622 research outputs found

    Methods for the development of a bioregenerative life support system

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    Presented here is a rudimentary approach to designing a life support system based on the utilization of plants and animals. The biggest stumbling block in the initial phases of developing a bioregenerative life support system is encountered in collecting and consolidating the data. If a database existed for the systems engineer so that he or she may have accurate data and a better understanding of biological systems in engineering terms, then the design process would be simplified. Also addressed is a means of evaluating the subsystems chosen. These subsystems are unified into a common metric, kilograms of mass, and normalized in relation to the throughput of a few basic elements. The initial integration of these subsystems is based on input/output masses and eventually balanced to a point of operation within the inherent performance ranges of the organisms chosen. At this point, it becomes necessary to go beyond the simplifying assumptions of simple mass relationships and further define for each organism the processes used to manipulate the throughput matter. Mainly considered here is the fact that these organisms perform input/output functions on differing timescales, thus establishing the need for buffer volumes or appropriate subsystem phasing. At each point in a systematic design it is necessary to disturb the system and discern its sensitivity to the disturbance. This can be done either through the introduction of a catastrophic failure or by applying a small perturbation to the system. One example is increasing the crew size. Here the wide range of performance characteristics once again shows that biological systems have an inherent advantage in responding to systemic perturbations. Since the design of any space-based system depends on mass, power, and volume requirements, each subsystem must be evaluated in these terms

    Genomic and Functional Studies of Drosophila Sex Hierarchy Regulated Gene Expression in Adult Head and Nervous System Tissues

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    The Drosophila sex determination hierarchy controls all aspects of somatic sexual differentiation, including sex-specific differences in adult morphology and behavior. To gain insight into the molecular-genetic specification of reproductive behaviors and physiology, we identified genes expressed in the adult head and central nervous system that are regulated downstream of sex-specific transcription factors encoded by doublesex (dsx) and fruitless (fru). We used a microarray approach and identified 54 genes regulated downstream of dsx. Furthermore, based on these expression studies we identified new modes of DSX-regulated gene expression. We also identified 90 and 26 genes regulated in the adult head and central nervous system tissues, respectively, downstream of the sex-specific transcription factors encoded by fru. In addition, we present molecular-genetic analyses of two genes identified in our studies, calphotin (cpn) and defective proboscis extension response (dpr), and begin to describe their functional roles in male behaviors. We show that dpr and dpr-expressing cells are required for the proper timing of male courtship behaviors

    Breathlessness is not a normal part of aging: Development and testing of asthma awareness messages for older Australians

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    At least 420,000 Australian adults aged 55 years and over, or one in 10, currently have asthma (Australian Centre for Asthma Monitoring 2008). Asthma is under-diagnosed, often misdiagnosed, and undertreated in the older adult population in Australia (Gibson, McDonald and Marks 2010, Marks and Poulos 2005, Wilson et al 2001) as it is overseas. Contrary to the perception that asthma is a childhood disease, asthma can develop in older adults (Adams and Ruffin 2005). The risk of dying from asthma increases with age (AIHW 2010). While the overall mortality rate has decreased by almost 70% since 1989, much of this could be attributed to health promotion efforts directed largely at children and their parents and caregivers (Australian Centre for Asthma Monitoring 2008). In addition, the effects of asthma on quality of life lead to a significant asthma burden. Around 70% of the asthma burden in older adults is due to years lost on account of disability (Australian Institute for Health and Welfare 2010). Previous qualitative research has shown that older adults perceive that asthma is not serious and would not impact their lives (Andrews and Jones 2009)

    Decreased Risk of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck in Users of Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

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    We evaluated the chemopreventive effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) by conducting a case-control study based on the administration of a standardized questionnaire to 71 incident HNSCC cases and same number of healthy controls. NSAID use was associated with a 75% reduction in risk of developing HNSCC. A significant risk reduction was noted in association with frequency of NSAID use. Restricting the analysis to aspirin users revealed a significant 90% reduction in risk of developing HNSCC. This study provides evidence for a significant reduction in the risk of developing HNSCC in users of NSAIDs, and specifically aspirin users

    Parents' intent to vaccinate against influenza during the COVID-19 pandemic in two regions in Switzerland.

