57 research outputs found

    New Mass Spring System formulation to model the behavior of soft tissues

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    International audienceComputer-based medicine has been largely developed in recent years for helping surgery, diagnosis and treatment [1]. Unfortunately, from a mechanical standpoint, modeling complex materials such as soft tissues is still a challenge requiring accuracy and possibility of user interaction. Among computational models (such as Finite Element Method [2], or Position Based Dynamics [3]), we chose the Mass-Spring System (MSS) as model. It offers several advantages, like adaptability and fast computation, while allowing topological modifications (like cutting or piercing) without pre-computations. In this paper we present a new MSS formulation for soft tissue simulations. The validation of the mechanical response of the model is based on work of Nicolle et al. [4] which reported the shear behavior of three vital internal organs (kidney, liver and spleen). Our method is based on a topological-physical model called TopoSim [5,7] which allows to easily implement different physical models and performs fast and accurate modeling of different kinds of tissues. Thanks to this model, we are able to easily adapt the simulation to desired requirements and to perform topological modifications during simulations if necessary

    Collective narcissism and in-group satisfaction predict different reactions to the past transgressions of the in-group

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    In-group identification is necessary for in-group members to take responsibility for the past transgressions of the in-group. However, even among high identifiers, the reactions to reminders of the in-group's transgression may differ depending on the beliefs members hold about their in-group. Results of a cross-sectional study (N = 441), indicate that collective narcissism (i.e., a belief that the in-group's importance is not sufficiently recognized by others) versus in-group satisfaction (i.e., a belief that the in-group is of high value and a reason to be proud of) have opposite unique associations with the evaluation of the artistic value of films referring to Polish involvement in pogroms during the Second World War (Ida and The Aftermath, a proxy of an attitude towards knowledge about past national transgressions). Collective narcissism predicted lower, whereas in-group satisfaction predicted higher, perceived artistic value of the films. Those unique relationships could only be observed when the positive association between collective narcissism and in-group satisfaction was partialled out.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Postawa ciała a wybrane zmienne stabilometryczne u chorych na depresję

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    Wstęp: Pionowa postawa ciała wyróżnia człowieka spośród innych istot żywych. Wyznacza również specyficzne warunki dla ruchu. Elementem łączącym zarówno postawę, jak i ruch jest stabilność. Polega ona na statycznym i dynamicznym równoważeniu destabilizujących sił grawitacji oraz bezwładności przez pobudzenie odpowiednich grup mięśniowych. Zakłócenia kontroli posturalnej mogą być uwarunkowane różnymi czynnikami. Wśród nich wymieniany jest udział czynnika psychicznego. Celem przeprowadzonych badań była analiza wybranych zmiennych charakteryzujących stabilność posturalną osób z depresją. Materiał i metody: W badaniach wzięło udział 54 osoby, które przydzielono do dwóch grup. Do pierwszej grupy zakwalifikowano 28 pacjentów ze zdiagnozowaną depresją. Średnia wieku badanych wynosiła 37,25 +/- 3,88 lat. Do drugiej grupy zakwalifikowano 26 osób. Osoby te były w pełni zdrowe, rekrutowane z ogólnej populacji, u których wykluczono depresję i obniżenie nastroju. Średnia wieku badanych wynosiła 33,31 +/- 5,19 lat. Do badań oceniających stabilność wykorzystano platformę PEL 38 i oprogramowanie komputerowe TWIN 99. Wyniki: Uzyskane wyniki różniły się istotnie między grupami w zakresie pięciu zmiennych: zmian oscylacji środka ciężkości w płaszczyźnie czołowej i strzałkowej, średniego odchylenia w płaszczyźnie czołowej oraz w parametrach niestabilności: pola powierzchni i stosunku długości do powierzchni. Grupa z depresją w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną uzyskała wyższe wartości 4 z 5 ocenianych parametrów. Wnioski: Osoby z depresją cechuje zmniejszenie stabilności ciała w porównaniu do osób bez depresji.Introduction: A vertical posture distinguishes humans from other living beings. It also determines the specific conditions for movement. The element which connects body posture and movement is stability. It is based on the static and dynamic balancing of the destabilising forces of gravity and inertia through stimulating the appropriate muscle groups. A disruption of postural control may be conditioned by various factors, among which the literature mentions mental health. The purpose of this study wasa comparative analysis of selected variables characterising the postural stability of persons with depression. Material and methods: The study involved fifty-four persons who were divided into two groups. The first group comprised 28 patients diagnosed with depression. The mean age of the participants was 37.25 +/- 3.88. The second group consisted of 26 completely healthy persons who were recruited from the general population, excluding persons with depression ora low mood. The mean age of the participants was 33.31 +/- 5.19 years. The postural stability was assessed usinga PEL 38 posturographic platform and TWIN 99 computer software. Results: The results differed significantly between the two groups with regard to five variables: oscillations of the centre of gravity in the frontal and the sagittal planes, average deviation in the frontal plane, and deviations in the parameters of instability (the surface area and the ratio of length to the surface area). It was observed that the group witha diagnosis of depression displayed higher values in 4 out of 5 the evaluated parameters when compared to the control group. Conclusions: Persons with depression are characterised bya reduced body stability compared to those who do not suffer from depression

