268 research outputs found

    Management of Brain Tumor in Pregnancy — An Anesthesia Window

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    Deskripsi Indikator Program Keluarga Berencana di Provinsi Kalimantan Utara

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    Bagi sebagian besar negara berkembang, jumlah penduduk yang besar, tingkat pertumbuhannya yang masih tinggi, dan penyebaran antar daerah yang tidakseimbang merupakan gambaran umum penduduk secara kuantitatif. Permasalahan jumlah dan komposisi penduduk menjadi masalah utama di bidang kependudukan.Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir sejak era tahun 1980-an negara-negara berkembang dan tertinggal mulai menyadari pentingnya mengurangi tingkat pertumbuhan penduduknya. The International Conference on Population and Development Program of Action (ICPD) 1994 secara eksplisit menjadikan target program demografi dan keluarga berencana untuk mendukung kebijakan secara luas yang mencakup kebijakan reproduksi termasuk didalamnya program keluarga berencana.Hasil sensus penduduk tahun 2010 menunjukkan kenaikan laju pertumbuhan penduduk Indonesia dari 1,45 persen pada periode 1990-2000 menjadi 1,49 persen pada periode 2000-2010. Kalimantan Utara merupakan provinsi pemekaran yang terbentuk tahun 2011 baru menjadi pembahasan dalam SDKI secara terpisah dari Provinsi Kalimantan Timur pada tahun 2017. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan menggambarkan kondisi capaian program Keluarga Berencana di Provinsi Kalimantan Utara berdasarkan beberapa indikator TFR, CPR, Modern CPR, MKJP, Unmeet Need dan Pengetahuan Akseptor Keluarga Berencana dibandingkan dengan capaian Provinsi lainnya di wilayah Regional Kalimantan dan Nasional. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder hasil SDKI 2017 dengan analisis deskriptif. Indikator – indikator program Keluarga Berencana disajikan dan dianalisa dalam bentuk grafik. Hasil Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) 2017 menunjukkan capaian Provinsi Kalimantan Utara untuk indikator TFR 2,8; CPR 52,8; Modern CPR 46.9; MKJP 8,5; Unmeet Need 15,8. Hampir di semua indikator yang digunakan untuk mengukur program keluarga berencana provinsi Kalimantan Utara mendapatkan nilai di bawah provinsi-provinsi lainnya yang berada di regional Kalimantan dan juga nasional

    Pengaruh Pemberian Pamflet Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Mengenai Inisiasi Menyusu Dini

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    Latar Belakang : Angka kematian bayi merupakan salah satu indikator derajat kesehatan masyarakat. Berdasarkan data SDKI pada tahun 2007 ditemukan angka kematian bayi di Indonesia sebesar 35 per 1.000 kelahiran hidup. IkatanDokter Anak Indonesia (IDAI) mencatat tidak kurang dari 10 bayi dan 20 anak Balita meninggal dunia setiap jam di Indonesia.Angka Kematian bayi yang tinggi ini dikarenakan beberapa faktor seperti sepsis dan hipotermi.Tujuan : Mengetahui apakah indikasi pemberian digoksin kepada pasien gagal jantung yang berobat jalan di RSUP dr. kariadi Semarang sudah sesuai dengan pedoman pengobatan gagal jantung yang digunakan secara Internasional.Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental. Data penelitian berupa data primer yang didapatkan melalui kuesioner oleh ibu hamil dengan usia kehamilan lebih atau sama dengan 28 minggu yang memeriksakan kehamilannya di Puskesmas Ngesrep dan Halmahera pada bulan Maret-Juni 2012. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode consecutive sampling. Data dideskripsikan dalam bentuk tabel dan gambar. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan SPSS dengan uji t berbeda pasangan dengan alternative Mann Whitney.Hasil : Terdapat perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan yang bermakna pada ibu hamil yang diberi pamflet dan yang tidak diberi pamflet (p = 0,023).Kesimpulan : Pamflet mengenai Inisiasi Menyusu Dini berpengaruh meningkatkan pengetahuan subjek

    A Study of Ossicular Pathology in CSOM and Its Management by Various Types of Cartilage Tympanoplasty