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    AIMS OF THE STUDY The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to overlap with the seasonal influenza epidemic, increasing the risk of overextending the health system capacity in Switzerland. Influenza vaccine uptake has remained low in most countries, including Switzerland. The aim of the study was to determine parents' intentions towards influenza vaccination of their children as well as themselves, and to assess regional differences. METHODS Parents presenting to four pediatric emergency departments (PEDs; Zurich, Bern, Bellinzona, Geneva) were asked to complete an online survey during and after the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic (April - June 2020). The anonymized survey included demographic information, vaccination history and intentions to vaccinate against influenza, as well as attitudes towards future vaccination against COVID-19. RESULTS The majority of children (92%; 602/654) were up-to-date on their vaccination schedule. In 2019/2020, 7.2% (47/654) were vaccinated against influenza. Children with chronic illnesses were more frequently vaccinated compared to healthy children (19.2% vs 5.6%; p = 0.002). For the coming winter season, 111 (17%) parents stated they plan to vaccinate their children against influenza, more than double the rate from last year, and 383 (59.2%) parents suggest they will vaccinate against COVID-19 once a vaccine is available. Regional differences between "German" and "Latin" Switzerland were found for parents' intent to have their children vaccinated against influenza next season (Zurich and Bern 14.3%, Bellinzona and Geneva 27.2%, p < 0.001) but not for a hypothetical vaccination against COVID-19 (Zurich and Bern 59.1%, Bellinzona and Geneva 59.7%, p = 0.894). CONCLUSIONS The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a substantial increase of parents' intention to vaccinating their children against influenza, especially in hard-hit "Latin" Switzerland. The Swiss government and public health organizations can leverage these regional results to promote influenza vaccination among children for the coming seasons

    Factors associated with unvaccinated caregivers who plan to vaccinate their children

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    Vaccine hesitancy is complex and a threat to global public health during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Our objective was to determine factors associated with caregivers' willingness to vaccinate children despite not being immunized themselves against COVID-19. The International COVID-19 Parental Attitude Study (COVIPAS), a multinational cohort study, recruited caregivers of children 0-18 years old in 21 Emergency Departments (EDs) in USA, Canada, Israel, and Switzerland during November-December 2021. Of a total of 4536 caregivers who completed the survey, 882 (19.4%) were unvaccinated, and 62 (7.0%) of the unvaccinated planned to vaccinate their children. Unvaccinated caregivers with children that had their childhood vaccines up-to-date (OR 3.03 (1.36, 8.09), p = 0.01), and those very worried their child has COVID-19 in the ED (OR 3.11 (1.44, 6.34), p < 0.01) were much more likely to plan to immunize their children. Primary care providers and public health agencies should not assume that unvaccinated parents will not vaccinate their children. Determining child's vaccination status and parental level of concern about COVID-19 may help identify caregivers who are open to give their children the vaccine. Keywords: COVID-19; Sars-cov-2; Unvaccinated; Vaccination; Vaccine hesitancy

    Improved timed-mating, non-invasive method using fewer unproven female rats with pregnancy validation via early body mass increases

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    For studies requiring accurate conception-timing, reliable, efficient methods of detecting oestrus reduce time and costs, whilst improving welfare. Standard methods use vaginal cytology to stage cycle, and breeders are paired–up using approximately five proven females with proven males to achieve at least one conception on a specific day. We describe an alternative, fast, consistent, non-invasive method of timed-mating using detection of lordosis behaviour in Wistar and Lister-Hooded rats that used unproven females with high success rates. Rats under reverse-lighting had body masses recorded pre-mating, day (d) 3-4, d8, d10 and d18 of pregnancy. Using only the presence of the oestrus dance to time-mate females for 24-hrs, 89% Wistar and 88% Lister-Hooded rats successfully conceived. We did not observe behavioural oestrus in Sprague-Dawleys without males present. Significant body mass increases following mating distinguished pregnant from non-pregnant rats, as early as d4 of pregnancy (10% ± 1.0 increase cf 3% ± 1.2). The pattern of increases throughout gestation was similar for all pregnant rats until late pregnancy, when there were smaller increases for primi- and multiparous rats (32% ± 2.5; 25% ± 2.4), whereas nulliparous rats had highest gains (38% ± 1.5). This method demonstrated a distinct refinement of the previous timed-mating common practice used, as disturbance of females was minimised. Only the number required of nulli-, primi- or multiparous rats were mated, and body mass increases validated pregnancy status. This new breeding-management method is now established practice for two strains of rat and resulted in a reduction in animal use

