since no data about the main cholinesterase (ChE) present in C. teleta was available, a previous ChE characterization assay was performed. The results showed the existence of only one ChE form, the acetylcholinesterase. The sensitivity of ChE to the model anticholinergic inhibitor chlorpyrifos-oxon was moderate (IC50 was 60.72 nM). Sediments from all sites decreased significantly the growth, egestion rates and the studied enzyme activities of C. teleta. This study highlights the relevance of ChE characterization before its use as a biomarker in ecotoxicology, and reinforces the use of C. teleta as biomonitor for early-warnings of pollution effects on marine soft-bottom macrobentonic communities

    Absence of Synergism between a Dual-AMP Biogel and Antibiotics Used as Therapeutic Agents for Diabetic Foot Infections

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    Diabetic foot infections (DFIs) are frequently linked to diabetic-related morbidity and death because of the ineffectiveness of conventional antibiotics against multidrug-resistant bacteria. Pexiganan and nisin A are antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), and their application may complement conventional antibiotics in DFI treatment. A collagen 3D model, previously established to mimic a soft-tissue collagen matrix, was used to evaluate the antibacterial efficacy of a guar gum gel containing pexiganan and nisin alone and combined with three antimicrobials toward the biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from infected foot ulcers. Antimicrobials and bacterial diffusion were confirmed by spot-on-lawn and bacterial growth by bacterial count (cfu/mL). Our main conclusion was that the dual-AMP biogel combined with gentamicin, clindamycin, or vancomycin was not able to significantly reduce bacterial growth or eradicate S. aureus and P. aeruginosa DFI isolates. We further reported an antagonism between dual-AMP and dual-AMP combined with antibiotics against S. aureus.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    High power microwave devices: development since 1880

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    High power microwave systems have emerged as a promising new technology that has many applications, which include high power radar, directed energy weapons, laboratory sources for susceptibility and vulnerability testing of electronic systems. These systems are built, applied, and studied in many developed countries such as in United States of America and China. In the recent years, other countries such as Russia, Western Europe, Japan, Taiwan, India, South Korea, and Singapore have also entered the research spheres. In this paper an introduction to the emergence of HPM and the sequential evolution of the technology, that plays an important role in several applications, are discussed. The discussion extends to types of HPM sources, and their effects of electromagnetic interference on electronic systems

    Concerns on the risk of Malaysian civil and defense systems due to intentional electromagnetic interference

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    Since the beginning of twenty-first century, Malaysian civil and defense systems became increasingly dependent on sophisticated electronic and wireless systems. This led to the use of many intelligent applications and emerging the smart cities which highly rely on modern technologies such as smart telecommunication, smart grid, smart transportation, artificial intelligence, smart health, enterprise Internet of Things, smart building management systems and smart governance. These introduced new services and practices which highly impacting the planning, policy, development, and operation of infrastructure of society, while co-exist with urban facilities, and must be electromagnetic compatible with the existing systems. Hence, it initiated Intentional Electromagnetic Interference which could be a significant threat towards civil, defense, industrial, and commercial sectors, with possible targets of radio and television, telecommunication networks, grid power networks, railway networks, air traffic control, government and banking administrative networks, or even defense system as well. The susceptibility and vulnerability of these sensitive systems due to the electromagnetic interference in the current decades will keep of increasing due to the expansion and spread of radiation sources.. Threats from high power microwave sources and high power electromagnetic pulses and high-altitude electromagnetic pulse on civil and defense infrastructure that include an electronic equipment and wireless systems could be harmful and may cause disturbances and damages on electronic devices and wireless systems. This paper presents an overview of the important events in history related to the high power electromagnetic sources that is paving the way for enhancing the understanding of electromagnetic interference capabilities in disturbing modern infrastructure systems. Several major incidents reported in the literature, which are suspected to have been caused by electromagnetic interference, were also analyzed

    Analysis on magnetic flux density and core loss for hexagonal and butt-lap core joint transformers

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    This paper presents the results of new hexagonal configuration at the T-joint of three-phase transformer core. The proposed model is compared with previous T-joint design, Butt-lap, which is widely used at present by many transformer manufacturers. The magnetic flux density distribution and core loss of a transformer rated 1000kVA are analyzed for the two types of T-joint design. The 3D simulation are carried out by using the ANSYS-Maxwell software. The results show that the magnetic flux density of the hexagonal shape T-joint is well distributed compared to that in the Butt-lap T-joint design. The core loss for the proposed model (hexagon) T-joint indicates a reduction of more than 11 % compared to the Butt-lap T-joint design

    New optimization technique to design the core of three-phase transformer

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    Reduction losses in three-phase transformers have drawn the attention of researchers, in the recent years. In this study, an intelligent algorithm employing particle swarm optimization (PSO) has been used to get the optimum T-joint design of a core in a three-phase transformer. This technique was employed to design a new geometry of a joint to obtain the minimum loss in a three-phase transformer. In achieving this target, a 3D finite element method had been used to simulate the proposed transformer model. Power losses in the core and winding losses had been considered as the heat sources, and the results were validated based on the test data obtained from transformer factory. The results presented that the total losses have been decreased up to 10% compared to the corresponding values from common designs. Moreover, the core losses have been reduced in the range of 11% compared to similar parameters in the conventional design

    Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the Third Eyelid of a Dog

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    Background: Squamous cell carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm that originates from the keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and predominantly affect light-skinned animals. In dogs, breeds such as American Staffordshire Terriers, white or speckled Bull Terriers, and Beagles have a higher predisposition. Squamous cell carcinoma presents in the skin, at slightly pigmented or hairy sites, especially in digits, but also may occur in the nasal planum, oral mucosa, and rarely, in the eye. Considering that few reports have been published on eye neoplasms, the aim of this paper is to describe a dog with a lesion in the third eyelid of his right eye which was diagnosticated with squamous cell carcinoma. Case: A 10-year-old male American Staffordshire dog was admitted to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics College, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Campo Grande, Brazil with injury to the right eye. During the physical examination, there was also a non-adhered lump near the foreskin, measuring 1.5 cm in diameter. In addition, there was another lump in the third eyelid of the right eye, approximately 3 mm in diameter. Cytology of the dermal nodule was performed by fine-needle aspiration cytology; however, the sample was insufficient for cytological evaluation. Therefore, the animal was placed under general anesthesia for skin lump excision and for fine-needle aspiration cytology of the third eyelid nodule. The histopathological exam revealed high cellularity of epithelial cells, intense anisocytosis and pleomorphism, cytoplasmic basophilia and vacuolation, multiple evident nucleoli, and anisocariosis and coarse chromatin. These finds were compatible with squamous cell carcinoma, which was the same result suggested by fine-needle aspiration cytology of the third eyelid sample. Based on these results, the dog underwent a surgical procedure for enucleation and subsequent histopathological evaluation of the nodule in the third eyelid, which confirmed the squamous cell carcinoma diagnosis.Discussion: Squamous cell carcinoma is an extremely aggressive tumor with low metastatic potential, characterized by invasion of the dermis by proliferation of malignant epithelial cells from the prickly layer. It is most common in elderly animals, and American Staffordshires are among the breeds that are predisposed to develop this tumor. The clinical presentation is highly variable, depending on the tissue involved. In this case, the dermal nodule was an elevated area on the skin and the third eyelid nodule resembled an ulcerative mass. Cytological examination from the lesion located on the third eyelid, showed malignancies cytoplasmic changes frequently found in carcinomas such as anisocytosis, cytoplasmic basophilia, and cell pleomorphism. In addition, nuclear changes had also occurred, such as crass chromatin, multiple evident nucleoli, and multinucleated cells. A presumptive diagnosis was made based on cytology and was confirmed after biopsy and histopathological examination. Because it is uncommon in dogs, squamous cell carcinoma of the third eyelid may be misdiagnosed, delaying correct treatment, and accelerating the development of the tumor. Currently, various therapeutic approaches are available, such as surgical excision, electrosurgery, cryosurgery, radiation, and hyperthermia. The choice of treatment depends on the location and stage of the lesions. Surgical treatment should be aimed at removing sufficient tissue to leave surgical margins free of neoplastic cells

    Biología reproductiva del dorado, Coryphaena hippurus (Actinopterygii: Coryphaenidae), en el Archipiélago de San Pedro y San Pablo, Brasil

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    In order to elucidate the main aspects related to dolphinfish reproduction around Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago, 862 individuals caught in that area by commercial handline fishing were examined between 2007 and 2011. From those specimens, it was possible to assess the sex in 782 specimens (271 males and 511 females) and the levels of gonadal maturation in 536 of them (175 males and 361 females). The fork length (FL) of the examined specimens varied between 27 and 150 cm. Sex ratio found was 1.0 male: 1.9 females, but the difference was not statistically significant in April (χ2=0.08), August (χ2=0.82) and October (χ2=3.63). However, by size interval, sex ratio was 1.0 male: 1.0 female for FL between 120 and 130 cm. The gonadal index showed the highest values in February for males and in April for females. Most spawning-capable specimens were found in February (males 36.4%) and in May (females 42.2%). The length of size-at-50%-maturity (L50) was estimated at 70.66 cm FL for males and 68.60 cm FL for females. The results suggest that the period of highest reproductive activity occurs between April and June.Con el objetivo de estudiar la reproducción del dorado capturado con línea de mano por la flota pesquera en los alrededores del Archipiélago de San Pedro y San Pablo, entre 2007 y 2011 se examinaron un total de 862 ejemplares de esta especie. Fue posible identificar el sexo de 782 de estos ejemplares (271 machos y 511 hembras), así como los estados de madurez gonadal de 536. La longitud furcal (LF) de los ejemplares examinados varió entre 27 y 150 cm. La proporción de sexos fue de 1 macho por 1.9 hembras, aunque en abril (χ2=0.08), agosto (χ2=0.82) y octubre (χ2=3.63) la proporción de sexos no fue significativamente diferente de 1:1, ni en los ejemplares entre 120 y 130 cm LF. El índice gonadal mostró mayores valores en febrero para machos y en abril para hembras. El mayor porcentaje de individuos maduros se observó en febrero y mayo. La talla de primera madurez sexual (L50) se estimó en 70.66 cm LF para machos y 68.60 cm LF para hembras. Los resultados sugieren que el periodo de mayor intensidad reproductiva se sitúa entre abril y junio