    Transcriptome analysis reveals the role of the root hairs as environmental sensors to maintain plant functions under water-deficiency conditions

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    An important part of the root system is the root hairs, which play a role in mineral and water uptake. Here, we present an analysis of the transcriptomic response to water deficiency of the wild-Type (WT) barley cultivar 'Karat' and its root-hairless mutant rhl1.a. A comparison of the transcriptional changes induced by water stress resulted in the identification of genes whose expression was specifically affected in each genotype. At the onset of water stress, more genes were modulated by water shortage in the roots of the WT plants than in the roots of rhl1.a. The roots of the WT plants, but not of rhl1.a, specifically responded with the induction of genes that are related to the abscisic acid biosynthesis, stomatal closure, and cell wall biogenesis, thus indicating the specific activation of processes that are related to water-stress signalling and protection. On the other hand, the processes involved in the further response to abiotic stimuli, including hydrogen peroxide, heat, and high light intensity, were specifically up-regulated in the leaves of rhl1.a. An extended period of severe stress caused more drastic transcriptome changes in the roots and leaves of the rhl1.a mutant than in those of the WT. These results are in agreement with the much stronger damage to photosystem II in the rhl1.a mutant than in its parent cultivar after 10 d of water stress. Taking into account the putative stress sensing and signalling features of the root hair transcriptome, we discuss the role of root hairs as sensors of environmental conditions

    Rola równowagi oksydacyjno-antyoksydacyjnej w etiopatogenezie bielactwa nabytego

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    Oxidative stress plays an important role in the etiopathogenesis of acquired vitiligo. In patients with this disorder, impaied performance of the antioxidant system leads to the accumulation of reactive oxygen species in their skin. Under physiological conditions, they play the role of mediators and regulators of many cellular processes. Their excess, however, leads to the destruction of structural and functional elements of dye cells. Previous studies clearly indicate the share of free radicals in the progression of lesions. The use of antioxidant defense elements, including antioxidants, may prove to be an important element of effective therapy of this disease

    Melatonin Supplementation Lowers Oxidative Stress and Regulates Adipokines in Obese Patients on a Calorie-Restricted Diet

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    Obesity is one of the major global health problems. Melatonin deficiency has been demonstrated to correlate with obesity. The aim of the study was to estimate the effect of melatonin on oxidative stress and adipokine levels in obese patients on a calorie-restricted diet. Thirty obese patients were supplemented with a daily dose of 10 mg of melatonin (n=15) or placebo (n=15) for 30 days with a calorie-restricted diet. Serum levels of melatonin, 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), adiponectin, omentin-1, leptin, and resistin, as well as erythrocytic malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration and Zn/Cu-superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities, were measured at baseline and after supplementation. Significant body weight reduction was observed only in the melatonin group. After melatonin supplementation, the adiponectin and omentin-1 levels and GPx activities statistically increased, whereas the MDA concentrations were reduced. In the placebo group, a significant rise in the HNE and a drop in the melatonin concentrations were found. The results show evidence of increased oxidative stress accompanying calorie restriction. Melatonin supplementation facilitated body weight reduction, improved the antioxidant defense, and regulated adipokine secretion. The findings strongly suggest that melatonin should be considered in obesity management. This trial is registered with CTRI/2017/07/009093