    Childhood IQ and marriage by mid-life: the Scottish Mental Survey 1932 and the Midspan Studies

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    The study examined the influence of IQ at age 11 years on marital status by mid-adulthood. The combined databases of the Scottish Mental Survey 1932 and the Midspan studies provided data from 883 subjects. With regard to IQ at age 11, there was an interaction between sex and marital status by mid-adulthood (p &#61; 0.0001). Women who had ever-married achieved mean lower childhood IQ scores than women who had never-married (p &#60; 0.001). Conversely, there was a trend for men who had ever-married to achieve higher childhood IQ scores than men who had never-married (p &#61; 0.07). In men, the odds ratio of ever marrying was 1.35 (95&#37; CI 0.98–1.86&#59; p &#61; 0.07) for each standard deviation increase in childhood IQ. Among women, the odds ratio of ever marrying by mid-life was 0.42 (95&#37; CI 0.27–0.64; p &#61; 0.0001) for each standard deviation increase in childhood IQ. Mid-life social class had a similar association with marriage, with women in more professional jobs and men in more manual jobs being less likely to have ever-married by mid-life. Adjustment for the effects of mid-life social class and height on the association between childhood IQ and later marriage, and vice versa, attenuated the effects somewhat, but suggested that IQ, height and social class acted partly independently

    Time to Renal Disease and End-Stage Renal Disease in PROFILE: A Multiethnic Lupus Cohort

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    BACKGROUND: Renal involvement is a serious manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE); it may portend a poor prognosis as it may lead to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The purpose of this study was to determine the factors predicting the development of renal involvement and its progression to ESRD in a multi-ethnic SLE cohort (PROFILE). METHODS AND FINDINGS: PROFILE includes SLE patients from five different United States institutions. We examined at baseline the socioeconomic–demographic, clinical, and genetic variables associated with the development of renal involvement and its progression to ESRD by univariable and multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression analyses. Analyses of onset of renal involvement included only patients with renal involvement after SLE diagnosis (n = 229). Analyses of ESRD included all patients, regardless of whether renal involvement occurred before, at, or after SLE diagnosis (34 of 438 patients). In addition, we performed a multivariable logistic regression analysis of the variables associated with the development of renal involvement at any time during the course of SLE. In the time-dependent multivariable analysis, patients developing renal involvement were more likely to have more American College of Rheumatology criteria for SLE, and to be younger, hypertensive, and of African-American or Hispanic (from Texas) ethnicity. Alternative regression models were consistent with these results. In addition to greater accrued disease damage (renal damage excluded), younger age, and Hispanic ethnicity (from Texas), homozygosity for the valine allele of FcγRIIIa (FCGR3A*GG) was a significant predictor of ESRD. Results from the multivariable logistic regression model that included all cases of renal involvement were consistent with those from the Cox model. CONCLUSIONS: Fcγ receptor genotype is a risk factor for progression of renal disease to ESRD. Since the frequency distribution of FCGR3A alleles does not vary significantly among the ethnic groups studied, the additional factors underlying the ethnic disparities in renal disease progression remain to be elucidated

    Microtesla MRI of the human brain combined with MEG

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    One of the challenges in functional brain imaging is integration of complementary imaging modalities, such as magnetoencephalography (MEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). MEG, which uses highly sensitive superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) to directly measure magnetic fields of neuronal currents, cannot be combined with conventional high-field MRI in a single instrument. Indirect matching of MEG and MRI data leads to significant co-registration errors. A recently proposed imaging method - SQUID-based microtesla MRI - can be naturally combined with MEG in the same system to directly provide structural maps for MEG-localized sources. It enables easy and accurate integration of MEG and MRI/fMRI, because microtesla MR images can be precisely matched to structural images provided by high-field MRI and other techniques. Here we report the first images of the human brain by microtesla MRI, together with auditory MEG (functional) data, recorded using the same seven-channel SQUID system during the same imaging session. The images were acquired at 46 microtesla measurement field with pre-polarization at 30 mT. We also estimated transverse relaxation times for different tissues at microtesla fields. Our results demonstrate feasibility and potential of human brain imaging by microtesla MRI. They also show that two new types of imaging equipment - low-cost systems for anatomical MRI of the human brain at microtesla fields, and more advanced instruments for combined functional (MEG) and structural (microtesla MRI) brain imaging - are practical.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures - accepted by JM