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    INTRODUCTION: CSOM is a chronic suppurative inflammation of mucoperiosteal layer of middle ear cleft. It is a major cause of deafness in India. It leads to ossicular necrosis and tympanic membrane perforation. Temporalis fascia and perichondrium are commonly used for graft. Fascia leads to subsequent failure postoperatively. It has been shown that cartilage grafts are well tolerated and hearing appears to be good. AIM OF THE STUDY: To study about the different types of ossicular pathology in CSOM cases and its management by various cartilage tympanoplasty. OBJECTIVES: 1. To study about different ossicular pathology in CSOM 2. To study about the effect of cartilage tympanoplasty in different ossicular pathologies. MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES: Study population includes patient with CSOM who attends Dept of ENT, Tirunelveli Medical College Hospital. Patients are randomly selected & explained about the study. Selected patient will be advised to undergo cartilage tympanoplasty. They will be followed post operatively for every 2 weeks for a minimum period of 6 months. They are assessed by otoendoscopy for graft uptake and hearing assessment by PTA. STUDY AREA: DEPT OF ENT, Tirunelveli Medical College Hospital. STUDY PEROID: Nov 2017 - July 2019. METHOD OF STUDY: Prospective study. STUDY POPULATION: A minimum of 50 patients with CSOM randomly selected. INCLUSION CRITERIA: SEX : BOTH, CSOM – both types, Adhesive otitis media, Revision surgeries. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: cases with sensorineural hearing loss cases with complications of chronic suppurative media such as facial palsy, labyrinthitis, intracranial or extracranial complications. Methodology: All patients will undergo routine ENT evaluation in addition to general medical. Ear finding will be noted with emphasis on size, site and margin of perforation, state of drum remnants, state of middle ear mucosa, presence or absence of ear discharge and tuning fork tests. Any septic focus in the form of chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis etc was treated first. All details regarding history, examination, investigations, surgery and follow up findings will be documented on proforma. Clinical Investigations: Pure Tone Audiometry: was conducted in all patients. It formed the baseline investigation for the level of preoperative hearing. Otoendoscopy: with suction clearance was performed in all cases to confirm the otoscopic findings, to clear any discharge and to rule out any epithelial migration into middle ear. X-ray mastoid Schuller’s view: of both mastoids were taken in selected cases to rule out any associated pathology. X-ray paranasal sinuses: were taken in selected cases to rule out sinus pathology. Routine Investigations: such as complete blood count, bleeding time, clotting time, blood grouping, routine and microscopic examination of urine was done. All patients were investigated for fitness for general anesthesia. RESULTS: The study was conducted from Nov 2017 to July 2019 in a tertiary care institute at TVMCH. The CSOM patients was randomly selected of both the sexes were advised to undergo surgery. The patients included in our study we used full thickness cartilage graft. The graft uptake was the same for the different age group was 10 to 60 years. In our study we did surgery on total for 50 patients, Among them 11 patients presented with Recurrent CSOM and 39 patients presented with CSOM for the first time. There was 100% Graft uptake in patients with Recurrent CSOM. In our study the graft uptake was 96%. The ossicular pathology was mostly commonly involved in incus - 76% malleus and incus - 16% malleus – 36%, stapes – 14%, all ossicles - 8%. post op audiological improvement in PTA was 11.34% CONCLUSION: Management of ossicular pathology in Chronic Otitis Media doesn’t have a straightforward protocol. It requires careful pre-operative evaluation, proper planning of the type of tympanoplasty to be executed and that will determine the outcome of surgery. Type of the ossicle eroded are the main determining factor that decide the post-operative air-bone gap outcome. In revision cases, cartilage tympanoplasty was a standout procedure with good graft uptake, improved hearing outcome and less failure with no choices of other procedures

    Variations des apports de litière et d'éléments minéraux dans les plantations de limba (Terminalia superba) au Congo

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    Variations in Litter Production and Nutrient Supply in Plantations of Limba (Terminalia superba) in Congo. A study was carried out in a chronosequence of Terminalia superba (7, 12 and 48 years) and a nearby natural forest. The results show that the peaks of litterfall take place in rainy season contrary to the majority of the forest formations of the humid tropical zone. The return of nutrients to the soil via the leaf litter is higher in plantations than in forest. The calcium released from the leaf litter was up to 175 kg.ha-1.year1. The values obtained indicate a moderate nutrient use efficiency by Terminalia superba

    A quick needs assessment of key stakeholder groups on the role of family medicine in Zambia

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    Background. Zambia is a nation of nine million people, and has too few physicians to meet the country’s health needs. Following the strategy of other sub- Saharan countries, Zambia has developed a training programme in family medicine to help improve the medical competencies of its physician workforce. A needs assessment was undertaken to better understand the landscape into which Zambian family medicine is being placed.Methods. In 2014, a nine-question survey in Likert-scale format was developed, validated, and then delivered to four stakeholder groups: (i) practicing clinical physicians, (ii) the general public, (iii) the University of Zambia’s School of Medicine’s academic faculty and (iv) medical students. The needs assessment was delivered through several different mechanisms: via web-based service, to respondents’ email addresses; in paper form, to population samples of convenience; and verbally, through face-to-face encounters.Results. The number of stakeholders from each group who responded to the needs assessment were: clinical physicians, 27; general public, 15; academic faculty, 14; and medical students, 31. Five of the nine survey statements achieved super-majority consensus, with >66% of stakeholders in each group agreeing. Two additional statements achieved a simple-majority consensus with >50% agreement within each stakeholder group.Conclusion. This survey suggests that there is a broad-based a priori understanding of family medicine in Zambia, and general agreement that its presence would be valuable to Zambia’s healthcare system

    Combined prevalence of impaired glucose level or diabetes and its correlates in Lusaka urban district, Zambia: a population based survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Developing countries are undergoing an epidemiological transition, from Communicable or Infectious to 'Non-Communicable' diseases (NCDs), such that cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory diseases, cancer, and diabetes were responsible for 60% of all deaths globally in 2005, with more than 75% of these deaths occurring in developing countries. A survey was conducted to determine among other objectives the prevalence of diabetes and its association with physical fitness and biological factors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross sectional study utilizing a modified World Health Organization's STEPwise approach to surveillance of NCDs was conducted in Lusaka district, Zambia. A multi-stage cluster sampling technique was used to select study participants of age 25 years or older. All eligible members of a household that was selected were invited to participate in the study. Unadjusted odds ratios (OR), and adjusted odds ratios (AOR) together with their 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) were obtained using Complex samples logistic regression</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 1928 individuals participated in the survey, of which 33.0% were males. About half of the participants were of age 25-34 years (53.2%), and about a third of the respondents had attained secondary level of education (35.8%). The combined prevalence for impaired glucose level or diabetes was 4.0%. Age and mild hypertension were significantly associated with impaired levels of glucose or diabetes. Compared to participants in the age group 25-34 years, older participants were more likely to have impaired glucose level or diabetes (AOR = 2.49 (95%CI [1.35, 2.92]) for 35-44 years age group, and AOR = 3.80 (95%CI [2.00, 7.23]) for 45 + years age group). Mild hypertension was associated with impaired glucose level or diabetes (AOR = 2.57) (95%CI [1.44, 4.57])).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The prevalence of diabetes in Lusaka district has not reached an alarming level and it is now that interventions targeting the younger age group 25-34 years should be put in place to curtail the spread of diabetes.</p

    Calculated beam quality correction factors for ionization chambers in MV photon beams

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    The beam quality correction factor, , which corrects for the difference in the ionization chamber response between the reference and clinical beam quality, is an integral part of radiation therapy dosimetry. The uncertainty of is one of the most significant sources of uncertainty in the dose determination. To improve the accuracy of available data, four partners calculated factors for 10 ionization chamber models in linear accelerator beams with accelerator voltages ranging from 6 MV to 25 MV, including flattening-filter-free (FFF) beams. The software used in the calculations were EGSnrc and PENELOPE, and the ICRU report 90 cross section data for water and graphite were included in the simulations. Volume averaging correction factors were calculated to correct for the dose averaging in the chamber cavities. A comparison calculation between partners showed a good agreement, as did comparison with literature. The values from TRS-398 were higher than our values for each chamber where data was available. The values for the FFF beams did not follow the same , relation as beams with flattening filter (values for 10 MV FFF beams were below fits made to other data on average by 0.3%), although our FFF sources were only for Varian linacs.Peer reviewe

    Sensory and histological comparative investigation of frozen and salted-half dried fish

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    Fagyasztott állapotban - 5 C°-on tárolt és sózott-félig szárított állapotban tárolt halakon végeztek érzékszervi és szövettani vizsgálatokat. Megállapították, hogy a sózott-félig szárított halaknak rehidratizálásuk után kedvezőbb volt a színe, mint a fagyasztott halmintáké. Egyéb érzékszervi tulajdonságok tekintetében nem volt különbség észlelhető a kétféle módon tartósított halminták között. Sensorische und histologische Untersuchungen wurden mit in gefrorenem Zustand bei — 5°C gelagerten Fischen und in als gesalzte-halbgetrocknete Produkte gelagerten Fischen durchgeführt. Es wurde gefunden, dass die gesalztenhalbgetrockneten Fische nach ihrer Rehydratation eine günstigere Farbe besassen als die Farbe der gefrorenen Fische. Bei anderen sensorischen Eigenschaften wurden zwischen den durch die untersuchten beiden Konservierungsverfahren behandelten Fischprodukten keine Unterschiede beobachtet. Sensory and histological investigations were carried out with fish stored in a frozen state at - 5°C and with fish stored as salted-half dried product. 11 was found that salted-half dried fish showed, after its rehydration, a colour more favourable than the colour of the frozen fish samples. In other sensory properties no differences were perceptible between fish samples preserved by the examined two methods. On a effectué des examens sensoriques et histologiques sur des poissons entreposés en état congelé on mariné et mi-séché, ä — 5°C. On a établi qu’aprés réhydratation la couleur des poissons marinés et mi-séchés était meilleure que celle des poissons congelés. Quant au reste des carctéristiques sensoriques il n’y avait pás de différence entre les posissons conservés par les deux méthodes
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